919 resultados para Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory


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Addressing the dynamics of interpersonal violence, institutionalised abuses and prisoner isolation, this article consolidates critical analyses as challenges to the essentially liberal constructions and interpretations of prisoner agency and penal reformism. Grounded in long-term research with women in prison in the North of Ireland, it connects embedded, punitive responses that undermine women prisoners’ self-esteem and mental health to the brutalising manifestations of formal and informal punishments, including lockdowns and isolation. It argues that critical social research into penal policy and prison regimes has a moral duty, an ethical obligation and a political responsibility to investigate abuses of power, seek out the ‘view from below’. Challenging the revisionism implicit within the ‘healthy prison’ discourse, it argues for alternatives to prison as the foundation of decarceration and abolition.


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Back pain is a common complaint in pregnancy, affecting approximately two-thirds of pregnant women [Pennick and Lidle, 2013]. This can lead to increased disability, affecting daily activities and cause absence from work. Evidence-based recommendations can be made for the use of exercise as an effective conservative treatment for the relief of back pain in pregnancy [Benten et al, 2014]. This poster explores the background to back pain in pregnancy and the advice women should be offered in relation to exercise to help normalise their pregnancy experience and enhance wellbeing.


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Neuropeptide Y is a 36 amino acid peptide that belongs to the pancreatic polypeptide family. It co-localises with adrenaline in sympathetic nerves and is released upon sympathetic activation resulting in vasoconstriction. In addition to its vascular effects NPY is also thought to have a role in pain modulation, angiogenesis and immunomodulation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to quantify the levels of NPY in human dental pulp tissue from intact and grossly carious teeth and to relate these results to pain experience. Methods: A total of 48 permanent teeth [mean age 32.1(+/- 11.2 years)] were included in the study, of these 22 were intact and 26 were grossly carious. In the grossly carious group, 17 teeth were reported painful prior to extraction and the remainder were reported non-painful. NPY was measured using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay which has been previously described. Pain was scored as either present or absent in all the teeth studied. Results: Of particular interest in this study was the finding that NPY levels were significantly higher in dental pulp tissue from non-painful grossly carious teeth (p= 0.006) compared with painful grossly carious teeth. Conclusions: The increased levels of NPY reported in non-painful grossly carious teeth may suggest a role for NPY in pain modulation in human dental pulp.


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The contemporary literature investigating the construct broadly known as time perspective is replete with methodological and conceptual concerns. These concerns focus on the reliability and factorial validity of measurement tools, and the sample-specific modification of scales. These issues continue to hamper the development of this potentially useful psychological construct. An emerging body of evidence has supported the six-factor structure of scores on the Adolescent Time Inventory-Time Attitudes Scale, as well as their reliability. The present study utilized data from the first wave of a longitudinal study in the United Kingdom to examine the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the scale. Results showed that the hypothesized six-factor model provided the best fit for the data; all alpha and omega estimates were >. .70; scores on ATI-TA factors related meaningfully to self-efficacy scores; and the factor structure was invariant across both research sites. Results are discussed in the context of the extant temporal literature.


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Despite professional expectations for midwives to provide care to women that is founded in equality and recognises diversity (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015), women from ethnic minority populations consistently suggest that they are not heard (Briscoe and Lavender, 2009; Tobin et al, 2014). This article reflects upon a situation where a Portuguese woman with limited English speaking ability was denied access to epidural anaesthesia as the midwife felt that she could not give valid consent to the procedure without the presence of an interpreter. The midwife’s role within this situation will be reflected upon and implications for midwifery practice identified.


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RESUMO ABSTRACT Comunicações orais e Posters Oral communications and posters Este formulário, após preenchido, e aceites as condições descritas no regulamento das Comunicações orais e Posters deve ser enviado para isnr@porto.ucp.pt After complete this form and accept the conditions described in the oral communications and posters regulation, please sent to isnr@porto.ucp.pt Tipo de comunicação (comunicação oral ou poster): Comunicação oral Type of communication: (oral communication or poster): Oral comunication Título (Title): “CAPACITAR O DOENTE ONCOLÓGICO COM DOENÇA AVANÇADA E/OU O CUIDADOR PARA A GESTÃO DA DOR EM DOMICÍLIO” “EMPOWER THE ONCOLOGIC PATIENT WITH ADVANCED DISEASE AT HOME AND/OR THE CAREGIVER FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PAIN” Autoria (Authors): CORREIA, Isabel* (doutoranda em Enfermagem na Universidade de Lisboa) LOPES, Manuel (orientador do projeto) Afiliação dos autores (Authors affiliation): – Professora adjunta na Universidade de Évora, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São João de Deus de Évora, doutoranda em enfermagem Universidade de Lisboa - – Professor Doutor em Enfermagem, Diretor da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São João de Deus de Évora, Universidade de Évora E-mail: icorreia@uevora.pt - 964078445 mjl@uevora.pt Resumo (3000 caracteres com espaços) INTRODUÇÃO Um dos sintomas mais frequentes no doente oncológico com doença avançada é a dor. Segundo Palliative Care in European, a dor oncológica, tem uma importância especial porque o cancro é a segunda causa de morte em Portugal e por existir dor moderada a intensa em mais de 90% dos doentes em situação oncológica terminal. O desenvolvimento de um programa estruturado de intervenção de enfermagem que vá de encontro às necessidades do doente oncológico com doença avançada e/ou cuidador, relativamente à gestão da dor, poderá ter um impacto muito significativo no controlo da dor e de outros sintomas. OBJETIVOS Avaliar o efeito de um programa de Intervenção de Enfermagem na capacidade de gestão da dor por parte do doente oncológico com doença avançada e/ou o cuidador em domicílio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS A implementação do programa tem a duração prevista para 6 semanas. Compreende duas sessões educativas, três telefonemas e uma sessão de avaliação final. O programa foi elaborado, após uma Revisão sistemática de Literatura, com base no programa “ THE PRO-SELF”, nas Orientações Genéricas preconizadas pelo Plano Nacional de Luta Contra a dor e na Intervenção de enfermagem “Controle da Dor” da Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC). RESULTADOS O projeto encontra-se na fase de implementação e avaliação do programa educativo. No início os doentes não apresentam informação relativamente à gestão da dor, no final demonstram capacidade para a monitorização da dor e de outros sintomas e para a gestão da terapêutica, realizando os registos num diário de bordo. A literacia, a situação clínica e a disponibilidade interferem na capacidade de gestão. A proximidade da morte e a alteração do estado de consciência interferem na autonomia e na tomada de decisão. CONCLUSÃO Em fase de colheita e análise de dados. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 1. FREIXO, Manuel. Metodologia Cientifica - Fundamentos, Metodos e Tecnicas. s.l. : Piaget, 2011. 2. Bulechek, Gloria M. e etal. Classificaçaõ das Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC). Rio de Janeiro : elsevier, 2010. 3. Tsigaroppoulos, T. e etal. Problems faced by relatives caring for cancer patients at home. International Journal Of Nursing Practice. 15, 2009, Vol. 1, Nursing Pratice. 4. west, C.:Dodd,M., et al. Pain Control Program-an effective approach for cancer pain management. Oncology Nursing Forum. 1, 2003, Vol. 30, Oncology Nursing. 5. NR/rdonlyres/6861126B-C57A-46E1-B065-316C0CF8DACD/0/ControlodaDor.pdf, . (2008). . Consultado em 30 de Novembro de 2012 a partir de. Direcção-Geral da Saúde . http://www.portaldasaude.pt. [Online] 2008. [Citação: 30 de Novembro de 2012.] http://www.portaldasaude.pt/NR/rdonlyres/6861126B-C57A-46E1-B065-316COCF8DACD/0/Controlodador.pdf . Abstract (3000 characters with spaces) INTRODUCTION One of the most frequent symptoms in oncological patient with advanced disease is pain. According to Palliative Care in European, oncological pain, has a special importance because the cancer is the second most common cause of death in Portugal and there is moderate to severe pain in more than 90 % of patients in oncological terminal situation. The development of a structured program of nursing intervention that will meet the needs of the oncological patient with advanced disease and/or caregiver at home on pain management, will be able to provide for the management of pain, increasing knowledge for the control of pain while minimizing the associated symptoms that influence the quality of life of the patient and the caregiver's anxiety. PURPOSE/GOAL/AIM To evaluate the effect of an educational program of Nursing Intervention on pain management by the oncological patient with advanced disease and/or caregiver. RESEARCH/PROBLEM What is the effect of a structured program of nursing intervention directed to the patient and/or oncological patient caregiver with advanced disease at home, in the management of pain? METHODOLOGY Almost experimental study, with assessment of the management capacity of the oncological patient pain with advanced disease at home and/or informal caregiver, before and after the intervention of nursing (educational program) and transverse evaluation throughout the study. Population: oncological patients with advanced disease at home, with more than 18 years, and or family caregiver, attending an Oncology Unit – Hospital during the day. RESULTS Made an application in an Oncology service in oncological patients with advanced disease at home, it was found that at the beginning the patients did not present information regarding pain management, at the end demonstrated capacity for monitoring of pain and other symptoms and therapeutic management, performing a logbook records. CONCLUSION In the process of collection and analysis of data. KEYWORDS Educational Program; oncological patient; oncological pain.


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“Branch-and-cut” algorithm is one of the most efficient exact approaches to solve mixed integer programs. This algorithm combines the advantages of a pure branch-and-bound approach and cutting planes scheme. Branch-and-cut algorithm computes the linear programming relaxation of the problem at each node of the search tree which is improved by the use of cuts, i.e. by the inclusion of valid inequalities. It should be taken into account that selection of strongest cuts is crucial for their effective use in branch-and-cut algorithm. In this thesis, we focus on the derivation and use of cutting planes to solve general mixed integer problems, and in particular inventory problems combined with other problems such as distribution, supplier selection, vehicle routing, etc. In order to achieve this goal, we first consider substructures (relaxations) of such problems which are obtained by the coherent loss of information. The polyhedral structure of those simpler mixed integer sets is studied to derive strong valid inequalities. Finally those strong inequalities are included in the cutting plane algorithms to solve the general mixed integer problems. We study three mixed integer sets in this dissertation. The first two mixed integer sets arise as a subproblem of the lot-sizing with supplier selection, the network design and the vendor-managed inventory routing problems. These sets are variants of the well-known single node fixed-charge network set where a binary or integer variable is associated with the node. The third set occurs as a subproblem of mixed integer sets where incompatibility between binary variables is considered. We generate families of valid inequalities for those sets, identify classes of facet-defining inequalities, and discuss the separation problems associated with the inequalities. Then cutting plane frameworks are implemented to solve some mixed integer programs. Preliminary computational experiments are presented in this direction.


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Existem milhões de sobreviventes de cancro da mama no mundo, em exponencial crescimento. Esta população pode apresentar preocupações relevantes acerca do futuro, depressão, ansiedade, sintomas pós-traumáticos, e comprometimento da qualidade de vida. As intervenções de grupo breves, estruturadas, especialmente as que incluem estratégias cognitivo-comportamentais, têm sido indicadas para esta população. O presente trabalho surge neste contexto, em que os estudos são escassos, especialmente em Portugal. Um conjunto de 5 estudos foi conduzido com o intuito de avaliar a eficácia de dois programas de intervenção de grupo breves e estruturadas de inspiração cognitivo-comportamental, um de tipo psicopedagógico e outro de terapia cognitivo-comportamental, em sobreviventes de cancro da mama. Nos primeiros dois estudos procedeu-se ao estudo das caraterísticas psicométricas de dois instrumentos de avaliação, o Questionário de Formas de Lidar com o Cancro (CCQ) e o Questionário de Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9).Os dois estudos seguintes referem-se ao desenvolvimento dos programas de intervenção de grupo, acompanhados dos resultados preliminares. No último estudo avaliou-se a eficácia dos dois programas de intervenção na promoção do ajustamento psicossocial de 62 sobreviventes de cancro da mama, num estudo quasi-experimental, com pré e pós-testes e duas avaliações de seguimento (3 e 6 meses após a intervenção). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: o CCQ; o PHQ-9; a Escala de Controlo Emocional (CEC); a Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (EADH); o questionário de qualidade de vida da Organização Europeia de Investigação e Tratamento de Cancro com o módulo suplementar de cancro da mama (EORTC QLQ-C30 e BR-23); o Inventário Clínico de Autoconceito (ICAC); o Teste de Orientação de Vida - Revisto (TOV-R); o Perfil dos Estados de Humor (POMS); a Subescala de Crescimento Pessoal da Escala de Bem-Estar Psicológico (EBEP); a sub-escala de espiritualidade e o Inventário de estado-traço de ansiedade (STAI). Resultados: As sobreviventes que não tiveram intervenção apresentaram deterioração de dois domínios da qualidade de vida, a função cognitiva e a dor, para além de piores resultados na subescala de vigor. A deterioração dos domínios da qualidade de vida manteve-se aos 3 meses e extendeu-se aos sintomas da mama, o que não se verificou com o vigor. O grupo com intervenção psicoeducativa apresentou melhoria do autoconceito até aos 6 meses. Neste grupo também se observou um aumento do controlo emocional até aos 3 meses. O grupo de terapia cognitivo-comportamental apresentou aumento do estado de ansiedade e diminuição do funcionamento de papel no final da intervenção, diminuição do funcionamento emocional aos 3 meses e aumento na hostilidade e na confusão aos 6 meses. Ambos os grupos com intervenção apresentaram diminuição do traço de ansiedade aos 6 meses. Foram encontradas diversas correlações significativas destes efeitos com variáveis demográficas, clínicas e psicossociais. Conclusão: As intervenções de grupo breves, de inspiração cognitivo-comportamental, mostraram contribuir para a redução do traço de ansiedade a longo prazo e para a manutenção da função cognitiva, da dor, do vigor, e dos sintomas da mama nas sobreviventes. O programa psicopedagógico parece ser mais indicado para as sobreviventes, pelos efeitos no autoconceito, com maior extensão a longo prazo. São referidas implicações para a prática clínica e para a promoção da saúde mental desta população.