960 resultados para Cervical carcinoma Human Papillomavirus Cancer
The E6 protein of the high-risk human papillomaviruses inactivates the tumor suppressor protein p53 by stimulating its ubiquitinylation and subsequent degradation. Ubiquitinylation is a multistep process involving a ubiquitin-activating enzyme, one of many distinct ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, and in certain cases, a ubiquitin ligase. In human papillomavirus-infected cells, E6 and the E6-associated protein are thought to act as a ubiquitin-protein ligase in the ubiquitinylation of p53. Here we describe the cloning of a human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that specifically ubiquitinylates E6-associated protein. Furthermore, we define the biochemical pathway of p53 ubiquitinylation and demonstrate that in vivo inhibition of various components in the pathway leads to an inhibition of E6-stimulated p53 degradation.
Progress toward understanding the biology of prostate cancer has been slow due to the few animal research models available to study the spectrum of this uniquely human disease. To develop an animal model for prostate cancer, several lines of transgenic mice were generated by using the prostate-specific rat probasin promoter to derive expression of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen-coding region. Mice expressing high levels of the transgene display progressive forms of prostatic disease that histologically resemble human prostate cancer, ranging from mild intraepithelial hyperplasia to large multinodular malignant neoplasia. Prostate tumors have been detected specifically in the prostate as early as 10 weeks of age. Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor tissue has demonstrated that dorsolateral prostate-specific secretory proteins were confined to well-differentiated ductal epithelial cells adjacent to, or within, the poorly differentiated tumor mass. Prostate tumors in the mice also display elevated levels of nuclear p53 and a decreased heterogeneous pattern of androgen-receptor expression, as observed in advanced human prostate cancer. The establishment of breeding lines of transgenic mice that reproducibly develop prostate cancer provides an animal model system to study the molecular basis of transformation of normal prostatic cells and the factors influencing the progression to metastatic prostate cancer.
E6-AP is a 100-kDa cellular protein that interacts with the E6 protein of the cancer-associated human papillomavirus types 16 and 18. The E6/E6-AP complex binds to and targets the p53 tumor-suppressor protein for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. E6-AP is an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase which accepts ubiquitin from an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in the form of a thioester and then directly transfers the ubiquitin to targeted substrates. The amino acid sequence of E6-AP shows similarity to a number of protein sequences over an approximately 350-aa region corresponding to the carboxyl termini of both E6-AP and the E6-AP-related proteins. Of particular note is a conserved cysteine residue within the last 32-34 aa, which in E6-AP is likely to be the site of ubiquitin thioester formation. Two of the E6-AP-related proteins, a rat 100-kDa protein and a yeast 95-kDa protein (RSP5), both of previously unknown function, are shown here to form thioesters with ubiquitin. Mutation of the conserved cysteine residue of these proteins destroys their ability to accept ubiquitin. These data strongly suggest that the rat 100-kDa protein and RSP5, as well as the other E6-AP-related proteins, belong to a class of functionally related E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases, defined by a domain homologous to the E6-AP carboxyl terminus (hect domain).
O câncer de mama é o tipo de câncer mais comumente detectado em mulheres de todo o mundo. Na maioria das pacientes, a causa de morte se deve, principalmente, à doença metastática que pode se desenvolver a partir do tumor primário. O processo metastático envolve uma complexa cascata de eventos, incluindo a quebra organizada dos componentes da matriz extracelular por metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs). A atividade das MMPs é precisamente regulada por inibidores específicos, os inibidores teciduais das MMPs (TIMPs). Dado seu papel na progressão tumoral, níveis elevados de MMPs têm sido associados com prognóstico desfavorável para pacientes com câncer. Por outro lado, sendo os TIMPs proteínas multifuncionais, níveis elevados de TlMP-1 e de TIMP-2 correlacionam com agressividade do tumor e prognóstico ruim em diferentes tipos de câncer, incluindo o câncer de mama. O gene supressor de metástase RECK codifica uma glicoproteína de membrana capaz de inibir a invasão e a metástase tumoral através da regulação negativa da atividade de MMPs envolvidas em carcinogênese: MMP-2, MMP-9 e MMP-14 (MT1-MMP). A fim de analisar o papel das MMPs e de seus inibidores (TIMPs e RECK) na progressão tumoral do câncer de mama, o perfil de expressão destes genes foi detectado, através de ensaios de Real-Time PCR, em um painel de cinco linhagens celulares de carcinoma de mama humano com diferentes potenciais invasivos e metastáticos e em 72 amostras teciduais de tumores primários de mama e 30 amostras teciduais de borda normal adjacente ao tumor. O perfil de expressão protéica de RECK foi avaliado em 236 amostras de tumores primários de mama através de ensaios de Tissue Microarray. Além disso, a atividade proteolítica das MMPs foi detectada em ensaios de Zimografia. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a progressão do câncer de mama humano está relacionada com um aumento dos níveis de expressão das MMPs e de seus inibidores específicos. O aumento dos níveis de expressão dos TIMPs parece estar relacionado ao seu papel como proteína multifuncional que pode estar funcionando de maneira a promover, mais do que suprimir, a progressão tumoral. Níveis elevados da expressão protéica de RECK estão associados com pior prognóstico. No entanto, para pacientes em estádios clínicos avançados, altos níveis de expressão de RECK podem estar correlacionados com melhor prognóstico, dependendo do balanço MMP/inibidor. Os níveis de expressão das MMPs apresentaram correlação positiva em relação aos níveis de expressão de seus inibidores específicos, sugerindo a existência de fatores e vias de sinalização comuns envolvidas na regulação coordenada destes genes. Além disso, a síntese do inibidor pode estar relacionada a uma resposta celular ao aumento da expressão e atividade de proteases. O balanço transcricional enzima/inibidor favorece a enzima nas amostras tumorais e, de modo contrário, o inibidor específico nas amostras de borda normal, sugerindo o balanço como o principal fator na determinação da degradação da MEC em processos invasivos e metastáticos. Os resultados obtidos podem contribuir para um melhor entendimento da complexidade dos mecanismos envolvidos na metástase do câncer de mama.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Le cancer de l’ovaire (COv) est le cancer gynécologique le plus létal chez la femme et les traitements existants, chirurgie et chimiothérapie, ont peu évolué au cours des dernières décennies. Nous proposons que la compréhension des différents destins cellulaires tels que la sénescence que peuvent choisir les cellules du cancer de l’ovaire en réponse à la chimiothérapie pourrait conduire à de nouvelles opportunités thérapeutiques. La sénescence cellulaire a été largement associée à l’activité de la protéine TP53, qui est mutée dans plus de 90% des cas de cancer de l’ovaire séreux de haut grade (COv-SHG), la forme la plus commune de la maladie. Dans nos travaux, à partir d’échantillons dérivés de patientes, nous montrons que les cultures primaires du cancer de l’ovaire séreux de haut grade exposées au stress ou à des drogues utilisées en chimiothérapie entrent en senescence grâce à l’activité d’un isoforme du gène CDKN2A (p16INK4A). Dans ces cellules, nous avons évalué les caractéristiques fondamentales de la sénescence cellulaire tels que les altérations morphologiques, l’activité béta galactosidase associée à la sénescence, les dommages à l’ADN, l’arrêt du cycle cellulaire et le phénotype sécrétoire associé à la sénescence. En utilisant des micromatrices tissulaires construites à partir d’échantillons humains de COv-SHG pré- et post-chimiothérapie, accompagnées de leurs données cliniques, nous avons quantifié des marqueurs de sénescence incluant une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire quelques semaines après chimiothérapie. De façon intéressante, l’expression de p16INK4A dans les échantillons de COv-SHG prétraitement corrèle avec une survie prolongée des patientes suite au traitement. Ceci suggère ainsi pour la première fois un impact biologique bénéfique pour la présence de cellules cancéreuses qui sont capable d’activer la sénescence, particulièrement pour le traitement du cancer de l’ovaire. Dans le but de complémenter les thérapies actuelles avec des approches de manipulation pharmacologique de la sénescence, nos résultats suggèrent qu’il serait important de déterminer l’impact positif ou négatif de la sénescence induite par la thérapie sur la progression de la maladie et la survie, pour chaque type de cancer de façon indépendante.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Synthetic cytotoxic T cell (CTL) epitope peptides provide an effective and safe means of vaccination against cancers and viruses, as these peptides can induce specific CD8+ effector T cells in vivo. However, the effector CD8+ T cells induced by the minimal CTL epitope peptides do not last past about 3 weeks after the induction and no functional memory CD8+ T cells are generated. It is held that simultaneous induction of CD4+ T cells by incorporating peptides containing T-helper epitopes in the vaccine at the time of primary vaccination are necessary for the induction of long-lived functional memory CD8+ T cells. We now report that, surprisingly, incorporation of medium length (>20 AA) peptides devoid of detectable T-helper epitopes in a minimal CTL epitope-based vaccine can also induce long-lasting! functional rumour antigen specific memory CD8+ T cells that are capable of promoting protection against tumour challenge. This observation may have implications for the formulation of therapeutic anti-cancer and anti-virus peptide vaccines where a strong induction of CD4 T help would be undesirable. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although MYB overexpression in colorectal cancer (CRC) is known to be a prognostic indicator for poor survival, the basis for this overexpression is unclear. Among multiple levels of MYB regulation, the most dynamic is the control of transcriptional elongation by sequences within intron I. The authors have proposed that this regulatory sequence is transcribed into an RNA stem-loop and 19-residue polyuridine tract, and is subject to mutation in CRC. When this region was examined in colorectal and breast carcinoma cell lines and tissues, the authors found frequent mutations only in CRC. It was determined that these mutations allowed increased transcription compared with the wild type sequence. These data suggest that this MYB regulatory region within intron I is subject to mutations in CRC but not breast cancer, perhaps consistent with the mutagenic insult that occurs within the colon and not mammary tissue. In CRC, these mutations may contribute to MYB overexpression, highlighting the importance of noncoding sequences in the regulation of key cancer genes. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A novel surface electromyographic (EMG) technique was recently described for the detection of deep cervical flexor muscle activity. Further investigation of this technique is warranted to ensure EMG activity from neighbouring muscles is not markedly influencing the signals recorded. This study compared deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscle activity with the activity of surrounding neck and jaw muscles during various anatomical movements of the neck and jaw in 10 volunteer subjects. DCF EMG activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, masseter and suprahyoid muscles. Positioned in supine, subjects performed isometric cranio-cervical flexion, cervical flexion, right and left cervical rotation,jaw clench and resisted jaw opening. Across all movements examined, EMG amplitude of the DCF muscles was greatest during neck movements that would require activity of the DCF muscles, particularly during cranio-cervical flexion, their primary anatomical action. The actions of jaw clench and resisted jaw opening demonstrated significantly less DCF EMG activity than the cranio-cervical flexion action (p < 0.05). Across all other movements, the neighbouring neck and jaw muscles demonstrated greatest EMG amplitude during their respective primary anatomical actions, which occurred in the absence of increased EMG amplitude recorded from the DCF muscles. The finding of substantial EMG activity of the DCF muscles only during neck actions that would require their activity, particularly cranio-cervical flexion, and not during actions involving the jaw, provide further assurance that the majority of myoelectric signals detected from the nasopharyngeal electrode are from the DCF muscles. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N-1, N-11-Diethylnorspermine (DENSPM) is a polyamine analog that is currently under investigation as a novel anticancer drug. Although it has shown promising preclinical activity, there has been large variation in responsiveness reported between different human cancers. During our studies into the causes of this variation, we observed a consistent increase in cell proliferation at low drug concentrations (
Background - Plants have proved to be an important source of anti-cancer drugs. Here we have investigated the cytotoxic action of an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica, used widely as a herbal tea-based treatment for breast cancer. Methodology/Principal Findings - Using flow cytometric analysis of cells labeled with cyclin A, annexin V and propidium iodide, we describe a time and dose-dependent arrest of the cell cycle in G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and apoptosis following extract treatment in MCF-7 (WT-p53) and MDA-MB-231 (mutant-p53) human breast cancer cell lines with a markedly reduced effect on primary human mammary epithelial cells. Analysis of p53 protein expression and of its downstream transcription targets, p21 and BAX, revealed a p53 associated growth arrest within 5 hours of extract treatment and apoptosis within 24 hours. DNA double strand breaks measured as ?-H2AX were detected early in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. However, loss of cell viability was only partly due to a p53-driven response; as MDA-MB-231 and p53-knockdown MCF-7 cells both underwent cell cycle arrest and death following extract treatment. p53-independent growth arrest and cytotoxicity following DNA damage has been previously ascribed to FOXO3a expression. Here, in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells, FOXO3a expression was increased significantly within 3 hours of extract treatment and FOXO3 siRNA reduced the extract-induced loss of cell viability in both cell lines. Conclusions/Significance - Our results demonstrate for the first time that an aqueous extract of Fagonia cretica can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via p53-dependent and independent mechanisms, with activation of the DNA damage response. We also show that FOXO3a is required for activity in the absence of p53. Our findings indicate that Fagonia cretica aqueous extract contains potential anti-cancer agents acting either singly or in combination against breast cancer cell proliferation via DNA damage-induced FOXO3a and p53 expression.
Cancer is caused by defects in the signalling mechanisms that govern cell proliferation and apoptosis. It is well known that calcium-dependent signalling pathways play a critical role in cell regulation. A tight control of calcium homeostasis by transporters and channel proteins is required to assure a proper functioning of the calcium-sensitive signal transduction pathways that regulate cell growth and apoptosis. The Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase 2 (PMCA2) has been recently identified as a negative regulator of apoptosis that can play a significant role in cancer progression by conferring cells resistance to apoptosis. We have previously reported an inhibitory interaction between PMCA2 and the calcium-activated signalling molecule calcineurin in breast cancer cells. Here we demonstrate that disruption of the PMCA2/calcineurin interaction in a variety of human breast cancer cells results in activation of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway, up-regulation in the expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Fas Ligand, and in a concomitant loss of cell viability. Reduction in cell viability is the consequence of an increase in cell apoptosis. Impairment of the PMCA2/calcineurin interaction enhances paclitaxel-mediated cytotoxicity of breast tumoral cells. Our results suggest that therapeutic modulation of the PMCA2/calcineurin interaction might have important clinical applications to improve current treatments for breast cancer patients.
Background - Carbon monoxide, the gaseous product of heme oxygenase, is a signalling molecule with a broad spectrum of biological activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of carbon monoxide on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer. Methods - In vitro studies were performed on human pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2, BxPc3, and PaTu-8902) treated with a carbon monoxide-releasing molecule or its inactive counterpart, or exposed to carbon monoxide gas (500 ppm/24 h). For in vivo studies, pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2/PaTu-8902) were xenotransplanted subcutaneously into athymic mice, subsequently treated with carbon monoxide-releasing molecule (35 mg/kg b.w. i.p./day), or exposed to safe doses of carbon monoxide (500 ppm 1 h/day; n = 6 in each group). Results - Both carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure significantly inhibited proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells (p < 0.05). A substantial decrease in Akt phosphorylation was observed in carbon monoxide-releasing molecule compared with inactive carbon monoxide-releasing molecule treated cancer cells (by 30–50%, p < 0.05). Simultaneously, carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure inhibited tumour proliferation and microvascular density of xenotransplanted tumours (p < 0.01), and doubled the survival rates (p < 0.005). Exposure of mice to carbon monoxide led to an almost 3-fold increase in carbon monoxide content in tumour tissues (p = 0.006). Conclusion - These data suggest a new biological function for carbon monoxide in carcinogenesis, and point to the potential chemotherapeutic/chemoadjuvant use of carbon monoxide in pancreatic cancer.
Background: Carbon monoxide, the gaseous product of heme oxygenase, is a signalling molecule with a broad spectrum of biological activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of carbon monoxide on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer. Methods: In vitro studies were performed on human pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2, BxPc3, and PaTu-8902) treated with a carbon monoxide-releasing molecule or its inactive counterpart, or exposed to carbon monoxide gas (500. ppm/24. h). For in vivo studies, pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2/PaTu-8902) were xenotransplanted subcutaneously into athymic mice, subsequently treated with carbon monoxide-releasing molecule (35. mg/kg b.w. i.p./day), or exposed to safe doses of carbon monoxide (500. ppm 1. h/day; n=. 6 in each group). Results: Both carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure significantly inhibited proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells (p<0.05). A substantial decrease in Akt phosphorylation was observed in carbon monoxide-releasing molecule compared with inactive carbon monoxide-releasing molecule treated cancer cells (by 30-50%, p<. 0.05). Simultaneously, carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure inhibited tumour proliferation and microvascular density of xenotransplanted tumours (p<0.01), and doubled the survival rates (p<0.005). Exposure of mice to carbon monoxide led to an almost 3-fold increase in carbon monoxide content in tumour tissues (p=0.006). Conclusion: These data suggest a new biological function for carbon monoxide in carcinogenesis, and point to the potential chemotherapeutic/chemoadjuvant use of carbon monoxide in pancreatic cancer. © 2013 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l.