866 resultados para Hematúria glomerular
Dynamic blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI was applied at 7 T in the rat olfactory bulb (OB) with pulsed delivery of iso-amyl acetate (IAA) and limonene. Acquisition times for single-slice and whole OB data were 8 and 32 s, respectively, with spatial resolution of 220 × 220 × 250 μm. On an intrasubject basis, short IAA exposures of 0.6 min separated by 3.5-min intervals induced reproducible spatial activity patterns (SAPs) in the olfactory nerve layer, glomerular layer, and external plexiform layer. During long exposures (≈10 min), the initially dominant dorsal SAPs declined in intensity and area, whereas in some OB regions, the initially weak ventral/lateral SAPs increased first and then decreased. The SAPs of different concentrations were topologically similar, which implies that whereas an odor at various concentrations activates the same subsets of receptor cells, different concentrations are assessed and discriminated by variable magnitudes of laminarspecific activations. IAA and limonene reproducibly activated different subsets of receptor cells with some overlaps. Whereas qualitative topographical agreement was observed with results from other methods, the current dynamic blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI results can provide quantitative SAPs of the entire OB.
To improve the efficiency of liposome-mediated DNA transfer as a tool for gene therapy, we have developed a fusigenic liposome vector based on principles of viral cell fusion. The fusion proteins of hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ; also Sendai virus) are complexed with liposomes that encapsulate oligodeoxynucleotide or plasmid DNA. Subsequent fusion of HVJ-liposomes with plasma membranes introduces the DNA directly into the cytoplasm. In addition, a DNA-binding nuclear protein is incorporated into the HVJ-liposome particle to enhance plasmid transgene expression. The fusigenic viral liposome vector has proven to be efficient for the intracellular introduction of oligodeoxynucleotide, as well as intact genes up to 100 kbp, both in vitro and in vivo. Many animal tissues have been found to be suitable targets for fusigenic viral liposome DNA transfer. In the cardiovascular system, we have documented successful cytostatic gene therapy in models of vascular proliferative disease using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides against cell cycle genes, double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides as "decoys" to trap the transcription factor E2F, and expression of a transgene encoding the constitutive endothelial cell form of nitric oxide synthase. Similar strategies are also effective for the genetic engineering of vein grafts and for the treatment of a mouse model of immune-mediated glomerular disease.
Using genetically engineered glomerular mesangial cells, an in vivo gene transfer approach was developed that specifically targets the renal glomerulus. By combining this system with a tetracycline (Tc)-responsive promoter, the present study aimed to create a reversible on/off system for site-specific in vivo control of exogenous gene activity within the glomerulus. In the Tc regulatory system, a Tc-controlled transactivator (tTA) encoded by a regulator plasmid induces target gene transcription by binding to a tTA-responsive promoter located in a response plasmid. Tc inhibits this tTA-dependent transactivation via its affinity for tTA. In double-transfected cells, therefore, the activity of a transgene can be controlled by Tc. Cultured rat mesangial cells were cotransfected with a regulator plasmid and a response plasmid that introduces a beta-galactosidase gene. In vitro, stable double-transfectant MtTAG cells exhibited no beta-galactosidase activity in the presence of Tc. However, following withdrawal of Tc from culture media, expression of beta-galactosidase was induced within 24 h. When Tc was again added, the expression was rapidly resuppressed. Low concentrations of Tc were sufficient to maintain the silent state of tTA-dependent promoter. MtTAG cells were then transferred into the rat glomeruli via renal artery injection. In the isolated chimeric glomeruli, expression of beta-galactosidase was induced ex vivo in the absence of Tc, whereas it was repressed in its presence. When Tc-pretreated MtTAG cells were transferred into the glomeruli of untreated rats, beta-galactosidase expression was induced in vivo within 3 days. Oral administration of Tc dramatically suppressed this induction. These data demonstrate the feasibility of using mesangial cell vectors combined with the Tc regulatory system for site-specific in vivo control of exogenous gene expression in the glomerulus.
Human aging is impacted severely by cardiovascular disease and significantly but less overtly by renal dysfunction. Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) have been linked to tissue damage in diabetes and aging, and the AGE inhibitor aminoguanidine (AG) has been shown to inhibit renal and vascular pathology in diabetic animals. In the present study, the effects of AG on aging-related renal and vascular changes and AGE accumulation were studied in nondiabetic female Sprague-Dawley (S-D) and Fischer 344 (F344) rats treated with AG (0.1% in drinking water) for 18 mo. Significant increases in the AGE content in aged cardiac (P < 0.05), aortic (P < 0.005), and renal (P < 0.05) tissues were prevented by AG treatment (P < 0.05 for each tissue). A marked age-linked vasodilatory impairment in response to acetylcholine and nitroglycerine was prevented by AG treatment (P < 0.005), as was an age-related cardiac hypertrophy evident in both strains (P < 0.05). While creatinine clearance was unaffected by aging in these studies, the AGE/ creatinine clearance ratio declined 3-fold in old rats vs. young rats (S-D, P < 0.05; F344, P < 0.01), while it declined significantly less in AG-treated old rats (P < 0.05). In S-D but not in F344 rats, a significant (P < 0.05) age-linked 24% nephron loss was completely prevented by AG treatment, and glomerular sclerosis was markedly suppressed (P < 0.01). Age-related albuminuria and proteinuria were markedly inhibited by AG in both strains (S-D, P < 0.01; F344, P < 0.01). These data suggest that early interference with AGE accumulation by AG treatment may impart significant protection against the progressive cardiovascular and renal decline afflicting the last decades of life.
Polycystic kidney disease 1 (PKD1) is the major locus of the common genetic disorder autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. We have studied PKD1 mRNA, with an RNase protection assay, and found widespread expression in adult tissue, with high levels in brain and moderate signal in kidney. Expression of the PKD1 protein, polycystin, was assessed in kidney using monoclonal antibodies to a recombinant protein containing the C terminus of the molecule. In fetal and adult kidney, staining is restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in the developing nephron is most prominent in mature tubules, with lesser staining in Bowman's capsule and the proximal ureteric bud. In the nephrogenic zone, detectable signal was observed in comma- and S-shaped bodies as well as the distal branches of the ureteric bud. By contrast, uninduced mesenchyme and glomerular tufts showed no staining. In later fetal (>20 weeks) and adult kidney, strong staining persists in cortical tubules with moderate staining detected in the loops of Henle and collecting ducts. These results suggest that polycystin's major role is in the maintenance of renal epithelial differentiation and organization from early fetal life. Interestingly, polycystin expression, monitored at the mRNA level and by immunohistochemistry, appears higher in cystic epithelia, indicating that the disease does not result from complete loss of the protein.
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS; EC is expressed in rat glomerular mesangial cells upon exposure to the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta). We have reported that nanomolar concentrations of dexamethasone suppress IL-1 beta-induced iNOS protein expression and production of nitrite, the stable end product of NO formation, without affecting IL-1 beta-triggered increase in iNOS mRNA levels. We now have studied the mechanisms by which dexamethasone suppresses IL-1 beta-stimulated iNOS expression in mesangial cells. Surprisingly, nuclear run-on transcription experiments demonstrate that dexamethasone markedly attenuates IL-1 beta-induced iNOS gene transcription. However, this is counteracted by a prolongation of the half-life of iNOS mRNA from 1 h to 2.5 h by dexamethasone. Moreover, dexamethasone drastically reduces the amount of iNOS protein by reduction of iNOS mRNA translation and increased degradation of iNOS protein. These results indicate that glucocorticoids act at multiple levels to regulate iNOS expression, thus providing important insights into the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
The pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus is thought to be primarily under genetic control, with environmental factors playing a secondary role. However, it has been shown recently that intraperitoneal injection of pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecane) induces autoantibodies typical of lupus in BALB/c mice, a strain not usually considered to be genetically susceptible to the disease. In this study, the induction of autoimmune disease by pristane was investigated. BALB/c mice receiving pristane were tested for autoantibody production and histopathological evidence of glomerulonephritis. Six of 11 mice developed IgM anti-single-stranded DNA antibodies shortly after receiving pristane and 4 developed IgM anti-histone antibodies, but anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies were absent. IgG anti-DNA and anti-histone antibodies were absent. In contrast, the lupus-associated anti-nuclear ribonucleoprotein/Sm and anti-Su autoantibodies produced by these mice were predominantly IgG. In addition to autoantibodies, most of the mice developed significant proteinuria. Light microscopy of the kidney showed segmental or diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis. Electron microscopy showed subepithelial and mesangial immune-complex deposits and epithelial foot process effacement. Immunofluorescence revealed striking glomerular deposition of IgM, IgG, and C3 with a mesangial or mesangiocapillary distribution. Thus, pristane induces immune-complex glomerulonephritis in association with autoantibodies typical of lupus in BALB/c mice. These data support the idea that lupus is produced by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors and that unlike the MRL or (NZB x W)F1 mouse models, in which genetic susceptibility factors are of primary importance, environmental factors are of considerable importance in the autoimmune disease of pristane-treated BALB/c mice.
We have previously shown beneficial effects of dietary protein restriction on transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) expression and glomerular matrix accumulation in experimental glomerulonephritis. We hypothesized that these effects result from restriction of dietary L-arginine intake. Arginine is a precursor for three pathways, the products of which are involved in tissue injury and repair: nitric oxide, an effector molecule in inflammatory and immunological tissue injury; polyamines, which are required for DNA synthesis and cell growth; and proline, which is required for collagen production. Rats were fed six isocaloric diets differing in L-arginine and/or total protein content, starting immediately after induction of glomerulonephritis by injection of an antibody reactive to glomerular mesangial cells. Mesangial cell lysis and monocyte/macrophage infiltration did not differ with diet. However, restriction of dietary L-arginine intake, even when total protein intake was normal, resulted in decreased proteinuria, decreased expression of TGF-beta 1 mRNA and TGF-beta 1 protein, and decreased production and deposition of matrix components. L-Arginine, but not D-arginine, supplementation to low protein diets reversed these effects. These results implicate arginine as a key component in the beneficial effects of low protein diet.
INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: A estenose de junção ureteropélvica (EJUP) é importante causa de obstrução do trato urinário e pode levar a deterioração progressiva da função renal. Há espaço para o aprimoramento de novos métodos diagnósticos capazes de discriminar hidronefrose e uropatia obstrutiva. Acredita-se que os biomarcadores urinários podem fornecer indícios de lesão renal precoce na obstrução urinária. Neste contexto, KIM-1 pode elevar-se na urina por lesão tubular proximal, NGAL por lesão no túbulo proximal, distal ou alça de Henle, CA19-9 por produção excessiva no túbulo obstruído e ?2-microglobulina (beta2M) por injúria ao glomérulo ou ao túbulo proximal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as propriedades diagnósticas dos biomarcadores urinários citados em adultos com EJUP, sendo o primeiro estudo na literatura a avaliar tais moléculas nesta população. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados de modo prospectivo pacientes consecutivos acima de 18 anos com diagnóstico de EJUP submetidos a pieloplastia videolaparoscópica de dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2015. Foram excluídos do estudo pacientes com EJUP bilateral, rim contralateral patológico, EJUP em rim único, antecedentes de tratamento cirúrgico para estenose de JUP ou taxa de filtração glomerular inferior a 60 ml/min/1,73m2. Cada paciente forneceu quatro amostras de urina para medição de biomarcadores, uma no pré-operatório e outras com 1, 3 e 6 meses de seguimento pós-operatório. O grupo controle foi constituído por voluntários saudáveis sem hidronefrose à ultrassonografia. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 47 pacientes com idade média de 38,6 ± 12,7 anos (intervalo 19 a 64 anos), sendo 17 (36,2%) do sexo masculino e 30 (62,8%) do sexo feminino. O grupo controle foi composto por 40 indivíduos semelhantes ao grupo com EJUP no que concerne idade (p = 0,95) e sexo (p = 0,82). KIM-1 foi o marcador com melhores propriedades diagnósticas, apresentando área sob a curva (AUC) de 0,79 (95% CI 0,70 a 0,89). O NGAL, por sua vez, teve AUC de 0,71 (95% CI 0,61 a 0,83), CA19- 9 teve AUC de 0,70 (95% CI 0,60 a 0,81) e (beta2M) apresentou AUC de 0,61 (95% CI 0,50 a 0,73), sendo o único biomarcador com propriedades inadequadas neste cenário. O KIM-1 foi o marcador mais sensível com o ponto de corte 170,4 pg/mg de creatinina (sensibilidade 91,4%, especificidade 59,1%) e o CA 19-9 o mais específico para o ponto de corte de 51,3 U/mg de creatinina (sensibilidade 48,9%, especificidade 88,0%), enquanto o NGAL foi o que apresentou maior queda após desobstrução, com 90,0% dos pacientes apresentando clareamento superior a 50%. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação dos biomarcadores urinários é útil no diagnóstico de obstrução em adultos com EJUP submetidos a pieloplastia videolaparoscópica. O KIM-1 foi o marcador mais sensível e o CA 19-9 o mais específico, enquanto o NGAL foi o que apresentou maior que com a desobstrução. Houve queda das concentrações dos marcadores após pieloplastia no período estudado. O papel exato dos biomarcadores urinários no cenário de obstrução em adultos deve ser mais amplamente investigado
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) is a bone-derived hormone that regulates phosphate homeostasis. Circulating FGF23 is elevated in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and independently associated with poor renal and cardiovascular outcomes and mortality. Because the study of FGF23 in individuals with normal renal function has received little attention, we examined in a large, population based study of 1128 participants the associations of FGF23 with markers of mineral metabolism and renal function. The median estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of the cohort was 105 ml/min per 1.73 m2, and the median plasma FGF23 was 78.5 RU/ml. FGF23 increased and plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 decreased significantly below an eGFR threshold of 102 and 99 ml/min per 1.73 m2, respectively. In contrast, plasma parathyroid hormone increased continuously with decreasing eGFR and was first significantly elevated at an eGFR of 126 ml/min per 1.73 m2. On multivariable analysis adjusting for sex, age, body mass index, and GFR, FGF23 was negatively associated with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, and urinary absolute and fractional calcium excretion but not with serum calcium or parathyroid hormone. We found a positive association of FGF23 with plasma phosphate, but no association with urinary absolute or fractional phosphate excretion and, unexpectedly, a positive association with tubular maximum phosphate reabsorption/GFR. Thus, in the absence of CKD, parathyroid hormone increases earlier than FGF23 when the eGFR decreases. The increase in FGF23 occurs at a higher eGFR threshold than previously reported and is closely associated with a decrease in 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. We speculate that the main demonstrable effect of FGF23 in the setting of preserved renal function is suppression of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 rather than stimulation of renal phosphate excretion.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06