790 resultados para Camps de futbol
This book consists of two main parts. The first part offers a basic methodological introduction, presenting a concise but multifaceted overview of current problems of collective memory. The second part contains a set of interviews with former prisoners of concentration camps carried out by the authors. The research was conducted by Paweł Greń and Łukasz Posłuszny and focuses on issues of collective and cultural memory illustrated by individual life experiences of concentration camps prisoners. The field of oral history serves as the framework of analysis and narrative inquiry as its research tool. Interviews and additional research materials were collected by the authors and are not available in previous publications, making this work a precious supplement to the current scholarly body of knowledge and achievements in the discipline of memory studies. According to the authors, current historical and literary publications provide an incomplete picture of the WWII and its aftermaths for survivors, because descriptions of the war and imprisonment in the camp play still a dominate role in narratives. The importance of these issues in autobiographies is unquestionable and highly needed to create a common identity among generation of prisoners, though authors often wanted to perceive the fate of individuals in a broader perspective – including the periods before and after the war. Hence, interviews stressed personal experiences and their understanding over time by former prisoners. The interviews covered many topics on life before, during and after the camp – among them daily and neutral routines, but also difficult matters. The latter were connected on the one hand with traumatic events or harsh memories and emotions, and on the other hand with less extensively highlighted threads of prisoners’ lives - such as issues of the body and sexuality – and their dependence on particular representation or narrative. The authors are convinced that the book serves not only as a record of past remembered by eyewitnesses, but it also depicts their accounts in wider contexts and discourses, which expose specific dimensions of told and written stories. In the book Questions for Memory one examine the approach proposed by young scholars. Interviews were conducted from 2009-2011, seventy years after the end of the second world war, and this initiative was the result of questions and doubts of the authors from the existing literature. They also wanted to use the unique opportunity to meet with eyewitnesses and record their stories, because when they pass away we will irretrievably lose the possibility to listen to them and to pose sensitive questions. The majority of the interviewees were prisoners of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their experiences differed greatly from each other based on social background and specific experience in the camps as well as their post-camp and postwar life. Aside from persons whose stories are already well known and open, readers will hear the stories of those who spoke only reluctantly and very rarely, or who had remained silent until the present author’s research. Qualitative differences between interviews occurred on the level of established relationship and atmosphere of trust, which varied according to circumstances and individual character and personality. For P. Greń and Ł. Posłuszny, each interviewed person is equally and highly valued due to the collected material and the personal experience of the meetings. Among the ten interviews placed in the book, seven of them are the stories told by women. Their testimonies exemplify realities of everyday prisoners’ existence and gravitate towards mirroring specifically feminine perspectives of imprisonment. For women, crucial problems stemmed from experiences of body that intertwine with suffering, feeling of shame and humiliation. Early discussions on holocaust literature and issues of representation that shaped the Polish narrative and collective memory imposed imperatives of silence on certain topics. A solution for reconciling heroic and inhuman deeds in stories with completely human physiology was impossible and improper for many years. There were also questions about life after, ways of dealing with a trauma or reflections on the present time. During conversations the authors attempted to come closer to something distant and incomprehensible for their generation and for people who did not experience the camps. Despite the fact that there have been seventy years of dealing with these events in literature, art, drama, film, memoirs and scientific works, the past still breeds more questions than answers. The book Questions for Memory serves as an example of this phenomenon.
Introdução: A crescente incidência de doenças crónicas, nomeadamente a patologia renal, dificulta o desfrutar de uma vida normal, dadas as modificações ocorridas no quotidiano. Objetivos: Caracterizar a qualidade de vida percebida pelas crianças com patologia renal que frequentam campos de férias e analisar a relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. Metodologia: Estudo Ibérico descritivo-correlacional e transversal, misto: quantitativo e qualitativo. A amostra é composta por 29 crianças espanholas e 13 portuguesas, com patologia renal crónica, que frequentaram campos de férias com idades entre 7 e 17 anos. Utilizou-se a escala KINDL (Bullinger & Ravens-Sieberer, 1998a, 1998b), que contempla 7 dimensões: Bem-estar Físico, Bem-Estar Emocional, Autoestima, Família, Amigos, Escola e Situação Clínica. Agregaram-se 6 questões sociodemográficas e um bloco de notas. Resultados: Os participantes revelaram uma perceção positiva da qualidade de vida. A dimensão “Autoestima” foi a melhor percecionada e o “Bem-estar Emocional” a pior. As crianças de nacionalidade espanhola percecionaram melhor qualidade de vida. Relativamente às restantes variáveis, as diferenças não foram estatisticamente significativas. Pela análise de conteúdo efetuada aos testemunhos, emergiram sentimentos positivos, o que nos permite inferir que o campo de férias foi uma atividade que contribuiu para a socialização e melhoria da qualidade de vida das crianças. Conclusão: Estes dados revelam que seria benéfico um acompanhamento individualizado, mais direcionado às necessidades específicas de cada criança, por uma equipa multidisciplinar. Os campos de férias enquanto formativos e lúdicos são essenciais. Palavras-chave: Qualidade de vida; Doença renal; Acampamento.
En este artículo se presenta a DeBuPa (Detección Búsqueda Pateo) un humanoide de tamaño pequeño (38 cm de alto) construido con las piezas del kit Bioloid. Del kit se ha excluido la tarjeta CM-510 para sustituirla por la tarjeta controladora Arbotix, que será la que controle los 16 motores Dynamixel Ax-12+ (para mover al robot) y 2 servomotores analógicos (para mover la cámara). Además se ha agregado un mini computador Raspberry Pi, con su cámara, para que el robot pueda detectar y seguir la pelota de forma autónoma. Todos estos componentes deben ser coordinados para que se logre cumplir la tarea de detectar, seguir y patear la pelota. Por ello se hace necesaria la comunicación entre la Arbotix y la Raspberry Pi. La herramienta empleada para ello es el framework ROS (Robot Operating System). En la Raspberry Pi se usa el lenguaje C++ y se ejecuta un solo programa encargado de captar la imagen de la cámara, filtrar y procesar para encontrar la pelota, tomar la decisión de la acción a ejecutar y hacer la petición a la Arbotix para que dé la orden a los motores de ejecutar el movimiento. Para captar la imagen de la cámara se ha utilizado la librería RasPiCam CV. Para filtrar y procesar la imagen se ha usado las librerías de OpenCV. La Arbotix, además de controlar los motores, se encarga de monitorizar que el robot se encuentre balanceado, para ello usa el sensor Gyro de Robotis. Si detecta un desbalance de un cierto tamaño puede saber si se ha caído y levantarse.
205 p.
The text analyses the intelligence activity against Poland in the period 1944-1989. The paper also contains a case study, i.e. an analysis of the American intelligence service activity held against Poland. While examining the research thesis, the author used the documents and analyses prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to best illustrate the point, the author presented a number of cases of persons who spied for the USA, which was possible thanks to the analysis of the training materials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs directed to the officers of the Security Service and the Citizens’ Militia. The text tackles the following issues: (1) to what extent did the character of the socio-political system influence the number of persons convicted for espionage against Poland in the period under examination?, (2) what was the level of interest of the foreign intelligence services in Poland before the year 1990?, (3) is it possible to indicate the specificity of the U.S. intelligence activity against Poland? 1) The analysis of data indicates that the period 1946-1956 witnessed a great number of convictions for espionage, which is often associated with the peculiar political situation in Poland of that time. Up to 1953, the countries of the Eastern bloc had reproduced the Stalin’s system, which only ceased due to the death of Stalin himself. Since then, the communist systems gradually transformed into the system of nomenklatura. Irrespective of these changes, Poland still witnessed a wave of repressions, which resulted from the threats continuously looming over the communist authorities – combating the anti-communist underground movement, fighting with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the Polish government-in-exile, possible revisionism of borders, social discontent related to the socio-political reforms. Hence, a great number of convictions for espionage at that time could be ascribed to purely political sentences. Moreover, equally significant was the fact that the then judicial practice was preoccupied assessing negatively any contacts and relations with foreigners. This excessive number of convictions could ensue from other criminal-law provisions, which applied with respect to the crimes against the State, including espionage. What is also important is the fact that in the Stalin’s period the judiciary personnel acquired their skills and qualifications through intensive courses in law with the predominant spirit of the theory of evidence and law by Andrey Vyshinsky. Additionally, by the decree of 1944 the Penal Code of the Polish Armed Forces was introduced; the code envisaged the increase in the number of offences classified as penalised with death penalty, whereas the high treason was subject to the military jurisdiction (the civilians were prosecuted in military courts till 1955; the espionage, however, still stood under the military jurisdiction). In 1946, there was introduced the Decree on particularly dangerous crimes in the period of the State’s recovery, which was later called a Small Penal Code. 2) The interest that foreign intelligence services expressed in relation to Poland was similar to the one they had in all countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In the case of Poland, it should be noted that foreign intelligence services recruited Polish citizens who had previously stayed abroad and after WWII returned to their home country. The services also gathered information from Poles staying in immigrant camps (e.g. in FRG). The activity of the American intelligence service on the territory of FRG and West Berlin played a key role. The documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pointed to the global range of this activity, e.g. through the recruitment of Polish sailors in the ports of the Netherlands, Japan, etc. In line with the development in the 1970s, espionage, which had so far concentrated on the defence and strategic sectors, became focused on science and technology of the People’s Republic of Poland. The acquisition of collaborators in academic circles was much easier, as PRL opened to academic exchange. Due to the system of visas, the process of candidate selection for intelligence services (e.g. the American) began in embassies. In the 1980s, the activity of the foreign intelligence services concentrated on the specific political situation in Poland, i.e. the growing significance of the “Solidarity” social movement. 3) The specificity of the American intelligence activity against Poland was related to the composition of the residency staff, which was the largest in comparison to other Western countries. The wide range of these activities can be proved by the quantitative data of convictions for espionage in the years 1944-1984 (however, one has to bear in mind the factors mentioned earlier in the text, which led to the misinterpretation of these data). Analysing the data and the documents prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one should treat them with caution, as, frequently, the Polish counter-intelligence service used to classify the ordinary diplomatic practice and any contacts with foreigners as espionage threats. It is clearly visible in the language of the training materials concerned with “secret service methods of the intelligence activity” as well as in the documents on operational activities of the Security Service in relation to foreigners. The level of interest the USA had in Poland was mirrored in the classification of diplomatic posts, according to which Warsaw occupied the second place (the so-called Group “B”) on the three-point scale. The CIA experienced spectacular defeats during their activity in Poland: supporting the Polish underground anti-communist organisation Freedom and Independence and the so-called Munich-Berg episode (both cases took place in the 1950s). The text focuses only on selected issues related to the espionage activities against Poland. Similarly, the analysis of the problem has been based on selected sources, which has limited the research scope - however, it was not the aim of the author to present the espionage activity against Poland in a comprehensive way. In order to assess the real threat posed by the espionage activity, one should analyse the case of persons convicted for espionage in the period 1944-1989, as the available quantitative data, mentioned in the text, cannot constitute an explicit benchmark for the scale of espionage activity. The inaccuracies in the interpretation of data and variables, which can affect the evaluation of this phenomenon, have been pointed out in the text.
Concentración Rural Santiago Gutierrez Angel. C. 1.997
Existen múltiples aplicaciones informáticas (Perea, 2008) para registrar conductas perceptibles que el desarrollo tecnológico actual ha posibilitado, pero la gran mayoría de los programas informáticos tienen problemas en facilitar la: observación, codificación, registro y análisis en contextos naturales; esto hace que dificulten la labor de los investigadores (Hernández-Mendo, Castellano, Camerino, Jonsson, Blanco-Villaseñor, Lopes, y Anguera, 2014). Este trabajo se inscribe en el marco de las investigaciones sobre software relacionados con la Metodología Observacional (Anguera y Hernández-Mendo, 2013, 2014, 2015). El objetivo general es el diseño e implementación de una herramienta que facilite la observación, codificación, registro y análisis de contextos naturales. Desarrollo Teórico HOISAN (Herramienta de observación de las interacciones en ambientes naturales) es una herramienta implementada haciendo uso de la plataforma .NET y del lenguaje C#, que nos ayuda en la tarea de observación, codificación, registro, descripción, manipulación y visionado de las conductas en el marco de la Metodología Observacional. Permite al usuario trabajar con varios tipos de datos (Bakeman y Quera, 1996). Por lo que respecta a la métrica del registro observacional se han calculado parámetros primarios y secundarios. El programa admite el intercambio de datos con programas específicos de uso en Metodología Observacional (SDIS-GSEQ, SAGT y THEME). Este programa satisface la vertiente más profesional al tiempo que la investigadora en su implementación. Hoisan permite un acercamiento a la Metodología Cualitativa con un carácter cuantitativo y mediante el análisis de los registros con producción verbal. Permite la estimación de la calidad del dato y realiza análisis secuencial de retardos y a partir de éste calcula los valores Z para un posterior análisis de coordenadas polares. Conclusiones El programa diseñado permite la realización de distintos cálculos de uso común en Metodología Observacional (MO) (Anguera y Hernández-Mendo, 2013, 2014, 2015). Esta característica hace al software Hoisan (Hernández-Mendo, López-López, Castellano, Morales-Sánchez y Pastrana, 2012) convertirse en una de las herramientas más completas para trabajar con MO en investigaciones de distintos ámbitos. Bibliografía Anguera, M.T. y Hernández-Mendo, A. (2013). La metodología observacional en el ámbito del deporte. E-balonmano.com: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte 9(3), 135-160. http://www.e-balonmano.com/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/139. Anguera, M.T. y Hernández-Mendo, A. (2014). Metodología observacional y psicología del deporte: Estado de la cuestión. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 23(1), 103-109. Anguera, M.T. y Hernández-Mendo, A. (2015). Técnicas de análisis en estudios observacionales en ciencias del deporte. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 15(1), 13-30. Bakeman, R. y Quera, V. (1996). Análisis de la interacción. Análisis secuencial con SDIS y GSEQ. Madrid: RA-MA. Hernández-Mendo, A., Castellano, J., Camerino, O., Jonsson, G., Blanco-Villaseñor, A., Lopes, A. y Anguera, M.T. (2014). Programas informáticos de registro, control de calidad del dato, y análisis de datos. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 23(1), 111-121. Hernández-Mendo, A., López-López, J.A., Castellano, J., Morales-Sánchez, V. y Pastrana, J.L. (2012). HOISAN 1.2: Programa informático para uso en Metodología Observacional. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 12(1), 55- 78. Perea, A. (2008). Análisis de las acciones colectivas en el futbol de rendimiento. Tesis doctoral no publicada. San Sebastián: Universidad del País Vasco.
Tese de Doutoramento, Literatura, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
La literatura de la Shoá va unida al silencio desde sus orígenes como la escritura al silencio. Escribir sobre la Shoá y relatar la experiencia vivida en primera persona o mediante la transmisión generacional implica abandonar el silencio en el que, durante años, se buscó refugio. Con esta investigación centrada en la producción literaria de Viviane Forrester, nos adentramos en las distintas manifestaciones del silencio que caracterizan su escritura. El silencio es el grito que subyace en lo más profundo del ser que regresa de los campos, cual Lázaro de entre los muertos. Es un silencio que se convierte en grito porque la escritura de Forrester, casi en paralelo a la escritura fragmentaria de Blanchot, anuncia el livre à venir, aquel que logrará expresar el grito en el silencio sin fin de la palabra.
56 p.
Planning, navigation, and search are fundamental human cognitive abilities central to spatial problem solving in search and rescue, law enforcement, and military operations. Despite a wealth of literature concerning naturalistic spatial problem solving in animals, literature on naturalistic spatial problem solving in humans is comparatively lacking and generally conducted by separate camps among which there is little crosstalk. Addressing this deficiency will allow us to predict spatial decision making in operational environments, and understand the factors leading to those decisions. The present dissertation is comprised of two related efforts, (1) a set of empirical research studies intended to identify characteristics of planning, execution, and memory in naturalistic spatial problem solving tasks, and (2) a computational modeling effort to develop a model of naturalistic spatial problem solving. The results of the behavioral studies indicate that problem space hierarchical representations are linear in shape, and that human solutions are produced according to multiple optimization criteria. The Mixed Criteria Model presented in this dissertation accounts for global and local human performance in a traditional and naturalistic Traveling Salesman Problem. The results of the empirical and modeling efforts hold implications for basic and applied science in domains such as problem solving, operations research, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence.
On the basis of the knowledge that the entheses between the plantar fascia and the calcaneus may exhibit a varied pathology, we considered the need to value the pathological factors by illustrating the anatomical changes in the Plantar Fascia Syndrome (PFS) with easy-to-obtain images which allowed us to substantiate our claims. Accordingly, we analized the anatomical (Orts Llorca, 1977; Llusá, 2007; Sobotta, 2007; Domenech Mateu, 2012; Rodriguez Baeza 2012) and biomechanical (Arandes, 1956; Viladot 1979; Caturla, 2001; Safe, 2001) literature in order to better know the location of the pathology and also to assess the functional reasons that could favor this disease. A study of the affected area by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) revealed the presence of bone affections such as bone edema, subchondral lesions and several other bone pathologies together with fascia intrinsic injuries such as myxoid degeneration, intrasubstance fissures and perifascial edematous lesions (Larroca, 2013; Conejero, 2014). Injuries not properly treated during the acute phase can evolve into chronic processes which, month after month, become ever more difficult to resolve. In addition, as seen throughout this study, there are changes in the anatomical normality of the foot usually associated with pathological conditions of the plantar fascia. Once the pathological aspects of PFS are identified and their location is established, clinical manifestations should be registered in order to define this syndrome. Pain is the main symptom in patients with PFS and is associated, in many occasions, with tightness or stiffness of the plantar area, limited mobility of the arch of the ankle and, inevitably, a progressive functional deterioration. Thus, that sharp and stabbing pain felt when one puts the foot on the floor after a period of rest located in the front lower face of the heel and irradiating and/or projecting to the middle of the sole of the foot would be synonymous with Plantar Fascia Syndrome (PFS)...
El presente estudio analizó los efectos de un entrenamiento pliométrico y de un entrenamiento resistido mediante arrastres de trineo de 8 semanas de duración sobre el rendimiento en pruebas de salto vertical (SJ y CMJ) y velocidad en esprint de 30 metros (tiempo parcial en 10m) en futbolistas amateurs. El estudio incluyó dos grupos experimentales que realizaron uno de los dos métodos de entrenamiento y un grupo de control. Participaron en el diseño final 26 jugadores de futbol con una media de edad de 21,38 ± 2,53 años, una altura media de 177,22 ± 6,19 cm y una media de peso corporal de 78,78 ± 12,13 kg. El programa de entrenamiento constaba de dos días de entrenamiento para los grupos de pliometría y entrenamiento resistido respectivamente, que realizaron durante 8 semanas consecutivas con una carga diferente entre las 4 primeras semanas y las 4 últimas aumentando el peso en el trineo de arrastre y la altura y distancia entre vallas. El análisis estadístico no muestra diferencias significativas entre grupos después de las 8 semanas de entrenamiento, sin embargo, en el análisis descriptivo si se aprecian cambios positivos a nivel de rendimiento tanto en salto vertical como en el esprint.
This is an informational brochure describing Camp Burnt Gin. It tells about the campers, the facilities, the program and the staff. It also gives a short history of the camp.