Temporal variability of soil water content under different surface conditions in the semiarid region of the Pernambuco state

Autoria(s): Santos,Thais Emanuelle Monteiro dos; Silva,Demetrius David da; Montenegro,Abelardo Antônio de Assunção



Rainfall in the semiarid region of Pernambuco is characterized by irregular distribution in time and space, which significantly hinders the rainfed agriculture in the region. This work aims to evaluate the temporal profile of soil moisture in the semiarid region of the Pernambuco State (Brazil) and the effect of different soil surface conditions on soil water content variation and the yield of rainfed beans. To monitor soil water content, five plots 4.5 m wide by 11 m long were installed in a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol). The following treatments were adopted in the experimental plots: natural vegetation, bean intercropped with cactus, beans planted down the slope, beans planted along contour lines with mulch and rock barriers, and bare soil. In each plot, eight PVC access tubes were installed for monitoring the soil water content profile at depths of 0.20 and 0.40 m using a neutron probe device. The surface condition significantly influenced the soil water content variation, both in the dry and rainy seasons. The use of mulch, associated with rock barriers, provided higher soil water content levels than the other treatments and increased the rainfed beans production.








Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo


Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo v.34 n.5 2010

Palavras-Chave #moisture profile #soil cover #antecedent rainfall

journal article