839 resultados para Desigualdade de Harnack
Este estudo aborda o problema da violência na escola. A escolha do tema deveu-se ao fato de a violência nas escolas públicas brasileiras ter sido assunto diário na mídia nos últimos anos, com consequências devastadoras que afetam a formação da cidadania, principalmente quando crianças e adolescentes são envolvidos. Utilizou-se o método de pesquisa qualitativa por esperar compreender e descrever as experiências dos círculos restaurativos cujos objetivos são: 1) Avaliar a percepção de segurança de alunos e servidores de uma escola pública do estado do Amazonas e conhecer os tipos de violência com as quais se confrontam; 2) identificar e descrever o perfil socioeconômico das famílias dos participantes dos círculos restaurativos; e 3) descrever as experiências com os círculos restaurativos. Participaram da pesquisa 300 indivíduos de uma escola pública do Estado do Amazonas, distribuídos em 248 alunos, 49 servidores, sendo 148 do sexo masculino (49 por cento e 152 (51 por cento do sexo feminino, com idade média de (18,82) anos. Destes 210 (70 por cento ) solteiros, 33 (11 por cento ) casados, e mais 57 (19 por cento ) com outras situações conjugais. A escolaridade variava entre ensino fundamental incompleto (4 por cento ), ensino médio incompleto (83,9 por cento ) e mestrado completo (4 por cento ). Para coleta dos dados, utilizou-se um questionário com 11 itens, a escala sobre violência na escola com 8 itens e as técnicas dos círculos restaurativos. Trata-se, portanto, de uma pesquisa participante por ter utilizado, para coleta dados, as técnicas de observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada. Quanto aos resultados, observou-se uma correlação moderada e significativa entre as variáveis, percepção de segurança na sala de aula com a da escola (r=0,612; p<0,01). Conclui-se que existe evidência de violência nos diversos contextos estudados, sendo que a ocorrência de violência informada é maior nos arredores da escola: 127 (46,4 por cento ). Dos participantes, 160 (58 por cento ) sentem-se seguros. Entretanto, um percentual considerável, 94 (34,3 por cento ) responderam que não se sentem muito seguros. Quanto ao perfil socioeconômico, detectaram-se inúmeros problemas de natureza socioeconômicos e psicossociais, dentre os quais, os conflitos familiares, pobreza, ausência dos serviços públicos básicos ou dificuldades no acesso, o desemprego, analfabetismo, negligência contra crianças e adolescentes entre outros. Em relação às experiências com os círculos restaurativos, foram mediados quatro conflitos e instaurados os pré-círculos e os círculos: dois em decorrência do bullying praticado por meio de mensagens de celular, uma desavença entre dois alunos e um desentendimento entre professor e aluno. Todos os casos tiveram resultados satisfatórios.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33; Secondary 47G20, 31B05
This thesis relates to issues present in the hip hop movement. Thus it includes youngsters grouped in different levels such as local, regional and national. The research deals with this broad segment. The analysis is made on those called “peripheral youth” It encompasses the juvenile segment, that is committed to a movement defined by these youngsters and activists, the so called “hip hop movement”. The research aims to analyze poetics present in rap, considered as an expression of resistance and inventiveness. The analysis was of micro politic nature and it dealt with the “peripheral scenario” present in hip hop Lelo Melodia in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. In this community, the group in known for their resistance attitude. The group´s opinion is not of opposition or force but it is seen in the sense of reinventing life that is currently attached to the persisting social inequality condition. In these terms, the research also deals with this committed poetic rap understood here as expressions towards resistance and inventiveness that is produced by these youth groups that belong to this hip hop movement. The focal group was the Lelo Melodia Group of the Posse de Hip Hop in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil.
The discussion of economic development emphasizes the emergence of a gradual change of economic structure, which would rise from an agrarian to the industrial stage, and later with a predominant tertiary sector. However, the high Brazilian regional inequality resulted in the coexistence of modern spaces and other arrears. Such disparities are visible not only in economics, but spatial, social and environmental. Although Brazil has gone through changes in the production structure and the location of these activities, space - territorial disparities manifest themselves in a high level of regional heterogeneity. In this context, the Northeast emerged as a region that has historically been characterized by socioeconomic backwardness and the presence of the worst indicators of inequality. The presence of these indicators showing the socioeconomic backwardness of the other fronts region contributes to the priority of action aimed at reverting this regional disparity public policy. The historical account of the development policies of regional studies shows that the state played a pivotal role in ensuring regional planning. Besides the creation of development agencies such as the Northeast Sudene, tax and financial incentives have been widely used strategies in the region to foster greater national integration. However, the use of incentives is much discussed in view of the possible advantages and disadvantages brought by its use. Thus, this study aims to build a theoretical framework tool for building effective public policies for industrialization in the Northeast, specifically in Rio Grande do Norte.
T he socio - economy of the coastal municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte semiarid coast was analyzed th r ou g h by the actors, ant hropogenic implications, fishing environment and composition of its fish fauna, as well as the trend of product ion landed by the artisanal fleet with the aim of identifying the sustainability and management. In this study, were used participatory methodologies, monthly data of rainfall between September 2001 and December 2010; landings of the artisanal fleet during January 2001 to December 2010; and socioeconomic (IBGE, 2002/2010), (IDEMA, 2011/2012), (MPA, 2010; 2012), UNDP and MS (2013). Based on these data, we performed analysis of variance were performed using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (HAP) and s tatistical models of multiple regression and time series. It was identified that the occupation of the coastal and marine zone through salt industry, tourism, shrimp farming, oil and gas and wind energy reconfigured the environment and attracted new actors . Rainfall influenced the catches, of which 35% occur in the rainy season, 40% in the dry season and 25% independent. Production increased 55%, in the period analyzed , being landed in 31 ports spread over 11 municipalities, cap tured in environments mangrov e/ estuarine (23%), coastal (46%) and oceanic (31%). Despite market up 41 species, were commercialized in the region production concentrated in eight, mainly landed in Macau and Caiçara North, by vessels of small and medium - sized (motorized and sailboats) . Highlights included three species ( Hirundichthys affins , Coryphaena hippurus and Opisthonema oglinum ), which together accounted for 63.3% of the whole volume. It was found that the motorized vessels tripled in number while sailboats reduced by half. Landin gs by different types of vessels tend to increase over time, while the small sailboats vessels, decrease. The introduction of more new motorized vessels and sailboats also tend to increase production. The study concluded that GDP and HDI of coastal countie s increased however inequality persisted. The potential of artisanal fishing is in the stage “ unfavorable ” of development and the trend in fish production is to grow over time and with the entry of more vessels. However, it is urgent that the state actions to promote and enhance planning to restore fish stocks in a sustainable and profitable fisheries standards. Therefore, it is recommend the strategic use of natural resources in a sustainable development perspective.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
This study aims to bring reflection on the legitimacy crisis of the Brazilian representative democracy, which results in non-attendance of fundamental rights, regarding legal and social facts in light of the existing constitutional order and seeking solutions in more democratic procedures and in a more humane, critical, democratic and collaborative education. It has been an issue for some time the understanding that the authorities do not meet the basic needs of Brazilian citizens - the only way to make them autonomous and sufficiently able to conduct their lives in a competitive and globalized labor market. Such situation only worsened - as illustrated by the social movements in mid-2013 - when people took to the streets, showing a noticeable dissatisfaction with public services in general, and some other groups presenting specific complaints in those events. To find solutions or at least suggestions for the reflection of the problem found, a current approach to public authorities was necessary attempting to reveal how the constitutional order authorizes their operation and how - in fact - they act. In this endeavour, the legitimacy of power was discussed, involving the analysis of its origin, to whom it belongs and the legitimacy of deficit situations, concluding that it is only justified as it gets more democratic influence, with greater participation of people in its deliberations and decisions, with its plurality and complexity. Research carried out by official institutions was necessary to have evidence of the low level of social development of the country and the nonattendance of minimum basic rights, as well as exposure to various acts and omissions which show that all public authorities do not legitimately represent the people's interests. The competence of the Supreme Court to establish the broader scope of the remuneration policy in the public service received proper attention, presenting itself as an effective means to promote the reduction of the remuneration and structural inequality in public service and contributing to better care of fundamental rights. Also, considerations were made about the Decree 8243/2014, which established the National Policy for Social Participation (NPSP) and the National System of Social Participation (NSSP) and took other measures with the suggestion of its expansion into the legislative and judiciary powers as a way to legitimize the Brazilian democracy, considering its current stage. In conclusion, it is presented the idea expressed by the most influential and modern pedagogical trends for the creation of a participatory, solidary, non-hierarchical and critical culture since the childhood stage. This idea focuses on the resolution of questions addressed to the common good, which considers the complexity and the existing pluralism in society with a view to constant knowledge update. Knowledge update is in turn dynamic and requires such action, instilling - for the future generations - the idea that the creation of a more participatory and collaborative democracy is needed to reduce social inequality as a way to legitimize and promote social welfare, with the implementation of a policy devoted to meet the minimum fundamental rights to ensure dignity to the population.
The work referred to above, in order to contribute to the legal issues, economic, political and social of the violation of social rights, performs even firmer approach to various implementation mechanisms of social rights in Brazil. Therefore, it begins the study dealing with aspects and important characters of the rights under discussion, as its normative forecast, concept, classifications; respect of social rights with the existential minimum; the principle of reservation of the possible and the need to use this principle as optimization commandment of state resources and the deficit of the realization of social rights in the country. This, in later chapters, in an interdisciplinary approach, challenges and proposals for the realization of social rights by bringing in each chapter, mechanisms for such implementation. That way, as a general objective, it has been to contribute to the discussed problems, when present proposals for the realization of social rights in the Brazilian context. As specific objectives, as well as record the key aspects of the rights in allusion, the one has to promote the perspective of economic development and taxation as posts instruments that the State must be focused on the promotion of social rights by registering in this context that nonexistent economic development without reducing poverty, misery and social inequality and adding that there should be a directly proportional relationship between the tax burden in the country and the human and social development index; analyze the achievement of budget control as essential and healthy measure for the realization of social rights; highlight the importance of society to the achievement of unavailable social interests, affirming the need for the implementation of participatory democracy and, in this line, brings knowledge of the Constitution and the constitutional sense as elements that provide the constitutional progress. Finally, it presents a study on public policies, considering that these are equivalent to the primary means of the promotion of social rights. That way it analyzes the stages that integrate public policies, ranging from the perception of social problems for evaluation and control of the policies implemented; debate about the administrative discretion in when it comes to public policies; brings the classification of essential public policies, the relationship of these with the existential minimum, control parameters and, finally, the legalization of public policy, regarded as legitimate to remedy the unconstitutional state failure and give normative effectiveness and strength to the defining constitutional rules for fundamental social rights. It uses to achieve the objectives outlined, the bibliographic and normative approach method and performs an analysis of jurisprudence related understandings to matter. In the conclusions, it rescues the most important aspects elucidated at work, with the aim of giving emphasis to the proposals and mechanisms that contribute to the solution of the discussed problems.
O acesso ao ensino superior gratuito no Brasil continua sendo um grande desafio para significativa parcela da população. Várias políticas de ações afirmativas têm sido estimuladas no sentido de promover um acesso mais homogêneo às universidades públicas brasileiras. Essa dificuldade no acesso acaba refletindo-se no mercado de trabalho, gerando um desequilíbrio em várias áreas de atuação. Na área de saúde, temos observado que um intenso debate sobre a oferta, a concentração e a fixação de médicos vem acontecendo no Brasil. Embora o número de médicos tenha aumentado nos últimos anos, chama a atenção a desigualdade da distribuição dos mesmos, que prioriza os grandes centros urbanos e as capitais em detrimento dos municípios do interior. A abertura de novos cursos de medicina é uma das estratégias na tentativa de conseguir uma melhor distribuição de médicos nas diversas regiões do Brasil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o Argumento de Inclusão Regional da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, enquanto política que objetiva priorizar a seleção de estudantes do interior do Estado com vistas a promover maior fixação futura de profissionais nas regiões com maior carência destes, especialmente médicos. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, descritivo, em que a coleta de dados constou de revisão bibliográfica e análise documental. O estudo se desenvolveu em etapas, transformadas em capítulos descritivos que deram forma ao trabalho final. É importante destacar a necessidade de esclarecimento sobre esse instrumento, que pode ser utilizado por todos os novos cursos de Medicina do país como um dos meios para um melhorar o acesso de estudantes das regiões onde os cursos estão inseridos e, com isso, tentar promover, ao final do curso, uma maior fixação de médicos nos municípios do interior do Brasil.
The characteristics profile of individuals who develop AIDS in Brazil has changed over time. Among these modifications, a worrying finding is the increased incidence of AIDS in the elderly across the country. But, however, is not yet clear whether the increase in AIDS cases is sufficient to produce a change in the trend of measures in recent years in the Brazilian states, and this increase has an effect from the socioeconomic and demographic indicators. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the AIDS incidence rates among the elderly in Brazil and its effect on socioeconomic and demographic inequalities in the period 2000 to 2012. This is an ecological time-series study to meet behavior of the time series of the incidence rates of AIDS in the elderly from 2000 to 2012. the rates were calculated using the secondary data from Diseases Information System Notification and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Data were analyzed statistically to know the trends in incidence rates, by polynomial regression model and joinpoint log-linear regression model, but also the simple linear regression analysis to find the relationship of trends with variables socioeconomic and demographic. SPSS 20.0® and Joinpoint 4.1.1 programs were used. All tests were carried out considering a significance of 5%. After the analysis, in Brazil were reported 62,052 new cases of AIDS in the elderly from 2000 to 2012. During this period, a significant increase was found for males, both aged 50-59 years (APPC: 3.46 %, p <0.001), such as above 59 years (AAPC: 4.38%; p <0.001). For females, the increase was significant and has the largest increments in the time series, when compared to males in both age groups (AAPC: 4.62%, p <0.001 and AAPC: 6.53%; p <0.001) respectively. The largest increases are observed in women and in the states of North and Northeast. In the Southeast Region is observed stabilization of rates throughout the series. The reason of trends between the sexes had a significant reduction, but also an approach in both age groups of the study, reaching a ratio of 1.7 males for every female in the youngest age group. The trends were related to illiteracy rates, with increasing social inequality and the lowest human development in the Brazilian states. We conclude that in Brazil the incidence of AIDS in the elderly follows an increasing trend in individuals over 50 years. Noteworthy are the highest rates of study in women and in the states of North and Northeast. In this sense, the country needs to enhance policies towards older people with STD / AIDS, training health professionals and developing effective measures for the prevention and early diagnosis of infected people, especially in places with limited resources and high social inequality. In the long term, it is developing new studies to understand whether the measures taken were effective in reducing the trends identified in this study.
In general, men and women look for characteristics that can indicate improvement of their reproductive success in their romantic partners. However, partner choice is not only based on what the individual want in a partner, but he/she also takes into consideration how they perceive themselves in a determined environment, in a way that self-perception can change according to the context where the individual is inserted in. Besides the environment, self-esteem can be a factor that modifies romantic partner preferences and the way that people choose these partners for being able to influence how people evaluate themselves. Most of the studies that originate today’s universal standards in the study of romantic partner were conducted with undergraduate students, which may limit the coverage of the conclusions for contemplating people of the same educational level and probably also socioeconomic status (SES). The present research, held in Brazil, where the social inequality rate is high, and part in Canada, country with low social inequality, had as goal verifying romantic partners preferences and choices and self-evaluation as romantic partners in different educational level and SES. Men, mainly of low SES, tend to prioritize social status when looking for a romantic partner while the universal pattern is the preference for physical attractiveness, and women of low SES seem to be aware of this preference when expressing that social status is important for their self-perception. In addition, the results corroborate the influence of the context, selfesteem, and SES in the self-perception as a romantic partner, though the latter two appear to modulate how the is the influence of the context on participants’ perception. Moreover, this research also indicated that the preferences appear to represent the choices for the most important characteristics for each sex, being the other characteristics probably modulated by the quantity of available participants in the environment.
Nell'elaborato si introduce l'operatore del calore e le funzioni caloriche mostrandone alcuni esempi. Di seguito si deduce la soluzione fondamentale dell'operatore H evidenziandone alcune importanti proprietà. Si procede, poi, con l'introduzione dell'Identità di Green per l'operatore del calore e da questa si ricava la formula di media per le funzioni caloriche. Grazie a tale formula di media si evidenzia una cruciale proprietà delle funzioni caloriche: la loro regolarità C-infinito. Di seguito si deduce un'espressione migliorata per la formula di media calorica avente come vantaggio quello di avere un nucleo limitato. Si procede, quindi, mostrando alcune conseguenze dell'espressione migliorata dimostrata: si ricava, infatti, in modo diretto la disuguaglianza di Harnack e il principio di massimo forte. L'elaborato procede, poi, con lo studio del problema di Cauchy relativo all'operatore del calore. Infine si analizzano i teoremi di Liouville per le funzioni caloriche.
O desperdício alimentar constitui um problema à escala mundial. Em Portugal, no contexto de crise económica que vivemos importa combater a situação de desigualdade no acesso e no consumo de alimentos, o que implica sensibilizar a população para uma mudança de comportamentos. Neste sentido, para a promoção do combate ao desperdício alimentar e de uma cidadania mais ativa em matéria de sustentabilidade é fundamental recorrer a diversas estratégias, nomeadamente a nível educacional. Todavia, para que este processo de sensibilização produza os efeitos desejados é necessário chegar primeiro aos professores trabalhando com eles valores e saberes relativos à temática do desperdício alimentar. Neste contexto surge o projeto “Sensibilizar para o Desperdício Alimentar” desenvolvido pela Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém e que envolveu a conceção e implementação de uma ação de formação dirigida a professores do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A apreciação que os professores fizeram da formação foi muito positiva, nomeadamente da pertinência das temáticas abordadas, da qualidade dos materiais e da metodologia adotada. A estas evidências soma-se o interesse demonstrado por outras instituições de ensino superior, que pretendem implementar, em breve, esta oficina de formação, o que nos incentiva a dar continuidade ao projeto.
MARIANO, J. L. ; NEDER, H. D. . Renda e Pobreza entre Famílias no meio Rural do Nordeste. In: CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLGOGIA RURAL, 42., 2004, Cuiabá - MT. Anais... Cuiabá, 2004. Dinâmicas Setoriais e Desenvolvimento Regional.
Em Portugal, cerca de duas centenas de organizações estão empenhadas a criar e implementar Planos para a igualdade de homens e mulheres. Entre elas estão empresas públicas e privadas, autarquias, associações empresariais, organizações do setor terciário, associações de desenvolvimento, universidades, ministérios e outros departamentos governativos. A pesquisa que aqui se expõe inscreveu-se num projeto mais amplo de diagnóstico em realização na Câmara Municipal da Lousã, que se encontra a promover um Plano Municipal para a Igualdade. Nesse âmbito mostrou-se necessário fazer um diagnóstico interno à organização com uma perspetiva de género, quer em termos de desigualdades de género na composição e situação dos seus efetivos quer de forma a conhecer as representações das pessoas que trabalham na autarquia, em torno do fenómeno da (des)igualdade de mulheres e homens. Para a sua realização foi feita análise estatística a dados fornecidos pela organização, e aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário ao pessoal ao serviço da autarquia. Concluiu-se que estamos na presença do fenómeno da desigualdade em função do sexo na estrutura da organização traduzida pela segregação ocupacional e segregação vertical, sendo os homens que apresentam os maiores níveis de antiguidade, que justificarão, de certa forma, as disparidades salariais existentes. Confirmamos uma dualidade entre o ideal de mulher como mãe e dona-de-casa e o de mulher como pessoa independente, especialmente quando são evocadas as consequências da sua atividade profissional sobre os/as filhos/as e a vida familiar. O papel de cuidar surge assim como o obstáculo a conceções menos tradicionalistas e individualizadoras da identidade feminina que nos remete para uma mudança na atribuição do lugar social de homens e mulheres dentro e fora da família. Sobressai a valorização e enfatização da maternidade e do cuidado das crianças na identidade feminina; ao passo que aos homens se atribui uma maior valorização da atividade profissional. Esta constatação comprova a ambivalência e dicotomia de valores e atitudes entre uma fuga à convencional polarização entre papéis “masculinos” e “femininos” rígida e estereotipadamente definidos. / In Portugal, about two hundred organizations are committed to create and implement plans for men and women’s equality. These include public and private companies, local authorities, business associations, third sector organizations, development associations, universities, ministries and other governmental departments. The research exposed here is part of a broader diagnostic project taking placa in the City Hall, of Lousã which is promoting a Municipal Plan for Equality. In this context it was necessary to make an internal diagnosis to the organization from a perspective of gender, either in terms of gender inequalities in the composition and status of their workers or in order to know the workers representations around the phenomenon of women and men’s equality. To make it passible the organization provided statistical data which was analysed and subsequentaly a questionnaire was applied to the municipality staff. We concluded that there is the phenomenon of gender inequality in the structure of the organization namely occupational/professional segregation and vertical segregation, - men having the highest levels of seniority, which may justify in some way the existing wage gap. The study confirms a duality between the ideal of woman as a mother and housewife and the woman as an independent person, especially when the consequences suggested are related to their professional activity on their children and life family. The role of caring emerges as the obstacle to less traditionalist conceptions of female identity and individualization, which leads us to talk about a change of the social position of men and women within and outside the family. It points out the valuation and emphasizing of motherhood and care in female identity, whereas men are given a greater appreciation of the professional activity. This conclusion confirms the ambivalence and dichotomy of values and attitudes between escape from the conventional polarization between rigid and stereotypically defined roles of "male" and "female".