984 resultados para John, Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita, fl. 11th cent.
Parchment-bound notebook containing notes kept by Warham Williams on sermons he attended between May 20, 1716 and April 20, 1718, while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The notebook includes two chronological tables, at the front and end of the volume, that list the town, lecturer (generally Harvard tutors), biblical text, year, month, day, and part of the day of sermons attended by Williams. The volume contains one-to-two page entries on specific sermons and provides the biblical text and related questions and conclusions. From the front of the volume, the pages contain entries for sermons attended between May 20, 1716 through February 13, 1717. Sermon entries for April 7, 1717 to April 20 1718 are written tête-bêche from the other end of the volume.
Leather top-bound volume containing notes kept by Solomon Prentice on sermons he attended between April 1724 and December 17, 1726, while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The volume contains one-to-two page entries on specific sermons and provides the biblical text and related questions and conclusions.
One letter concerning an English legal manuscript, probably John Reeves’ History of the English Law.
Copy of the proceedings in the case of Benjamin Tanner vs. Jasper Hall of Kingston (Jamaica), relating to various lands, etc. With the autographs of Henry Moore, governor, and John Arnold, registrar of the high court.
O presente Relatório de Estágio tem por objetivo descrever todo o processo de aplicação de estratégias para a interiorização e consequente execução na lecionação de uma Língua Estrangeira recorrendo ao mínimo à Língua Materna, realizado no decorrer da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no Ensino Básico da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Essa descrição implica a consequente reflexão expressa e fundamentada neste relatório. Por conseguinte, tentámos fundamentar a nossa posição através de vários posicionamentos teóricos aliados a uma componente prática forte. Deste modo, durante a PES, proporcionou-se, aos alunos, uma interação maioritariamente na Língua Estrangeira (LE) nas aulas da mesma, ainda que estivesse sempre subjacente a grande importância da língua materna na aprendizagem de uma LE. Soará impossível aprender uma LE sem qualquer tipo de exemplos e referências auditivas (como o recurso a audio e video, não se baseando única e simplesmente na intervensão do professor na LE), no entanto, e visto estar a ser dada cada vez mais importância às macrocapacidades de compreensão oral e expressão oral, defende-se uma maior prática oral na lecionação de uma LE na LE.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The aim of this paper is to identify how the ethical-political foundation of human rights in John Rawls’s theory of justice makes use of a coherentist model of moral justification in which cognitivism, liberalism, pluralism, non-foundationalism, and mitigated intuititionism stand out, leading to a pragmatic model of foundation with public justification in The Law of Peoples (LP). The main idea is to think about the reasonableness of the universal defence of human rights as primary goods with the aspects follows: its political nature, not metaphysical; its theoretical coherentist model, non-foundationalist; its pragmatic function and its public justification.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church's stance on the revolution and war. OSW Commentary No. 151, 27.10.2014
Volodymyr (secular name Viktor Sabodan), the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All-Ukraine, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which recognises the honorary primacy of the Moscow Patriarchate, died on 5 July 2014 at the age of 79. He was replaced by Metropolitan Onufry (secular name Orest Berezovsky), aged 70. The fact that this representative of the moderate trend, far from politics, was elected signifies that the UOC’s previous policy will be continued in the coming years: strengthening the Church’s independence without questioning its canonical bonds with Moscow. Metropolitan Onufry’s task is to wait out the hard times, rather than to embark upon an active policy. The political developments this year have significantly weakened pro-Russian views and sentiments among the Ukrainian public, including members of the UOC. On the other hand, they have also contributed to the radicalisation of views within firmly pro-Russian circles. The hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have distanced themselves from these developments. The reasons for this included a lack of unity among them as regards this issue, as well as the leadership crisis linked to Metropolitan Volodymyr’sillness. The main problems the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is facing today are as follows: meeting the expectations of those of its members who hold patriotic views (mainly the younger generation) without at the same time antagonising its numerous members who are pro-Russian; and also continuing to disregard the Kyiv Patriarchate and maintaining bonds with the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, we may expect the UOC to continue avoiding taking a clear stance on the present conflict, instead focusing on charity.
After a dramatic economic decline after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the financial breakdown of 1998, the Russian economy has begun to emerge from its deep crisis. The years 1999-2004 were a period of dynamic development in all sectors of Russian economy, and saw a rapid growth in GDP of over 7 per cent per year. Russia owed the excellent macroeconomic results of that period to a combination of favourable factors. The key factors were: high hydrocarbon prices on the global markets; an increase in Russia's international competitiveness thanks to the "rouble devaluation effect" (following the 1998 financial crash); and the market reforms carried out within that period. In 2004, despite very high oil and gas prices on world markets, a slowdown of the GDP growth took place. Even though the economy is still developing fairly rapidly, we are able to say that Russia is exhausting those traditional mechanisms (apart from oil and gas prices) which have hitherto stimulated GDP growth. Moreover, there are no new mechanisms which could replace the old ones. In the longer term, these unsolved structural problems may seriously impede Russia's economic growth.
l-r John P. Vajda, James A. Lovell grad students
"This essay appeared in the Century Magazine for September, 1893, and it was reprinted in Mr. Woodberry's volume, 'Heart of Man,' 1900."--Note, signed: John Erskine.
Part 2 has special t.p.: An English-Gaelic dictionary : being part second of the pronouncing Gaelic dictionary.
Mode of access: Internet.
"John McTague, chairman [of] Megaprojects in the Sciences Panel"--P. vi.
"December 1995."