972 resultados para Leadership behaviour
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes are appealing to research communities due to their excellent functional properties. However, there is still a lack of understanding of their mechanical properties. In this work, we conduct molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the mechanical behaviour of rutile and amorphous TiO2 nanotubes. The results indicate that the rutile TiO2 nanotube has a much higher Young's modulus (∼800 GPa) than the amorphous one (∼400 GPa). Under tensile loading, rutile nanotubes fail in the form of brittle fracture but significant ductility (up to 30%) has been observed in amorphous nanotubes. This is attributed to a unique ‘repairing’ mechanism via bond reconstruction at under-coordinated sites as well as bond conversion at over-coordinated sites. In addition, it is observed that the fracture strength of rutile nanotubes is strongly dependent on their free surfaces. These findings are considered to be useful for development of TiO2 nanostructures with improved mechanical properties.
Coal seam gas operations produce significant quantities of associated water which often require demineralization. Ion exchange with natural zeolites has been proposed as a possible approach. The interaction of natural zeolites with solutions of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate in addition to coal seam gas water is not clear. Hence, we investigated ion exchange kinetics, equilibrium, and column behaviour of an Australian natural zeolite. Kinetic tests suggested that the pseudo first order equation best simulated the data. Intraparticle diffusion was part of the rate limiting step and more than one diffusion process controlled the overall rate of sodium ion uptake. Using a constant mass of zeolite and variable concentration of either sodium chloride or sodium bicarbonate resulted in a convex isotherm which was fitted by a Langmuir model. However, using a variable mass of zeolite and constant concentration of sodium ions revealed that the exchange of sodium ions with the zeolite surface sites was in fact unfavourable. Sodium ion exchange from bicarbonate solutions (10.3 g Na/kg zeolite) was preferred relative to exchange from sodium chloride solutions (6.4 g Na/kg zeolite). The formation of calcium carbonate species was proposed to explain the observed behaviour. Column studies of coal seam gas water showed that natural zeolite had limited ability to reduce the concentration of sodium ions (loading 2.1 g Na/kg zeolite) with rapid breakthrough observed. It was concluded that natural zeolites may not be suitable for the removal of cations from coal seam gas water without improvement of their physical properties.
A microbeam testing geometry is designed to study the variation in fracture toughness across a compositionally graded NiAl coating on a superalloy substrate. A bi-material analytical model of fracture is used to evaluate toughness by deconvoluting load-displacement data generated in a three-point bending test. It is shown that the surface layers of a diffusion bond coat can be much more brittle than the interior despite the fact that elastic modulus and hardness do not display significant variations. Such a gradient in toughness allows stable crack propagation in a test that would normally lead to unstable fracture in a homogeneous, brittle material. As the crack approaches the interface, plasticity due to the presence of Ni3Al leads to gross bending and crack bifurcation.
Solvothermal treatment of an equimolar mixture of Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O, HCONH2 and NaN3 in MeOH at 100 degrees C yielded a three-dimensional NaCl type network Co(HCOO)(2)(HCONH2)(2) center dot HCONH2 (1a) containing formamides in the pores of the structure. Solvated pink 1a undergoes single crystal-to-single crystal (SCSC) transformation at 215 degrees C to form the desolvated dark brown product Co(HCOO)(2)-( HCONH2)(2) (1b) with the retention of the original framework. Reversible single crystal-to-single crystal transformation of 1b (brown) to 1a (pink) in the presence of excess formamide was also established at room temperature. The coordination environment around Co(II) in both 1a and 1b is octahedral with a CoN2O4 coordination composition. A similar reaction replacing Co(II) by Cr(III) produced a heterometallic 3D extended network Na[Cr(HCOO)(4)(HCONH2)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (2a) at 100 degrees C. An increase in reaction temperature to 150 degrees C produced a simple mononuclear complex Cr(HCOO)(3)(HCONH2)(3) center dot 3H(2)O (2b). Variable temperature magnetic studies revealed the presence of a canting phenomena in both 1a and 1b, and hysteresis loop in the field dependent magnetisation plot at 2 K whereas complex 2a is simply paramagnetic in nature.
This paper presents the results of a series of servo-controlled cyclic triaxial tests and numerical simulations using the three- dimensional discrete element method (DEM) on post-liquefaction undrained monotonic strength of granular materials. In a first test series,undrained monotonic tests were carried out after dissipating the excess pore water pressure developed during liquefaction. The influence of different parameters such as amplitude of axial strain,relative density and confining pressure prior to liquefaction on the post-liquefaction undrained response have been investigated.The results obtained highlight an insignificant influence of amplitude of axial strain, confining pressure and a significant influence of relative density on the post-liquefaction undrained monotonic stress-strain response.In the second series, undrained monotonic tests were carried out on similar triaxial samples without dissipating the excess pore water pressure developed during liquefaction. The results highlight that the amplitude of axial strain prior to liquefaction has a significant influence on the post-liquefaction undrained monotonic response.In addition,DEM simulations have been carried out on an assembly of spheres to simulate post-liquefaction behaviour.The simulations were very similar to the experiments with an objective to understand the behaviour of monotonic strength of liquefied samples from the grain scale. The numerical simulations using DEM have captured qualitatively all the features of the post-liquefaction undrained monotonic response in a manner similar to that of the experiments.In addition,a detailed study on the evolution of micromechanical parameters such as the average coordination number and induced anisotropic coefficients has been reported during the post-liquefaction undrained monotonic loading.
This paper presents the results of shaking table tests on models of rigid-faced reinforced soil retaining walls in which reinforcement materials of different tensile strength were used. The construction of the model retaining walls in a laminar box mounted on a shaking table, the instrumentation and the results from the shaking table tests are described in detail and the effects of the reinforcement parameters on the acceleration response at different elevations of the retaining wall, horizontal soil pressures and face deformations are presented. It was observed from these tests that the horizontal face displacement response of the rigid-faced retaining walls was significantly affected by the inclusion of reinforcement and even low-strength polymer reinforcement was found to be efficient in significantly reducing the deformation of the face. The acceleration amplifications were, however, observed to be less influenced by the reinforcement parameters. The results obtained from this study are helpful in understanding the relative performance of reinforced soil retaining walls under the different test conditions used in the experiments.
This thesis added new insight to research knowledge about the role that season and ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure during pregnancy has on children's temperament and behaviours, using a nation-wide longitudinal study. It was found that young children born in summer months are likely to have problematic behaviours. The thesis also found that summer-born children are likely to receive lowest levels of UV exposure during the gestational period. Finally, this work showed that low gestational UV exposure is associated with an increased risk of behavioural problems in children.
Geometric and structural constraints greatly restrict the selection of folds adapted by protein backbones, and yet, folded proteins show an astounding diversity in functionality. For structure to have any bearing on function, it is thus imperative that, apart from the protein backbone, other tunable degrees of freedom be accountable. Here, we focus on side-chain interactions, which non-covalently link amino acids in folded proteins to form a network structure. At a coarse-grained level, we show that the network conforms remarkably well to realizations of random graphs and displays associated percolation behavior. Thus, within the rigid framework of the protein backbone that restricts the structure space, the side-chain interactions exhibit an element of randomness, which account for the functional flexibility and diversity shown by proteins. However, at a finer level, the network exhibits deviations from these random graphs which, as we demonstrate for a few specific examples, reflect the intrinsic uniqueness in the structure and stability, and perhaps specificity in the functioning of biological proteins.
Tavoitteena oli tutkia 40-vuotiaiden miesten terveyskäyttäytymistä, terveysuskomuksia ja miesten saamaa terveysneuvontaa Helsingissä. 273 miestä vastasi kyselyyn ja osallistui terveystutkimuksiin. Terveydentilan perusteella miehet arvioitiin matalan (n=145) ja korkean (n=128) riskin ryhmiin. Khin neliö-testillä tutkittiin elämäntapa- ja riskitekijöitä koetun terveyden (hyvä, keskinkertainen/huono) luokissa ja verrattiin matalan ja korkean riskin ryhmiä em. tekijöiden osalta. Askeltavalla logistisella regressiomallilla analysoitiin tulosmuuttujia taustatekijöiden, terveyskäyttäytymisen, terveysuskomusten ja kliinisten riskitekijöiden avulla sekä arvioitiin oireiden ja vaivojen suhdetta koettuun terveydentilaan. Korkeassa riskissä olevien terveyttä seurattiin vuosina 2001–2004 analysoimalla mini-intervention vaikutusta terveysriskeihin ja elintapoihin varianssianalyysin avulla (ANOVA) (n=46). Matalasta vastausprosentista johtuen (39.6%), ei-vastanneiden aineistoa kerättiin käyttämällä syvähaastattelua (n=28) sekä puhelinkyselyä (n=40). Lopullinen aineisto koostui 341 miehestä. Tulokset osoittivat, että miehillä oli sydän- ja verisuonitautiriskejä. Kaksi kolmesta osallistuneista oli ylipainoisia tai lihavia, yli kolmanneksella vyötärönympärys oli ≥100 cm, ja yli 40%:llä oli diastolinen verenpaine ≥90 mmHg. Yli puolet tupakoi päivittäin ja 40% käytti alkoholia runsaasti. Ristiriitaisuutta ilmensi se, että huolimatta riskitekijöistä noin puolet miehistä koki terveydentilansa hyväksi. Sairauden tai vamman puute, hyvä suun terveydentila ja normaali vyötärönympärys olivat yhteydessä hyväksi koettuun terveydentilaan. Suora yhteys voitiin havaita omaisten tarjoaman neuvonnan ja vähäisen alkoholin käytön välillä. Masennus ja unettomuus olivat voimakkaasti yhteydessä loppuun palamiseen. Miehillä oli erilaisia fyysisiä ja psyykkisiä oireita, jotka korreloivat voimakkaasti masennuksen kanssa. Pieni määrä miehistä koki saaneensa terveysneuvontaa hoitohenkilökunnalta verrattuna perheenjäseniltä saatuun ohjaukseen. Korkeariskisten miesten (n=46) arvot parantuivat merkitsevästi lyhyellä aikavälillä. Kolesteroliarvoja lukuunottamatta ne palautuivat kolmen vuoden kuluttua alkumittausarvoja kohti. Laadullinen tutkimus osoitti, että “ei-vastanneet“ eivät osallistuneet projektiin, sillä he olivat oireettomia tai kiireisiä. Heillä todettiin samoja terveysriskejä kuin projektiin osallistuneilla. Syvähaastattelussa miehet toivat esille kokemuksiaan huolista, vihan tunteista, peloista ja yksinäisyydestä. Hoidonantajien on tärkeää ymmärtää ristiriidat miesten subjektiivisen ja objektiivisen terveydentilan välillä, mikä auttaa havaitsemaan esteitä terveyskäyttäytymiselle. Yhä enemmän tarvitaan yhteistyötä yksityisen ja julkisen terveydenhuollon välillä varmistamaan terveystottumusten jatkuminen miesten keskuudessa.
Aim To describe glycaemia in both breastfeeding women and artificially feeding women with Type 1 diabetes, and the changes in glycaemia induced by suckling. Methods A blinded continuous glucose monitor was applied for up to 6 days in eight breastfeeding and eight artificially feeding women with Type 1 diabetes 2–4 months postpartum. Women recorded glucose levels, insulin dosages, oral intake and breastfeeding episodes. A standardized breakfast was consumed on 2 days. A third group (clinic controls) were identified from a historical database. Results Carbohydrate intake tended to be higher in breastfeeding than artificially feeding women (P = 0.09) despite similar insulin requirements. Compared with breastfeeding women, the high blood glucose index and standard deviation of glucose were higher in artificially feeding women (P = 0.02 and 0.06, respectively) and in the clinical control group (P = 0.02 and 0.05, respectively). The low blood glucose index and hypoglycaemia were similar. After suckling, the low blood glucose index increased compared with before (P < 0.01) and during (P < 0.01) suckling. Hypoglycaemia (blood glucose < 4.0 mmol/l) occurred within 3 h of suckling in 14% of suckling episodes, and was associated with time from last oral intake (P = 0.04) and last rapid-acting insulin (P = 0.03). After a standardized breakfast, the area under the glucose curve was positive. In breastfeeding women the area under the glucose curve was positive if suckling was avoided for 1 h after eating and negative if suckling occurred within 30 min of eating. Conclusions Breastfeeding women with Type 1 diabetes had similar hypoglycaemia but lower glucose variability than artificially feeding women. Suckling reduced maternal glucose levels but did not cause hypoglycaemia in most episodes.
The article describes the synthesis, structure and magnetic investigations of a series of metal-organic framework compounds formed with Mn+2 and Ni+2 ions. The structures, determined using the single crystal X-ray diffraction, indicated that the structures possess two- and three-dimensional structures with magnetically active dimers, tetramers, chains, two-dimensional layers connected by polycarboxylic acids. These compounds provide good examples for the investigations of magnetic behaviour. Magnetic studies have been carried out using SQUID magnetometer in the range of 2-300 K and the behaviour indicates a predominant anti-ferromagnetic interactions, which appears to differ based on the M-O-C-O-M and/or the M-O-M (M = metal ions) linkages. Thus, compounds with carboxylate (Mn-O-C-O-Mn) connected ones, [C3N2H [Mn(H2O)''C6H3(COO)(3)''], I, [''Mn(H2O (3)''aEuroeC(12)H(8)O(COO)(2)'']center dot H2O, II, [''Mn(H2O)''aEuroeC(12)H(8)O(COO)(2)''], III, show simple anti-ferromagnetic behaviour. The compounds with Mn-O/OH-Mn connected dimer and tetramer units in [NaMn''C6H3(COO)(3)''], IV, [Mn-2(A mu(3)-OH) (H2O)(2)''C6H3(COO)(3)'']center dot 2H(2)O, V, show canted-antiferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic behaviour, respectively. The presence of infinite one-dimensional -Ni-OH-Ni- chains in the compound, [Ni-2(H2O)(A mu(3)-OH)(2)(C8H5NO4], VI, gives rise to ferromagnet-like behaviour at low temperatures. The compounds, [Mn-3''C6H3(COO)(3)''(2)], VII and [''Mn(OH)''(2)''C12H8O(COO)(2)''], VIII, have two-dimensional infinite -Mn-O/OH-Mn- layers with triangular magnetic lattices, which resemble the Kagome and brucite-like layer. The magnetic studies indicated canted-antiferromagnetic behaviour in both the cases. Variable temperature EPR and theoretical magnetic modelling studies have been carried out on selected compounds to probe the nature of the magnetic species and their interactions with them.