785 resultados para Teaching-learning research
Conocer los factores intervinientes en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes es de vital importancia para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la calidad universitaria. Esta investigación busca identificar los posibles factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios del grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Alicante. El estudio pretende determinar el poder explicativo y predictivo de nueve variables para pronosticar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes mediante regresión lineal múltiple. Se ha identificado que seis de las variables estudiadas son estadísticamente significativas y que dos de ellas tienen una gran influencia sobre el rendimiento académico.
Análisis sucinto de una investigación de campo efectuada con estudiantes de 10 grado y 11 grado de colegios urbanos y rurales, públicos y privados, de Heredia. La investigación explora las metodologías empleadas por el profesorado y la aplicación del enfoque de la enseñanza comunicativa de la lengua y su relación con el Examen de bachillerato.A field study was carried out with tenth and eleventh grade students in private and public, urban and rural high schools in Heredia. The research focused on exploring the methodologies used by the instructors as well as on the implementation of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach and its relationship with the Standardized English Test.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar teóricamente la importancia de la enseñanza de la multiplicación a partir de un enfoque constructivista en el tercero y cuarto año de Educación General Básica, años en los que esta enseñanza se profundiza. En efecto, este trabajo monográfico busca responder a las siguientes interrogantes: ¿En qué consiste la multiplicación y su proceso? ¿Cuál es la diferencia de enseñar la multiplicación desde un enfoque tradicional y un enfoque constructivo? Según la Actualización y Fortalecimiento Curricular (2010): ¿Cómo se debe desarrollar su proceso de enseñanza? ¿Qué estrategias se pueden utilizar para trabajar en la comprensión de la multiplicación en el tercero y cuarto año de Educación General Básica? Para responder estas preguntas se recurre a la revisión de información bibliográfica procedente de revistas, libros y artículos de diferentes autores, que facilitan cumplir con los objetivos planteados. Finalmente, se concluye que la enseñanza - aprendizaje basada en los lineamientos del enfoque pedagógico constructivista tiene como resultado la comprensión que los estudiantes necesitan tener hacia la multiplicación para poder utilizarla en su vida académica y cotidiana. Por tal razón se afirma que, la importancia de enseñar la multiplicación desde un enfoque constructivista se fundamenta en que este lineamiento pedagógico propende el uso de dicha operación matemática en la resolución de problemas, desarrollando así su pensamiento lógico – matemático y el razonamiento, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con el tradicionalismo en el que se memoriza por corto plazo.
El presente trabajo consistió en una investigación de campo, en el cual se desarrolló el análisis estadístico del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs), con el propósito de diagnosticar de qué manera se las está implementando en el procesoenseñanza – aprendizaje de los docentes del Bachillerato General Unificado.Para conseguirlo, se accedió a las bases digitales de la Coordinación Zonal 6 de Educación y se recopiló información de las instituciones educativas, los docentes y los estudiantes pertenecientes al nivel de bachillerato, que se encontraban en el Distrito Sur (01D02) de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período lectivo 2014 – 2015. Con esta información,se delimitó una muestra, en la cual se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta, y se realizó un análisis descriptivo sobre las percepciones, las opiniones y las experiencias que tienen los docentes y los estudiantes con respecto al uso de la tecnología en sus actividades educativas cotidianas; además,se investigó los recursos disponiblesen las instituciones participantes, el acceso que se tiene a éstos y el uso que se les da por parte de los principales actores del proceso educativo. En esta investigación se presenta un estudio bibliográfico sobre el uso de las TICs, ylo que implica su integraciónen la educación, y también, se hace una discusión sobre el estado en el que se encuentra la incorporación de las TICs en las aulas de la localidad.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
Dissertação de mestrado com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
Dissertação de mestrado com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária.
Technological Education is a subject where students acquire knowledge and technical skills, which will enable them to analyse and resolve specific situations and will prepare them for an increasingly technological world. This course requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys come up in this study as catalysts for motivation and student interest. Thus, the aim of the research performed is to understand whether the units of work related to traditional toys promote the students’ motivation and commitment on Technological Education. In terms of methodology, we carried out an exploratory research of qualitative nature, based on semi-structured interviews with teachers and students in the 2nd cycle of basic education at five schools in the municipality of Viseu, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five Technological Education students, aged between 10 and 12 years, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of units of work involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to students’ motivation and commitment, constituting an added value in Technological Education. As this is a classroom project, it allows students to apply technical knowledge they have acquired. Thus, starting from a first idea, it allows them to experience all of the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process.
Problem Statement: This research aims to understand the contribution of traditional toys as catalysts for motivation and student commitment in the development of Technological Education projects and activities. Research Questions: To what extent do work units related to traditional toys promote student motivation and commitment in the subject of Technological Education. Purpose of Study: Technological Education requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys are assumed to be catalysts for motivation and student interest. Research Methods: In terms of methodology, an exploratory research of a qualitative nature was carried out, based on semi-structured interviews to teachers and students within a 2nd cycle of Basic Education environment, encompassing five state schools in the Viseu municipality, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five technological education pupils, aged between 10 and 12, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Findings: Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of work units involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to student motivation and commitment. Starting off with an initial idea, pupils are enabled to experience all the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process. Conclusions: The traditional toys constitute an added value in the subject of Technological Education, promoting student motivation and commitment in the development of projects and activities. Students acquire knowledge and skills, which will enable them to analyze and thus resolve specific situations and prepare them for an increasingly technological world.
This article discusses a study organized to develop academic writing skills in undergraduate students pursuing engineering courses. The target group consisted of 30 students pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in their third year. The classroom observations regarding teaching writing revealed that writing proficiency for most of the students was at a very low level. Followed by this, an intervention program was organized in one college, where the researcher taught academic writing to the students. Units comprising tasks that focused on raising awareness of the academic texts and involving the students in the cognitive processes of writing were designed. The study focused on raising student awareness regarding the nature and characteristics of academic texts in order to develop academic writing skills. The study also emphasized that involving the students in the cognitive processes of writing (e.g., defining the rhetorical problem, identifying the rhetorical situation, determining the audience, setting goals for writing, planning for the text by generating, and organizing ideas) is necessary. The study further suggests that discussions between students and teachers regarding the construction of a text and the way language works in various text types facilitates better writing.
This essay addresses the hitches and glitches in the hybrid instruction system of teaching and learning for large-enrollment courses. This new instructional methodology asks facilitators to redesign their entire traditional teaching and learning practices. The nature of subject to be taught via the hybrid mode further affects the success rate of the modules from the time of inception to launch to actual delivery and completion of the course. The entire process involves undoing the old habits and methodologies and instructors picking up new skills, along with the right motivation to take up the task. The course planning and delivery require a substantial commitment in terms of hours from the instructors catering to large-enrollment courses, along with pursuing their routine roles at the campuses. From the pupil’s perspective, the response varies, as hybrid learning seeks self-discipline and time management skills from the learner. After the initial roadblocks, students enjoy hybrid learning if the course structure and instructions are simple and the course content flexible and varied. We will study the problems and possible solutions to the success of the hybrid teaching–learning system at each stage where large number of students enrolled for a specific course.
En este segundo número de reflexiones pedagógicas se presenta una revisión de la denominada clase invertida (flipped classroom). Este texto presentan los componentes que caracterizan esta estrategia. Se comparan igualmente los elementos que la diferencian de la clase tradicional y se destacan los pasos para adelantar esta innovación y su forma de funcionamiento. De igual manera se muestran algunos indicadores que pueden llevar a una reflexión de la pacífica pedagógica y se concluye con estudios que muestran sus aportes e investigaciones que la soportan.
Introduction: The training of nursing students in the context of clinical practice, is characterized by educational experiences, subject to various emotional stress (stress, ambivalence, frustration, conflict), sometimes making it very vulnerable student.However not all students use the same strategies minimizing their meanings and negative effects on the level of your health and well-being Objetiv:To analyze the perception that nursing students have about the determinants of their health status and well-being in clinical practice Methods: Exploratory research Results:The results reveal the complexity of the teaching / learning process in clinical practice, identified determinants that limit and / or promote health and well-being of students, or not contributing to their motivation, self-confidence and learning. All students value the presence of the following dimensions: affective-emotional (humanization in learning experiences); relational dynamics (interactions developed with all stakeholders); methods used (professional competence of the clinical supervisor and teacher); school curriculum (adaptation of learning in theory); socialization to the profession (become nurse).Conclusions: The results indicate, that although all students evidencing the dimensions described as fundamental to learning in clinical practice, the study results are dichotomous and ambivalent. Students 2nd and 3ºanos refer a low perception in clinical practice, the indicated dimensions, and for these source of concern and uncertainty in learning, such as limiting their health condition and well-being. For students of the 4th year, these dimensions are percecionadas as gifts, and sources of motivation, learning and catalysts such as promoting their health and well-being.