Total lipid and fatty acid accumulation during basidiospore formation in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus sp.

Autoria(s): Campos,André Narvaes da Rocha; Costa,Maurício Dutra; Tótola,Marcos Rogério; Borges,Arnaldo Chaer



The basidiospores of Pisolithus sp. contain large amounts of lipids, indicating provision for future germination in the host rhizosphere. However, the accumulation, composition, and mobilization of lipids during formation and germination of these spores are largely unknown. In this study, lipid storage and fatty acid composition during basidiosporogenesis were analyzed in fresh basidiocarps using bright-field microscopy and gas chromatography. Abundant lipid bodies are found in the hyphae, basidia, and basidiospores of fungal basidiocarps. This evidences a considerable C transport in the basidiocarp to meet the C demand during basidiospore formation. Fatty acid composition analysis revealed the presence of 24 compounds with chains of 9 to 18 C atoms, either saturated or insaturated, with one or two insaturations. The fatty acid composition and content varied according to the developmental stage of the peridioles. In free basidiospores, the predominant compounds were 16:0, 16:1w5c, 18:1w9c, and 18:2w6,9c/18:0ante, at concentrations of 76, 46, 192, and 51 µg g-1 dry matter, respectively. Our results indicate that oleic acid is the major constituent of lipid reserves in Pisolithus sp. basidiospores. Further studies are being conducted to determine the factors that induce lipid mobilization during spore germination.







Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo


Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo v.32 n.4 2008

Palavras-Chave #Basidiomycota #basidiosporogenesis #carbon storage #ectomycorrhiza #fatty acids

journal article