965 resultados para ACIDS CONTENT
Selostus: Väkirehuun lisätyn glyserolin tai vapaiden rasvahappojen tai näiden yhdistelmän vaikutus maidontuotantoon ja pötsifermentaatioon ruokittaessa lypsylehmiä säilörehuun perustuvalla ruokinnalla
The basidiospores of Pisolithus sp. contain large amounts of lipids, indicating provision for future germination in the host rhizosphere. However, the accumulation, composition, and mobilization of lipids during formation and germination of these spores are largely unknown. In this study, lipid storage and fatty acid composition during basidiosporogenesis were analyzed in fresh basidiocarps using bright-field microscopy and gas chromatography. Abundant lipid bodies are found in the hyphae, basidia, and basidiospores of fungal basidiocarps. This evidences a considerable C transport in the basidiocarp to meet the C demand during basidiospore formation. Fatty acid composition analysis revealed the presence of 24 compounds with chains of 9 to 18 C atoms, either saturated or insaturated, with one or two insaturations. The fatty acid composition and content varied according to the developmental stage of the peridioles. In free basidiospores, the predominant compounds were 16:0, 16:1w5c, 18:1w9c, and 18:2w6,9c/18:0ante, at concentrations of 76, 46, 192, and 51 µg g-1 dry matter, respectively. Our results indicate that oleic acid is the major constituent of lipid reserves in Pisolithus sp. basidiospores. Further studies are being conducted to determine the factors that induce lipid mobilization during spore germination.
Silver has been demonstrated to be a powerful cationization agent in mass spectrometry (MS) for various olefinic species such as cholesterol and fatty acids. This work explores the utility of metallic silver sputtering on tissue sections for high resolution imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) of olefins by laser desorption ionization (LDI). For this purpose, sputtered silver coating thickness was optimized on an assorted selection of mouse and rat tissues including brain, kidney, liver, and testis. For mouse brain tissue section, the thickness was adjusted to 23 ± 2 nm of silver to prevent ion suppression effects associated with a higher cholesterol and lipid content. On all other tissues, a thickness of at 16 ± 2 nm provided the best desorption/ionization efficiency. Characterization of the species by MS/MS showed a wide variety of olefinic compounds allowing the IMS of different lipid classes including cholesterol, arachidonic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and triacylglyceride 52:3. A range of spatial resolutions for IMS were investigated from 150 μm down to the high resolution cellular range at 5 μm. The applicability of direct on-tissue silver sputtering to LDI-IMS of cholesterol and other olefinic compounds presents a novel approach to improve the amount of information that can be obtained from tissue sections. This IMS strategy is thus of interest for providing new biological insights on the role of cholesterol and other olefins in physiological pathways or disease.
RESUME GENERAL Au cours de ces dernières années, le monoxyde d'azote (NO) produit par une famille d'enzymes, les NO synthases (NOS), est apparu comme un effecteur central dans la régulation du système cardiovasculaire et du métabolisme énergétique. Chez l'homme, un défaut de production du NO est associé à des maladies cardiovasculaires et métaboliques comme la résistance à l'insuline ou le diabète de type 2. Ces pathologies se retrouvent chez les souris invalidées pour la NO synthase endothéliale (eN0S-/-) qui présentent non seulement une hypertension mais également une résistance à l'insuline et une dyslipidémie (augmentation des triglycérides et des acides gras libres). Ces anomalies sont étroitement associées et impliquées dans le développement du diabète de type 2. Dans cette étude, nous avons essayé de déterminer à partir du modèle de souris eN0S-/-, l'influence de la eNOS et de son produit, le NO, sur la régulation du métabolisme lipidique intracellulaire. Ainsi, nous avons montré que cette enzyme et le NO régulent directement l'activité β-oxydative des mitochondries isolées du muscle squelettique, du muscle cardiaque et du tissu adipeux blanc. Par ailleurs, dans le muscle de ces souris, le contenu des mitochondries et l'expression des gènes impliqués dans leur biogénèse sont diminués, ce qui suggère que la eNOS et/ou le NO contrôlent également la synthèse de ces organelles. Les mitochondries, via la β-oxydation, sont impliquées dans la production d'énergie à partir des acides gras libres. Dans notre modèle animal, la diminution de la β-oxydation dans le muscle, s'accompagne d'une accumulation des triglycérides intramyocellulaires. Cette accumulation prédispose fortement au développement de la résistance à l'insuline. Les anomalies du métabolisme β-oxydatif favorisent donc probablement l'apparition de la dyslipidémie et le développement de la résistance à l'insuline observées chez les souris eN0S-/-. Cette hypothèse est soutenue par différentes études effectuées chez l'homme et l'animal qui suggèrent qu'une dysfonction mitochondriale peut être à l'origine de la résistance à l'insuline. Ces données récentes et les résultats de ce travail apportent un regard nouveau sur le rôle du NO dans le développement des maladies métaboliques que sont la résistance à l'insuline, le diabète de type 2 et l'obésité. Elles placent aux centres de ces mécanismes une organelle, la mitochondrie, située au carrefour des métabolismes glucidiques et lipidiques. SUMMARY Over the last years, nitric oxide (NO), synthesized by a family of enzymes, the NO synthases, has become a central regulator of the cardiovascular system and energy metabolism. In humans, defective NO production is found in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus. These alterations are also found in knockout mice for the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eN0S-/-), which are not only hypertensive but also display insulin resistance and dyslipidemia (with increased triglyceride and free fatty acid levels). These pathologic features are tightly linked and involved in the pathogenesis of type 2 DM. In this study, using eN0S-/- mice, we determined the role played by this enzyme and its product, NO, on intracellular lipid metabolism. We show that eNOS and NO directly regulate β-oxidation in mitochondria isolated from skeletal and cardiac muscle as well as white adipose tissue. Furthermore, in the skeletal muscle of these mice, the mitochondrial content and the expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis are decreased, suggesting that eNOS and/or NO also regulate the synthesis of this intracellular organelle. Mitochondria, through β-oxidation, play a role in energy production from free fatty acids. In our animal model, decreased β-oxidation in skeletal muscle is associated with accumulation of intramyocellular lipids. This increased lipid content plays an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Defective β-oxidation, therefore, probably favours the development of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia as seen in these animals. This hypothesis is strengthened by studies in humans and animals indicating that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with insulin resistance. These recent data and the results of this work provide evidence for a role of NO in the development of metabolic diseases such as insulin resistance or type diabetes mellitus. They put as a central player, an organelle, the mitochondria, which lies at the crossway of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. RESUME DIDACTIQUE Le maintien des fonctions vitales et l'accomplissement d'une activité physique nécessitent, chez l'homme, un apport quotidien d'énergie. Cette énergie est présente, dans l'alimentation, principalement sous forme de graisses (lipides) ou de sucres. La production d'énergie s'effectue en majorité dans le muscle au niveau d'une organelle particulière, la mitochondrie. La régulation du métabolisme énergétique fait intervenir de nombreux facteurs de régulation dont l'un des plus connu est l'insuline. De nombreuses maladies comme le diabète de type 2, l'obésité ou le syndrome métabolique découlent de la dérégulation du métabolisme énergétique. Un mécanisme particulier, la résistance à l'insuline, qui se caractérise par un défaut d'action de l'insuline au niveau de ses tissus cibles (foie, muscle...) est souvent impliqué dans le développement de ces pathologies. L'étude de ces anomalies métaboliques nécessite l'utilisation de modèles, notamment animaux, qui ont la particularité de reproduire partiellement un état pathologique caractéristique de certaines maladies humaines. Dans ce travail, nous avons utilisé un modèle de souris dont la particularité est de ne pas exprimer une enzyme, la monoxyde d'azote (NO) synthase endothéliale (eNOS), responsable de la synthèse d'un gaz, le NO. Ces souris présentent une hypertension artérielle, des anomalies du métabolisme des lipides et une résistance à l'insuline. Or, de récents travaux effectués chez l'homme montrent que des individus insulino-résistants ou diabétiques de type 2 ont une diminution de la production de NO. Lors de nos investigations, nous avons démontré que la quantité et la capacité des mitochondries à utiliser les lipides comme substrat énergétique est diminuée dans les muscles des souris eN0S-/-. Par ailleurs, ces deux anomalies sont associées dans ce tissu à une accumulation des lipides. De façon très intéressante, ce phénomène est décrit dans de nombreuses études effectuées chez l'homme et l'animal comme favorisant le développement de la résistance à l'insuline. Les résultats de ce travail suggèrent donc que la eNOS et/ou le NO joue un rôle important dans l'activité et la synthèse des mitochondries. Le NO pourrait donc constituer une cible thérapeutique dans le traitement des maladies métaboliques.
Aims: We performed a randomised controlled trial in children of both gender and different pubertal stages to determine whether a school-based physical activity (PA) program during a full schoolyear influences bone mineral content (BMC) and whether there are differences in response for boys and girls before and during puberty. Methods: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade classes were cluster randomised to an intervention (INT, 16 classes, n=297) and control (CON; 12 classes, n=205) group. The intervention consisted of a multi-component PA intervention including daily physical education during a full school year. Each lesson was predetermined, included about ten minutes of jumping or strength training exercises of various intensity and was the same for all children. Measurements included anthropometry (height and weight), tanner stages (by self-assessment), PA (by accelerometry) and BMC for total body, femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine using dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Bone parameters were normalized for gender and tanner stage (pre- vs. puberty). Analyses were performed by a regression model adjusted for gender, baseline height, baseline weight, baseline PA, post-intervention tanner stage, baseline BMC, and cluster. Researchers were blinded to group allocation. Children in the control group did not know about the intervention arm. Results: 217 (57%) of 380 children who initially agreed to have DXA measurements had also post-intervention DXA and PA data. Mean age of prepubertal and pubertal children at baseline was 9.0±2.1 and 11.2±0.6 years, respectively. 47/114 girls and 68/103 boys were prepubertal at the end of the intervention. Compared to CON, children in INT showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body (adjusted z-score differences: 0.123; 95%>CI 0.035 to 0.212), femoral neck (0.155; 95%>CI 0.007 to 0.302), and lumbar spine (0.127; 95%>CI 0.026 to 0.228). Importantly, there was no gender*group, but a tanner*group interaction consistently favoring prepubertal children. Conclusions: Our findings show that a general, but stringent school-based PA intervention can improve BMC in elementary school children. Pubertal stage, but not gender seems to determine bone sensitivity to physical activity loading.
Soil plays an important role in the C cycle, and substitution of tropical forest by cultivated land affects C dynamic and stock. This study was developed in an area of expansion of human settlement in the Eastern Amazon, in Itupiranga, State of Pará, to evaluate the effects of native forest conversion to Brachiaria brizantha pasture on C contents of a dystrophic Oxisol. Soil samples were collected in areas of native forest (NF), of 8 to 10 year old secondary forest (SF), 1 to 2 year old SF (P1-2), 5 to 7 year old SF (P5-7), and of 10 to 12 year old SF (P10-12), and from under pastures, in the layers 0-2, 2-5 and 5-10 cm, to evaluate C levels and stocks and carry out separation of OM based on particle size. After deforestation, soil density increased to a depth of 5 cm, with greater increase in older pastures. Variation in C levels was greatest in the top soil layer; C contents increased with increasing pasture age. In the layers 2-5 and 5-10 cm, C content proved to be stable for the types of plant cover evaluated. Highest C concentrations were found in the silt fraction; however, C contents were highest in the clay fraction, independent of the plant cover. An increase in C associated with the sand fraction in the form of little decomposed organic residues was observed in pastures, confirming greater sensitivity of this fraction to change in soil use.
The GO annotation dataset provided by the UniProt Consortium (GOA: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/GOA) is a comprehensive set of evidenced-based associations between terms from the Gene Ontology resource and UniProtKB proteins. Currently supplying over 100 million annotations to 11 million proteins in more than 360,000 taxa, this resource has increased 2-fold over the last 2 years and has benefited from a wealth of checks to improve annotation correctness and consistency as well as now supplying a greater information content enabled by GO Consortium annotation format developments. Detailed, manual GO annotations obtained from the curation of peer-reviewed papers are directly contributed by all UniProt curators and supplemented with manual and electronic annotations from 36 model organism and domain-focused scientific resources. The inclusion of high-quality, automatic annotation predictions ensures the UniProt GO annotation dataset supplies functional information to a wide range of proteins, including those from poorly characterized, non-model organism species. UniProt GO annotations are freely available in a range of formats accessible by both file downloads and web-based views. In addition, the introduction of a new, normalized file format in 2010 has made for easier handling of the complete UniProt-GOA data set.
Selostus: Rehun valkuais- ja energiapitoisuuden vaikutus sikojen typen hyväksikäyttöön, veden kulutukseen ja virtsan eritykseen
Results of plasma or urinary amino acids are used for suspicion, confirmation or exclusion of diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, prevention and prognosis in inborn errors of amino acid metabolism. The concentrations in plasma or whole blood do not necessarily reflect the relevant metabolite concentrations in organs such as the brain or in cell compartments; this is especially the case in disorders that are not solely expressed in liver and/or in those which also affect nonessential amino acids. Basic biochemical knowledge has added much to the understanding of zonation and compartmentation of expressed proteins and metabolites in organs, cells and cell organelles. In this paper, selected old and new biochemical findings in PKU, urea cycle disorders and nonketotic hyperglycinaemia are reviewed; the aim is to show that integrating the knowledge gained in the last decades on enzymes and transporters related to amino acid metabolism allows a more extensive interpretation of biochemical results obtained for diagnosis and follow-up of patients and may help to pose new questions and to avoid pitfalls. The analysis and interpretation of amino acid measurements in physiological fluids should not be restricted to a few amino acids but should encompass the whole quantitative profile and include other pathophysiological markers. This is important if the patient appears not to respond as expected to treatment and is needed when investigating new therapies. We suggest that amino acid imbalance in the relevant compartments caused by over-zealous or protocol-driven treatment that is not adjusted to the individual patient's needs may prolong catabolism and must be corrected
Selostus: Tuhkapitoisuuden vaikutus lihaluujauhon reaktiivisen lysiinin hyväksikäyttöön lihasioilla
OBJECTIVE: To extract and to validate a brief version of the DISCERN which could identify mental health-related websites with good content quality. METHOD: The present study is based on the analysis of data issued from six previous studies which used DISCERN and a standardized tool for the evaluation of content quality (evidence-based health information) of 388 mental health-related websites. After extracting the Brief DISCERN, several psychometric properties (content validity through a Factor analysis, internal consistency by the Cronbach's alpha index, predictive validity through the diagnostic tests, concurrent validity by the strength of association between the Brief DISCERN and the original DISCERN scores) were investigated to ascertain its general applicability. RESULTS: A Brief DISCERN composed of two factors and six items was extracted from the original 16 items version of the DISCERN. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were more than acceptable for the complete questionnaire (alpha=0.74) and for the two distinct domains: treatments information (alpha=0.87) and reliability (alpha=0.83). Sensibility and specificity of the Brief DISCERN cut-off score > or =16 in the detection of good content quality websites were 0.357 and 0.945, respectively. Its predictive positive and negative values were 0.98 and 0.83, respectively. A statistically significant linear correlation was found between the total scores of the Brief DISCERN and those of the original DISCERN (r=0.84 and p<0.0005). CONCLUSION: The Brief DISCERN seems to be a reliable and valid instrument able to discriminate between websites with good and poor content quality. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The Brief DISCERN is a simple tool which could facilitate the identification of good information on the web by patients and general consumers.
As an alternative to the relatively complex and expensive spectroscopic methods, the redox properties of humic acids, determined by potentiometric titrations, have been used to evaluate the stability of soil organic C. The objective of the present study was to establish a Redox Index of C Stability (RICS) and to correlate it with some properties of the humic acids extracted from different modal soils in Brazil (distinct weathering stages or management) to facilitate system comparison. The RICS was efficient for soil comparison and variations were comparable to those of the chemical and spectroscopic methods used for humic acid characterization. The values of soil pH, point of zero salt effect, sum of bases, exchangeable Ca content, weathering index, as well as the humic acid O/C ratio, quinone and semiquinone free radical contents, aromatic C and fluorescence intensity were closely related with the RICS. The RICS was higher in less weathered soils, with more active clays and higher fertility. The RICS values of soils under long-term sugarcane management were ranked in decreasing order: unburned, burned with vinasse, burned without vinasse.
In vitro propagation of pineapple produces uniform and disease-free plantlets, but requires a long period of acclimatization before transplanting to the field. Quicker adaptation to the ex vitro environment and growth acceleration of pineapple plantlets are prerequisites for the production of a greater amount of vigorous, well-rooted planting material. The combination of humic acids and endophytic bacteria could be a useful technological approach to reduce the critical period of acclimatization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the initial performance of tissue-cultured pineapple variety Vitória in response to application of humic acids isolated from vermicompost and plant growth-promoting bacteria (Burkholderia spp.) during greenhouse acclimatization. The basal leaf axils were treated with humic acids while roots were immersed in bacterial medium. Humic acids and bacteria application improved shoot growth (14 and 102 %, respectively), compared with the control; the effect of the combined treatment was most pronounced (147 %). Likewise, humic acids increased root growth by 50 %, bacteria by 81 % and the combined treatment by 105 %. Inoculation was found to significantly increase the accumulation of N (115 %), P (112 %) and K (69 %) in pineapple leaves. Pineapple growth was influenced by inoculation with Burkholderia spp., and further improved in combination with humic acids, resulting in higher shoot and root biomass as well as nutrient contents (N 132 %, P 131 %, K 80 %) than in uninoculated plantlets. The stability and increased consistency of the host plant response to bacterization in the presence of humic substances indicate a promising biotechnological tool to improve growth and adaptation of pineapple plantlets to the ex vitro environment.
Rainfall in the semiarid region of Pernambuco is characterized by irregular distribution in time and space, which significantly hinders the rainfed agriculture in the region. This work aims to evaluate the temporal profile of soil moisture in the semiarid region of the Pernambuco State (Brazil) and the effect of different soil surface conditions on soil water content variation and the yield of rainfed beans. To monitor soil water content, five plots 4.5 m wide by 11 m long were installed in a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol). The following treatments were adopted in the experimental plots: natural vegetation, bean intercropped with cactus, beans planted down the slope, beans planted along contour lines with mulch and rock barriers, and bare soil. In each plot, eight PVC access tubes were installed for monitoring the soil water content profile at depths of 0.20 and 0.40 m using a neutron probe device. The surface condition significantly influenced the soil water content variation, both in the dry and rainy seasons. The use of mulch, associated with rock barriers, provided higher soil water content levels than the other treatments and increased the rainfed beans production.
In the region of the Serra do Espinhaço Meridional, peat bog is formed in hydromorphic environments developed in sunken areas on the plain surfaces with vegetation adapted to hydromorphic conditions, favoring the accumulation and preservation of organic matter. This pedoenvironment is developed on the regionally predominant quartzite rocks. Peat bog in the Environmental Protection Area - APA Pau-de-Fruta, located in the watershed of Córrego das Pedras, Diamantina,Brazil, was mapped and three representative profiles were morphologically characterized and sampled for physical, chemical and microbiological analyses. The organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acids (HA) and humin (H). Two profiles were sampled to determine the radiocarbon age and δ13C. The structural organization of the three profiles is homogeneous. The first two layers consist of fibric, the two subsequent of hemic and the four deepest of sapric peat, showing that organic matter decomposition advances with depth and that the influence of mineral materials in deeper layers is greater. Physical properties were homogeneous in the profiles, but varied in the sampled layers. Chemical properties were similar in the layers, but the Ca content, sum of bases and base saturation differed between profiles. Contents of H predominated in the more soluble organic matter fractions and were accumulated at a higher rate in the surface and deeper layers, while HA levels were higher in the intermediate and FA in the deeper layers. Microbial activity did not vary among profiles and was highest in the surface layers, decreasing with depth. From the results of radiocarbon dating and isotope analysis, it was inferred that bog formation began about 20 thousand years ago and that the vegetation of the area had not changed significantly since then.