844 resultados para Assistência à família, Brasil
A presente dissertação analisa como o Partido Social Cristão (PSC), ao longo do tempo, se apropriou da identidade religiosa de seus atores políticos que na sua maioria são membros da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica, os quais defendem no espaço público a “família tradicional”, em detrimento da pluralidade de arranjos familiares na contemporaneidade. Para explicitar o objeto - “família tradicional” e PSC -, foi necessário retroceder no tempo e investigar na historiografia os primórdios da inserção dos evangélicos na política brasileira. Em vista disso, analisamos a participação dos evangélicos nos respectivos períodos do Brasil: Colônia, Império e República. A dificuldade da entrada de evangélicos na política partidária, dentre outros fatores, se deve àinfluência do catolicismo no Estado. Assim sendo, averiguamos em todas as Constituições (1824, 1891, 1934, 1937, 1946, 1967, 1969 e 1988) o que a mesma diz no que tange a proibição e a liberdade religiosa no país. Logo, verificamos entre as Eras Vargas e República Populista, que ocorreu com intensidade a transição do apoliticismo para o politicismo entre os evangélicos brasileiros, porém, eles não recebiam o apoio formal de suas igrejas. Em seguida, a participação dos evangélicos na arena política durante a ditadura militar foi investigada com destaque para o posicionamento de vanguarda da IECLB, através do Manifesto de Curitiba e, também com a presença de parlamentares evangélicos no Congresso Nacional. A politização pentecostal é ressaltada em nosso trabalho, através do pioneirismo de Manoel de Mello e, depois na Redemocratização quando as instituições evangélicas se organizaram para eleger seus candidatos à Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. E, com o fim do regime militar, o PSC surge como partido “nanico”, contudo, deixa o anonimato e ganha visibilidade midiática quando o pastor e deputado, Marco Feliciano, assume a presidência da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias, em 2013. Esse é o pano de fundo histórico que projetou o PSC e seus atores no pleito de 2014 com o mote “família tradicional”.
Este trabalho objetiva avaliar a influência das medidas antropométricas sobre a pressão arterial sistêmica de uma coorte de hipertensos atendidos nas Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) no município de João Pessoa-PB durante o período de 2008 a 2011. Para verificar as diferenças de níveis pressóricos entre as medidas realizadas nas consultas referentes ao cadastro, e a ultima pressão obtida no período de acompanhamento foram utilizadas informações sobre a identificação, dados clínicos do paciente, fatores de risco e doenças concomitantes. Testes estatísticos de comparabilidade entre grupos foram empregados. Para investigar os padrões de associação dos fatores de risco das variáveis antropométricas e sociodemográficas com a hipertensão dos pacientes, foi empregado o Modelo de Regressão Logística. Foram encontradas associações significativas (p<0,005) da hipertensão com a obesidade e o sedentarismo. Com os resultados desta pesquisa pretende-se: fornecer indicadores sobre a efetividade da Estratégia Saúde da Família; avaliar a qualidade das informações antropométricas; contribuir para a definição de estratégias que garantam o melhoramento dos acompanhamentos dos hipertensos e fornecer elementos científicos de apoio para outras USF e instituições governamentais.
The programs of conditional cash transfer are widespread in developing countries in Latin America with emphasis on Brazil as a new paradigm in social p olicies for poverty eradication . Consist of transferring monetary funds from the government directly to poor families by fulfilling the condition alities on education and health . In health, even wi th variations between countries , conditionality targeting public pregnant women and children with a view to improving health indic ators maternoinfantil as growth , infant mortality and prenatal care. The objectives of this study are to compare the transfer progr am conditional Brazilian income , the Family and similar programs in Latin A merica in relation to it s effects on growth in children , and to evaluate the effect of Bolsa Família in the prevalence of use of services ( conditionalities ) of prenatal care in Brazilian health services whose teams joined the Programa de Acesso e Melhoria da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ - AB) . For the first objective a systematic review , we selec ted ten articles between 1007 ( one thousand and seven ) found in the databases Embase , PubMed, Scopus , Scielo and Lilacs databases was performed . Articles are ob servational epidemiological studies of transverse descriptive and analytical types of cohort and case - co ntrol. For the second objective, for it is a prevalence study , a statistical analysis using Poisson regression with robust variance was performed to i nvestigate how the prevalence of compliance with conditionalities on health was influenced b y various explanatory variables . Ratios , crude and adjusted prevalence , with their respective confidence i ntervals of 95 % were estimated . The family joined the sch olarship program was considered as the main expo sure variable . Confounding variables were: maternal age , race / color, paid employment , marital status and region of residence . In d ata analysis software R 3.0.1 (RDevelopment Core Team 2013 ) was used . Rega rding the comparison of the Bolsa Família with other programs in Latin America , the review found similar results regarding the positive effect of income transfer in the nutritional status o f beneficiary children programs , and these effects are more evident in children under two years old and belonging to familie s of lower socioeconomic status . For the prevalence of conditionalities entres different groups of users of the Bolsa Família and nonusers results showed no statistically significant difference betwe en respondents (with children under two years ) registered and not registered in PBF on issues relating to: me et at least six prenatal visits , meet and participate in health education activities . It follows from side to increase minimum income for families in extreme poverty showed positive impact on children's health in Brazil and Latin America. The o ther is not confirmed in Brazil , an increase in conditionality expressed in use of primary care by the user s of the Bolsa Família services.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
O objetivo dessa investigação foi avaliar a qualidade da assistência prestada pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (SAMU 192 RN), na visão dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, avaliativo com delineamento longitudinal e abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em quatro etapas: construção de perfil dos atendimentos do SAMU 192 RN; revisão integrativa para levantamento dos indicadores de avaliação da qualidade da assistência em serviços pré-hospitalares móveis de urgência; construção e validação de conteúdo do instrumento e definição dos indicadores de estrutura e processo; e aplicação do instrumento aos profissionais de saúde para avaliação da qualidade da assistência. A populaçãoe amostra foram compostas por todos os profissionais do SAMU 192 RN, atuantes no período do estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre janeiro e dezembro/2012. Participaram do estudo: 11 enfermeiros, 24 médicos, 56 técnicos de enfermagem e 88 condutores, totalizando 179 profissionais. O estudo foi aprovado (Parecer nº 437/2010 e CAAE: 0025.0.294.051-10) pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial, nesta foram utilizados os programas Microsoft-Excel XP e SPSS 20.0, com uso do índice Kappa (K) e Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), considerando K ≥0,61 e IVC>0,80. Além disso, foi considerando nível de significância estatística de ρ-valor < 0,05. Entre os 179 profissionais, 100,0% tinham menos de 5 anos de tempo de serviço, 55,9% tinham menos de 5 anos de experiência na área de urgência, 88,3% referiram trabalhar na instituição porque gosta, 55,3% possuiam outro vínculo de trabalho, 54,3% com jornada semanal de 30 a 40 horas, 98,9% participaram de treinamento, 83,2% valorizam o treinamento em serviço, 87,2% têm boa frequência de participação no treinamento e 96,6% sentem necessidade de realizar mais treinamentos. Com relação à categorização dos itens em indicadores de estrutura ou de processo, os juízes determinaram para estrutura: estado de conservação das ambulâncias; estrutura física geral do serviço; conforto dentro da ambulância; disponibilidade de recursos materiais; segurança para o usuário dentro da ambulância; segurança para o profissional; educação permanente; segurança demonstrada pela equipe profissional; remuneração do profissional e a satisfação profissional. E para processo: acesso ao serviço; acolhimento; humanização; atendimento realizado; tempo resposta; privacidade ao usuário; orientações sobre o atendimento; relacionamento entre o profissional e usuário; oportunidade do usuário realizar reclamações e articulação multiprofissional. O instrumento quando submetido à validação de conteúdo constatou-se que as contribuições dos juízes permitiram melhorar/otimizar o instrumento de avaliação da qualidade da assistência pré-hospitalar móvel de urgência, uma vez que os índices Kappa e IVC foram considerados bons e ótimos e o conteúdo foi validado. Na avaliação da qualidade da assistência, constatou-se que a qualidade da assistência prestada pelo SAMU 192 RN está prejudicada nas dimensões estrutura, com relação à estrutura física, segurança dos pontos de apoio descentralizados, o conforto e o estado de conservação das ambulâncias. Já com relação aos indicadores de processo, os profissionais avaliaram todos positivamente. A avaliação da qualidade da assistência contribui para a busca de soluções dos problemas detectados, permite novas perspectivas e colabora para a consolidação do serviço.
The practices developed in the everyday life of obstetric services are sometimes out of step with the recommendations of the public health policies. Accordingly, this research had the objective of assessing the quality of the care provided to women and children during cases of natural childbirth in municipal public maternity wards of the city of Natal/RN, Brazilian Northeast. We developed a cross-sectional and quantitative study in two maternity wards that provide care actions to pregnant women at regular risk (maternity wards A and B). The participants were 314 puerperal women who were treated during the period between April and July 2014, whose children were born alive, through transpelvic way, with spontaneous or induced beginning of labor and that showed physical and emotional conditions to respond to the proposed questions. The data collection instrument was constructed on the basis of the recommendations of the World Health Organization focused on the care of normal childbirth and validated by skilled judges, and the final version has obtained optimum agreement (k = 0,96; IVC = 0,99). Associated with these recommendations, we used three indicators: percentage of women with induced labor or subjected to elective cesarean section (Indicator A); percentage of women served by a qualified health professional during labor and childbirth (Indicator B); and Bologna Index (Indicator C). The research obtained a favorable opinion of the Research Ethics Committee from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under the nº 562.313 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethics Appreciation: 25958513.0.0000.5537. The analysis of categories related to the recommendations of the World Health Organization was conducted by means of absolute and relative frequency and the Chi-square Pearson’s and Fisher’s exact tests made the comparison of the differences observed between the two maternity wards. Furthermore, we calculated the percentage of the indicators A and B and with the results of the Indicator C, the quality was assessed as follows: the closer to 5, the better will be the quality, and the closer to 0, the worst will be the quality, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the differences of the obtained averages. The significance level of 5% was considered in all statistical tests. The differences between the maternity wards were identified with regard to the provision of liquids orally (p=0,018), stimulus for non-supine positions (p=0,002), existence of partograph (p=0,001), support or welcoming by health professionals (p= 0,047), intravenous infusion (p<0,001), supine position (p<0,001), use of oxytocin (p<0,001), food and liquid restriction (p= 0,002) and, lastly, the fact of the touch is performed by more than 1 examiner (p=0,011). The indicators A and B showed percentages of 13,09% and 100%, respectively. The overall average of the Indicator C was equal to 2,07 (± 0,74). There was a statistically significant difference between the averages of the maternity wards (p<0,001). The care actions provided during the process of labor and childbirth is inappropriate, especially in the maternity ward B. It is necessary to implement improvements and redesign the obstetric model in force
The present study aimed to understand the experience of being a family caregiver of a patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). The relevance of the study is to prove existence of a large number of caregivers of incapacitated patients, due to the CVA and it is not an academic research object, according to the literature. It is a qualitative research, which the guiding principle is the oral history of life, according to the theoretical foundation and operating of Meihy. Therefore, the following steps were highlighted: the target community, composed of all family caregivers of CVA patients; the colony, composed by family caregivers of CVA patients assisted by Home Care Service (HCS) of the Hospital José Pedro Bezerra (HJPB), in the city of Natal/RN; the network was composed of six caregivers who met the criteria for inclusion, and as zero point the first volunteer group. The population was composed of all family caregivers of patients attended by the HCS, of the HJPB having been addressed through interviews. For the empirical research there was the consent of that institution and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as CAAE 24569413.0.0000.5537 and, above all, with the acquiescence of employees in participating in the investigation, signing an informed consent. Of the empirical material, five categories of analysis were identified: the sense of being a caregiver; what has changed in the life of the caregiver; the feelings emerge in the relationship of care; the distance from family and friends; difficulties faced by the caregiver. The results show that the caregiver's life goes through profound transformations within the family as well as in all spheres of life. For the caregivers, assuming the care of a relative with CVA means renunciation and donation, compromising sometimes the individual projects and the family as a whole. In addition, they point out the confrontation of difficulties within the the assistance and humanization in healthcare, information, physical and emotional overload, as well as financial problems. Despite all the adversities that compromise the caregiver's life, it was possible to identify attitudes of resilience among caregivers, making them their daily life less strenuous and with more lightness. It is expected, therefore, that this research can contribute to a better orientation of professionals with the caregivers
A inserção do técnico em saúde bucal na estratégia saúde da família no estado do Rio Grande do Norte
An oral health technician is a profession in odontology whose own functions are defined in FEDERAL LAW NUMBER 11889, which can act for prevention, recovery and promotion of oral health. According to the web site, Of Primary Health Attention Department. Health Ministry Of Brazilian Federal Republic, you can see through historical cover, as regards Health Family Strategy that, in Rio Grande Do Norte, There are nowadays eight TSB equipments in use. Objective: The aim of this study is to find out the reasons of the inclusion of those technicians in public service, no matter the importance of this work. Method: It is about a quantitive study and a kind of exploring type, taking into account that there are not any similar previous ones. We divide it into two parts: as regards the first one, these technicians were registered in a map using the information of the Formation Schools and Class Counsel to know how and where they are. During the moment of this study, an application (or no application) of the mouth health equipments was done. They tried to discover in this process which elements contribute to the efficiency (or not) of this technical work done all together in equipment work. As regards the second part, the coordinators of Municipal Mouth Health answered to a survay that contained open and closed questions through telephone calls. The sample was defined by a raffle taking into account the work contained in municipalities. Results: There are 1053 technicians.94,3% of them are women, devided in all the health regions. As regards interview, 96,9% of oral health coordinators considered that it is very important to have an oral health technician in odontology. 92,2% would reccomend its inclusion in equipments related to mouth health, dealing to familly health . 76% have never talked before to the Health Secretary in this municipality. this spreading out could be related to financial resources and 51,6% mentioned the importance of improving the physical structure to make this spreading out possible. Conclusions: Oral Health technicians in Rio Grande Do Norte are not being adequatly used by public service, because they do not introduce themselves or act as Oral Health auxiliaries. It is important to increase concience about the importance of this category in odontology. we also say it is necesasary to invert money in a reform of the Basic Health Unities and the inclusion of these workers. On the other hand the role of the state and the public health militancy is questioned in the fulfilment of this process
While essential to human nature, health and life have been protected since ancient times by various areas of knowledge, particularly by the Law, given its dynamics within the regulation of social interactions. In Brazil, health has been granted major importance by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which, disrupting the dictatorial authoritarianism, inaugurating a Social State and focusing on the values of freedom and human dignity, raises health to the condition of a social right, marked predominantly by an obligational bias directed, primarily, to the State, through the enforcement of public policies. Although, given the limitation of the State action to the reserve for contingencies, it turns clear that an universalizing access to public health is impossible, seen that the high cost of medical provisions hinders the State to meet all the health needs of the rightholders. As a result of the inefficiency of the State, the effort of the Constituent Assembly of 1988 in creating a hybrid health system becomes nuclear, which, marked by the possibility of exploration of healthcare by the private initiative, assigns to the private enterprise a key role in supplementing the public health system, especially through the offer of health insurance plans. At this point, however, it becomes clear that health provisions rendered by the private agents are not unlimited, which involves discussions about services and procedures that should be excluded from the contractual coverage, for purposes of sectoral balance, situation which draws the indispensability of deliberations between Fundamental Rights on one hand, related to the protection of health and life, and contractual principles on the other hand, connected to the primacy of private autonomy. At this point, the importance of the regulation undertaken by the ANS, Brazilian National Health Agency, appears primordial, which, by means of its seized broad functions, considerable autonomy and technical discretion, has conditions to implement an effective control towards the harmonization of the regulatory triangle, the stability and development of the supplementary health system and, consequently, towards the universalization of the right to health, within constitutional contours. According to this, the present essay, resorting to a broad legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential study, concludes that economic regulation over the private healthcare sector, when legitimately undertaken, provides progress and stability to the intervening segment and, besides, turns healthcare universalization feasible, in a way that it can not be replaced efficiently by any other State function.
User embracement has been proposed as a tool that contributes to humanize the nursing, to increase the users’ access to the services, to ensure the resolvability of claims, to organize the services and promote the strengthening of the links between them and the health professionals. In the city of Recife, this practice has been fomented by the municipal government and its implementation is guided by normative acts, with evaluation matrices and proposition of goals, based on a model created by the public administration. This study intended to analyze the relation between the prescribed user embracement and the real one and their interferences with the relations of reciprocity between workers and users in the health units of basic attention in Recife. Four units of the Family Health Strategy at the Sanitary District IV of the city of Recife – PE were taken as an investigation field. The investigation had a qualitative character, so, Interviews were performed involving professionals and users whose speeches were recorded by the voice digital mode and literally transcript. The obtained speeches were analyzed mostly through the Discourse of the Collective Subject methodological approach, being also used, but on a smaller scale, the technique of thematic analysis, in the dialogic way, with theoretical contributions and official documents related to the theme. The results pointed that in most of the health units the professionals execute the proposed protocols and consider that these have a positive influence for the working process in user embracement, however, factors such as the excessive demand, the physical structure of the units, little resolvability of the reference network, singularities of the units, among others, have appeared, hampering the accomplishment of the prescribed, creating, thus, a negative influence on the working process of the user embracement. The reciprocal relations have also suffered the influences of these factors, which made difficult, therefore, the circulation of gift. Meanwhile, other factors such as access, resolvability, sheltering attitude and responsabilization, potentiated the reciprocal exchange between professionals and users. The findings demand the prescriptive acts and the reciprocal relations of the user embracement to be directly influenced by the singularities present in each community, by the human variabilities and by factors connected to the structure and working process, so it shall be operated with caution in order to provide a real user embracement with quality
A mortalidade infantil é tida como um indicador sensível para descrever as condições de vida e de saúde de uma população, sendo, portanto, interpretada como a estimativa do risco de um nascido vivo morrer antes de completar o primeiro ano de vida. Esse indicador é considerado elevado quando atinge patamares superiores a 50/1.000 nascidos vivos, médios quando se encontra entre 20 e 49/1.000 e mais baixos quando está até 20/1.000. No Brasil, a Mortalidade Infantil tem evidenciado variações ao longo dos anos, e nas duas últimas décadas esse indicador tem sofrido um acentuado decréscimo, provavelmente devido à melhoria no acesso aos serviços de saúde, ao saneamento básico, redução da taxa de fecundidade, melhoria das condições de vida e implementação de tecnologias na atenção à saúde. O objetivo principal do estudo foi avaliar a tendência na mortalidade infantil no município de Garanhuns no período de 2003 a 2012, segundo áreas cobertas e não cobertas pela estratégia saúde da família. Foi realizado um estudo de série temporal, e para isso foram coletados os dados referentes aos nascidos vivos e óbitos de menores de 01 (um) ano através do Sistema de Informações de Atenção Básica – SIAB, nas áreas cobertas e não cobertas pela estratégia, a fim de estabelecer relação de possível causalidade entre a intervenção e o indicador. Os resultados foram apresentados em gráficos, com a curva da Mortalidade Infantil no município de Garanhuns entre os anos de 2003 e 2012 segmentado através das áreas cobertas e não cobertas pela estratégia saúde da família ao longo do mesmo período. Após a análise dos resultados, observou-se uma tendência de queda no coeficiente de mortalidade infantil tanto nas áreas cobertas pela estratégia saúde da família quanto nas áreas cobertas pelo PACS, e que não foi possível estabelecer isoladamente uma maior redução da mortalidade infantil em áreas cobertas pela estratégia. No entanto, os resultados das ações desenvolvidas pela estratégia saúde da família são consistentes e plausíveis de causar impacto no declínio da mortalidade infantil, sobretudo as ações voltadas para a saúde da mulher e da criança
This paper emerged from an experience of 18 months in the CRAS – Reference Center for Social Assistance – which aroused a question about the listening of the singularity in the professional practice of Psi in the context of social assistance. The literature review revealed, on the one hand, a series of studies that aim to a discussion about of the process of professional integration of psychologists in the field of social welfare, proposing and / or analyzing practices directed towards the psychosocial assistance directed to the group and for the assurance of rights, forming citizen subjects. On the other hand, supported by a psychoanalytic perspective, we found studies that point to the importance of the singularity listening considering the subjectivity and symbolic resources of those who seek help in Basic Assistance Service. In this perspective, we aim to analyze, in a posteriori, the effects of offering a singularized listening in the context of CRAS and discuss its implications for the Psi professional practice in social institution. This is a theoretical and clinical research, based on Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, in which two cases, placed as investigation boosters, are analyzed in the light of the concept of the subject. We conclude that a singularized listening allowed a significant sliding and the consequent repositioning of the subject, in each case, front to their suffering. The effects collected allowed us to affirm the importance of a singular listening in the treatment of the demands that appear within the institutional framework
Since the rules of the National Social Assistance (PNAS) and the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) in 2004/2005 the psychologist action as an essential professional teams in the services offered in this field. Althoug, there are indications of psychologists who worked on the assistence prior this time. This insertion had not systematized in the literature, not allowing the establishment of records of this linear trajectory. The objective of this paper is investigate the entrance and a psychologist working in social care services in Natal / RN , as well as the activities undertaken by them in the period 1972-2003 . This temporal boundary is justified because Natal initiate to have a psychologist from 1972 to 2003 was immediately prior to the landmarks of the 2004/2005 year. The research was divided into two stages: documentary and oral history. The first was through the consultation of 86 monographs of the Sector Documentation Social Service Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte , its intend identify what were the services that characterized the health care field and evidence of the presence of psychologists in these spaces. In the second stage, interviews with psychologists who worked 13 trailers to social assistance in order to investigate its performance, activities undertaken, the insertion process in the area, among other things were done. The material analysis was based on themes from a historical perspective. The results point to three major areas of integration of psychologists : in child exceptionality in which psychologists were linked to Brazilian Legion Social Assistance (LBA); the field of the minor through the State Foundation for the Well Being of Minors (center), and occupying positions of management and coordination in some welfare programs.
This study aimed to analyze the participation of mothers/caregivers from the perspective of the health care model that directs the collective monitoring of child growth and development. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with qualitative approach, carried out in two Family Health Units located in the city of Natal/RN. Data were collected between August and September 2014, through participant observation and semi-structured interview technique, with mothers of infants seen at follow-up visits collective child growth and development. A total of 13 mothers were included who met the following inclusion criteria: being a mother/caregiver responsible for the care of children who have attended one or more meeting of collective monitoring of child growth and development. Exclusion criteria was established: users outside the area covered by the Health Unit Family and who did not use the National Health System as the primary health care service. For the treatment of the collected material, the content analysis was used, thematic Bardin. The study followed the ethical and legal principles governing the scientific research on human subjects recommended by Resolution nº. 466/2012 of the National Health Council and its realization occurred with the approval of the project in the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do North, which was approved by Opinion Embodied nº. 719 949, of June 27, 2014, and Certificate Presentation of Findings Ethics No 32510514.7.0000.5537. Although not conceptualize theoretically mothers demonstrated that collective consultations of child growth and development are actions aimed at health surveillance model, since most pointed monitoring your child to actions that can be measured. Even with that, it was established the existence of health promotion actions by reporting the exchange of experience and leadership of the subjects in collective action, factor facilitated by the link established between users and professionals and users. In this action there is the induction of permanent horizontal relationship where we seek to combine popular knowledge to scientific knowledge in order to promote the integral care for the child. However, it is still possible to find professionals who directs its assistance only to pathological processes and fail to create comprehensive care alternatives. In addition, there is still embezzlement in multi that should provide care to the child population. This factor may be related to their professional training, and thus an issue that can last for a few years. We conclude that it is necessary to incorporate alternatives and models of care that support overcoming limitations and enhancing the health of the population, involving it in the prospect of a better quality of life and therefore health.
The objective of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) is to humanize relations between professionals and users. It is guided by the proposal of expanded clinic and proposes the embracement as a strategy for its existence. The embracement requires qualified hearing, the provision of adequate technologies and the establishment of relations for better solving health problems of users. The objective of this study was to evaluate user satisfaction of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) regarding the embracement from the perspective of qualified hearing and improved relations in the city of Recife- PE. In this quantitative, qualitative, evaluative and cross-sectional study, 297 users of the services offered by the FHS were interviewed in six health districts of the city. For data collection, the Satisfaction Rating Scale of users with Mental Health Services - Satis-BR- abbreviated and adapted to the subject embracement was used. Quantitative data were analyzed by using the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 17.0, calculating the absolute and relative frequencies. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis of Bardin with the elaboration of thematic categories. The results indicate that most users are satisfied with the embracement offered by the teams. About 66% reported being very or fairly heard by professionals; 80.2% reported to have obtained some or much help when searched for embracement; 64.6% indicated that the embracement is friendly or very friendly. Regarding ambience, 55.9% of users demonstrated indifference and dissatisfaction with comfort and appearance; regarding general facilities of the service, 69.4% reported as regular to awful. Three thematic categories were revealed by the speeches: satisfaction with embracement, dissatisfaction with the ambience, and suggestions for improvements in embracement and service. This study contributed to the understanding that both the hearing and relations are present in the embracement of the city and also to demonstrate that the ambience is a possible weakness in the opinion of the users.