870 resultados para MESANGIAL OVERLOAD


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologias Social.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Enquadramento: O luto é algo complexo e abarca múltiplas dimensões que podem resultar em luto patológico. Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência de luto complicado em familiares de pessoas em situação paliativa; identificar que variáveis sociodemográficas e de contexto do luto interferem no processo de luto complicado; averiguar se há relação entre a funcionalidade familiar, satisfação quanto aos cuidados prestados ao ente querido, a sobrecarga do cuidador e o luto em familiares de pessoas em situação paliativa. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, realizado numa amostra de 75 familiares de doentes em situação paliativa. Utilizou-se um Questionário Sociodemográfico; Escala de Apgar Familiar (Agostinho & Rebelo, 1988), Escala do Contexto do Luto (Cunha, 2014), Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Familiares dos Doentes em Cuidados Paliativos - Escala FAMCARE (Almeida, 2012), Escala de Sobrecarga do Cuidador (Sequeira, 2010) e o Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG) (Frade & Rocha, 2008). Resultados: Dos 75 participantes, apenas 24 (35.2%) que se encontravam pelo menos há 6 meses enlutados obtiveram uma pontuação superior a 30 no ICG, tradutora de vivência de luto complicado. Destes, 58.3% eram mulheres e 41.7% homens; na faixa etária =<49 anos (37.5%); com companheiro(a) (54.2%); 70.8% revelam funcionalidade familiar; 62.5% dos participantes perdeu um familiar direto, cujo falecimento ocorreu em 71.4% dos casos no domicílio; 83.3% dos familiares revelam sobrecarga com os cuidados; 29.2% revelam-se insatisfeitos com os cuidados prestados ao seu familiar. Conclusão: Os resultados revelam a necessidade de identificação dos fatores de risco no luto, de modo a mobilizarem-se os recursos para a promoção da vivência saudável do luto. Palavras-Chave: Cuidados Paliativos; Familiares; Luto Complicado.


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Introdution: Haemochromatosis-type IV, the ferroportin disease, is characterized by an autosomal-dominant transmission and early iron accumulation in macrophages. It is caused by mutations in the transmembrane iron exporter protein ferroportin1 (SLC40A1 gene). In form A (classic), ferroportin loss of function mutants are unable to export iron from cells leading to cellular iron accumulation with decreased availability of iron for serum transferrin (TS). We present a Portuguese rare clinical case of HH-IV. Materials and Methods: A 41-year-old woman with hyperferritinemia and normal TS. Causes of hyperferritinemia (inflammation, chronic alcohol consumption, metabolic syndrome, cell necrosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and aceruloplasminemia) were assessed. Liver iron, evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was carried out. Screening for mutation in HFE and SCL40A1 genes were performed by Sanger sequencing. Baseline: Ferritin:708ng/ml; TS: 27%; MRI:85µmol/g; Hb:13,6g/dl. Therapy: weekly 450ml Therapeutic Phlebotomies (TP) until ferritin≤50ng/ml. Results: Hyperferritinemia comorbidities and common genetic mutations for haemochromatosis were negative. However, sequencing of the patient SLC40A1 gene has revealed the presence in heterozygosity of the variant c.238G>A; p.Gly80Ser. Due to low tolerance to TP, we adopted smaller phlebotomies every three weeks. Conclusion: This patient has a rare autosomal-dominant Ferroportin disease due to a mutated ferroportin which is predicted to be defective in iron cellular export. In agreement, she presents hyperferritinemia, with normal TS and liver iron overload. The genotype/phenotype association allowed to diagnosis this rare FD case. Although a mild form A, we decided to start TP. Her father also has been treated for iron overload.


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No presente trabalho são estudadas chumaceiras axiais de esmagamento de película compressível. A lubrificação deste componente mecânico, é conseguida por meio de um fluido gasoso justificando a obtenção de soluções por via de experimentação numérica, uma vez que atualmente ainda não é possível recorrer-se a métodos analíticos. Através da simulação numérica, analisa-se a influência de alguns parâmetros operacionais na resposta deste tipo de chumaceira. Na análise dos resultados verifica-se que a posição média final do elemento suportado é independente da espessura de película inicial utilizada, desde que esta não ultrapasse o valor limite em que a pressão gerada não consiga fazer face à aceleração da massa durante a fase descendente, resultando no contacto entre as superfícies dos elementos da chumaceira. A utilização de frequências elevadas é recomendável uma vez que promove uma maior separação de superfícies, menor dissipação de energia por parte da película lubrificante e menor amplitude de oscilação do elemento suportado, embora com as desvantagens do período transiente ser superior e do ganho do afastamento do elemento suportado se reduzir significativamente, seguindo um modelo assimptótico. Em condições de pressão constante e frequência elevada, o sistema, com o aumento da massa, reage de forma a permitir uma melhor lubrificação da chumaceira e a reduzir a oscilação do elemento suportado. Por outro lado, a rigidez do sistema aumenta fazendo face a uma possível sobrecarga.


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O cuidador informal tem nos últimos anos ganho visibilidade em inúmeras investigações. No entanto, não foram encontrados registos em Portugal relativamente às competências do cuidador informal e a forma como a exposição a um programa de informação o pode influenciar. Desta forma, foi desenvolvido o presente estudo no âmbito do desenvolvimento de competências no cuidador informal, recorrendo à metodologia de investigação ação. A estratégia metodológica utilizada na componente da ação (característica basilar na metodologia selecionada) consistiu na realização de um conjunto de sessões em contexto de domicílio com os cuidadores informais. Pretendeu-se com esta estratégia expor os cuidadores a um conjunto de informações e intervenções planeadas de acordo com as suas necessidades. Durante o estudo foram utilizados instrumentos de recolha de dados de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. Salientamos ainda que em contexto de domicílio, foram também utilizadas outras estratégias e técnicas de desenvolvimento de competências sociais que permitiram complementar a informação a que os cuidadores foram expostos. Os instrumentos referidos anteriormente foram utilizados numa população de seis cuidadores provenientes do distrito de Portalegre. Após a realização do estudo foi possível verificar que as visitas domiciliárias são uma estratégia de ação que influenciam o desenvolvimento de competências sociais no cuidador informal, a informação adequada ao cuidador influencia o conhecimento dos cuidadores informais relativamente ao ato de cuidar, os cuidadores informais que têm redes familiares apresentam uma maior resiliência, o desenvolvimento de competências sociais influencia a sobrecarga no cuidador informal, que o aumento da resiliência influencia os níveis de sobrecarga nos cuidadores informais e que os cuidadores informais que identificam e gerem as emoções apresentam menor sobrecarga.


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The close association of excessive alcohol consumption and clinical expression of hemochromatosis has been of widespread interest for many years. In most populations of northern European extraction, more than 90% of patients with overt hemochromatosis are homozygous for the C282Y mutation in the HFE gene. Nevertheless, the strong association of heavy alcohol intake with the clinical expression of hemochromatosis remains. We (individually or in association with colleagues from our laboratories) have performed three relevant studies in which this association was explored. In the first, performed in 1975 before the cloning of the HFE gene, the frequency of clinical symptoms and signs was compared in patients with classical hemochromatosis who consumed 100 g or more of alcohol per day versus in nondrinkers or moderate drinkers who consumed less than 100 g of alcohol per day. The results showed no difference between the two groups except for features of complications of alcoholism in the first group, especially jaundice, peripheral neuritis, and hepatic failure. Twenty-five percent of those with heavy alcohol consumption showed histologic features of alcoholic liver disease (including cirrhosis) together with heavy iron overload. It was concluded that these patients had the genetic disease complicated by alcoholic liver disease. In the second study (2002), 206 subjects with classical HFE-associated hemochromatosis in whom liver biopsy had been performed were evaluated to quantify the contribution of excess alcohol consumption to the development of cirrhosis in hemochromatosis. Cirrhosis was approximately nine times more likely to develop in subjects with hemochromatosis who consumed more than 60 g of alcohol per day than in those who drank less than this amount. In the third study (2002), 371 C282Y-homozygous relatives of patients with HFE-associated hemochromatosis were assessed. Eleven subjects had cirrhosis on liver biopsy and four of these drank 60 g or more of alcohol per day. The reason why heavy alcohol consumption accentuates the clinical expression of hemochromatosis is unclear. Increased dietary iron or increased iron absorption is unlikely. The most likely explanation would seem to be the added co-factor effect of iron and alcohol, both of which cause oxidative stress, hepatic stellate cell activation, and hepatic fibrogenesis. In addition, the cumulative effects of other forms of liver injury may result when iron and alcohol are present concurrently. Clearly, the addition of dietary iron in subjects homozygous for hemochromatosis would be unwise. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is highly expressed in osteoclasts and in a subset of tissue macrophages and dendritic cells. It is expressed at lower levels in the parenchymal cells of the liver, glomerular mesangial cells of the kidney and pancreatic acinar cells. We have identified novel TRAP mRNAs that differ in their 5-untranslated region (5'-UTR) sequence, but align with the known murine TRAP mRNA from the first base of Exon 2. The novel 5'-UTRs represent alternative first exons located upstream of the known 5'-UTR. A similar genomic structure exists for the human TRAP gene with partial conservation of the exon and promoter sequences. Expression of the most distal 5'-UTR (Exon 1A) is restricted to adult bone and spleen tissue. Exon 1B is expressed primarily in tissues containing TRAP-positive nonhaematopoietic cells. The known TRAP 5'-UTR (Exon 1) is expressed in tissues characteristic of myeloid cell expression. In addition the Exon 1C promoter sequence is shown to comprise distinct transcription start regions, with an osteoclast-specific transcription initiation site identified downstream of a TATA-like element. Macrophages are shown to initiate transcription of the Exon 1C transcript from a purine-rich region located upstream of the osteoclast-specific transcription start point. The distinct expression patterns for each of the TRAP 5'-UTRs suggest that TRAP mRNA expression is regulated by the use of four alternative tissue- and cell-restricted promoters. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The calcineurin pathway has been involved in the development of cardiac hypertrophy, yet it remains unknown whether calcineurin activity can be regulated in myocardium independently from hypertrophy and cardiac load. Methods: To test that hypothesis, we measured calcineurin activity in a rat model of infrarenal aortic constriction (IR), which affects neurohormonal pathways without increasing cardiac afterload. Results: In this model, there was no change in arterial pressure over the 4-week experimental period, and the left ventricle/body weight ratio did not increase. At 2 weeks after IR, calcineurin activity was increased 1.8-fold (P


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Reasons for performing study: Acute laminitis is characterised by hoof lamellar dermal-epidermal separation at the basement membrane (BM) zone. Hoof lamellar explants cultured in vitro can also be made to separate at the basement membrane zone and investigating how this occurs may give insight into the poorly understood pathophysiology of laminitis. Objectives: To investigate why glucose deprivation and metalloproteinase (MMP) activation in cultured lamellar explants leads to dermo-epidermal separation. Methods: Explants, cultured without glucose or with the MMP activator p-amino-phenol-mercuric acetate (APMA), were subjected to tension and processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Without glucose, or with APMA, explants under tension separated at the dermo-epidermal junction. This in vitro separation occurred via 2 different ultrastructural processes. Lack of glucose reduced hemidesmosomes (HDs) numbers until they disappeared and the basal cell cytoskeleton collapsed. Anchoring filaments (AFs), connecting the basal cell plasmalemma to the BM, were unaffected although they failed under tension. APMA activation of constituent lamellar MMPs did not affect HDs but caused AFs to disappear, also leading to dermo-epidermal separation under tension. Conclusions: Natural laminitis may occur in situations where glucose uptake by lamellar basal cells is compromised (e.g. equine Cushing's disease, obesity, hyperlipaemia, ischaemia and septicaemia) or when lamellar MMPs are activated (alimentary carbohydrate overload). Potential relevance: Therapies designed to facilitate peripheral glucose uptake and inhibit lamellar MMP activation may prevent or ameliorate laminitis.


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The 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPCIH) family of ligands are typically tridentate N,N,O chelators that exhibit very high in vitro activity in mobilizing intracellular Fe and are promising candidates for the treatment of Fe overload diseases. Complexation of ferrous perchlorate with HPCIH in MeCN solution gives the expected six-coordinate complex Fe-II(PCIH)(2). However, complexation of Fe-II with 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde picolinoyl hydrazone (HPCPH, an isomer of HPCIH) under the same conditions leads to spontaneous assembly of an unprecedented asymmetric, mixed-ligand dinuclear triple helical complex Fe-2(II)(PCPH)(2)(PPH), where PPH2- is the dianion of bis(picolinoyl) hydrazine. The X-ray crystal structure of this complex shows that each ligand binds simultaneously to both metal centres in a bidentate fashion. The dinuclear complex exhibits two well separated and totally reversible Fe-III/II redox couples as shown by cyclic voltammetry in MeCN solution.


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Ischaemia-reperfusion and toxic injury are leading causes of acute renal failure (ARF). Both of these injury initiators use secondary mediators of damage in oxygen-derived free radicals. Several recent publications about ischaemia-reperfusion and toxin-induced ARF have indicated that plasma membrane structures called caveolae, and their proteins, the caveolins, are potential participants in protecting or repairing renal tissues. Caveolae and caveolins have previously been ascribed many functions, a number of which may mediate cell death or survival of injured renal cells. This review proposes possible pathophysiological mechanisms by which altered caveolin-1 expression and localization may affect renal cell survival following oxidative stress.


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Hepatic hemosiderosis and increased iron absorption are common findings in cirrhosis. It has been proposed that a positive relation exists between intestinal iron absorption and the development of hepatic hemosiderosis. The current study investigated the duodenal expression of the iron transport molecules divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1 [IRE]), iron-regulated gene 1 (Ireg1 [ferroportin]), hephaestin, and duodenal cytochrome b (Dyctb) in 46 patients with cirrhosis and 20 control subjects. Total RNA samples were extracted from duodenal biopsy samples and the expression of the iron transport genes was assessed by ribonuclease protection assays. Expression of DMT1 and Ireg1 was increased 1.5 to 3-fold in subjects with cirrhosis compared with iron-replete control subjects. The presence of cirrhosis per se and serum ferritin (SF) concentration were independent factors that influenced the expression of DMT1. However, only SF concentration was independently associated with Iregl expression. In cirrhosis, the expression of DMT1 and Iregl was not related to the severity of liver disease or cirrhosis type. There was no correlation between the duodenal expression of DMT1 and Iregl and the degree of hepatic siderosis. In conclusion, the presence of cirrhosis is an independent factor associated with increased expression of DMT1 but not Iregl. The mechanism by which cirrhosis mediates this change in DMT1 expression has yet to be determined. Increased expression of DMT1 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of cirrhosis-associated hepatic iron overload.


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Background. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) agonists. which are known to be critical factors in lipid metabolism, have also been reported to reduce proteinuria. The mechanism and its relevance to progressive nephropathy have not been determined. The aims of this study were to assess the direct effects of a PPARgamma agonist on tubular cell albumin uptake, proinflammatory and profibrotic markers of renal pathology, using an opossum kidney model of proximal tubular cells. Methods. Cells were exposed to pioglitazone (10 mumol/L) in the presence and absence of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 100 mug/mL +/- exposure to albumin 1 mg/mL. Results were expressed relative to control (5 mmol/L glucose) conditions. Results. Pioglitazone caused a dose-dependent increase in tubular cell albumin uptake (P < 0.0001). Despite the increase in albumin reabsorption, no concurrent increase in inflammatory or profibrotic markers were observed. Exposure to LDL increased monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) (P < 0.05) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) (P < 0.05) production. which were reversed in the presence of pioglitazone. LDL induced increases in MCP-1 and TGF-β1 were independent of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) transcriptional activity. In contrast. tubular exposure to albumin increased tubular protein uptake, in parallel with an increase in MCP-1 (P = 0.05): TGF-β1 (P < 0.02) and NF-kappaB transcriptional activity (P < 0.05). which were unaffected by concurrent exposure to pioglitazone. Conclusion. These findings suggest that dyslipidemia potentiates renal pathology through mechanisms that may be modified PPARγ activation independent of NF-κB transcriptional activitv. In contrast, tubular exposure to protein induces renal damage through NF-κB-dependent mechanisms that are Unaffected by PPARγ activation.


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Background. Hereditary hemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism that is characterized by excess accumulation of iron in various organs and often leads to diabetes mellitus (DM). To study whether mutations in the hemochromatosis gene (HFE) could be a risk factor for the development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), the prevalence of HFE mutations in patients with GDM was compared to that of healthy pregnant controls. Methods: GDM was diagnosed in 208 of 2,421 pregnant woman screened between the 24th and 28th week of gestation over a period of 18 months. Patients and 170 matched control subjects were screened for the HFE gene mutations C282Y and H63D. Results: In North and Central European GDM patients, the allele frequency of the C282Y mutation (7.7%) was higher than in pregnant controls (2.9%; p = 0.04), while the frequency of the H63D mutation was not different (p = 0.45). Three patients with GDM were homozygous for H63D (3.1%), 1 patient was homozygous for C282Y (1.0%), 2 patients were compound heterozygous (2.0%) and 26 were heterozygous [11 C282Y (11.2%) and 15 H63D (15.3%)]. C282Y and H63D allele frequencies were not different between controls and GDIVI patients of Southern European or non-European origin. Irrespective of the HIFE-mutation status, serum ferritin levels were increased in patients with GDM compared to healthy pregnant controls (p = 0.01), while transferrin saturation was similar in both groups. Conclusions: In North and Central European patients with GDM, the C282Y allele frequency is higherthan in healthy pregnant women, suggesting a genetic susceptibility to the development of GDM. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.