783 resultados para Literatura sin casa


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A presente dissertação procura examinar o fenômeno do subgênero steampunk na literatura de ficção científica contemporânea, rastreando suas origens e analisando suas definições. O steampunk, em sua forma mais comum, trabalha com projeções contrafactuais do passado vitoriano, criando ambientações retrofuturistas para narrar suas histórias. A partir de indícios levantados por pesquisadores sobre a marcante influência cinematográfica sobre esta vertente, em especial das releituras feitas por Hollywood dos scientific romances britânicos e das voyages extraordinaires de Júlio Verne, procurou-se fazer uma espécie de arqueologia do subgênero a partir do projeto editorial original de Júlio Verne e seu editor Pierre-Jules Hetzel, projeto que, desde o seu início, possuía um caráter interdisciplinar e intertextual e que vai permanecer influenciando a ficção científica desde o seu estabelecimento como gênero literário autônomo. Em seguida, tentou-se demonstrar a afinidade da arte cinematográfica, desde seus primórdios, com esse projeto e abordar suas experiências de tradução visual deste universo como um desdobramento natural do corpo textual. Por último, analisou-se os componentes do steampunk (viagens no tempo, história contrafactual, mundos paralelos, ucronias ficcionais) e contextualizamos a vertente brasileira do subgênero no advento do novo romance histórico e no aumento da demanda por livros de divulgação histórica em virtude da efeméride dos 500 anos do Descobrimento do Brasil.


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A figura do índio, na Literatura Brasileira, durante anos foi marcada pelos relatos sob a perspectiva de não índios. As vozes dos povos indígenas foram silenciadas, ocultadas pelo discurso dominante, que disseminava ideias com base em seu ponto de vista, muitas vezes marcado pelo teor de superioridade diante desses povos. Principalmente presentes nos textos de viajantes e missionários da época da colonização, os reflexos dessa atitude ainda são marcantes nos dias atuais: preconceitos e ideias equivocadas sobre a cultura ameríndia. Tempos depois, passa-se do índio bárbaro e selvagem ao índio idealizado das obras românticas, mantendo o discurso parcial pautado na visão do outro. Em 1928, através da proposta antropofágica de Oswald de Andrade, inicia-se um novo período diante dessa realidade, muito embora ainda seja uma visão desenvolvida a partir do homem branco. Oswald contribuiu para trazer à tona a figura do índio sem a idealização romântica e com base na valorização dos nativos e de sua cultura. O modernista, com sua bandeira da assimilação crítica de conteúdos, propunha um resgate do primitivo como forma de integrar essa realidade aos novos tempos da industrialização, além de objetivar a ruptura com modelos pré-estabelecidos e eliminação do vetor dominante-dominado. Nos últimos anos, por outro lado, tem crescido o número de obras no âmbito artístico produzidas pelos próprios indígenas, trazendo as vozes que, na verdade, sempre existiram. Nesse contexto, encontra-se a obra de Eliane Potiguara. A mulher e indígena, voz marcante do livro Metade cara, metade máscara (2004), apresenta ao leitor o viver entre dois mundos, o adaptar-se ao universo contemporâneo sem perder as suas raízes e a sabedoria ancestral. Assim como Oswald, Potiguara resgata o primitivo, através do discurso construído a partir da mulher-terra, e assimila recursos do universo do não índio para gritar suas dores e sua esperança, o que possibilita um diálogo com a proposta da Antropofagia oswaldiana. Pretende-se, a partir da ideia desenvolvida por Benedito Nunes (2011) acerca do caráter diagnóstico, terapêutico e metafórico da Antropofagia, estabelecer relações entre os pensamentos de Oswald de Andrade e Eliane Potiguara por meio da arte literária, refletindo sobre a ruptura com padrões pré-estabelecidos através de novas perspectivas, a exemplo da literatura indígena


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Growth, mortality and stock parameters of Johnieops sina (Cuvier) based on the data collected from 1989 to 1994 from Sassoon Dock and New Ferry Wharf landing centres of Greater Bombay has been discussed here. The von Bertallanffy's growth parameters for this species were estimated as follows, L∞= 266 mm, K=0.91 per year and W∞=193 g. This species grows to 159 and 223 mm at the end of first and second year of its life. The mortality parameters estimated were Z=6.17, M=2. 03 and F=4.14. The E and U were calculated as 0.62 and 0.63 respectively. Length cohort and Thompson Bell analyses show that there is no decline in the catches at the present level of fishing. But even by doubling the efforts the catches can go up by only 9.4 % indicating that the fishing efforts is not economical and proportional to the increase in yield.


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We investigate two-photon excited fluorescence from CdSe quantum dots with a center-emitting wavelength of 655 nm on SiN photonic crystals. We find that two-photon excited fluorescence is enhanced by more than 1 order of magnitude in the vertical direction when a photonic crystal is used compared to the fluorescence spectra in the absence of photonic crystals. The spectrum of two-photon excited fluorescence from quantum dots on SiN photonic crystal is observed to shift to blue compared to that from quantum dots on SiN without photonic crystals. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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We investigated the dynamics of spontaneous emission from a photonic crystal etched into a SiN slab. After fitting the decay curves of the emission to double exponential functions, we divided the dynamic process of the spontaneous emission into a fast process and a slow process. It was observed that the presence of the photonic crystal increased the proportion of the fast decay component, and consequently, the emission rate and time-integrated emission intensity were also enhanced. These enhancements were a result of the coupling of the guide modes to the leaky modes of the photonic crystal slab waveguide. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Two-photon excited fluorescence from CdSe quantum dots on a two-dimensional SiN photonic crystal surface is investigated by using a femtosecond laser. By using a photonic crystal, a 90-fold enhancement in the two-photon excited fluorescence in the vertical direction is achieved. This is the highest enhancement achieved so far in the two-photon excited fluorescence in the vertical direction. The mechanism of the enhancement for two-photon excited fluorescence from quantum dots on photonic crystals is analyzed.


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Fourier transformation (FT) method has been used in the theoretical lineshape analysis of the Franz-Keldysh Oscillation (FKO) in detail by numerical simulation. The FKO of a set of GaAs SIN+ samples was obtained in photoreflectance measurements. The FT spectra of a part of the samples,including of the real part,imaginary part, and mode of the FT,are well consistent with the theoretical lineshapes. The ratio of the square root of the reduced mass of the light hole (LH) to the heavy hole (HH), root mu(1)/root mu(h), obtained in the analysis was in the range of 0.805 to 0.816 for different samples. In addition,the built-in electric field F-1, and the modulation field delta F = F-1 - F-2 induced by photo-modulation were also obtained in the analysis. However,for a few samples great difference was found in the lineshape of the real part and imaginary part of their FT spectra from the theoretical lineshape. In this case the mode of the FT spectra still can be used to obtain useful information.


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Quantum well disordering of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well(MQW) has been accomplished with only plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited (PECVD) SiN cap layer growth. The amount of blue shift increases with SiN growing time. This result has been explained by the vacancy indiffusion during PECVD SiN growth. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of the sample after SiN cap layer growth at 850 degrees C for 35 s caused a larger amount of blue shift than those obtained without RTA. By considering the model of Al diffusion from AlGaAs barrier into GaAs QWs together with the result from photoluminescence (PL) measurement, Al diffusion coefficients were calculated. The Al diffusion coefficient due to PECVD SiN was estimated at about 3 x10(-17) cm(2)/s. It was possible to extract the effect of RTA on the QW disordering, which showed that the amount of the blue shift and the Al diffusion coefficient due only to RTA increases with SiN cap layer thickness as reported by Chi et al.(10))


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采用射频磁控反应溅射法结合热退火处理技术制备纳米硅镶嵌氮化硅(ncSi-SiN_x)复合薄膜.通过X射线能谱(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)的测定,对薄膜进行了结构及所包含硅晶粒大小的表征.采用皮秒激光器运用单光束Z扫描技术开展了对该复合薄膜的非线性光学性质的研究,测得其三阶非线性折射率系数和非线性光吸收系数分别为10~(-8) esu和10~(-8)m/W量级,并将薄膜这种三阶光学非线性的增强归因于量子限域效应.


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An effort has been made to modify the mechanical behaviour of our previously reported gel-type gamma-radiation crosslinked polyethylene oxide (PEO)-LiClO4 polymer electrolyte. A highly polar and gamma-radiation crosslinkable crystalline polymer, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), was selected to blend with PEO and then subjected to gamma-irradiation in order to make an simultaneous interpenetrating network (SIN), which was used as a polymer host to impart stiffness to the plasticized system. Experimental results have shown that the presence of PVDF in the system, through gamma-radiation induced SIN formation, could not only give a rather high mechanical modulus of 10(7) Pa at ambient temperature, but also maintain the room temperature ionic conductivity at a high level (greater than 10(-4) S/cm). DSC, DMA and conductivity measurement techniques were used to examine the effects of blending, gamma-irradiation and plasticization on the variations of glass transition and melting endotherm, on the appearance of high elastic plateau and on the temperature dependence of ionic conductivity: In addition, it was found that, in contrast with the unplasticized system, the ionic conductivity mechanism of this gel-type electrolyte seems to conform to the Arrhenius model, suggesting that, as a result of the high degree of plasticization, the polymer chains act mainly as the skeleton of the networks or polymer cages to immobilize the liquid electrolyte solution, whereas the ionic species migrate as if they were in a liquid medium. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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In the present study, the quality of post-thaw sperm of red seabream Pagrus major frozen with 6-24% DMSO was investigated. The motility, average path velocity and fertilizing capacity of fresh and their corresponding post-thaw sperm were examined for evaluation of the post-thaw sperm motion characteristics and its association with fertilizing capacity. An analysis of sperm motility before and after cryopreservation has been performed using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). For post-thaw sperm frozen with 12-21% DMSO, the percentages of motile sperm were not significantly (P > 0.05) changed 10 s after activation. Moreover, the main motility pattern and swimming velocity of the motile post-thaw sperm were not significantly (P > 0.05) changed and the progressive linear motion was still the dominant pattern. However, the total motility of post-thaw sperm (72.3 +/- 6.3%) 30 s after activation was (P < 0.05) lower than the corresponding fresh sperm (82.7 +/- 7.2%). Additionally, the fertilizing capacity of post-thaw sperm was investigated with a standardized sperm to egg ratio 500:1. There is a linear regression relationship between the percentage of motile post-thaw sperm and fertilizing capability. These data demonstrate that 12-21% DMSO can provide good protection to the sperm during the freezing-thawing process. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A publicação apresenta uma estrutura móvel construída com lona e tubo de ferro que pode ser usada como uma casa de embalagem rudimentar, onde as hortaliças são armazenadas e preparadas entre a colheita e a expedição.