902 resultados para additive Gaussian noise


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This study evaluated the impact of a participatory program to reduce noise in a neonatal intermediate care unit of a university hospital. A time-series quasi-experimental design was used, in which sound pressure levels were measured before and after the intervention was implemented using the Quest-400 dosimeter. Non-parametric statistical tests were used to compare noise with the level of significance fixed at 5%. Results showed significant reduction of sound pressure levels in the neonatal unit after the intervention program was implemented (p<0.0001). The average Leq before the intervention was 62.5dBA and was reduced to 58.8dBA after the intervention. A reduction of 7.1dBA in the average Lmax(from 104.8 to 87.7dBA) and of 30.6dBA in the average Lpeak(from 138.1 to 107.5dBA) was observed. The program was proven to be effective in significantly reducing noise levels in the neonatal unit, although levels were still more intense than recommended.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between noise levels present in preschool institutions and vocal disorders among educators. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2009 with 28 teachers from three preschool institutions located in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Sound pressure levels were measured according to Brazilian Technical Standards Association, with the use of a sound level meter. The averages were classified according to the levels of comfort, discomfort, and auditory damage proposed by the Pan American Health Organization. The educators underwent voice evaluation: self-assessment with visual analogue scale, auditory perceptual evaluation using the GRBAS scale, and acoustic analysis utilizing the Praat program. To analyze the association between noise and voice evaluation, descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were employed, with significance of 10% due to sample size. RESULTS: The teachers' age ranged between 21 and 56 years. The noise average was 72.7 dB, considered as damage 2. The professionals' vocal self-assessment ranked an average of 5.1 on the scale, being considered as moderate alteration. In the auditory-perceptual assessment, 74% presented vocal alteration, especially hoarseness; of these, 52% were considered mild alterations. In the acoustic assessment the majority presented fundamental frequency below the expected level. Averages for jitter, shimmer and harmonic-noise ratio showed alterations. An association between the presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal disorders was observed. CONCLUSIONS: There is an association between presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal alteration, with high noise levels. Although most teachers presented mild voice alteration, the self-evaluation showed moderate alteration, probably due to the difficulty in projection.


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Most biological systems are formed by component parts that are to some degree interrelated. Groups of parts that are more associated among themselves and are relatively autonomous from others are called modules. One of the consequences of modularity is that biological systems usually present an unequal distribution of the genetic variation among traits. Estimating the covariance matrix that describes these systems is a difficult problem due to a number of factors such as poor sample sizes and measurement errors. We show that this problem will be exacerbated whenever matrix inversion is required, as in directional selection reconstruction analysis. We explore the consequences of varying degrees of modularity and signal-to-noise ratio on selection reconstruction. We then present and test the efficiency of available methods for controlling noise in matrix estimates. In our simulations, controlling matrices for noise vastly improves the reconstruction of selection gradients. We also perform an analysis of selection gradients reconstruction over a New World Monkeys skull database to illustrate the impact of noise on such analyses. Noise-controlled estimates render far more plausible interpretations that are in full agreement with previous results.


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Endophytic microorganisms live inside tissues of host plants apparently do not causing warning to them, and area promising source of bioactive molecules as antimicrobial and antitumoral drugs. In this work, we report the isolation of eugenitin from cultures of the endophyte Mycoleptodiscus indicus and its potential as additive for Aspergillus niveus glucoamylase activation. The glucoamylase hydrolytic activity increased twofold using 5 mM of eugenitin and this activation could be explained by the binding mode of eugenitin with the three-dimensional structure of glucoamylase. The in silica prediction of ligand binding sites revealed at least 9 possible interaction sites able to accommodate eugenitin on glucoamylase from Hypocrea jecorina. Besides, we evaluated the effect of pH and temperature on activity and stability, as well as in the hydrolysis of different substrates and kinetic parameters either in presence or absence of eugenitin. The results displayed by eugenitin as additive to glucoamylase activation are promising and provide novel perspectives for applications of fungal metabolites. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fluctuation-dissipation theorems can be used to predict characteristics of noise from characteristics of the macroscopic response of a system. In the case of gene networks, feedback control determines the "network rigidity," defined as resistance to slow external changes. We propose an effective Fokker-Planck equation that relates gene expression noise to topology and to time scales of the gene network. We distinguish between two situations referred to as normal and inverted time hierarchies. The noise can be buffered by network feedback in the first situation, whereas it can be topology independent in the latter.


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We present a simultaneous optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) and differential group delay (DGD) monitoring method based on degree of polarization (DOP) measurements in optical communications systems. For the first time in the literature (to our best knowledge), the proposed scheme is demonstrated to be able to independently and simultaneously extract OSNR and DGD values from the DOP measurements. This is possible because the OSNR is related to maximum DOP, while DGD is related to the ratio between the maximum and minimum values of DOP. We experimentally measured OSNR and DGD in the ranges from 10 to 30 dB and 0 to 90 ps for a 10 Gb/s non-return-to-zero signal. A theoretical analysis of DOP accuracy needed to measure low values of DGD and high OSNRs is carried out, showing that current polarimeter technology is capable of yielding an OSNR measurement within 1 dB accuracy, for OSNR values up to 34 dB, while DGD error is limited to 1.5% for DGD values above 10 ps. For the first time to our knowledge, the technique was demonstrated to accurately measure first-order polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in the presence of a high value of second-order PMD (as high as 2071 ps(2)). (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Spatial linear models have been applied in numerous fields such as agriculture, geoscience and environmental sciences, among many others. Spatial dependence structure modelling, using a geostatistical approach, is an indispensable tool to estimate the parameters that define this structure. However, this estimation may be greatly affected by the presence of atypical observations in the sampled data. The purpose of this paper is to use diagnostic techniques to assess the sensitivity of the maximum-likelihood estimators, covariance functions and linear predictor to small perturbations in the data and/or the spatial linear model assumptions. The methodology is illustrated with two real data sets. The results allowed us to conclude that the presence of atypical values in the sample data have a strong influence on thematic maps, changing the spatial dependence structure.


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A model for computing the generation-recombination noise due to traps within the semiconductor film of fully depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFET transistors is presented. Dependence of the corner frequency of the Lorentzian spectra on the gate voltage is addressed in this paper, which is different to the constant behavior expected for bulk transistors. The shift in the corner frequency makes the characterization process easier. It helps to identify the energy position, capture cross sections, and densities of the traps. This characterization task is carried out considering noise measurements of two different candidate structures for single-transistor dynamic random access memory devices.


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Most superdiffusive Non-Markovian random walk models assume that correlations are maintained at all time scales, e. g., fractional Brownian motion, Levy walks, the Elephant walk and Alzheimer walk models. In the latter two models the random walker can always "remember" the initial times near t = 0. Assuming jump size distributions with finite variance, the question naturally arises: is superdiffusion possible if the walker is unable to recall the initial times? We give a conclusive answer to this general question, by studying a non-Markovian model in which the walker's memory of the past is weighted by a Gaussian centered at time t/2, at which time the walker had one half the present age, and with a standard deviation sigma t which grows linearly as the walker ages. For large widths we find that the model behaves similarly to the Elephant model, but for small widths this Gaussian memory profile model behaves like the Alzheimer walk model. We also report that the phenomenon of amnestically induced persistence, known to occur in the Alzheimer walk model, arises in the Gaussian memory profile model. We conclude that memory of the initial times is not a necessary condition for generating (log-periodic) superdiffusion. We show that the phenomenon of amnestically induced persistence extends to the case of a Gaussian memory profile.


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The harm upon the central auditory pathways of workers exposed to occupational noise has been scarcely studied. Objective: To assess the central auditory pathways by testing the long latency auditory evoked potentials (P300) of individuals exposed to occupational noise and controls. Method: This prospective study enrolled 25 individuals with normal hearing thresholds. The subjects were divided into two groups: individuals exposed to occupational noise (13 subjects; case group) and individuals not exposed to occupational noise (12 subjects; control group). The P300 test was used with verbal and non-verbal stimuli. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between ears for any of the stimuli or between groups. The groups had no statistically significant difference for verbal or non-verbal stimuli. Case group subjects had longer latencies than controls. In qualitative analysis, a greater number of altered P300 test results for verbal and non-verbal stimuli was seen in the case group, despite the absence of statistically significant differences between case and control subjects. Conclusion: Individuals exposed to high sound pressure levels had longer P300 latencies in verbal and non-verbal stimuli when compared to controls.


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A new method for analysis of scattering data from lamellar bilayer systems is presented. The method employs a form-free description of the cross-section structure of the bilayer and the fit is performed directly to the scattering data, introducing also a structure factor when required. The cross-section structure (electron density profile in the case of X-ray scattering) is described by a set of Gaussian functions and the technique is termed Gaussian deconvolution. The coefficients of the Gaussians are optimized using a constrained least-squares routine that induces smoothness of the electron density profile. The optimization is coupled with the point-of-inflection method for determining the optimal weight of the smoothness. With the new approach, it is possible to optimize simultaneously the form factor, structure factor and several other parameters in the model. The applicability of this method is demonstrated by using it in a study of a multilamellar system composed of lecithin bilayers, where the form factor and structure factor are obtained simultaneously, and the obtained results provided new insight into this very well known system.


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Abstract Background Using univariate and multivariate variance components linkage analysis methods, we studied possible genotype × age interaction in cardiovascular phenotypes related to the aging process from the Framingham Heart Study. Results We found evidence for genotype × age interaction for fasting glucose and systolic blood pressure. Conclusions There is polygenic genotype × age interaction for fasting glucose and systolic blood pressure and quantitative trait locus × age interaction for a linkage signal for systolic blood pressure phenotypes located on chromosome 17 at 67 cM.


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The objective of this work was to assess the degree of multicollinearity and to identify the variables involved in linear dependence relations in additive-dominant models. Data of birth weight (n=141,567), yearling weight (n=58,124), and scrotal circumference (n=20,371) of Montana Tropical composite cattle were used. Diagnosis of multicollinearity was based on the variance inflation factor (VIF) and on the evaluation of the condition indexes and eigenvalues from the correlation matrix among explanatory variables. The first model studied (RM) included the fixed effect of dam age class at calving and the covariates associated to the direct and maternal additive and non-additive effects. The second model (R) included all the effects of the RM model except the maternal additive effects. Multicollinearity was detected in both models for all traits considered, with VIF values of 1.03 - 70.20 for RM and 1.03 - 60.70 for R. Collinearity increased with the increase of variables in the model and the decrease in the number of observations, and it was classified as weak, with condition index values between 10.00 and 26.77. In general, the variables associated with additive and non-additive effects were involved in multicollinearity, partially due to the natural connection between these covariables as fractions of the biological types in breed composition.


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The β-adrenergic agonist ractopamine is increasingly used in the swine industry due to higher consumer demand for leaner pork products. Redirecting nutrients to favor leanness rather than fat deposition, ractopamine improves growth and carcass traits of finishing pigs. However, the impact of this agonist on pork quality is not clearly defined. Understanding the biological effects of dietary ractopamine dose, treatment period, lysine levels, and the lysine to metabolizable energy ratio will help pork producers achieve improvements in animal performance, carcass leanness, and economic efficiency in swine production systems.


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We analyze the transport of heat along a chain of particles interacting through anharmonic potentials consisting of quartic terms in addition to harmonic quadratic terms and subject to heat reservoirs at its ends. Each particle is also subject to an impulsive shot noise with exponentially distributed waiting times whose effect is to change the sign of its velocity, thus conserving the energy of the chain. We show that the introduction of this energy conserving stochastic noise leads to Fourier's law. That is for large system size L the heat current J behaves as J ‘approximately’ 1/L, which amounts to say that the conductivity k is constant. The conductivity is related to the current by J = kΔT/L, where ΔT is the difference in the temperatures of the reservoirs. The behavior of heat conductivity k for small intensities¸ of the shot noise and large system sizes L are obtained by assuming a scaling behavior of the type k = ‘L POT a Psi’(L’lambda POT a/b’) where a and b are scaling exponents. For the pure harmonic case a = b = 1, characterizing a ballistic conduction of heat when the shot noise is absent. For the anharmonic case we found values for the exponents a and b smaller then 1 and thus consistent with a superdiffusive conduction of heat without the shot noise. We also show that the heat conductivity is not constant but is an increasing function of temperature.