804 resultados para Per capita revenue


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A região metropolitana de Campinas é a segunda região econômica do Estado de São Paulo e uma das principais do Brasil. Possui um total de 2.687.099 habitantes, distribuídos em 19 municípios, dos quais Campinas é o maior com 1.053.252 habitantes. Possui um Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de 17,5 bilhões de dólares e sua renda per capita é de 6.777 dólares, superior à do Estado de São Paulo e à do Brasil. Trata-se da região com maior crescimento econômico no estado, sendo a principal beneficiária do processo de desconcentração econômica ocorrido a parti da década de 1970 e tornou-se atualmente um dos principais pólos tecnológicos do país. O presente trabalho analisa a dinâmica econômica regional nas últimas duas décadas e discutir seus efeitos quanto à distribuição territorial da população. São analisados dados relativos ao PIB municipal e regional, total e por setores econômicos, bem como indicadores demográficos e sociais, como: população, renda, analfabetismo e mortalidade infantil. Uma das conclusões do trabalho é de que há uma correlação negativa entre crescimento demográfico e crescimento econômico na região. No entanto, observou-se também que ocorreu uma pequena diminuição tanto da disparidade populacional como da disparidade econômica entre os municípios da região.


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A ovinocultura é uma atividade com grande importância econômica no Brasil com um rebanho estimado em 17,6 milhões de cabeças, sendo mais expressivo nas regiões Nordeste e Sul (IBGE, 2014), porém seu consumo per capita ainda é pouco representativo quando comparado as demais carnes com cerca de 0,7 quilograma por habitante/ano


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Businesses interact constantly with the environment, realizing several and heterogeneous exchanges. Organizations can be considered a system of different interests, frequently conflicting and the satisfaction of different stakeholders is a condition of success and survival. National and international literature attempts to explain the complex connection between companies and environment. In particular, the Stakeholder Theory considers crucial for businesses the identification of different stakeholders and their involvement in decision-making process. In this context, profit can not be considered the only purpose of companies existence and business aims become more numerous and different. The Stakeholder Theory is often utilized as framework for tourism studies, in particular in Sustainable Tourism Development research. In fact, authors consider sustainable the tourism development able to satisfy interests of different stakeholders, traditionally identified as local community and government, businesses, tourists and natural environment. Tourism businesses have to guarantee the optimal use of natural resources, the respect of socio-cultural tradition of local community and the creation of socio-economic benefits for all stakeholders in destinations. An obstacle to sustainable tourism development that characterizes a number of destinations worldwide is tourism demand seasonality. In fact, its negative impact on the environment, economy and communities may be highly significant. Pollution, difficulties in the use of public services, stress for residents, seasonal incomes, are all examples of the negative effects of seasonality. According to the World Tourism Organization (2004) the limitation of seasonality can favour the sustainability of tourism. Literature suggests private and public strategies to minimize the negative effects of tourism seasonality, as diversification of tourism products, identification of new market segments, launching events, application of public instruments like eco-taxes and use of differential pricing policies. Revenue Management is a managerial system based on differential pricing and able to affect price sensitive tourists. This research attempts to verify if Revenue Management, created to maximize profits in tourism companies, can also mitigate the seasonality of tourism demand, producing benefits for different stakeholders of destinations and contributing to Sustainable Tourism Development. In particular, the study attempts to answer the following research questions: 1) Can Revenue Management control the flow of tourist demand? 2) Can Revenue Management limit seasonality, producing benefits for different stakeholders of a destination? 3) Can Revenue Management favor the development of Sustainable Tourism? The literature review on Stakeholder Theory, Sustainable Tourism Development, tourism seasonality and Revenue Management forms the foundation of the research, based on a case study approach looking at a significant destination located in the Southern coast of Sardinia, Italy. A deductive methodology was applied and qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized. This study shows that Revenue Management has the potential to limit tourism seasonality, to mitigate negative impacts occurring from tourism activities, producing benefits for local community and to contribute to Sustainable Tourism Development.


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Sorghum is an excellent alternative to other grains in poor soil where corn does not develop very well, as well as in regions with warm and dry winters. Intercropping sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] with forage crops, such as palisade grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf] or guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.), provides large amounts of biomass for use as straw in no-tillage systems or as pasture. However, it is important to determine the appropriate time at which these forage crops have to be sown into sorghum systems to avoid reductions in both sorghum and forage production and to maximize the revenue of the cropping system. This study, conducted for three growing seasons at Botucatu in the State of São Paulo in Brazil, evaluated how nutrient concentration, yield components, sorghum grain yield, revenue, and forage crop dry matter production were affected by the timing of forage intercropping. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. Intercropping systems were not found to cause reductions in the nutrient concentration in sorghum plants. The number of panicles per unit area of sorghum alone (133,600), intercropped sorghum and palisade grass (133,300) and intercropped sorghum and guinea grass (134,300) corresponded to sorghum grain yields of 5439, 5436 and 5566kgha-1, respectively. However, the number of panicles per unit area of intercropped sorghum and palisade grass (144,700) and intercropped sorghum and guinea grass (145,000) with topdressing of fertilizers for the sorghum resulted in the highest sorghum grain yields (6238 and 6127kgha-1 for intercropping with palisade grass and guinea grass, respectively). Forage production (8112, 10,972 and 13,193Mg ha-1 for the first, second and third cuts, respectively) was highest when sorghum and guinea grass were intercropped. The timing of intercropping is an important factor in sorghum grain yield and forage production. Palisade grass or guinea grass must be intercropped with sorghum with topdressing fertilization to achieve the highest sorghum grain yield, but this significantly reduces the forage production. Intercropping sorghum with guinea grass sown simultaneously yielded the highest revenue per ha (€ 1074.4), which was 2.4 times greater than the revenue achieved by sowing sorghum only. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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In questo elaborato prenderemo in esame la questione della progettazione di un sistema software atto a gestire alcuni dei problemi legati alla raccolta dei dati in ambito medico. Da tempo infatti si è capita l'importanza di una speciale tecnica di raccolta dei dati clinici, nota in letteratura col nome di "patient-reported outcome", che prevede che siano i pazienti stessi a fornire le informazioni circa l'andamento di una cura, di un test clinico o, più semplicemente, informazioni sul loro stato di salute fisica o mentale. Vedremo in questa trattazione come ciò sia possibile e, soprattutto, come le tecniche e le tecnologie informatiche possano dare un grande contributo ai problemi di questo ambito. Mostreremo non solo come sia conveniente l'uso, in campo clinico, di tecniche automatiche di raccolta dei dati, della loro manipolazione, aggregazione e condivisione, ma anche come sia possibile realizzare un sistema moderno che risolva tutti questi problemi attraverso l'utilizzo di tecnologie esistenti, tecniche di modellazione dei dati strutturati e un approccio che, mediante un processo di generalizzazione, aiuti a semplificare lo sviluppo del software stesso.


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Questa tesi si propone di offrire una visione approfondita della situazione del servizio di interpretazione giudiziaria nel Regno Unito. In particolare, alla luce della la Direttiva 2010/64/UE del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio sul diritto all'interpretazione e alla traduzione, analizza il fallimentare passaggio di gestione dei servizi di legal interpreting dal National Register of Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI) a Capita Translation and Interpreting (Capita TI). Il lavoro è strutturato in tre capitoli. Il primo tratta i contenuti della direttiva relativi all'ambito di indagine: l'istituzione di registri, la figura dell'interprete giudiziario suggerita e il ruolo degli Stati membri. Il secondo capitolo contiene invece l'analisi dei due sistemi: NRPSI, organizzazione no-profit, indipendente e volontaria, e Capita TI, azienda fornitrice di servizi linguistici. Si vedrà, nello specifico, come sono composte, come lavorano, come funzionano i loro registri, secondo quali criteri vengono selezionati gli interpreti e in che modo corrispondono alle direttive dell'Unione Europea. Nel terzo e ultimo capitolo, si presenta la situazione dell'interpretazione giudiziaria nel Regno Unito. Si ricostruiscono inizialmente le motivazioni che hanno portato il Ministero della Giustizia inglese ad appaltare a terzi la gestione del servizio di interpretazione giudiziaria, In seguito, si espongono le problematiche insorte sin dalla firma del contratto tra Capita TI e il Ministry of Justice e le conseguenti reazioni dei servizi pubblici coinvolti e degli interpreti che hanno deciso di boicottare la nuova disposizione. Dopo aver illustrato le misure che, nel 2013, Capita e l'MoJ si sono impegnati ad attuare per invertire la disastrosa tendenza iniziale, si vedrà infine in quale modo queste hanno influito sull'ancora irrisolta situazione attuale.


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Aims: To estimate (i) Australian government taxation revenue collected from the consumption of alcohol by adolescents and (ii) the amount spent by the government on interventions aimed at educating adolescents about the potential dangers of alcohol use. Design: Secondary data analysis. Setting: Australia. Findings: Australian adolescents (aged between 12 and 17 years, inclusive) spent approximately $217 million on alcoholic beverages in 2002, netting the Australian government approximately $112 million in tax revenue. This resulted in an average of $195 earned in tax per adolescent drinker. It is estimated that the Government spent approximately $17 million on adolescent drinking interventions in 2002, equating to an expenditure of about $10.51 per adolescent on the delivery of alcohol interventions. For every dollar spent on alcohol interventions aimed at adolescents, it is estimated that the government receives around $7 in alcohol tax revenue. Conclusions: A substantial disparity exists between the amount of tax revenue received by the Australian Government from adolescent drinkers and the overall amount spent in attempting to prevent and relieve some of the problems associated with adolescent problem drinking. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This ruling proclaims that charges paid by a customer for streaming television programs, movies, music, and other similar content are charges for communication services and are therefore subject to South Carolina sales and use tax whether paid for as part of a subscription service, per item, or per event.