869 resultados para Volunteer workers in forestry
A proposta deste estudo inserido na linha de pesquisa Questão Social e Democracia, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), articulada com o Centro de Estudos Octavio Ianni e com o Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Espaços Populares da REDES da Maré - realiza uma análise do exercício profissional de 42 assistentes sociais que atuam nas escolas públicas de Ensino Fundamental da rede pública da Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Considerando que escolas das favelas, distintas das demais escolas públicas do asfalto, possuem características que, incorporando os estigmas e estereótipos que marcam esses territórios, demandam novas necessidades, novas formas de compreensão e intervenção dos sujeitos sociais no âmbito da escola pública, o estudo se propõe também a analisar conceitualmente as favelas e a suas representações sociais. Para tanto, são analisados os atuais contornos da Educação Básica, sobretudo o Ensino Fundamental, onde se inserem os assistentes sociais que atuam na Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Ressaltando a construção histórica da inserção profissional dos assistentes sociais brasileiros no universo escolar, é problematizada a expansão desta requisição nos marcos da primeira década do século XXI. As múltiplas contradições que marcam espaços sócio-ocupacionais das escolas impõem ao assistente social sua inserção qualificada, sua legitimidade, o repensar a escola pública e a construção de projetos de intervenção que avancem na realização dos atendimentos individuais aos educandos e suas famílias. Considerando a dimensão pedagógica intrínseca na prática profissional, a construção desses espaços se torna uma atribuição a ser desenvolvida pelo assistente social que requer re-pensar a forma como ocorre o exercício profissional nesses espaços. Para tanto, foi realizado uma coleta de dados com 42 profissionais onde, para atingir os objetivos propostos foi pesquisado o perfil destes profissionais; sua formação acadêmica, local e condições de trabalho, experiência profissional, questões sobre o exercício profissional, sobre as dimensões do trabalho profissional, sobre a escola, sobre a relação com a comunidade e o entorno, e sobre a participação dos assistentes sociais em espaços de organização política.
O trabalho que ora apresentamos tem como objetivo analisar o exercício profissional dos Assistentes Sociais em uma emergência de grande porte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A importância desta análise se inscreve na centralidade alcançada pela saúde na constituição da cidadania brasileira, após a Carta Constitucional de 1988. Este documento assegurou a saúde como direito de todos e dever do Estado, contudo a conjuntura política e econômica iniciada nos anos 90 e aprofundada nos anos 2000, capitaneada pela Contrarreforma do Estado, imporá limites à materialização da política de saúde preconizada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, impossibilitando que esta seja implementada de acordo com a nova concepção. O que percebemos nos anos 2000 é uma política de saúde focalizada no atendimento emergencial, que abandonou a dimensão da prevenção e da promoção da saúde e que se distancia, progressivamente, do principio da universalidade. Neste contexto de adversidade e limitação do acesso e do atendimento se insere o Assistente Social. Nosso objetivo é delinear o exercício profissional, por nós analisado, a fim de identificar as possibilidades de materialização do projeto ético-político profissional em condições tão adversas e contrárias àquelas que nortearam a interlocução entre o Serviço Social e a saúde nos anos 80. Para tanto este trabalho busca oferecer elementos que nos permitam compreender não somente a dinâmica interna do Hospital por nós analisado, como também a política de saúde em sua totalidade, além de identificar as potencialidades da rede do entorno. Nessa perspectiva, buscamos compreender a dinâmica dos Conselhos de Saúde e a configuração adquirida por estes em tempos de restrição de direitos, sucateamento e desmonte da saúde pública. Nossos estudos indicam que possibilidades de atuação profissional congruentes com o Projeto Ético-Político Profissional estão colocadas na realidade, imiscuídas nas dificuldades impostas pela conjuntura e somente podem ser apreendidas sob a perspectiva de um trabalho coletivo em saúde.
O objeto deste estudo trata do impacto do ambiente de trabalho no processo de saúde-doença dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma unidade ambulatorial especializada da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os objetivos foram: identificar os riscos ocupacionais no ambiente laboral dos trabalhadores de enfermagem da unidade em estudo; descrever a percepção do trabalhador de enfermagem sobre os impactos dos riscos ocupacionais em sua saúde; analisar o ambiente laboral destes trabalhadores com vistas à identificação de fatores de riscos que interferem negativamente na saúde; propor medidas de prevenção para minimização de impactos negativos na saúde dos mesmos, com destaque para a elaboração do Mapa de Riscos. Como suporte teórico, foram abordados conceitos e pressupostos relacionados às doenças do trabalho e sua relação com riscos ocupacionais, contextualizando-os com a configuração do mundo do trabalho em saúde, sua organização e processo laboral, assim como as vivências de prazer e sofrimento que podem alterar a saúde dos trabalhadores. Pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, de natureza qualitativa. Os sujeitos foram 40 trabalhadores de enfermagem, incluindo enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem. Os instrumentos de coleta foram a entrevista semiestruturada e a observação não participante, aplicados entre março/abril e junho/setembro de 2011, respectivamente. E cruzando as informações coletadas a partir dos dois instrumentos, buscou-se captar dados que possibilitasse a elaboração do Mapa de Risco dos setores com mais problemas em termos de deixar vulnerável a saúde dos trabalhadores, sendo elaborado Mapa de Risco da UCAMB e da CME. Enfatiza-se que houve assinatura prévia do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e que a pesquisa foi aprovada pelo comitê de ética do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto sob número de protocolo 2528. O método de análise escolhido foi do tipo: análise temática de conteúdo, o qual possibilitou o surgimento de três categorias: riscos ocupacionais visíveis e invisíveis para o trabalhador de enfermagem; o processo de adoecimento do trabalhador no e pelo trabalho; melhorias das condições de trabalho: contribuições para proteção da saúde dos trabalhadores. Os resultados evidenciaram que o risco mais freqüentemente revelado foi de acidente, principalmente por materiais perfurocortantes, seguidos de exposição aos riscos biológicos. Porém, houve sujeitos que não perceberam a presença dos riscos ou reduziam a gravidade dos mesmos para o processo saúde-doença. As repercussões dos riscos ocupacionais no corpo dos trabalhadores foram identificadas como: estresse, varizes e distúrbios osteomusculares. Algumas sugestões elaboradas pelos sujeitos para a melhoria das condições de trabalho foram: realização de reformas estruturais, modernização dos equipamentos, incremento quantitativo dos recursos humanos, melhoria na organização do trabalho, implementação de um Núcleo da Saúde do Trabalhador. Considera-se que os objetivos deste estudo foram atingidos, no entanto, existe a clareza de que há muito a ser pesquisado sobre riscos ocupacionais e suas repercussões nos trabalhadores, assim como as intervenções necessárias para a prevenção e promoção da saúde do trabalhador. Sugerem-se novas pesquisas, como também repensar nas estratégias de ensino de formação dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, e também se faz relevante a participação da categoria em movimentos sociais para a construção de políticas públicas nesta área.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a prática do assistente social no Sistema Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a partir dos pressupostos estabelecidos pelo Projeto Ético Político da Profissão. A relevância deste estudo consiste em colocar no centro do debate o desafio que representa para a categoria, com um direcionamento profissional ético e político comprometido com os interesses da classe trabalhadora e com a efetivação dos direitos da mesma, efetivar estes pressupostos num campo de atuação marcado pelo controle e repressão dos indivíduos pertencentes a esta classe. A prisão é uma instituição total, punitiva, vingativa, onde observamos a face mais dura do Estado, onde, muitas vezes, o assistente social se vê sozinho na defesa e efetivação dos direitos do preso. Constitui-se como objetivo central deste estudo analisar se dentro desta instituição, o assistente social consegue efetivar os valores defendidos e consagrados pelo projeto profissional. Para realização do estudo nos debruçamos sobre a produção teórica e a história do sistema penitenciário; sobre a legislação específica da área (Lei de Execução Penal e Regulamento Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) e sobre documentos, relatórios, manuais, etc., elaborados pela Coordenação de Serviço Social da Secretaria de Estado de Administração Penitenciária (SEAP). Devido às limitações impostas pela instituição, os sujeitos de nosso estudo foram os gestores e ex-gestores que aturam na Coordenação de Serviço Social e na antiga Divisão de Serviço Social da SEAP. Procuramos resgatar a trajetória histórica do Serviço Social dentro do Sistema Prisional fluminense, destacando as batalhas e conquistas alcançadas pela categoria, ao longo dos quase sessenta anos de inserção nas unidades prisionais do Rio de Janeiro. Observamos ao longo do estudo que a inserção do assistente social no Sistema Penitenciário encontra-se devidamente institucionalizada, regulamentada e organizada, o que demonstra a relevância do trabalho deste profissional, que muitas vezes ainda é visto como benfeitor do preso. Hoje, a execução penal pode ser considerada uma área consolidada para a atuação profissional dos assistentes sociais, embora apresente uma série de inconsistências e discrepâncias, tais como péssimas condições de trabalho, violação de direitos, entre outras. Procuramos mostrar neste estudo como o profissional de Serviço Social enfrenta essa realidade e contribui para a sua transformação, a partir dos ideais defendidos pelo Projeto Ético Político da profissão.
Description of Ceylon marine algae are scattered through a range of scientific publications which are not readily available to students and research workers in Ceylon. There are few detailed studies in Algal taxonomy and the general distribution of algae in Ceylon has not been studied thoroughly. Some work has been done by foreign phycologist each of whom was in the island for a few months only and experienced difficulty collecting specimens from different parts of Ceylon.
There has been an increasing interest in applying biological principles to the design and control of robots. Unlike industrial robots that are programmed to execute a rather limited number of tasks, the new generation of bio-inspired robots is expected to display a wide range of behaviours in unpredictable environments, as well as to interact safely and smoothly with human co-workers. In this article, we put forward some of the properties that will characterize these new robots: soft materials, flexible and stretchable sensors, modular and efficient actuators, self-organization and distributed control. We introduce a number of design principles; in particular, we try to comprehend the novel design space that now includes soft materials and requires a completely different way of thinking about control. We also introduce a recent case study of developing a complex humanoid robot, discuss the lessons learned and speculate about future challenges and perspectives.
Ill-health prevails in the workplace. A key problem encountered in the area of stress management is a lack of research into the way job burnout turns into mental problems, especially depressive symptoms, the most prevalent and costly psychiatric condition in the workplace. This research belongs to a cross-discipline area of industrial psychiatry and organizational behavior, which has seldom been investigated before. This research will contribute to the theoretical development of organizational behavior, especially to stress management and industrial psychiatry. This study aims to explore etiological factors and mechanisms of depressive symptoms of workers in the financial industry. By using literature review, semi-structured interviews and surveys as the major research methods, this Ph.D. study systematically investigated the risk factors of workers’ depressive symptoms within and outside of the work area. These risk factors are worker-work environment fits, work family conflicts, and workers’ psychological vulnerabilities to depression. A thorough literature review and 20 semi-structured interviews of brokers in different kinds of financial markets show the feasibility and necessity of this Ph.D. study when it comes to the issue of financial workers’ depressive symptoms. Two surveys of workplace-etiological factors of depressive symptoms were conducted among 244 financial workers and 1024 financial workers. This cross-sample verification showed that worker-work environment fit was a good framework to study risk factors of workers’ depressive symptoms. Results revealed that job demands-abilities misfit could lead to job burnout which in turn contributed to worker’s depressive symptoms; besides this, work effort-reward imbalance could directly cause workers’ depressive symptoms. Emotional labor enhanced the positive effect of job burnout on workers’ depressive symptoms. In the third study, a prominent risk factor outside of the work area, namely work family conflict, and workers’ psychological vulnerabilities of depression were included with workplace etiological factors to investigate the overall predictive model of depressive symptoms of financial workers. The survey was conducted among the same 1024 financial workers. Results indicated that work effort-reward imbalance, job burnout and work interfering in family life were three external etiological factors of workers’ depressive symptoms. Neuroticism, autonomy and low emotional intelligence were three individual etiological factors which had a positive effect on workers’ depressive symptoms. Moreover, neuroticism enhanced the relationship between job burnout and depressive symptoms as well as between work interfering in family life and depressive symptoms. Autonomy aggravated the relationship between job burnout and depressive symptoms. However, emotional intelligence attenuated the relationship between job burnout and depressive symptoms as well as between work effort-reward imbalance and depressive symptoms. Besides, workers’ dysfunctional attitudes played a partial mediating role in the relationships between above etiological factors and depressive symptoms. In the same sample, research evidence of impairments of workers’ depressive symptoms to their work-life quality was also obtained. Specifically, depressive symptoms could predict workers’ presenteeism, absenteeism and turnover intention. Their subjective well-being was also lowered when suffering more severe depressive symptoms. This research provides a theoretical basis to management practices targeted to set up the Employee Assistance Program or even more specilised rehabilitation programs for workers with depressive symptoms so as to improve their work-life quality and and establish a harmonious enterprise.
The work-family relations included positive relationship (work-family enrichment) and negative relationship (work-family conflict). Along with the development of positive psychology, the researchers turned their focus from work-family conflict to work-family enrichment. On the other hand, the research between work and family had just started and most attention was fix on work-family conflict. This research based on the skilled workers in manufacturing, and tried to discuss antecedents and the machanism of work-family relations through a series research which include action relation among job characteristics, work-family relations and outcomes of work, and the action relation among job resource、work-family relations、marital adjustment、work outcomes and role salience. This subject made the investigation to the workers who are working in manufacturing through literature research, questionnaire surveys and other methods. In this subject, several statistical techniques such as Explore Factor Analysis(CFA),Structural Equation Modeling(SEM), multiple-group Analysis were used to get the following conclusion: Firstly, work-family enrichment was an independent variable in work-family conflict, which had more extensively influence. Work-family conflict would increase accompany with the increasing of job demand, and it also would enhance negative work outcomes; work-family enrichment was effected by both job demand and job resource, and it made positive influence to positive and negative work outcomes. Secondly, marital adjustment penetrated into work domain through work-family enrichment inner effect mechanism, and influenced the work outcomes. The work→family enrichment and family→work enrichment could facilitate mutually, marital adjustment influenced the work outcome by the reciprocal relationship of work→family enrichment ↔ family→work enrichment. Finally, the family-role salience had directed loop-enhanced effect to organizational commitment and the importance could also enhance the positive function of work→family enrichment to organizational commitment.
The apparel industry is one of the oldest and largest export industries in the world, with global trade and production networks that connect firms and workers in countries at all levels of economic development. This chapter examines the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as one of the most recent and significant developments to affect patterns of international trade and production in the apparel and textile industries. Tr ade policies are changing the institutional environment in which firms in this industry operate, and companies are responding to these changes with new strategies designed to increase their profitability and strengthen their control over the apparel commodity chain. Our hypothesis is that lead firms are establishing qualitatively different kinds of regional production networks in North America from those that existed prior to NAFTA, and that these networks have important consequences for industrial upgrading in the Mexican textile and apparel industries. Post-NAFTA crossborder production arrangements include full-package networks that link lead firms in the United States with apparel and textile manufacturers, contractors, and suppliers in Mexico. Full-package production is increasing the local value added provided by the apparel commodity chain in Mexico and creating new opportunities for Mexican firms and workers. The chapter is divided into four main sections. The first section uses trade and production data to analyze shifts in global apparel flows, highlighting the emergence and consolidation of a regional trade bloc in North America. The second section discusses the process of industrial upgrading in the apparel industry and introduces a distinction between assembly and full-package production networks. The third section includes case studies based on published industry sources and strategic interviews with several lead companies whose strategies are largely responsible for the shifting trade patterns and NAFTA-inspired cross-border production networks discussed in the previous section. The fourth section considers the implications of these changes for employment in the North American apparel industry. © 2009 by Temple University Press. All rights reserved.
The Symposium, “Towards the sustainable use of Europe’s forests”, with sub-title “Forest ecosystem and landscape research: scientific challenges and opportunities” lists three fundamental substantive areas of research that are involved: Forest management and practices, Ecosystem processes and functional ecology, and Environmental economics and sociology. This paper argues that there are essential catalytic elements missing! Without these elements there is great danger that the aimed-for world leadership in the forest sciences will not materialize. What are the missing elements? All the sciences, and in particular biology, environmental sciences, sociology, economics, and forestry have evolved so that they include good scientific methodology. Good methodology is imperative in both the design and analysis of research studies, the management of research data, and in the interpretation of research finding. The methodological disciplines of Statistics, Modelling and Informatics (“SMI”) are crucial elements in a proposed Centre of European Forest Science, and the full involvement of professionals in these methodological disciplines is needed if the research of the Centre is to be world-class. Distributed Virtual Institute (DVI) for Statistics, Modelling and Informatics in Forestry and the Environment (SMIFE) is a consortium with the aim of providing world-class methodological support and collaboration to European research in the areas of Forestry and the Environment. It is suggested that DVI: SMIFE should be a formal partner in the proposed Centre for European Forest Science.
Building on Habermas’s conceptualisation of modes of reasoning, the authors proposed that an application of critical theory to the present bureaucratised nature of communication between state representatives and welfare recipients (Howe 1992) might open up ways in which social workers could reconceptualise their practice. In a subsequent edition of this journal, three of the present authors introduced the radical theatre of Augusto Boal as a methodology which might provide an expressive route for social workers seeking to build a practice combining the intellectual analysis of critical theory with new ways of working (Spratt et al. 2000). Boal’s method recognises the oppressed status of groups who come to the attention of agents of the state and, through the use of a range of theatrical techniques, introduces strategies to facilitate the conscious recognition of such collective oppressions and develop dialogical ways to address them. In the last paper, the authors presented one such technique, ‘image theatre’, and demonstrated its use with social workers in consciousness raising and developing strategies for collective action.
This article reports the findings of the second part of a two-part research project examining the potential for social workers to make changes in their work with families and children. While social workers in the United Kingdom have been encouraged to shift from a child protection to a child welfare orientation in their practice, such changes have been hampered by professional and organisational concern to manage risk. The research explores the influence of a child protection orientation on practice in child welfare cases. The findings, from two file analyses and interviews with twenty-six social workers, indicate that such an influence is indeed apparent. This is evidenced in two ways; firstly patterns of practice in child welfare cases are similar to those in child protection cases. Secondly, while the majority of social workers express an attitudinal desire to move towards a child welfare orientation, they still prioritise the management of risk in their practice. It is argued that social workers need permission from their employing organisations to make changes in their practice. This, in turn, requires such organisations to state clear goals in line with a child welfare orientation and develop holistic strategies to achieve these.
This text presents an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.
Knowledge-intensive firms (KIFs) have been the subject of growing interest from researchers. However, investigations into the comparative experiences of men and women in KIFs remain sparse, and little is known about women's participation in the processes of innovation and knowledge exchange and combination that are core features of KIFs. The article reports on the findings of a study in the UK and Ireland involving 498 male and female knowledge workers in KIFs. Despite equal levels of qualification and experience, women are more likely to be in lower status and less secure jobs. They also predominantly occupy roles featuring less variety and autonomy than men and, despite comparable levels of knowledge exchange and combination, are less likely to be in a position to translate this into the innovative work behaviours necessary for career advancement. The findings suggest that women's experiences of and participation in knowledge processes within KIFs differ fundamentally from men's. © The Author(s) 2012.
Background There has been an increasing interest in the health effects of long
working hours, but little empirical evidence to substantiate early
10 case series suggesting an increased mortality risk. The aim of the
current study is to quantify the mortality risk associated with long
working hours and to see if this varies by employment relations and
conditions of occupation.
Methods A census-based longitudinal study of 414 949 people aged 20-59/64
15 years, working at least 35 h/week, subdivided into four occupational
classes (managerial/professional, intermediate, own account workers,
workers in routine occupations) with linkage to deaths records
over the following 8.7 years. Cox proportional hazards models were
used to examine all-cause and cause-specific mortality risk.
20 Results Overall 9.4% of the cohort worked 55 or more h/week, but this
proportion was greater in the senior management and professional
occupations and in those who were self-employed. Analysis of 4447
male and 1143 female deaths showed that hours worked were
associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality only for
25 men working for more than 55 or more h/week in routine/semiroutine
occupations [adjusted hazard ratios (adjHR) 1.31: 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) 1.11, 1.55)] compared with their peers
working 35–40 h/week. Their equivalent risk of death from cardiovascular
disease was (adjHR 1.49: 95% CIs 1.10, 2.00).
30 Conclusions These findings substantiate and add to the earlier studies indicating
the deleterious impact of long working hours but also suggest that
the effects are moderated by employment relations or conditions of
occupation. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.