1000 resultados para Koski, Heli: Tieto


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Heli Kautosen esitys Arkistosektorin KDK-yhteistyÃverkoston seminaarissa 26.11.2012.


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Heli Kautosen esitys Epics, Digital Cultural Heritage and Vernacular Languages. Corpora and Databases in Oral Tradition Research -seminaarissa Helsingissä 2.3.2013.


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Osakkeenomistaja tarvitsee osakeomistuksensa kohteena olevasta yhtiÃstä totuudenmukaista tietoa, jotta voi huolellisesti arvioida yhtiÃn toimintaa ja osakeomistuksensa mielekkyyttä. Riittävä tiedonsaanti lisää osakkeenomistajien luottamusta yhtiÃÃn, mikä on markkinoiden tehokkaan toiminnan edellytys. Toisaalta yhtiÃn johdolla on velvollisuus vaieta sellaisesta tiedosta, joka on yhtiÃn edun kannalta haitallinen. Johdon tehtävä on ensisijassa toimia yhtiÃn edun tavoittelemiseksi. YhtiÃn johto ei siis saa yhtiÃn edun suojelemiseksi kertoa osakkeenomistajalle kaikkea tietoa edes osakkeenomistajan vaatimuksesta. OsakeyhtiÃlain taustalla on ajatus siitä, että yhtiÃn johdon voidaan katsoa tuntevan yhtiÃn etu, ja siitä johtaen myÃs osakkeenomistajan etu, osakkeenomistajaa paremmin. Tutkielma käsittelee osakeyhtiÃn osakkeenomistajan oikeutta yhtiÃtä koskevaan tietoon ja johdon velvollisuutta pitää salassa yhtiÃlle haitallinen tieto. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on osakeyhtiÃlain valossa pohtia paitsi yhtiÃtä koskevan tiedon saatavuutta ja tiedon merkitystä osakkeenomistajan näkÃkulmasta, myÃs yhtiÃn johdon huolellisuusperiaatteesta johtuvaa salassapitovelvollisuutta yhtiÃtä koskevasta haitallisesta tiedosta. Tutkielma on oikeusdogmaattinen eli lainopillinen. Pyrkimyksenä on tarkastella aihetta kriittisesti sekä lÃytämään käytännÃllisiä ratkaisuehdotuksia lain tulkintaongelmiin. Tutkimusongelma on vahvasti sidoksissa elinkeinoelämään, joten lainopillisen tulkinnan ohella tutkielmassa problematiikkaa analysoidaan oikeustaloustieteellisestä näkÃkulmasta. Lähdeaineisto koostuu lähinnä kotimaisesta oikeuskirjallisuudesta sekä osakeyhtiÃlain lainvalmisteluaineistosta. Tulkintaa monipuolistavat viittaukset ruotsalaiseen oikeuskirjallisuuteen ja Ruotsin osakeyhtiÃlain esitÃihin sekä EY-lainsäädännÃn valmisteluaineistoon. Tutkielmassa ei ole voitu hyÃdyntää oikeuskäytäntÃä. Tutkielman perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että osakkeenomistajien tosiasiallinen valta vaikuttaa yhtiÃstä saatavan tiedon sisältÃÃn on vähäinen. Toisaalta osakeyhtiÃlainsäädäntÃ, EY-oikeus sekä elinkeinoelämän itsesäätely takaavat osakkeenomistajalle sekä vähemmistÃosakkeenomistajalle kattavan oikeuden luotettavaan tietoon. Sääntelyn lisääminen tuskin on tehokas keino välttää informaatioepäsymmetriasta johtuvia konfliktitilanteita. Sen sijaan osakkeenomistajien tarkkaavaisuus ja asiantuntevuus osakeyhtiÃn aktiivisina toimijoina ovat avaintekijät osakeyhtiÃn edun tavoittamiseksi.


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The goal of this study is to create a new inventory valuation process for The Switch Drive Systems and to improve its inventory management practices. In the matter of inventories the main problems in the case company are that it doesnât have consistent valuation methods throughout the company and that information received in ERP system isnât trustful. The research is qualitative case study. The empirical data is gathered through observing and unstructured interviews. The research shows that material flow process and the inventory valuation must be divided and handled separately but they should interact with each other. The result is a new inventory valuation process which takes many factors of material process under the consideration in order to receive reliable value for inventories.


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Insight-lehden numerossa 26 (Maaliskuu 2013) julkaistu artikkeli.


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Hiljainen tieto muodostaa organisaatioiden keskeisen kilpailutekijän, sillä sitä on vaikea kopioida. Hiljaista tietoa pyritään siirtämään erilaisia osaamisen kehittämisen menetelmiä hyÃdyntäen. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan, miten hiljaista tietoa siirretään mentoroinnissa. Mentorointiin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa ei ole tutkittu sitä vuorovaikutukseen perustuvaa prosessia, jonka aikana hiljaista tietoa siirretään mentorilta aktorille. Tämä tutkielma toi lisää tietoa tähän tutkimusaukkoon. Tutkielman teoreettisessa osiossa esiteltiin kolme näkÃkulmaa, jotka muo-dostivat tutkielman viitekehyksen: hiljainen tieto ja sen siirtäminen, mentorointi sekä kognitiivinen oppipoikamalli. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin fenomenografista tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmän muodostivat neljä mentori-aktori âparia, joita haastateltiin teemahaastattelulla. Empiiriset tulokset osoittivat, että hiljaisen tiedon siirtäminen mentoroinnissa tapahtui kognitiivisen oppipoikamallin vaiheita hyÃdyntäen. Kaikki kognitiivisen oppipoikamallin vaiheet esiintyivät mentorointiprosessissa. Siirrettävässä hiljaisessa tiedossa näyttäytyivät tiedon toiminnallinen, situationaalinen ja sosiaalinen luonne. Keskeisimmiksi hiljaisen tiedon siirtämisen menetelmiksi osoittautuivat mentorin läsnäolo, kuuntelu, kysymysten tekeminen ja aktorin oivalluttaminen. Tutkielman keskeisenä tuloksena ja toimenpide-ehdotuksena esitettiin hiljaisen tiedon siirtämisen malli mentoroinnissa, joka kehitettiin tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen ja tutkimuksesta saatujen tulosten pohjalta.


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TyÃn lähtÃkohtana oli arvioida etätoimintojen mahdollistamia laskettavissa olevia hyÃtyjä organisaatiotasolla. EtätyÃskentelyn lisäksi tyÃssä tarkasteltavia etätoimintoja ovat tieto- ja viestintätekniikan välityksellä järjestettävät etäkokoukset ja -seminaarit. TyÃn tavoitteena oli selvittää Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston (LUT) henkilÃkunnan halukkuus tehdä etätÃitä sekä siihen vaikuttavia tekijÃitä. Näiden selvittämiseksi toteutettiin etätyÃaiheinen kysely henkilÃkunnalle. Kyselyn tulosten perusteella arvioitiin liikkumisen sekä tilankäytÃn aiheuttamien kasvihuonekaasupäästÃjen sekä kustannusten säästÃpotentiaalia LUT:ssa. Lisäksi suoritettiin muutama etätyÃaiheinen teemahaastattelu, joiden perusteella pohdittiin etätyÃskentelyn käytännÃn toteutuksessa huomioitavia asioita. Valtaosa LUT:n henkilÃkunnasta on kiinnostunut etätyÃmahdollisuudesta. EtätyÃskentelyn yleistymiseksi LUT:ssa tulee lisätä tietoa tästä tyÃn organisointitavasta sekä kehittää yhtenäinen toimintatapa etätyÃskentelyn käytännÃn järjestelyihin liittyen. Etätoimintojen hyÃdyntäminen mahdollistaa LUT:lle organisaationa merkittävien säästÃjen saavuttamisen sekä tilatehokkuutta parantamalla, että tyÃmatkustamista vähentämällä. SäästÃjä arvioitiin kasvihuonekaasupäästÃinä sekä rahana. EtätyÃskentelyllä on merkittävä vaikutus myÃs organisaation tyÃntekijÃiden päivittäisten tyÃmatkojen kulkemisen aiheuttamaan kasvihuonekaasupäästÃmäärään. Etätoimintojen hyÃdyntämisellä on huomattava potentiaali etenkin liikkumisen aiheuttamien kasvihuonekaasupäästÃjen vähentämisessä Suomessa sekä maailmanlaajuisesti hyÃdynnettynä globaalin ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä.


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Kirjoitus perustuu Kunnallistieteen päivillä Ladessa 14.10.2010 pidettyyn puheenvuoroon.


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From Bildung to Civilisation. Conception of Culture in J. V. Snellmanâs Historical Thinking The research explores Johan Vilhelm Snellmanâs (1806â1881) conception of culture in the context of his historical thinking. Snellman was a Finnish, Swedish-speaking journalist, teacher and thinker, who held a central position in the Finnish national discourse during the nineteenth century. He has been considered as one of the leading theorists of a Finnish nation, writing widely about the themes such as the advancement of the national education, Finnish language and culture. Snellman is already a widely studied person in Finnish intellectual history, often characterised as a follower of G. W. F. Hegelâs philosophical system. My own research introduces a new kind of approach on Snellmanâs texts, emphasising the conceptual level of his thought. With this approach, my aim is to broaden the Finnish research tradition on conceptual history. I consider my study as a cultural history of concepts, belonging also to the field of intellectual history. My focus is on one hand on the close reading of Snellmanâs texts and on the other hand on contextualising his texts to the European intellectual tradition of the time. A key concept of Snellmanâs theoretical thinking is his concept of bildning, which can be considered as a Swedish counterpart of the German concept of Bildung. The Swedish word incorporated all the main elements of the German concept. It could mean education or the so-called high culture, but most fundamentally it was about the self-formation of the individual. This is also the context in which Snellmanâs concept of bildning has often been interpreted. In the study, I use the concept of bildning as a starting point of my research but I broaden my focus on the cognate concepts such as culture (kultur), spirit (anda) and civilisation. The purpose of my study is thus to illustrate how Snellman used and modified these concepts and from these observations to draw a conclusion about the nature of his conception of culture. Snellman was an early Finnish philosopher of history but also interested in the practice of the writing of history. He did not write any historical presentations himself but followed the publications in the field of history and introduced European historical writing to the Finnish, Swedish-speaking reading audience in his newspapers. The primary source material consists of different types of Snellmanâs texts, including philosophical writings, lecture material, newspaper articles and private letters. Iâm reading Snellmanâs texts in the context of other texts produced both by his Finnish predecessors and contemporaries and by Swedish, German and French writers. Snellmanâs principal philosophical works, Versuch einer spekulativen Entwicklung der Idee der PersÃnlichkeit (1841) and Läran om staten (1842), were both written abroad. Both of the works were contributions to contemporary debates on the international level, especially in Germany and Sweden. During the 1840s and 1850s Snellman had two newspapers of his own, Saima and Litteraturblad, which were directed towards the Swedish-speaking educated class. Both of the newspapers were very popular and their circulations were among the largest of their day in Finland. The topics of his articles and reviews covered literature, poetry, philosophy and education as well as issues concerning the economic, industrial and technical development in Finland. In his newspapers Snellman not only brought forth his own ideas but also spread the knowledge of European events and ideas to his readers. He followed very carefully the cultural and political situation in Western Europe. He also followed European magazines and newspapers and was well acquainted with German, French and also English literature â and of course Swedish literature to with which he had the closest ties. In his newspapers Snellman wrote countless number of literary reviews and critics, introducing his readers to European literature. The study consists of three main chapters in which I explore my research question in three different, yet overlapping contexts. In the first of these chapters, I analyse Snellmanân theoretical thinking and his concepts of bildning, kultur, anda and civilisation in the context of earlier cultural discourse in Finland as well as the tradition of German idealistic philosophy and neo-humanism. With the Finnish cultural discourse I refer to the early cultural discussion in Finland, which emerged after the year 1809, when Finland became an autonomous entity of its own as a Grand Duchy of Russia. Scholars of the Academy of Turku opened a discussion on the themes such as the state of national consciousness, the need for national education and the development of the Finnish language as a national language of Finland. Many of these academics were also Snellmanâs teachers in the early years of his academic career and Snellman clearly formulated his own ideas in the footsteps of these Finnish predecessors. In his theoretical thinking Snellman was a collectivist; according to him an individual should always be understood in connection with the society, its values and manners, as well as to the traditions of a culture where an individual belongs to. In his philosophy of the human spirit Snellman was in many ways a Hegelian but his notion of education or â˜bildningâ includes also elements that connect him with the wider tradition of German intellectual history, namely the neo-humanist tradition and, at least to some extent, to the terminology of J. G. Herder or J. G. Fichte, for example. In this chapter, I also explore Snellmanâs theory of history. In his historical thinking Snellman was an idealist, believing in the historical development of the human spirit (Geist in German language). One can characterise his theory of history by stating that it is a mixture of a Hegelian triumph of the spirit and Herderian emphasis on humanity (Humanität) and the relative nature of â˜Bildungâ. For Snellman, the process of â˜bildningâ or â˜Bildungâ is being realised in historical development through the actions of human beings. Snellman believed in the historical development of the human civilization. Still Snellman himself considered that he had abandoned Hegelâs idea about the process of world history. Snellman â rightly or wrongly â criticised Hegel of emphasising the universal end of history (the realisation of the freedom of spirit) at the expense of the historical plurality and the freedom of each historical era. Snellman accused Hegel of neglecting the value and independency of different historical cultures and periods by imposing the abstract norm, the fulfilment of the freedom of spirit, as the ultimate goal of history. The historicist in Snellman believed in the individuality of each historical period; each historical era or culture had values, traditions and modes of thought of its own. This historicist in Snellman could not accept the talk about one measure or the end of history. On the other hand Snellman was also a universalist. He believed that mankind had a common task and that task was the development of â˜Bildungâ, freedom or humanity. The second main chapter consists of two parts. In the first part, I explore the Finnish nationalistic discourse from the cultural point of view by analysing the notions such as a nation, national spirit or national language and showing how Snellman formulated his own ideas in a dialogic situation, participating in the Finnish discourse but also reacting to international discussions on the themes of the nation and nationality. For Snellman nationality was to a great extent the collective knowledge and customs or practices of the nation. Snellman stated that nationality is to be considered as a form of â˜bildningâ. This could be seen not simply as affection for the fatherland but also for the mental identity of the nation, its ways of thinking, its practices, national language, customs and laws, the history of the nation. The simplest definition of nationality that Snellman gives is that nationality is the social life of the people. In the second part of the chapter I exam Snellmanâs historical thinking and his understanding about historical development, interaction between different nations and cultures in the course of history, as well as the question of historical change; how do cultures or civilisations develop and who are the creators of culture? Snellman did not believe in one dominating culture but understood the course of history as a dialogue between different cultures. On the other hand, his views are very Eurocentric â here he follows the ideas of Hegel or for example the French historian François Guizot â for Snellman Europe represented the virtue of pluralism; in Europe one could see the diversity of cultures which, on the other hand, were fundamentally based on a common Christian tradition. In the third main chapter, my focus is on the writing of history, more precisely on Snellmanâs ideas on the nature of history as a science and on the proper way of writing historical presentations. Snellman wrote critics on the works of history and introduced his readers to the writing of history especially in France, Sweden and German-speaking area â in some extend also in Britain. Snellmanâs collectivistic view becomes evident also in his reviews on historical writing. For Snellman history was not about the actions of the states and their heads, nor about the records of ruling families and battles fought. He repeatedly stressed that history is a discipline that seeks to provide a total view of a phenomenon. A historian should not only collect information on historical events, since this information touches only the surface of a certain epoch or civilisation; he has to understand an epoch as totality. This required an understanding about the major contours in history, connections between civilisations and an awareness of significant turning points in historical development. In addition, it required a holistic understanding about a certain culture or historical era, including also the so-called inner life of a specific nation, a common people and their ways of life. Snellman wrote explicitly about â˜cultural historyâ in his texts, referring to this kind of broad understanding of a society. In historical writing Snellman found this kind of broader view from the works of the French historians such as François Guizot and Jules Michelet. In all of these chapters, I elaborate the conceptual dimension of Snellmanâs historical thinking. In my study I argue that Snellman not only adopted the German concepts of Bildung or Kultur in his own thinking but also developed the Swedish concepts in a way that include personal and innovative aspects. Snellmanâs concept of bildning is not only a translation from â˜Bildungâ but he uses the Swedish concept in a versatile way that includes both the moral aspect of human development and social dimension of a human life. Along with â˜bildningâ Snellman used also the terms â˜kulturâ and â˜civilisationâ when referring to the totality of a certain nation or historical era, including both the so-called high culture (arts, science, religion) and the modes of thought as well as ways of life of the people as a whole. Unlike many of his Finnish contemporaries, Snellman did not use civilisation as a negative concept, lacking the moral essence of German term â˜Bildungâ or â˜Kulturâ. Instead, for Snellman civilisation was a neutral term and here he comes close to the French tradition of using the term. In the study I argue that Snellmanâs conception of culture in fact includes a synthesis of the German tradition of â˜Bildungâ and the French tradition of â˜civilisationâ.


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Tutkielma käsittelee osakevaihdon seurauksena hankitun yhtiÃn yhdistelemistä konsernitilinpäätÃkseen. Tältä osalta kirjanpitolain ja IFRS:n vaatimukset poikkeavat toisistaan huomattavastikin. IFRS ja KPL -liikearvot eroavat perusteiltaan usein paljonkin. Tutkielman tavoitteena onkin selvittää, vastaako osakevaihdon nykyinen kirjanpitolain mukainen kirjauskäytäntà sidosryhmien informaatiotarpeeseen. Ongelmaa lähestytään toisaalta vertaamalla IFRS:n ja kirjanpitolain mukaista menettelyä, toisaalta tarkastelemalla kirjauskäytäntÃjä kansainvälisestä sekä historiallisesta perspektiivistä. Tutkimus on käsiteanalyyttinen painottuen kansainväliseen kirjallisuuteen. Kirjanpitolain mukainen käytäntà on ongelmallinen toisaalta liikearvon suuruuden, toisaalta todellisen hankkivan osapuolen määrittämisen kannalta. Voidaan ajatella, että koska todellista hankintahintaa ei ole määritetty, muodostuu liikearvo liian pieneksi: ainoastaan käypien arvojen ja kirja-arvojen välinen ero kirjataan, ja varsinainen esimerkiksi synergiaeduista muodostuva kohdistamaton erä jää kirjaamatta. Toisaalta käänteisen hankinnan tapauksessa voi syntyä huomattavakin negatiivinen liikearvo, joka ei johdu hankinnan edullisuudesta, vaan hankinnan kohdistamisesta järjestelyn väärälle osapuolelle. Erityisesti järjestelyissä, joissa osapuolten roolit sekä maksetut vastikkeet poikkeavat ilmeisestä, jäävät nykyisen käytännÃn tarjoamat tiedot vajaiksi tai jopa harhaanjohtaviksi. Vaikkei sidosryhmien ehkä tarvitsekaan tietää tarkkaa hankintahintaa, jonka määrittäminen voi listaamattomilla yhtiÃillä olla hyvin vaikeaa, olisi tieto järjestelyn todellisesta luonteesta todennäkÃisesti perusteltu. Yksinkertainen osakevaihdon kirjauskäytäntà on yrityskaupassa, jossa osapuolia on ainoastaan kaksi, ostaja ja myyjä, ja vastike muodostuu pelkästään osakevaihdossa maksetusta vastikkeesta. Usein tilanne ei kuitenkaan ole näin yksinkertainen, jolloin nykyisellä kirjanpitolain mukaisella osakevaihdon kirjauskäytännÃllä jäädään varsin kauaksi järjestelyn todellisen luonteen kuvaamisesta.


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Despite declining trends in morbidity and mortality, cardiovascular diseases have a considerable impact on Finnish public health. A goal in Finnish health policy is to reduce inequalities in health and mortality among population groups. The aim of this study was to assess inequalities in cardiovascular diseases according to socioeconomic status (SES), language groups and other sociodemographic characteristics. The main data source was generated from events in 35-99 year-old men and women registered in the population-based FINMONICA and FINAMI myocardial infarction registers during the years ranging from 1988-2002. Information on population group characteristics was obtained from Statistics Finland. Additional data were derived from the FINMONICA and FINSTROKE stroke registers and the FINRISK Study. SES, measured by income level, was a major determinant of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) mortality. Among middle-aged men, the 28-day mortality rate of the lowest group of six income groups was 5.2 times and incidence 2.7 times as high when compared to the highest income group. Among women, the differences were even larger. Among the unmarried, the incidence of ACS was approximately 1.6 times as high and their prognosis was significantly worse than among married persons - both in men and women and independent of age. Higher age-standardized attack rates of ACS and stroke were found among Finnish-speaking compared to Swedish-speaking men in Turku and these differences could not be completely explained by SES. In these language groups, modest differences were found in traditional risk factor levels possibly explaining part of the found morbidity and mortality inequality. In conclusion, there are considerable differences in the morbidity and mortality of ACS and stroke between socioeconomic and sociodemographic groups, in Finland. Focusing measures to reduce the excess morbidity and mortality, in groups at high risk, could decrease the economic burden of cardiovascular diseases and thus be an important public health goal in Finland.