957 resultados para Laine, Nina
La primera guía de la ciencia para los niños de seis a ocho años debe abrir sus mentes a ésta y hacerles comprender que es todo lo que hay a su alrededor. Para ello ,se presentan y explican los temas de la ciencia, referidos siempre a experiencias cotidianas que conoce bien el niño. Así, se captura su interés e imaginación, y también, es una forma de dar respuestas para la realización de sus trabajos escolares.
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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
In the era of international migration, the experience of homelessness, deriving from the loss of the myth of cultural and ethno-linguistically singularity in contemporary societies, seems to become an universal phenomenon. Questions of home and belonging are key issues in the current discourses on Diaspora which, since the turning point of 1989, developed beyond those academic disciplines concerned with religion. At taking a critical perspective on the loss of analytical categories, this article discusses the enormous proliferation of Diasporaconcepts in social sciences at large, and in particular with regard to discourses on Muslims in Europe.
La vigencia de la pluralidad jurídica en Ecuador es una realidad constitucionalmente reconocida, un reto fundamental para la sociedad pluricultural ecuatoriana, pero su aplicación aún exige superar las cargas ideológicas de dominación que bajo el escudo de estereotipos suelen adjetivar a la administración de justicia indígena como sinónimo de "salvajismo".
Este ensayo revisa elementos presentes en La emancipada (1863), texto que funda la novela ecuatoriana, y que representa por primera vez el territorio de esta nación. Revisa las relaciones de esta novela con otros discursos, como el refrán tradicional que afirma «La letra con sangre entra», en referencia a la dominación y el control ejercido por las élites sobre sujetos subalternos (en este caso los indios y las mujeres). Resalta el hecho de que la protagonista da validez a un texto ajeno, al poner su firma en una carta redactada por su padre, aunque escribe en el reverso del papel su propio mensaje, éste no llega con claridad a su destino. El motivo con el que se inicia la literatura ecuatoriana es revelador de otros elementos que contribuyeron a la formación de las naciones hispanoamericanos americanas en el siglo XIX.
En esta tesis se pretende destacar la labor de aquellos comediantes y músicos ambulantes que con sus representaciones, juegos y astucias dramáticas, abren nuevos canales de participación y opinión popular. Las calles, plazas y mercados constituyen para estos artistas populares los espacios propicios para desarrollar sus representaciones y prácticas discursivas. Estos espacios escogidos por los actores ambulantes podrían configurar los intersticios de la sociedad moderna que posibilitan enunciar e interpelar las prácticas estereotípicas del poder oficial. Es principalmente en el centro y sur de la ciudad de Quito, en donde sus habitantes por sus propias condiciones sociales e históricas culturales aceptan, recrean y construyen imaginariamente a los personajes y los integran como una parte fundamental de sus procesos sociales. Por esta razón, varios cómicos ambulantes han escogido sus espacios y recovecos como los sitios adecuados para desarrollar sus destrezas artísticas. El Municipio de Quito, y en particular la Administración Centro, examina las estrategias de acción y los medios políticos, para abolir el trabajo callejero y reordenarlo en una estructura diferente. La ejecución de estas políticas ha generado agudos conflictos entre los involucrados.
La presente investigación sobre “Los partidos políticos como instituciones de democracia en el Estado de Derecho ecuatoriano” tiene como objetivo principal analizar los derechos y atribuciones concedidos dentro de los parámetros legales para con los partidos políticos que simbolizan el Estado de la modernidad, señalando de esta manera que el derecho opera en los más diversos aspectos de la vida social al igual que la intervención política llega hasta la especificidad de lo jurídico y que cada cual actúa “conforme a derecho”. En el primer capítulo del trabajo se analiza el desarrollo del Estado de Derecho, su definición, su origen y su evolución, los elementos constitutivos del Estado, los principios que definen y caracterizan al Estado de Derecho, así mismo se analiza como segunda parte el tema de la democracia, su concepto, origen y evolución, los principios básicos de la democracia constitucional, las formas de democracia, la democracia y el constitucionalismo, posteriormente y dentro de este mismo capitulo el análisis de los partidos políticos, su concepto, y las diferencias con los movimientos sociales, y sus funciones. El segundo capítulo comprende los partidos políticos legalmente reconocidos en el Ecuador a partir de 1980, la clasificación y juicio crítico de los mismos, clasificación de los partidos políticos ecuatorianos, en base a sus principios en partidos de izquierda y derecha.
The behavior of the Asian summer monsoon is documented and compared using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis (ERA) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) Reanalysis. In terms of seasonal mean climatologies the results suggest that, in several respects, the ERA is superior to the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis. The overall better simulation of the precipitation and hence the diabatic heating field over the monsoon domain in ERA means that the analyzed circulation is probably nearer reality. In terms of interannual variability, inconsistencies in the definition of weak and strong monsoon years based on typical monsoon indices such as All-India Rainfall (AIR) anomalies and the large-scale wind shear based dynamical monsoon index (DMI) still exist. Two dominant modes of interannual variability have been identified that together explain nearly 50% of the variance. Individually, they have many features in common with the composite flow patterns associated with weak and strong monsoons, when defined in terms of regional AIR anomalies and the large-scale DMI. The reanalyses also show a common dominant mode of intraseasonal variability that describes the latitudinal displacement of the tropical convergence zone from its oceanic-to-continental regime and essentially captures the low-frequency active/break cycles of the monsoon. The relationship between interannual and intraseasonal variability has been investigated by considering the probability density function (PDF) of the principal component of the dominant intraseasonal mode. Based on the DMI, there is an indication that in years with a weaker monsoon circulation, the PDF is skewed toward negative values (i,e., break conditions). Similarly, the PDFs for El Nino and La Nina years suggest that El Nino predisposes the system to more break spells, although the sample size may limit the statistical significance of the results.
This study proposes an objective integrated seasonal forecasting system for producing well-calibrated probabilistic rainfall forecasts for South America. The proposed system has two components: ( i) an empirical model that uses Pacific and Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies as predictors for rainfall and ( ii) a multimodel system composed of three European coupled ocean - atmosphere models. Three-month lead austral summer rainfall predictions produced by the components of the system are integrated ( i. e., combined and calibrated) using a Bayesian forecast assimilation procedure. The skill of empirical, coupled multimodel, and integrated forecasts obtained with forecast assimilation is assessed and compared. The simple coupled multimodel ensemble has a comparable level of skill to that obtained using a simplified empirical approach. As for most regions of the globe, seasonal forecast skill for South America is low. However, when empirical and coupled multimodel predictions are combined and calibrated using forecast assimilation, more skillful integrated forecasts are obtained than with either empirical or coupled multimodel predictions alone. Both the reliability and resolution of the forecasts have been improved by forecast assimilation in several regions of South America. The Tropics and the area of southern Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and northern Argentina have been found to be the two most predictable regions of South America during the austral summer. Skillful rainfall forecasts are generally only possible during El Nino or La Nina years rather than in neutral years.
In this study, the mechanisms leading to the El Nino peak and demise are explored through a coupled general circulation model ensemble approach evaluated against observations. The results here suggest that the timing of the peak and demise for intense El Nino events is highly predictable as the evolution of the coupled system is strongly driven by a southward shift of the intense equatorial Pacific westerly anomalies during boreal winter. In fact, this systematic late-year shift drives an intense eastern Pacific thermocline shallowing, constraining a rapid El Nino demise in the following months. This wind shift results from a southward displacement in winter of the central Pacific warmest SSTs in response to the seasonal evolution of solar insolation. In contrast, the intensity of this seasonal feedback mechanism and its impact on the coupled system are significantly weaker in moderate El Nino events, resulting in a less pronounced thermocline shallowing. This shallowing transfers the coupled system into an unstable state in spring but is not sufficient to systematically constrain the equatorial Pacific evolution toward a rapid El Nino termination. However, for some moderate events, the occurrence of intense easterly wind anomalies in the eastern Pacific during that period initiate a rapid surge of cold SSTs leading to La Nina conditions. In other cases, weaker trade winds combined with a slightly deeper thermocline allow the coupled system to maintain a broad warm phase evolving through the entire spring and summer and a delayed El Nino demise, an evolution that is similar to the prolonged 1986/87 El Nino event. La Nina events also show a similar tendency to peak in boreal winter, with characteristics and mechanisms mainly symmetric to those described for moderate El Nino cases.
This research is associated with the goal of the horticultural sector of the Colombian southwest, which is to obtain climatic information, specifically, to predict the monthly average temperature in sites where it has not been measured. The data correspond to monthly average temperature, and were recorded in meteorological stations at Valle del Cauca, Colombia, South America. Two components are identified in the data of this research: (1) a component due to the temporal aspects, determined by characteristics of the time series, distribution of the monthly average temperature through the months and the temporal phenomena, which increased (El Nino) and decreased (La Nina) the temperature values, and (2) a component due to the sites, which is determined for the clear differentiation of two populations, the valley and the mountains, which are associated with the pattern of monthly average temperature and with the altitude. Finally, due to the closeness between meteorological stations it is possible to find spatial correlation between data from nearby sites. In the first instance a random coefficient model without spatial covariance structure in the errors is obtained by month and geographical location (mountains and valley, respectively). Models for wet periods in mountains show a normal distribution in the errors; models for the valley and dry periods in mountains do not exhibit a normal pattern in the errors. In models of mountains and wet periods, omni-directional weighted variograms for residuals show spatial continuity. The random coefficient model without spatial covariance structure in the errors and the random coefficient model with spatial covariance structure in the errors are capturing the influence of the El Nino and La Nina phenomena, which indicates that the inclusion of the random part in the model is appropriate. The altitude variable contributes significantly in the models for mountains. In general, the cross-validation process indicates that the random coefficient model with spatial spherical and the random coefficient model with spatial Gaussian are the best models for the wet periods in mountains, and the worst model is the model used by the Colombian Institute for Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) to predict temperature.