867 resultados para Possibility-Theoretical Approach


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The limited availability of experimental data and their quality have been preventing the development of predictive methods and Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) of ionic liquids (ILs). Based on experimental speed of sound data collected from the literature, the inter-relationship of surface tension (s), density (?), and speed of sound (u) has been examined for imidazolium based ILs containing hexafluorophosphate (PF6), tetrafluoroborate (BF4), bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl) amide (NTf2), methyl sulphate (MeSO4), ethyl sulphate (EtSO4), and trifluoromethanesulphonate (CF3SO3) anions, covering wide ranges of temperature, 278.15–343.15 K and speed of sound, 1129.0–1851.0 m s-1. The speed of sound was correlated with a modified Auerbach's relation, by using surface tension and density data obtained from volume based predictive methods previously proposed by the authors. It is shown that a good agreement with literature data is obtained. For 133 data points of 14 ILs studied a mean percent deviation (MPD) of 1.96% with a maximum deviation inferior to 5% was observed. The correlations developed here can thus be used to evaluate the speeds of sound of new ionic liquids.


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The efficient generation of parallel code for multi-processor environments, is a large and complicated issue. Attempts to address this problem have always resulted in significant input from users. Because of constraints on user knowledge and time, the automation of the process is a promising and practically important research area. In recent years heuristic approaches have been used to capture available knowledge and make it available for the parallelisation process. Here, the introduction of a novel approach of neural network techniques is combined with an expert system technique to enhance the availability of knowledge to aid in the automatic generation of parallel code.


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The coordination of olefins to square-planar Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes containing 2,9-dimethylphenanthroline (L1) often involves a change of color associated with a change of geometry at the metal center. In order to obtain suitable colorimetric detectors for ethylene gas, a series of new Pd(II) and Pt(II) compounds with a range of 2,9-disubstituted phenanthroline ligands [2,9-di-n-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline (L-2), 2,9-di-s-butyl-1,10-phenanthroline (L3), 2,9-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (L4), and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (bathocuproine, L5)] have been prepared and their reactivity toward ethylene investigated both in solution and after depositing the detector compounds on a variety of solid supports. The Pd(II) complex [PdCl2(L2)] supported on silica undergoes a clear color change upon exposure to ethylene, while remaining stable toward air and water, and forms the basis for new simple colorimetric detectors with potential applications in ethylene pipe-leak detection and the monitoring of fruit ripening. Encouragingly, the detector is able to discriminate between fruit at different stages of ripening. The response of the detector to other volatiles was also examined, and specific color changes were also observed upon exposure to aromatic acetylenes. The crystal structures of four new derivatives, including the ethylene-Pt(II) complex [PtCl2(C2H4)(L2)], are also described.


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Karaoke singing is a popular form of entertainment in several parts of the world. Since this genre of performance attracts amateurs, the singing often has artifacts related to scale, tempo, and synchrony. We have developed an approach to correct these artifacts using cross-modal multimedia streams information. We first perform adaptive sampling on the user's rendition and then use the original singer's rendition as well as the video caption highlighting information in order to correct the pitch, tempo and the loudness. A method of analogies has been employed to perform this correction. The basic idea is to manipulate the user's rendition in a manner to make it as similar as possible to the original singing. A pre-processing step of noise removal due to feedback and huffing also helps improve the quality of the user's audio. The results are described in the paper which shows the effectiveness of this multimedia approach.


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A tricyclic core structure related to gelsemine was synthesized from an oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octanone by a three-step bridge swapping strategy involving elimination of the bridging ether oxygen and intramolecular Michael addition of a tethered cyanoacetamide unit.


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Nurse rostering is a difficult search problem with many constraints. In the literature, a number of approaches have been investigated including penalty function methods to tackle these constraints within genetic algorithm frameworks. In this paper, we investigate an extension of a previously proposed stochastic ranking method, which has demonstrated superior performance to other constraint handling techniques when tested against a set of constrained optimisation benchmark problems. An initial experiment on nurse rostering problems demonstrates that the stochastic ranking method is better in finding feasible solutions but fails to obtain good results with regard to the objective function. To improve the performance of the algorithm, we hybridise it with a recently proposed simulated annealing hyper-heuristic within a local search and genetic algorithm framework. The hybrid algorithm shows significant improvement over both the genetic algorithm with stochastic ranking and the simulated annealing hyper-heuristic alone. The hybrid algorithm also considerably outperforms the methods in the literature which have the previously best known results.


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La doctrina de la Proliferación teórica de Paul Karl Feyerabend ha sido interpretada por sus especialistas como un intento de salvaguardar el ideal del progreso científico. Aunque tales estudios hacen justicia, en parte, a la intencionalidad de nuestro filósofo no explicitan la crítica fundamental que implica para Feyerabend el pluralismo teórico. La proliferación teórica constituye en sí misma una reductio ad absurdum de los distintos intentos del positivismo lógico y del racionalismo crítico por definir la ciencia a expensas de lo metafísico. Este artículo presenta la proliferación teórica como una reivindicación del papel positivo que ocupa la metafísica en el quehacer científico. Se consigna la defensa que hace Feyerabend de la metafísica en cuanto que ésta constituye la posibilidad de superar el conservadurismo conceptual, aumentar de contenido empírico de la ciencia y recuperar el valor descriptivo de las teorías científicas.


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Many theoretical claims about the folk concept of moral responsibility coming from the current literature are indeterminate because researchers do not clearly specify the folk concept of moral responsibility in question. The article pursues a cognitive approach to folk concepts that pays special attention to this indeterminacy problem. After addressing the problem, the article provides evidence on folk attributions of moral responsibility in the case a failed attempt to kill that goes against a specific claim coming from the current literature—that the dimension of causation is part of the structure of the folk concept of moral responsibility.


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In this paper, we attempt to reconcile contingency and institutional fit approaches concerning the organization-environment relationship. While prior scholarly research has examined both theories and compared their impacts on organizational fit and performance, we lay the groundwork for a meta-fit approach by investigating how contingency and institutional fit interact to influence firm performance. We test our theoretical framework using a dataset of 3,259 respondents from 1,904 companies regarding task environmental demands and institutional demands on organizational design across a broad range of industries and firm size classes. Our results show that contingency and institutional fit provide complementary and interdependent explanations of firm performance. Importantly, our findings indicate that for firms under conditions of “quasi-fit” rather than perfect contingency fit or optimal institutional fit, improvements in contingency and/or institutional fit will result in better performance. However, firms with high contingency fit are less vulnerable to deviation from institutional fit in the formation of firm performance, while firms with perfect institutional fit will slightly decrease their performance when they strive to achieve contingency fit.


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Punitive public attitudes cannot be easily explained by pointing to instrumental concerns (e.g., fear of crime, personal victimization, or rea or perceived levels of crime). Instead, numerous observers have suggested that public punitiveness is more a symptom of free-floating anxieties and insecurities resulting from social change than a rational response to crime problems. We argue that these public concerns might be better understood by drawing on the insights of psychoanalytic theory, and we review relevant theoretical work to that effect.


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Described is the structure-based design and synthesis of a series of tris-triazole G-quadruplex binding ligands utilising the copper catalysed azide–alkyne ‘click’ reaction. The results of G-quadruplex stabilisation by the ligands are reported and discussed.


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Residual stress due to shrinkage of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement after polymerisation is possibly one factor capable of initiating cracks in the mantle of cemented hip replacements. No relationship between residual stress and observed cracking of cement has yet been demonstrated. To investigate if any relationship exists, a physical model has been developed which allows direct observation of damage in the cement layer on the femoral side of total hip replacement. The model contains medial and lateral cement layers between a bony surface and a metal stem; the tubular nature of the cement mantle is ignored. Five specimens were prepared and examined for cracking using manual tracing of stained cracks, observed by transmission microscopy: cracks were located and measured using image analysis. A mathematical approach for the prediction of residual stress due to shrinkage was developed which uses the thermal history of the material to predict when stress-locking occurs, and estimates subsequent thermal stress. The residual stress distribution of the cement layer in the physical model was then calculated using finite element analysis. Results show maximum tensile stresses normal to the observed crack directions, suggesting a link between residual stress and preload cracking. The residual stress predicted depends strongly on the definition of the reference temperature for stress-locking. The highest residual stresses (4-7 MPa) are predicted for shrinkage from maximum temperature, in this case, magnitudes are sufficiently high to initiate cracks when the influence of stress raisers such as pores or interdigitation at the bone/cement interface are taken into account (up to 24 MPa when calculating stress around a pore according to the method of Harrigan and Harris (J. Biomech. 24(11) (1991) 1047-1058)). We conclude that the damage accumulation failure scenario begins before weight-bearing due to cracking induced by residual stress around pores or stress raisers. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Measuring the degree of inconsistency of a belief base is an important issue in many real world applications. It has been increasingly recognized that deriving syntax sensitive inconsistency measures for a belief base from its minimal inconsistent subsets is a natural way forward. Most of the current proposals along this line do not take the impact of the size of each minimal inconsistent subset into account. However, as illustrated by the well-known Lottery Paradox, as the size of a minimal inconsistent subset increases, the degree of its inconsistency decreases. Another lack in current studies in this area is about the role of free formulas of a belief base in measuring the degree of inconsistency. This has not yet been characterized well. Adding free formulas to a belief base can enlarge the set of consistent subsets of that base. However, consistent subsets of a belief base also have an impact on the syntax sensitive normalized measures of the degree of inconsistency, the reason for this is that each consistent subset can be considered as a distinctive plausible perspective reflected by that belief base,whilst eachminimal inconsistent subset projects a distinctive viewof the inconsistency. To address these two issues,we propose a normalized framework formeasuring the degree of inconsistency of a belief base which unifies the impact of both consistent subsets and minimal inconsistent subsets. We also show that this normalized framework satisfies all the properties deemed necessary by common consent to characterize an intuitively satisfactory measure of the degree of inconsistency for belief bases. Finally, we use a simple but explanatory example in equirements engineering to illustrate the application of the normalized framework.


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In this paper, a data driven orthogonal basis function approach is proposed for non-parametric FIR nonlinear system identification. The basis functions are not fixed a priori and match the structure of the unknown system automatically. This eliminates the problem of blindly choosing the basis functions without a priori structural information. Further, based on the proposed basis functions, approaches are proposed for model order determination and regressor selection along with their theoretical justifications. © 2008 IEEE.