958 resultados para Diferencias entre los sexos
Los datos sugieren que los mercados laborales no encuentran el equilibrio según la microeconomía tradicional. Las persistentes desigualdades salariales intersectoriales y aquellas derivadas del tamaño de la empresa constituyen un desafío. Los datos del sector privado de Jamaica revelan que las desigualdades salariales según tamaño de la empresa podrían promover desigualdades intersectoriales. Al considerar la calidad de la mano de obra y otras características, se descubre que las empresas con 10 a 49 empleados y aquellas con 50 o más pagan primas estimadas de 14,3% y 22,9%, respectivamente. Tras estimar las diferencias en los perfiles de permanencia laboral, la prima vinculada a empresas mayores se redujo al 15,9%, y no varió la vinculada a empresas con 10 a 49 trabajadores. No obstante la explicación parcial proporcionada por los diferentes perfiles de permanencia laboral, el grueso de las desigualdades salariales según tamaño de la empresa parece obedecer a otras construcciones teóricas.
A partir de la utilización de zonas metropolitanas como unidades de análisis, en este estudio se observan las correlaciones de diversos factores de riesgo asociados al delito con las tasas de homicidio. Entre los principales hallazgos, se encontró una correlación fuerte entre el índice de retención escolar en 1994 y la tasa de homicidios a finales de la década de 2000. También se encontró una correlación entre la tasa de homicidios y el porcentaje de viviendas deshabitadas por zona metropolitana. Sin embargo, existen varias diferencias entre los resultados aquí obtenidos y aquellos encontrados en la literatura. Estas diferencias se deben al uso de diferentes unidades de observación. En otras palabras, el análisis de la violencia por zonas metropolitanas en México aún tiene mucho que dar, contrario a los estudios cuyas observaciones se limitan a los municipios.
En este artículo se combinan los datos individuales de las encuestas de hogares de los países latinoamericanos para obtener un vector de ingresos regional y analizar su distribución y cambios recientes. Se investiga si en la última década los cambios distributivos en los países han mejorado la distribución de los ingresos entre los individuos, o incrementado las brechas. Los indicadores de desigualdad global de la región muestran una caída significativa durante 2003-2012. Esta merma en la desigualdad global se explica fundamentalmente por la reducción de la desigualdad en los países latinoamericanos. Los ingresos de los habitantes de América Latina son hoy más igualitarios en términos relativos que hace una década, aunque las diferencias en los ingresos promedio de los países son mayores.
En este trabajo se procura evaluar la producción, el uso y la difusión de tecnología en la estructura productiva de los países emergentes, en particular del Brasil, China, la Federación de Rusia y Sudáfrica, mediante el análisis de: i) usuarios y productores de tecnología; ii) contenido de investigación y desarrollo (i+d) en cada grupo de sectores, y iii) flujos de conocimientos técnicos entre esos grupos. Para alcanzar los objetivos fijados se utilizan matrices de insumo-producto combinadas con estadísticas de i+d sectoriales. Los principales resultados revelan considerables diferencias entre los países emergentes y también entre países en desarrollo y desarrollados, incluso en la jerarquía sectorial en cuanto a la producción y utilización de conocimientos tecnológicos, y en la dirección de los principales flujos de tecnología entre sectores. PALABRAS
Esse artigo propõe uma discussão sobre contatos culturais na região Amazônica no período pré-colonial. Para debater esse tema, utilizarei informações etnohistóricas e dados arqueológicos obtidos por pesquisas realizadas na região do baixo Tapajós, confrontando-os com outros contextos do baixo Amazonas, a fim de fundamentar a hipótese de in-terações culturais em escala regional sugerida pela ampla distribuição da cerâmica do Horizonte Inciso-Ponteado. Os dados indicam que grupos sociais interagiram no passado compartilhando redes de comunicação, ideias e cosmologias. Isso é percebido através do estudo da cultura material produzida e significada socialmente, a qual é entendida como indicador de vínculos sociais que transpunham fronteiras geográficas, bem como veículo de identidade cultural e agente ativo de pertencimento social. São apresentadas similaridades e distinções entre grupos que ocuparam a região em questão a partir da comparação das características de implantação dos sítios arqueológicos na paisagem e da cultura material, utilizando como estudo de caso a cerâmica do sítio arqueológico Alvo-rada, município de Itaituba, Pará.
O efeito da idade relativa, que consiste na vantagem obtida pelo atleta nascido mais próximo ao início do ano de seleção, tem se mostrado uma variável importante para o processo de seleção de esportistas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a influência da época de nascimento no tempo de reação de escolha de futebolistas presentes nas categorias de base (sub 13) de clubes profissionais futebol. Participaram 76 atletas com idade de 13,36 ± 0,45 anos. Os voluntários foram submetidos ao teste do TRE, e os resultados categorizados conforme o semestre de nascimento (S1 ou S2). Foi empregado o teste t para a comparação entre grupos, e análise de Correlação de Pearson para verificar a existência de associações entre as variáveis. Os resultados não indicaram diferenças entre os grupos no tempo de reação (r = 0,033 e p = 0,772) e no tempo de movimento (r = 0,0073 e p = 0,530). Concluiu-se que para essa população, a época de nascimento não influencia no desempenho dessa capacidade.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Due to the process of educational inclusion, it is necessary for the teacher who works with disabled students to acknowledge and master the resources of assistive technology equipment available in Brazil. The objective was to identify the presence of these resources at school and evaluate, having the teacher as the evaluator, the conditions of dealing with the Assistive Technology resources and equipment. The sample consisted of 14 teachers who work in the Resources Multifunction Classroom and 18 regular classroom teachers who have disabled students enrolled in their classrooms. Data collection was performed through the TAE Questionnaire - Assistive Technology for Education. The data collection was performance in groups during the training course sponsored by the Education Department of Rondonópolis as part of the Program of Continuing Education Training for Managers and Educators - Inclusive Education: The Right to Diversity. The questionnaire data indicated differences between the two groups mentioned. The teachers of the Resource Classes indicated that Assistive Technology resources are now being introducing at schools and that over 50% of this group understand the resources presented on the questionnaire. Most of the regular classroom teachers is still unaware of the Assistive Technology resources and equipment. Regarding the dealing of these resources the group of teachers from the multifunctional classroom is better prepared to use this technology. The data suggest the need for investment in acquisition and training of teachers in relation to Assistive Technology resources.
Introduction: The literature about the work with the voice of actors in the theater focuses the research on organic issues involved in the vocal process as “misuse” or “vocal abuse”. To a lesser amount, there are studies that highlight issues of interpretation and expressive resources, as well as others that highlight the linguistic resources of interpretation. This work shows a linguistic feature – the pause – and its collaboration for the theatrical interpretation. Objective: to verify the extent to which similarities and differences occur between the points judged as occurrence of pauses in interpretations of a theatrical text. Method: Subjects of this study were four theater actors, who played individually a same theatrical text. Later, a group of ten judges judged the points where pauses occurred. Based on a criterion of 70% agreement between judges, were searched similarities and differences between the points judged as pause of each recording. Results: the four subjects showed different amounts of pause in the stretch in common that they interpreted: S1= ten occurrences; S2= 14 occurrences; S3= 6 occurrences; and S4= 9 occurrences. In this inter-subject variation, five points of pause in common were detected. Conclusion: we have seen, then, that this variability (featuring subjectivity in interpretation) is built inside given possibilities, with lesser or greater flexibility, by the structure of the theatrical text.
The goal of this research was to characterize written stories, produced by students, without complaint of language development (oral and written), from pictographic support. In a specific way, it has been searched, in those stories, elements that could grant coherence, applying that performance with the participants’ profile variables. It was characterized as a descriptive-exploratory study, held at a rural municipal school in the State of Parana. Twenty-one (21) students of both genders and ages between seven and nine years old have participated in this study. Data collection consisted of two narratives requests: one oral, after being released, to the child, four pictures placed in sequence to form a story, and one written. This writing production had been taken for the analysis. The results have indicated that most children (71.42%) managed to produce coherent stories, seventeen (80%) in story 1 and thirteen (61%) in story 2. As to the relation of that coherence with the students’ profile in story 1, there has been no statistically significant association, for none of the analyzed variables (gender, age and education), whereas there has been a statistically significant association with gender in story 2 (p-value 0.027). It is considered that the use of the pictographic support in developing stories have been confirmed as a facilitating strategy for its construction, for it has enabled the production of coherent narratives.
The experience of menopause is increasingly present, and demand strategies to improve the quality of life of women during this period. This research aimed to evaluate the quality of life for women in the climacteric phase, with or without the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is a longitudinal epidemiological study of a sample of 99 women per group. It was evaluated the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics. It was used the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). For data analysis, it was used the Student t test, chi-square and Tukey. HRT users had an average age of 50.76 ± 3.63 years, and nonusers of 48.95 ± 6,27anos (p = 0.01). It was identified a higher frequency of moderate climacteric symptoms of mild intensity. The social aspects evidenced scores below 50 for the two groups. There were differences between groups with respect to the components of the SF-36 and MRS to general health, functional capacity, lower capacity, depression, insomnia and vasomotor phenomena.
This work aims to estimate an empirical model for three kinds of crime in Sao Paulo city: homicides, robberies and car thefts. It uses as geographical units the areas belonging to each police districts and takes in account spatial effects among the variables. The results show important differences when we deal with crime against people and crime against property.
This article approaches the questions about the sexes, genders, desires and sexual standardization practices, starting from the appearance of new sexual identities that can be classified as queer – travesty, transsexual and transgender people. Still, we problematize how the manners of established forms of subjectivity and the hegemonic institutions marginalize such forms of existences, because of the immense difficulty in the encounter with the stranger, the different and the unusual. With those analyses, we are trying to provide the creation of devices to reduce the intensities of the discrimination, of the stigmatization, of the violence, so frequently lived by the people dissident from the heterosexual gender normative, what was reported about their own lived experiences.
The present study aimed to compare elderly and young female voices in habitual and high intensity. The effect of increased intensity on the acoustic and perceptual parameters was assessed. Sound pressure level, fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer, and harmonic to noise ratio were obtained at habitual and high intensity voice in a group of 30 elderly women and 30 young women. Perceptual assessment was also performed. Both groups demonstrated an increase in sound pressure level and fundamental frequency from habitual voice to high intensity voice. No differences were found between groups in any acoustic variables on samples recorded with habitual intensity level. No significant differences between groups were found in habitual intensity level for pitch, hoarseness, roughness, and breathiness. Asthenia and instability obtained significant higher values in elderly than young participants, whereas, the elderly demonstrated lower values for perceived tension and loudness than young subjects. Acoustic and perceptual measures do not demonstrate evident differences between elderly and young speakers in habitual intensity level. The parameters analyzed may lack the sensitivity necessary to detect differences in subjects with normal voices. Phonation with high intensity highlights differences between groups, especially in perceptual parameters. Therefore, high intensity should be included to compare elderly and young voice.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)