985 resultados para Lepanto, Battle of, Greece, 1571.
Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.
Este artículo analiza una dinámica de intervenciones de Estados Unidos en América Latina que no ha atraído suficientemente la atención de los historiadores. En los años treinta y cuarenta, cuando Europa se hundía en una nueva confrontación bélica, ciertos sectores del gobierno y del mundo empresarial norteamericano intentaron articular una nueva relación con los países del continente basada en una propuesta de multilateralismo que se había configurado dentro de la Sociedad de Naciones (SN). Estos estadounidenses intentaron establecer una dinámica de relaciones triangulares con los gobiernos latinoamericanos y los organismos técnicos de la SN. Gracias a ello, como se mostrará en este artículo para el caso del funcionamiento del Comité Fiscal de la Sociedad de Naciones, los latinoamericanos fueron capaces de influir en el tipo de políticas que debían emanar de esta relación triangular. La importancia de esta historia no es menor. La relación triangular entre Estados Unidos, América Latina y la SN sirvió de base para la reconstrucción de la gobernanza global liderada por los Estados Unidos tras la guerra.
This Bill marks the first occasion on which the British legislature proposed to confer upon authors a lifetime interest in their literary works (with an additional eleven year post-mortem term vesting in their estates), as well as limited rights of translation and abridgement. In addition the draft legislation proposed to render null and void any contract purporting to assign an author's rights to another for a period of longer than ten years.
The commentary describes the background to the Bill, and in particular the attempts of the London book trade to secure more extensive legislative protection in both 1735 and 1737. It argues that the 1737 Bill is significant precisely because it was never made into law, and because it did not suit the best interests of the metropolitan booksellers. Instead, the book trade increasingly turned to the courts to further secure their commercial interests, giving rise to what is commonly referred to as the ‘battle of the booksellers' throughout the next 40 years.
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii
Cette thèse a comme objectif de démontrer combien Alaric et ses Goths étaient Romains dans pratiquement toutes les catégories connues sur leur compte. Pour ce faire, l’auteur a puisé dans les sciences sociales et a emprunté le champ conceptuel de l’éminent sociologue Pierre Bourdieu. À l’aide du concept d’habitus, entre autres choses, l’auteur a tenté de faire valoir à quel point les actions d’Alaric s’apparentaient à celles des généraux romains de son époque. Naturellement, il a fallu étaler le raisonnement au long de plusieurs chapitres et sur de nombreux niveaux. C’est-à-dire qu’il a fallu d’abord définir les concepts populaires en ce moment pour « faire » l’histoire des barbares durant l’Antiquité tardive. Pensons ici à des termes tels que l’ethnicité et l’ethnogenèse. L’auteur s’est distancé de ces concepts qu’il croyait mal adaptés à la réalité des Goths et d’Alaric. C’est qu’il fallait comprendre ces hommes dans une structure romaine, au lieu de leur octroyer une histoire et des traditions barbares. Il a ensuite fallu montrer que la thèse explorait des avenues restées peu empruntées jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il a été question de remonter jusqu’à Gibbon pour ensuite promouvoir le fait que quelques érudits avaient autrefois effleuré la question d’Alaric comme étant un homme beaucoup moins barbare que ce que la tradition véhiculait à son sujet, tel que Fustel de Coulanges, Amédée Thierry ou encore Marcel Brion. Il s’agissait donc de valider l’angle de recherche en prenant appui d’abord sur ces anciens luminaires de la discipline. Vint ensuite l’apport majeur de cette thèse, c’est-à-dire essentiellement les sections B, C et D. La section B a analysé la logistique durant la carrière d’Alaric. Cette section a permis avant tout de démontrer clairement qu’on n’a pas affaire à une troupe de brigands révoltés; le voyage de 401-402 en Italie prouve à lui seul ce fait. L’analyse approfondie de l’itinéraire d’Alaric durant ses nombreux voyages a démontré que cette armée n’aurait pas pu effectuer tous ces déplacements sans l’appui de la cour orientale. En l’occurrence, Alaric et son armée étaient véritablement des soldats romains à ce moment précis, et non pas simplement les fédérés barbares de la tradition. La section C s’est concentrée sur les Goths d’Alaric, où on peut trouver deux chapitres qui analysent deux sujets distincts : origine/migration et comparaison. C’est dans cette section que l’auteur tente de valider l’hypothèse que les Goths d’Alaric n’étaient pas vraiment Goths, d’abord, et qu’ils étaient plutôt Romains, ensuite. Le chapitre sur la migration n’a comme but que de faire tomber les nombreuses présomptions sur la tradition gothe que des érudits comme Wolfram et Heather s’efforcent de défendre encore aujourd’hui. L’auteur argumente pour voir les Goths d’Alaric comme un groupe formé à partir d’éléments romains; qu’ils eurent été d’une origine barbare quelconque dans les faits n’a aucun impact sur le résultat final : ces hommes avaient vécu dans l’Empire durant toute leur vie (Alaric inclus) et leurs habitus ne pouvaient pas être autre chose que romain. Le dernier chapitre de la section C a aussi démontré que le groupe d’Alaric était d’abord profondément différent des Goths de 376-382, puis d’autres groupes que l’on dit barbares au tournant du 5e siècle, comme l’étaient les Vandales et les Alamans par exemple. Ensemble, ces trois chapitres couvrent la totalité de ce que l’on connait du groupe d’Alaric et en offre une nouvelle interprétation à la lumière des dernières tendances sociologiques. La section D analyse quant à elle en profondeur Alaric et sa place dans l’Empire romain. L’auteur a avant tout lancé l’idée, en s’appuyant sur les sources, qu’Alaric n’était pas un Goth ni un roi. Il a ensuite analysé le rôle d’Alaric dans la structure du pouvoir de l’Empire et en est venu à la conclusion qu’il était l’un des plus importants personnages de l’Empire d’Orient entre 397 et 408, tout en étant soumis irrémédiablement à cette structure. Sa carrière militaire était des plus normale et s’inscrivait dans l’habitus militaire romain de l’époque. Il a d’ailleurs montré que, par ses actions, Alaric était tout aussi Romain qu’un Stilicon. À dire le vrai, mis à part Claudien, rien ne pourrait nous indiquer qu’Alaric était un barbare et qu’il essayait d’anéantir l’Empire. La mauvaise image d’Alaric n’est en effet redevable qu’à Claudien : aucun auteur contemporain n’en a dressé un portrait aussi sombre. En découle que les auteurs subséquents qui firent d’Alaric le roi des Goths et le ravageur de la Grèce avaient sans doute été fortement influencés eux aussi par les textes de Claudien.
Shows troop movements , defenses, and railways.
A história dos cerca de 7000 prisioneiros de guerra portugueses, capturados na frente ocidental, a maioria na sequência da Batalha de La Lys, foi praticamente inexistente até ao final do século passado. Conhecer as diferentes dimensões desta problemática permitirá uma abordagem mais abrangente à participação de Portugal na Grande Guerra e à questão dos prisioneiros de guerra, em particular. O presente trabalho de investigação teve como objetivo analisar o apoio das instituições cívicas aos prisioneiros de guerra. Para tal, através de um estudo de natureza qualitativa e de pesquisa histórica, procurámos compreender as razões que levaram o Estado a tardar no apoio aos prisioneiros, identificar as instituições que se destacaram nesse apoio e, por fim, analisar a interação entre as principais entidades responsáveis, procurando compreender o volume e os efeitos do auxílio prestado, desde o momento da captura até ao seu repatriamento. Assim, verificámos a existência de duas instituições que desempenharam um papel fundamental no apoio aos prisioneiros. O Comité de Socorros aos Militares e Civis Prisioneiros de Guerra e a Comissão Central de Assistência. Em união de esforços e apoiadas, posteriormente, pelo delegado do Serviço de Prisioneiros de Guerra, tornaram possível a assistência aos militares portugueses cativos na Alemanha. Abstract: The history of around 7000 Portuguese prisoners of war, captured on the western front, the majority following the Battle of the Lys, was virtually non-existent until the end of the last century. Knowing the various dimensions of this problem will allow a more comprehensive approach to the study of the Portuguese participation in the Great War, and in particular to the issue of prisoners of war. This research paper aimed to analyze the support of civic institutions to prisoners of war. To this end, through a qualitative study and historical research, we sought to understand the reasons for the state belated support to prisoners, identify the institutions that stood out in this support and, finally, to analyze the interaction between the main responsible actors, seeking to understand the volume and the effects of the aid provided from the moment of capture to their repatriation. Thus, we found that there were two main institutions that played a key role in supporting prisoners. The Committee of Aid to the Military and Civilian Prisoners of War and the Central Assistance Commission. In joint efforts and later supported by the delegate of the Prisoners of War Service they made it possible to assist the Portuguese military captives in Germany.
This work presents new Structural data from a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) metamorphic terrane exposed on the islands of Syros and Sifnos (Cyclades, Greece). The structure and the metamorphism of a relatively coherent HP/LT rock section were studied in order to elucidate how strain was accommodated at deep crustal levels during the formation and exhumation of HP/LT rocks. At least three deformation phases associated with eclogite- and blueschist-facies conditions (P = 8-15 kbar; T = 400-550 degreesC) were recognised. The earliest deformation fabric (S1), preserved as inclusion trails within garnet porphyroblasts, is aligned to define a sub-vertical schistosity (at present orientation), which is frequently orthogonal to the flat matrix schistosity (S2), and may indicate that deep crustal thickening involved upright folding. The currently dominant fabric in the HP rock section, S2, is Usually moderately dipping and locally contains NW-trending glaucophane lineations, symmetric pressure-shadows and eclogitic boudins. The symmetric structures associated with this fabric seem to indicate coaxial vertical thinning, although the existence of non-coaxial structures out of the study area cannot be excluded. Glaucophane-bearing shear bands (S3), with top-to-NW sense of shearing, locally crosscut the earlier structures. The latest recognised fabric (D4) is scarce and often absent within the HP rocks. It is associated with top-to-NE kinematic criteria that formed at greenschist-facies conditions (P = 4-7 kbar; T = 400-450 degreesC). Based on these observations, it is suggested that partitioning of strain occurred at different crustal levels and at different times. Deep crustal deformation was governed by thickening via upright folding followed by coaxial vertical thinning, whereas non-coaxial shearing occurred when the rocks were already exhumed to relatively shallow crustal levels. The earliest fabrics (D1 to D3) pertain to Alpine orogenesis and possibly to syn-orogenic extension, whereas the latest correspond to whole-crust back-are extension. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
La transmission de l'alphabet aux Grecs est un sujet encore très débattu. Les plus anciennes inscriptions alphabétiques grecques datent du VIIIe s. av. J.-C. et une majorité d'entre elles a été trouvée dans des sites eubéens. Une trentaine a été mise au jour à Erétrie, dont 26 proviennent du sanctuaire d'Apollon Daphnéphoros. Ces inscriptions, pour la plupart inscrites sur des coupes à boire, contribuaient à personnaliser des offrandes ou à leur donner de la valeur. Le sanctuaire et les pratiques rituelles qui s'y déroulaient offraient un cadre propice à l'usage précoce de l'écriture, au moment où la polis grecque se constituait.
High precision U-Pb zircon and Ar-40/Ar-39 mica geochronological data on metagranodiorites, metagranites and mica schists from north and central Evia island (Greece) are presented in this study. U-Pb zircon ages range from 308 to 1912 Ma, and indicate a prolonged magmatic activity in Late Carboniferous. Proterozoic ages represent inherited cores within younger crystals. Muscovite Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages of 288 to 297 Ma are interpreted as cooling ages of the magmatic bodies and metamorphic host rocks in upper greenschist to epidote-amphibolite metamorphic conditions. The multistage magmatism had a duration between 308 and 319 hla but some older intrusions, as well as metamorphic events, cannot be excluded. Geochemical analyses and zircon typology indicate calc-alkaline affinities for the granites of central Evia and alkaline to calc-alkaline characteristics for the metagranodiorites from the northern part of the island. The new data point towards the SE continuation, in Evia and the Cyclades, of a Variscan continental crust already recognised in northern Greece (Pelagonian basement). The Late Carboniferous magmatism is viewed as a result of northward subduction of the Paleotethys under the Eurasian margin.
Geochemical and petrographical studies of lavas and ignimbrites from the Quaternary Nisyros-Yali volcanic system in the easternmost part of the Hellenic arc (Greece) reveal insight into magma generating processes. A compositional gap between 61 and 68 wt.% SiO2 is recognized that coincides with the stratigraphic distinction between pre-caldera and postcaldera volcanic units. Trace element systematics support the subdivision of Nisyros and Yali volcanic units into two distinct suites of rocks. The variation of Nd and Hf present day isotope data and the fact that they are distinct from the isotope compositions of MORB rule out an origin by pure differentiation and require assimilation of a crustal component. Lead isotope ratios of Nisyros and Yali volcanic rocks support mixing of mantle material with a lower crust equivalent. However, Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios of 0.7036-0.7048 are incompatible with a simple binary mixing scenario and give low depleted mantle extraction ages (< 0.1 Ga), in contrast with Pb model ages of 0.3 Ga and Hf and Nd model ages of ca. 0.8 Ga. The budget of fluid-mobile elements Sr and Pb is likely to be dominated by abundant hydrous fluids characterised by mantle-like Sr isotope ratios. Late stage fluids probably were enriched in CO2, needed to explain the high Th concentrations. The occurrence of hydrated minerals (e.g., amphibole) in the first post-caldera unit with the lowermost Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio of 0.7036 +/- 2 can be interpreted as the result of the increased water activity in the source. The presence of two different plagioclase phenocryst generations in the first lava subsequent to the caldera-causing event is indicative for a longer storage time of this magma at a shallower level. A model capable of explaining these observations involves three evolutionary stages. First stage, assimilation of lower crustal material by a primitive magma of mantle origin (as modelled by Nd-Hf isotope systematics). This stage ended by an interruption in replenishment that led to an increase of crystallization and, hence, an increase in viscosity, suppressing eruption. During this time gap, differentiation by fractional crystallization led to enrichment of incompatible species, especially aqueous fluids, to silica depolymerisation and to a decrease in viscosity, finally enabling eruption again in the third stage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The chemical and isotopic compositions (deltaD(H2O), delta(18)O(H2O), delta(18)O(CO2), delta(13)C(CO2), delta(34)S, and He/N-2 and He/Ar ratios) of fumarolic gases from Nisyros, Greece, indicate that both arc-type magmatic water and local seawater feed the hydrothermal system. Isotopic composition of the deep fluid is estimated to be +4.9+/-0.5parts per thousand for delta(18)O and -11+/-5parts per thousand for deltaD corresponding to a magmatic water fraction of 0.7. Interpretation of the stable water isotopes was based on liquid-vapor separation conditions obtained through gas geothermometry. The H-2-Ar, H-2-N-2, and H-2-H2O geothermometers suggest reservoir temperatures of 345+/-15 degreesC, in agreement with temperatures measured in deep geothermal wells, whereas a vapor/liquid separation temperature of 260+/-30 degreesC is indicated by gas equilibria in the H2O-H-2-CO2-CO-CH4 system. The largest magmatic inputs seem to occur below the Stephanos-Polybotes Micros crater, whereas the marginal fumarolic areas of Phlegeton-Polybotes Megalos craters receive a smaller contribution of magmatic gases.
A new subdivision of the pre-Jurassic Pelagonian Units in central Evia island is proposed these units are represented by syn- and post rift sequences, separated by a volcano-sedimentary episode. The syn-rift sequences comprise Permian siliciclastic sediments in Verrucano tectofacies, (Ano Mavropoulon Formation) and a small carbonate platform (Zigos Limestones) developed from the Permian to the Middle Anisian. The Ano Mavropoulon Fro, is subdivided into three members: the lower member (Permian s.l.) lying on the basement and characterised by medium-coarse elastic terrigenous sedimentation the middle member (Late Permian) Koprises limestones, made up of shallow-water limestones; the upper member (Latest Permian-Early Triassic) comprising elastic terrigenous and minor reworked carbonate sediments. A regional unconformity (earliest Triassic) separates the Zigos Lm. from the top of the Ano Mavropoulon Fm. The peritidal carbonates belonging to the Zigos Lm, have been subdivided into three lithofacies ranging in age from Spathian to Pelsonian (late Early Triassic to Middle Anisian). The volcanic episode is well constrained in all the Pelagonian domain. In central Evia, it has been dated from Middle Anisian to Early Carnian. The sub-alkaline to alkaline basalts comprised in the volcano-sedimentary sequence (Volcano-sedimentary Complex) have a within-plate affinity. The volcanism occurs between the syn-rift and post-rift stages, and it is probably not linked to the passive margin evolution proper. The post-rift sequences are represented by the onset of the Pelagonian platform aggradation (''Pantokrator'' Carnian to Middle-Late? Jurassic) The northern passive margin sequence of Pelagonia (palaeogeographic sense) is interpreted as related to the Maliak ocean opening during the Early Mesozoic.
Échelle(s) : [1:2 581 000 environ] A Scale of English Miles 100 [= 7,2 cm]