800 resultados para Touch.
En plus de contribuer à améliorer la santé de façon générale, l’activité physique chronique pourrait modérer le déclin cognitif associé au vieillissement normal et pathologique (Colcombe et Kramer, 2003; Heyn et al., 2004). Plus précisément, la pratique à long terme d’activités cardiovasculaires aurait des effets positifs sur la cognition des ainés et plus particulièrement sur le contrôle attentionnel, un aspect précocement touch au cours du vieillissement (Raz, 2000; Bherer et al., 2008). Toutefois, les mécanismes par lesquels l’exercice physique aigu améliore la cognition demeurent limités. Malgré ses nombreuses implications théoriques et pratiques, la réponse aiguë de l’oxygénation cérébrale à l’exercice physique et sa relation avec la cognition sont trop peu étudiées. Cette thèse se consacre à cette question. Des études récentes en neuro-imagerie chez les jeunes adultes démontrent que la relation entre l’oxygénation cérébrale et l’intensité de l’exercice suit la forme d’un U inversé. Il existe un seuil au-delà duquel l’oxygénation cérébrale diminue avec l’augmentation de l’intensité de l’exercice. Supposant que les performances cognitives dépendent de la disponibilité de l’oxygène cérébral, cette relation en U inversé devrait affecter les performances cognitives. Avant de préciser le rôle exact de l’oxygénation cérébrale sur les fonctions cognitives, nous avons d’abord examiné le temps nécessaire pour que l’oxygénation cérébrale atteigne un état stable et la durée pendant laquelle cette période stable peut être maintenue lors de paliers de sept minutes à une puissance sous-maximale (40%, 60% et 85% de la puissance aérobie maximale). Nos résultats soulignent l’existence d’une relation inverse entre la durée de l’état stable et l’intensité de l’exercice. Suite à cette vérification méthodologique, la prochaine étape a été de tester la possible relation entre l’oxygénation cérébrale, l’intensité de l’exercice et les performances cognitives, au cours du processus de vieillissement. Les résultats de ces études démontrent que la chute de l’oxygénation cérébrale observée lors des exercices de haute intensité est associée avec une diminution des performances cognitives. Les résultats de cette thèse corrigent l’écart existant dans la documentation entre l’exercice, les fonctions cognitives et les mécanismes neurophysiologiques.
Dix années après le décès d’Haroldo de Campos, il n’existe pas encore à ce jour d’études exhaustives sur la théorie de la traduction du poète, critique et traducteur littéraire brésilien. Dans la présente thèse, nous examinons de manière critique une affirmation d’Haroldo de Campos à l’effet qu’il aurait été influencé par le philosophe allemand Max Bense. Nous tentons de retracer dans les textes publiés d’Haroldo de Campos quand et comment ce dernier a été initié aux thèses du concepteur de l’esthétique de l’information. Pour parvenir à évaluer la nature et la valeur de cette influence nous avons passé en revue l’ensemble des textes, c’est-à-dire des monographies, des essais, des articles de journaux ou tout autre type de source de référence, afin de questionner la pertinence de l’affirmation d’Haroldo de Campos. Diverses hypothèses sont examinées, à partir de la visite de Décio Pignatari à Ulm, jusqu’à l’analyse d’une allocution d’Elisabeth Walther-Bense sur le rapport qui existait entre Haroldo de Campos et son feu mari, Max Bense. Au terme de notre investigation, nous devons constater que les textes théoriques d’Haroldo de Campos sont insuffisants en soi pour que l’on puisse expliquer comment s’est opérée et articulé le rapport entre ces deux ténors de la poésie concrète.
Enquadramento - O professor desempenha um papel fundamental na transferência da informação e é um mediador entre o estudante e o objeto de conhecimentos, orientando e organizando o ensino para que a aprendizagem se efectue. Um dos grandes desafios da Educação Municipal está em manter os professores motivados para o desempenho contribuindo assim para o sucesso escolar dos seus alunos. Propomo-nos analisar que variaveis contribuiram para o auto conceito e bem estar dos docentes diante das mudanças e tecnologias inseridas no dia a dia da sala de aula. Método: Optamos pelo método de pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa numa primeira fase. Foi utilizado como técnica de coleta de dados, questionário de Vaz Serra 1986) e, numa 2ª fase o focus groupo com discussão e interpretação dos resultados obtidos em cada dimensão do questionário de autoconceito. A amostra foi constituida por 42 professores, do ensino fundamental publico Brasileiro. Resultados: Os professores eram casados, tinham idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 40 anos, maioritáriamente de raça negra e 66% trabalham em mais do que uma escola. 80% dos professores apresentam valores de autoconceito abaixo da média. As incongruências, dificuldades e clima organizacional da escola faziam aflorar as discrepâncias emocionais e comportamentais. Mesmo situações descritas como derrotistas ou mesmo limitadoras do raio de ação do sujeito como o trabalho em organismo público, nos sujeitos que se posicionavam nas respostas do inventário com atitudes proativas as dificuldades não representaram um estancamento da ação. Conclusão: O Autoconceito e auto estima do professor são projetados no ambiente como fruto da interação humana atual com os constructos internos do sujeito. É necessário intervir ao nível do autoconceito e autoestima do professor para uma melhor qualidade de ensino e de vivencia escolar mais gratificante. Palavras-Chave: educação; personalidade; autoconceito; autoestima; docente.
We have long been critics of the creative work of philosophers and culture at the tender touch of his words, written or verbal, are both with the "hammer" that whoever owns the Ethics in writer-reader relationship is the first, called "comprehensive architect of the word" but inveterate dominant ideals of multiple anonymous.With this statement suggests that the second of this connection is nothing but a later, perhaps a "so and so" incognito benefits from its "home on earth", and who succeeds, after a long journey "cognitive "the privilege of reading. This old argument raised from ancient tradition, makes the reader a living subject-receptor but without providing the bulk of responsibility quantitative space offered by the marketing and consumption.Distrust of the concepts that attempt to establish a definition coldly detached from a bandage dressing, and the reader has not been imposed by the consumer society. In the sixteenth century came the paperback version, the books of Erasmus of Rotterdam were bestsellers in their time. The Praise of Folly and the political writings of Marthin Luther read at a time when the religious world was incorruptible, were read more than the Bible. Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis in the 1300's, that is, before you discover Gutenberg printing circulated throughout Europe in the Latin language, and even in the inscrutable rock monasteries under his cassock, in the secret place of the monk carrying the book. Accepting that the reader is a result of the market, is to bring the book to reified object category and inapreciar history book.
Cette thèse tente de comprendre l’impact des restructurations des entreprises multinationales sur les stratégies syndicales. Les acteurs syndicaux locaux sont-ils déterminés par l’appartenance à des régimes nationaux et à des contingences organisationnelles ou peuvent-ils influencer des décisions objectives comme les restructurations ? Cette recherche s’insère dans une problématique large qui fait la jonction entre la mondialisation économique sur une base continentale, la réorganisation productive des entreprises multinationales et l’action syndicale. Au plan théorique, nous confrontons trois grandes approches analytiques, à savoir : le néo-institutionnalisme et les structures d’opportunités ; l’économie politique critique et la question du pouvoir syndical ; la géographie économique critique mettant de l’avant les contingences, l’encastrement et l’espace concurrentiel. Sur la base de ces trois familles, nous présentons un modèle d’analyse multidisciplinaire. Au plan méthodologique, cette thèse est structurée autour de quatre études de cas locales qui ont subi des menaces de restructurations. Cette collecte a été effectuée dans deux pays (la France et le Canada) et dans un secteur particulier (les équipementiers automobiles). Trois sources qualitatives forment le cœur empirique de cette thèse : des statistiques descriptives, des documents de sources secondaires et des entretiens semi-dirigés (44), principalement avec des acteurs syndicaux. L’analyse intra et inter régime national éclaire plusieurs aspects de la question des stratégies syndicales en contexte de restructurations. Les principales contributions de cette thèse touchent : 1. l’impact des facteurs relationnels et des ressources de pouvoir développées par les syndicats locaux sur les structures d’opportunités institutionnelles; 2. l’importance des aspects « cognitifs » et d’envisager le pouvoir de manière multi-niveaux; 3. l’importance de l’encastrement social et des dynamiques relationnelles entre syndicats et patronats; 4. l’influence de la concurrence internationale/nationale/régionale/locale dans le secteur des équipementiers automobiles; et 5. l’importance des arbitrages et des relations entre les acteurs de l’entreprise par rapport à la théorie de la contingence pour comprendre les marges structurelles des syndicats locaux. Notre recherche invite les acteurs sociaux à repenser leur action dans le cadre des restructurations. En particulier, les syndicats locaux se doivent d’explorer de nouveaux répertoires stratégiques pour répondre aux nombreux défis que posent le changement économique et les restructurations.
Double Degree
Resumo da comunicação apresentada no 1º Congresso Internacional do CiiEM “From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research”. Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 27-28 Novembro 2015
The oil production in Brazil has been increasing each year. Consequently, increasing volumes of water produced are generated with large quantities of contaminants, which brings many problems in disposing of these waters. The concern that the concentrations of contaminants in water produced meet existing laws for disposal of effluents, has been extremely important for the development of different techniques for treatment of water produced. The study of clay minerals as adsorbents of organic contaminants has grown considerably so in order to combine the low cost with the efficiency of environmental preservation and health issues. Thus, this study aims to understand the characteristics of vermiculite clay, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite and diatomite and evaluate their performance as adsorbents for phenol in the water produced. Through adsorption isotherms it was possible to observe the behavior of these adsorptive clay and diatomite for adsorption of phenol, the main phenolic compound found in water produced. Different concentrations of synthetic solutions of phenol were put in touch with these adsorbents under same conditions of agitation and temperature. The adsorbents were composted adsorptive favorable, but the vermiculite and diatomite showed little capacity for absorption, being suggested for absorbs small concentrations of phenol in the balance isothermal
The main objective of the research is to demonstrate new physiological characteristics receptors in the presence of mosquito larvae. 100 larvae of different species were collected and studied for a week in periods of 8-24 hrs. Larvae stages I, II, III and IV have photo-thermo receptors of light and heat housed in the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen, perceive hot or cold environments, and have fibers in chest or hairs lining your body or abdomen, and a pair of antennae on the head. Stages II and III are more developed than the initial stages. They are attracted by the dark green at the bottom, a pair of eyes that perceive light and color. Have receptors proteins (RP55) that capture motion at a speed the slightest movement of waves in the water. Its nose is not well developed but have chemoreceptors. They adapt to changes in pH in alkaline media, are sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical changes nociceptors have electroreceptors or galvanoreceptores sensitive to electrical stimuli, have mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to touch, pain, pressure, gravity, sound. They have a GPS position that seems the guides. It is precisely in the fibers, mushrooms or bristles are recipients along with the micro villi in head, thorax and abdomen.
El objetivo principal de la investigación es demostrar nuevas características fisiológicas como la presencia de receptores en las larvas de mosquitos. Se recolectaron 100 larvas de diferentes especies y se estudiaron por una semana en periodos de 8 a 24 hrs. Las larvas de los estadios I,II,III y IV tienen foto-termo receptores de luz y calor alojados en el cuerpo que se divide en cabeza, tórax y abdomen, perciben ambientes fríos o calientes, así como tienen fibras en tórax o pelos que recubren su cuerpo, y un par de antenas en la cabeza. Los estadios II y III son más desarrollados que las etapas iniciales. Tienen receptores proteicos RP55. Les atrae el color verde oscuro en el fondo, un par de ojos que perciben la luz y color con fotoreceptores. Tienen receptores RP55 de movimiento que captan a una velocidad el más mínimo movimiento de ondas en el agua. Su olfato no está muy desarrollado pero tienen quimioreceptores. Se adaptan a cambios de pH en medios alcalinos, tienen nociceptores sensibles a cambios químicos, térmicos y mecánicos, tienen galvanoreceptores o electroreceptores sensibles a estímulos eléctricos, tienen mecanoreceptores que son sensibles al tacto, dolor, presión gravedad, sonido. Tienen un GPS de posición que pareciera las orienta.
Background: Premature infants, who have to spend the first week of their lives in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), experience pain and stress in numerous cases, and they are exposed to many invasive interventions. The studies have shown that uncontrolled pain experienced during early life has negative and long-term side effects, such as distress, and such experiences negatively affect the development of the central nervous system Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of touching on infant pain perception and the effects of eutectic mixture of local anesthetic (EMLA) on the reduction of pain. Patients and Methods: Data for the study were collected between March and August 2012 from the neonatal clinic of a university hospital located in eastern Turkey. The population of the study consisted of premature infants who were undergoing treatment, completed the first month and who were approved for Hepatitis B vaccine. The study consisted of two experimental groups and one control group. Information forms, intervention follow-up forms, and Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP) were used to collect the data. EMLA cream was applied on the vastus lateralis muscles of the first experimental group before the vaccination. The second experimental group was vaccinated by imitation (placebo), without a needle tip or medicine. Vaccination was carried out using instrumental touch in this group. A routine vaccination was applied in the control group. Results: Mean pain scores of the group to which EMLA was applied were lower in a statistically significant way (P < 0.05) compared to the pain scores of the other groups. Moreover, it was determined that even though invasive intervention was not applied to the newborns, the touching caused them to feel pain just as in the placebo group (P < 0.005). Conclusions: The results demonstrated that EMLA was an effective method for reducing pain in premature newborns, and the use of instrumental touch for invasive intervention stimulated the pain perception in the newborns.
El presente estudio corresponde a una investigación cuantitativa realizada en la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador, cuyo objetivo fue determinar las prácticas parentales en la función de socialización de la familia. Se trabajó con una muestra de 445 padres con hijos en segundo año de educación básica, a quienes se aplicó el cuestionario “Estudio socioeducativo de hábitos y tendencias de comportamiento en familias de niños de segundo año de educación básica” (Torio, 2001). Luego del procesamiento de la información se encontró que: a) El cuidado de los hijos y administración de recursos para el hogar son actividades que los padres realizan de manera conjunta; las actividades escolares y preparación de alimentos recae generalmente en las madres; b) la participación de los padres en los juegos es diferente según el tipo de juego: los padres tienden a involucrarse en juegos que demandan actividad física y las madres en juegos didácticos; c) la verdad, la solidaridad y la responsabilidad son los valores que los padres/madres mencionan transmitir y los que consideran de mayor importancia; d) los besos, abrazos y caricias son estrategias que los padres/madres utilizan para premiar a sus hijos, en tanto que la prohibición de cosas lo utilizan como castigo, en consecuencia los padres/madres cuencanos son más expresivos que instrumentales.
Obstacle courses are an activity that brings a group of people together, in which teams are organized to navigate an established route during a set period of time, completing tasks (clues, riddles, or challenges) to meet a defined goal. Rules and safety norms are explained to all participants; however, they are not informed of the location of the clues, riddles, or challenges. The following should be considered when organizing an obstacle course: objective, topic to be developed, location, materials needed, clues, riddles or challenges that may be included, and how to supervise that all teams pass the checkpoints. Like any other activity with a touch of competitiveness, fair play and respect should be above any interest. If, for any reason, any of the teams has an emergency, solidarity should prevail, and the activity can be used to teach values. An adventurous spirit is also essential in this activity. The desire for the unknown and the new challenges individuals and groups. This activity helps groups of friends, children, adults, families, etc. share a nice and healthy day together in contact with nature, rescuing concepts such as cooperation, cleverness and, particularly, team work.
The purpose of this thesis was to study the students’ perspective on their use of Facebook to further their studies. There were three research questions: (1) To what extent do students use Facebook to further their studies? (2) In what ways do students use Facebook to further their studies? (3) What do students believe are the ways that Facebook can be used by colleges and universities to help students with their studies? There were three major themes relating to usage of Facebook: non-academic usage, curricular, and co-curricular. Most of the students indicated they used Facebook to stay in touch with people they already knew. With regard to academic usage, the answers given related mostly to professors’ offers of support, collaborations with projects and assignments, and cheating on exams. There were mixed responses about whether students wanted professors to make use of Facebook in classes and how, with many indicating that they wanted to keep Facebook separate from their curricular activities. Students that were in the education fields were more than willing to use Facebook to help them in their studies than students in other majors.
Loose Ends is a collection of lyric and narrative poems that explores the multiple terrains of identity—individual, cultural, and historical. The poems embrace the essential incoherence of the self, resisting monolithic identity in favor of a multi-faceted, historically complex, imagistic rendering of the inner life. At its heart, the collection seeks to grapple with the gravitas of living: the continual assault of history and nature on human agency, the staggering context of the universe as a backdrop for communal and individual struggle. While single poems may only touch briefly or incompletely on these themes, the collection as a whole presents an admittedly inchoate picture of contemporary American identity.
Este estudo experimental de natureza quantitativa avaliou os efeitos da massagem no recém-nascido pré-termo internado em unidades de cuidados intermédios neonatais a nível da estabilidade fisiológica. Material e métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 32 recém-nascidos pré-termo clinicamente estáveis e saudáveis, internados em unidades portuguesas de cuidados intermédios neonatais. Os recém-nascidos pré-termo foram distribuídos aleatoriamente para os grupos controlo e experimental, em número igual de dezasseis. Em várias variáveis basais os grupos não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, obtendo-se assim grupos equivalentes. O grupo experimental apresentou em média 30,11 semanas de gestação, 1,326 Kg de peso ao nascer e 20,44 dias de duração do internamento na unidade de cuidados intermédios. O grupo de controlo apresentou em média 30,94 semanas de gestação, 1,409 Kg de peso ao nascer e 17,81 dias de duração do internamento na unidade de cuidados intermédios. Durante o estudo os grupos receberam o mesmo padrão de cuidados neonatais à excepção do grupo experimental que recebeu a massagem. A massagem administrada foi a de Tiffany Field (Touch Research Institute), durante cinco dias consecutivos em três períodos diários. Foi administrada por enfermeiras das respectivas unidades, sendo estas execuções fidedignas e válidas, com homogeneidade inter-aplicadores da técnica quase perfeita (96,7 %) e com elevada validade de execução nomeadamente 96,77 % de concordância 1. Resultados: Para avaliar o efeito da massagem na estabilidade do recém-nascido pré-termo mediram-se os parâmetros fisiológicos: frequência respiratória e cardíaca, saturação de oxigénio, tensão arterial e temperatura. Quanto a estes verificamos não haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos pelo que concluímos que a massagem é um cuidado de enfermagem seguro em termos de organização do subsistema autónomo. Conclusões: Estes resultados obtidos sugerem que a massagem nos recém-nascidos pré-termo saudáveis e clinicamente estáveis internados em unidades de cuidados intermédios estudados foi uma intervenção segura.