1000 resultados para AMORPHOUS STATES
We discuss the relation between continuum bound states (CBSs) localized on a defect, and surface states of a finite periodic system. We model an experiment of Capasso et al. [F. Capasso, C. Sirtori, J. Faist, D. L. Sivco, S-N. G. Chu, and A. Y. Cho, Nature (London) 358, 565 (1992)] using the transfer-matrix method. We compute the rate for intrasubband transitions from the ground state to the CBS and derive a sum rule. Finally we show how to improve the confinement of a CBS while keeping the energy fixed.
Structural and magnetic transformations in the Heusler-based system Ni0.50Mn0.50¿xSnx are studied by x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and magnetization. The structural transformations are of austenitic-martensitic character. The austenite state has an L21 structure, whereas the structures of the martensite can be 10M , 14M , or L10 depending on the Sn composition. For samples that undergo martensitic transformations below and around room temperature, it is observed that the magnetic exchange in both parent and product phases is ferromagnetic, but the ferromagnetic exchange, characteristic of each phase, is found to be of different strength. This gives rise to different Curie temperatures for the austenitic and martensitic states.
Amorphous thin films of Fe/Sm, prepared by evaporation methods, have been magnetically characterized and the results were interpreted in terms of the random magnets theory. The samples behave as 2D and 3D random magnets depending on the total thickness of the film. From our data the existence of orientational order, which greatly influences the magnetic behavior of the films, is also clear.
We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.
This thesis work has mainly concentrated on the investigation of the ,optical and thermal properties of binary semiconducting chalcogenide glasses belonging to the AivB¥5x and AZBXEX families. The technique used for these studies is a relatively new one namely, the photoacoustic (PA) technique. This technique is based on the detection of acoustic signal produced in an enclosed volume when the sample is irradiated by an intensity modulated radiation. The signal produced depends upon the optical properties of the sample, and the thermal properties of the sample, backing material and the surrounding gas. For the present studies an efficient signal beam gas-microphone PA spectrometer, consisting of a high power Xenon lamp, monochromator, light beam chopper, PA cell with microphone and lock-in amplifier, has been set up. Two PA cells have been fabricated: one for room temperature measurements and another for measurements at high temperatures. With the high temperature PA cell measurements can be taken upto 250°C. Provisions are incorporated. in both the cells to change the volume and to use different backing materials for the sample. The cells have been calibrated by measuring the frequency response of the cells using carbon black as the sample
The optical-absorption spectrum of a cationic Ag0 atom in a KCl crystal has been studied theoretically by means of a series of cluster models of increasing size. Excitation energies have been determined by means of a multiconfigurational self-consistent field procedure followed by a second-order perturbation correlation treatment. Moreover results obtained within the density-functional framework are also reported. The calculations confirm the assignment of bands I and IV to transitions of the Ag-5s electron into delocalized states with mainly K-4s,4p character. Bands II and III have been assigned to internal transitions on the Ag atom, which correspond to the atomic Ag-4d to Ag-5s transition. We also determine the lowest charge transfer (CT) excitation energy and confirm the assignment of band VI to such a transition. The study of the variation of the CT excitation energy with the Ag-Cl distance R gives additional support to a large displacement of the Cl ions due to the presence of the Ag0 impurity. Moreover, from the present results, it is predicted that on passing to NaCl:Ag0 the CT onset would be out of the optical range while the 5s-5p transition would undergo a redshift of 0.3 eV. These conclusions, which underline the different character of involved orbitals, are consistent with experimental findings. The existence of a CT transition in the optical range for an atom inside an ionic host is explained by a simple model, which also accounts for the differences with the more common 3d systems. The present study sheds also some light on the R dependence of the s2-sp transitions due to s2 ions like Tl+.
Semiconductor physics has developed significantly in the field of re- search and industry in the past few decades due to it’s numerous practical applications. One of the relevant fields of current interest in material science is the fundamental aspects and applications of semi- conducting transparent thin films. Transparent conductors show the properties of transparency and conductivity simultaneously. As far as the band structure is concerned, the combination of the these two properties in the same material is contradictory. Generally a trans- parent material is an insulator having completely filled valence and empty conduction bands. Metallic conductivity come out when the Fermi level lies within a band with a large density of states to provide high carrier concentration. Effective transparent conductors must nec- essarily represent a compromise between a better transmission within the visible spectral range and a controlled but useful electrical con- ductivity [1–6]. Generally oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO, CdO etc, show such a combination. These materials without any doping are insulators with optical band gap of about 3 eV. To become a trans- parent conductor, these materials must be degenerately doped to lift the Fermi level up into the conduction band. Degenerate doping pro- vides high mobility of extra carriers and low optical absorption. The increase in conductivity involves an increase in either carrier concen- tration or mobility. Increase in carrier concentration will enhance the absorption in the visible region while increase in mobility has no re- verse effect on optical properties. Therefore the focus of research for new transparent conducting oxide (TCO) materials is on developing materials with higher carrier mobilities.
Fe–Ni based amorphous thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation. These films were irradiated by 108 MeV Ag8+ ions at room temperature with fluences ranging from 1 1012 to 3 1013 ions/cm2 using a 15 UD Pelletron accelerator. Glancing angle x-ray diffraction studies showed that the irradiated films retain their amorphous nature. The topographical evolution of the films under swift heavy ion SHI bombardment was probed using atomic force microscope and it was noticed that surface roughening was taking place with ion beam irradiation. Magnetic measurements using a vibrating sample magnetometer showed that the coercivity of the films increases with an increase in the ion fluence. The observed coercivity changes are correlated with topographical evolution of the films under SHI irradiation. The ability to modify the magnetic properties via SHI irradiation could be utilized for applications in thin film magnetism
The growth of Fe–Ni based amorphous nanocolumns has been studied using atomic force microscopy. The root mean square roughness of the film surface increased with the deposition time but showed a little change at higher deposition time. It was found that the separation between the nanostructures increased sharply during the initial stages of growth and the change was less pronounced at higher deposition time. During the initial stages of the column growth, a roughening process due to self shadowing is dominant and, as the deposition time increases, a smoothening mechanism takes place due to the surface diffusion of adatoms
We investigated the influence of substrate surface roughness on the structural and magnetic properties of obliquely deposited amorphous nanocolumns of Fe–Ni. Experiments showed that the surface roughness of the substrate greatly determines the morphology of the columnar structures and this in turn has a profound influence on the magnetic properties. Nucleation of Fe–Ni nanocolumns on a smooth silicon substrate was at random, while that on a rough glass substrate was defined by the irregularities on the substrate surface. It has been found that magnetic interaction between the nanocolumns prepared on a silicon substrate was due to their small inter-column separation. Well separated nanocolumns on a glass substrate resulted in exchange isolated magnetic domains. The size, shape and the distribution of nanocolumns can be tailored by appropriately choosing the surface roughness of the substrate. This will find potential applications in thin film magnetism.
In any investigation, information about the molecules under consideration is very essential for tailoring their properties. Evaluation of dispersion parameters, namely optical dielectric constant, static dielectric constant, relaxation time and spreading factor, assumes significance in this context. Dielectric spectroscopy is a useful tool for estimating these parameters. Not only does it reveal details about these constants but it also gives insight into the mechanism of conduction. In this paper the evaluation of dispersion parameters of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer in the temperature range 300–393K is attempted using Cole–Cole plots. The temperature variation of the spreading factor indicates the existence of multiple equilibrium positions in the case of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer. To the best of our knowledge, the evaluation of dispersion parameters for cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer is reported for the first time
The magnetic properties of amorphous Fe–Ni–B based metallic glass nanostructures were investigated. The nanostructures underwent a spin-glass transition at temperatures below 100 K and revealed an irreversible temperature following the linear de Almeida–Thouless dependence. When the nanostructures were cooled below 25 K in a magnetic field, they exhibited an exchange bias effect with enhanced coercivity. The observed onset of exchange bias is associated with the coexistence of the spin-glass phase along with the appearance of another spin-glass phase formed by oxidation of the structurally disordered surface layer, displaying a distinct training effect and cooling field dependence. The latter showed a maximum in exchange bias field and coercivity, which is probably due to competing multiple equivalent spin configurations at the boundary between the two spin-glass phases