899 resultados para the teacher’s identity


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"Cadernos de literatura comparada, nº. 28 (2013) - Modernismos revisitados, 1912-2012"


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Para a grande maioria dos professores, tornarem-se melhores profissionais passa pelo alcance máximo de sucesso pelos seus alunos (Guskey, 2002), sendo este o principal foco deste relatório. A interligação entre as quatro áreas de intervenção do estágio pedagógico, permite potencializar cada uma. A reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional enquanto professora estagiária tendo em conta um sentimento de auto-eficácia positivo (Jardim & Onofre, 2009) e uma inteligência emocial (Mouton, Hansenne, Delcour & Coles, 2013) foi fundamental para contribuir para uma gestão correta da sala de aula através do modelo ecológico (Hastie e Siedentop, 1999) em conjunto com as 4 dimensões de uma intervenção pedagógico de sucesso (Sidentop, 1983; citado por Onofre, 1995). Tornando-se essencial entender a evolução e as diferenças entre os alunos por ser o centro do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, o trabalho do professor, começa muito antes do espaço de sala de aula (Fentermacher & Soltis, 1986). A comunidade escolar da Escola Secundária José Gomes Ferreira, compreende que a disciplina tem benefícios educacionais, mas nem sempre a consegue suportar. Assim, é necessário promover experiências positivas no 1º ciclo, de forma a desenvolver atitudes positivas face à Educação Física.


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O estudo das condições que potenciam o ensino-aprendizagem em educação física precisa de considerar mais consistentemente e explicitamente as evidências do mesossistema estabelecido entre as ecologias do trabalho colaborativo do grupo disciplinar e as das suas aulas. Especificamente, incita-se à compreensão como a negociação integradora do sistema social dos alunos pode ser potenciada pelo grupo disciplinar. Para alcançar essa compreensão articularam-se os modelos das comunidades de aprendizagem profissional e da ecologia da aula, através da bioecologia do desenvolvimento humano. Conduziu-se um desenho de estudo de caso longitudinal integrado, triangulando métodos, fontes e dados de um grupo disciplinar de educação física com qualidade colaborativa. Simultaneamente, observaram-se duas ecologias de aulas de educação física, diferenciadas pelas disposições de negociação dos respetivos professores, detalhando paralelamente os perfis de agenda social dos alunos para essas ecologias. Os resultados permitem salientar a interação das propriedades Pessoa-Contexto-Processo-Tempo como condições mesossistémicas favorecedoras da integração do sistema social dos alunos, nomeadamente: as caraterísticas do grupo como comunidade de aprendizagem profissional focada na integração; a interação macrossistémica e a alternância intencional cíclica grupo-aula; e a articulação entre o desenvolvimento curricular colaborativo e a partilha e produção de conhecimento em espirais curriculares plurianuais e anuais. Estas condições refletiram-se nas ecologias das aulas como semelhanças tendencialmente integradoras do sistema social na instrução e na organização. Todavia, também emergiram particularidades em cada ecologia traduzidas numa congruência mais consistente entre os perfis de agenda social encontrados para o envolvimento integrador, por associação às diferenças de alinhamento instrucional na negociação pelos professores. Este estudo lança implicações para a investigação relacionadas com a verificação e aprofundamento das condições mesossistémicas identificadas. Paralelamente, a prática profissional de professores e de formadores de professores encontra implicações sobre a melhoria da qualidade colaborativa profissional para promover continuamente melhores experiências de ensino-aprendizagem da educação física nos microssistemas aqui analisados.


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Las didácticas específicas de las ciencias naturales revelan diferentes problemáticas en su enseñanza y aprendizaje en los diferentes niveles del sistema educativo. En particular, en las clases de ciencias la interacción discursiva docente alumnos adquiere relevancia, ya que el proceso de comunicación del conocimiento es uno de los pilares didácticos, junto a la trasposición del mismo. Especificamente, en este proyecto nos abocamos a aquellas intervenciones de docentes y alumnos que se relacionan con la construcción del conocimiento biológico y químico. El proyecto se enmarca en una actual linea de trabajo que indaga sobre las dificultades en los abordajes del conocimiento científico en las aulas, las características del discurso entre docentes y alumnos, las habilidades y dificultades en la comprensión de los enunciados de problemas y las características de los textos que se utilizan en las clases. Se focaliza este estudio en casos que intentan dar respuesta a tres temáticas, agrupadas en un conjunto de situaciones de investigación relacionadas con la interacción discursiva docente-alumno, retomando el rol del docente al hablar, guiar o diseñar las situaciones de referencia para el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Los casos son: 1- En cuanto a las concepciones sobre diversidad biológica en estudiantes de escuela secundaria y en textos académicos, atendemos a cómo la escuela presenta los contenidos ecológicos como un conjunto de dogmas y conceptos estáticos. Además suelen simplificarse conceptualmente y presentarse poco actualizados. Es por ello que se planea estudiar las concepciones y actitudes de los alumnos de secundaria sobre la biodiversidad, cómo estas dificultan su comprensión y los textos usados en relación a la promoción de la transposición didáctica. 2- En relación a cómo se elabora el patrón temático del tema célula en clases de Biología, se analizarán las diferentes estrategias de significados y de desarrollo temático, que se emplean en la comunicación aulica. Se intentará establecer si hay cambios en el desarrollo temático a medida que se avanza en la escolaridad. Esto es porque se puede apreciar que muchos de los problemas de aprendizaje del alumnado se deben a un desconocimiento tanto del patrón temático como del patrón estructural de la ciencia, siendo preciso evocar los patrones temáticos que se quieren utilizar, para construir un conocimiento compartido. 3-Finalmente, en los enunciados de problemas de Química, se analizarán las dificultades de comprensión lectora de alumnos de Ingeniería. Los docentes frecuentemente atribuyen los problemas a deficiencias en la instrucción recibida, sin considerarse los conocimientos previos del alumno, los obstáculos conceptuales originados en el tema, las deficiencias en la habilidad lectora, el tipo textual predominante en la consigna, el formato en el que se escribió la consigna y los factores personales, etc., siendo que la comprensión del enunciado de una consigna de trabajo condiciona fuertemente la posibilidad de su resolución. Los tres casos utilizarán metodologías cualitaritas que incluyan análisis de contenido en discursos orales y escritos. Los datos se registrarán desde observación no participante, registro etnográfico y con grabaciones de audio. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento, realizando aportes a la formación docente en tanto las estrategias discursivas que se emplean en el aula, en forma oral y en la escrita, conocer concepciones que dificultan o favoren la construcción del conocimiento científico, entre otras. Los productos de estos estudios estarán integrados por nuevos desarrollos para la formación docente, publicaciones científicas de impacto nacional e internacional, presentaciones a congresos, materiales didácticos y divulgativos, dictado de seminarios y/o cursos, redacción de informes a las escuelas intervinientes.. The specific Natural Sciences didactics show different problems in teaching and learning along the school system. In particular, the discourse used to communicate knowledge in Science lessons becomes important. With this project we will focus on the teachers and students actions regarding the construction of biological and chemical knowledge. This project attempts to answer these issues and brings together a range of research situations related to teacher-student interaction, through discourse, taking up the role of the teacher to speak, to plan and to guide student learning. We will study the ideas and attitudes of high school students about biodiversity that make difficult its understanding and the textbooks used in relation to promotion of the didactic transposition. In addition, regarding how the thematic pattern in biology classes is costructed, it will be analyzed the different meaning and thematic development strategies that are used in communication. We will attempt to establish whether there are any changes in the thematic development throughout high school education. Finally, we will analyze the reading comprehension problems in engineering students. Teachers frequently attribute these issues to deficiencies in prior education, without considering the students background, the conceptual obstacles arising in the field, the format in which the prompt is written, personal factors, etc., keeping in mind that the outcome of an activity is strictly dependant con the prompt understanding. We expect to make contributions to the teacher education in both the discourse strategies used in the classroom, orally and in writing, to learn about the conceptions that hinder or favor the knowledge construction, among others. The products of this study will be national and international impact scientific publications, conference presentations, popular science publications, seminars courses and reports to the schools involeved.


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The present essay –which is a pilot study conceived to continue the research in depth in the future- is based in a comparative analysis of educational practice between five different primary and pre-school teaching centres in Osona and the educational practice in inclusive educational centres. The essay introduces the objectives of the research and the theoretical and conceptual framework in which it is based (chapter 1) in relation with the main themes and expressions which are the purpose of the study: comprensivity, inclusive school and inclusive practice. The theoretical framework is linked to the principal regulations applied in our context. The study describes the instruments and procedure analysis describes the instruments and procedure analysis which have been designed and used for a qualitative methodological approach, together with the data obtained from the analysis of five teaching centres (chapter 2). The results from the research show that the practice done in the analised schools are not totally comparable to the ones in the inclusive environment. Notwithsanding, there are some similar points, although not totally coincident, like the fact that either the analysed schools or the ones with an inclusive approach show availability and interest in improving integration of all the pupils in the school, also the teachers work together in some aspects like, evaluation of pupils with special needs, objectives and contents and activities fort he specific kind of pupils with special needs parents and the majority of the analyzed schools, like those fallowing inclusive educational approaches, try the pupils with special needs to develop their acquisition within the ordinary class with adapted material. I think, these verifications, some of them close to inclusive educational practice, could constitute a starting point to analyse our model, in order to offer a common curriculum that could respect the different styles and rhythms of acquisition of all the pupils, so that promoting a more flexible and open schooling. In conclusion, the results of this analysis, although dues to its limits, they can not be generalized, they can help to find the necessary changes to bet for a qualitative education in a school for everyone.


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El presente proyecto tiene como zona de estudio el Área de Conservación Arenal- Huetar Norte (ACA-HN), concretamente los cantones de Upala, Los Chiles y Guatuso. El propósito del proyecto es promover el desarrollo sostenible de la zona mediante los pilares de la educación y la economía. Para ello se elabora un manual de educación ambiental de la cuenca de río Frío y así poder solventar algunas de las carencias en educación que tienen los docentes de las escuelas de la cuenca hidrográfica. Por otro lado, se diagnostica la cadena de valor sobre usos alternativos de la biodiversidad, específicamente zoocriaderos de mariposas diurnas, en los cantones de Upala y Los Chiles. Por último, se trata la información de la zona de estudio con Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para elaborar mapas que ilustren los proyectos anteriores y el proyecto sobre el diagnóstico de la industria de turismo local.


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Salvia divinorum Epling & Jativa is an hallucinogenic mint traditionally used for curing and divination by the Mazatec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico. Young people from Mexican cities were reported to smoke dried leaves of S. divinorum as a marijuana substitute. Recently, two S. divinorum specimens were seized in a large-scale illicit in-door and out-door hemp plantation. Salvinorin A also called divinorin A, a trans-neoclerodane diterpene, was identified in several organic solvent extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The botanical identity of the plant was confirmed by comparing it to an authentic herbarium specimen. More plants were then discovered in Swiss horticulturists greenhouses. All these data taken together suggest that many attempts exist in Switzerland to use S. divinorum as a recreational drug. This phenomenon may be enhanced because neither the magic mint, nor its active compound are banned substances listed in the Swiss narcotic law.


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RESUM Les exigències actuals de la professió de d’infermeria requereixen que la docència vagi orientada a interrelacionar els diferents rols a desenvolupar enla pràctica diària, per adquirir experiència en l’aprenentatge i així augmentar la qualitat de les cures d’infermeria. Per assolir aquest objectiu és important l’aprenentatge basat enproblemes. Aquest pretén en primer lloc que els estudiants aprenguin allò que permet desenvolupar-se enla vida professional de la manera més natural possible a partir d’una idea clara i profunda de l’evidència sobre la que s’ha d’actuar. Amb aquesta finalitat es vandissenyar casos clínics amb uns objectius que requerien la integració de coneixements, actituds i valors, en diferents fases a desenvolupar en un període de temps predeterminat. També ens vam proposar una estratègia docent que permetés a l’estudiant incorporar el coneixement científic que dóna suport a la pràctica assistencial per aproximar teoria i pràctica. Es pretén que els estudiants busquin una resposta basada en la millor evidència científica disponible, per prendre una decisió respecte a les cures del pacient. Els objectius de l’estudi són: Avaluar globalment l’aprenentatge basat en la simulació de casos Avaluar com els estudiants valoren la integració del model d’infermeria i del procés d’atenció en l’aprenentatge basat en la simulació de casos. Valorar les sensacions percebudes per l’estudiant durant la simulació del cas. Valorar l’actitud d el’estudiant en relació a la incorporació de l’evidència científica per una millora en la pràctica clínica. Avaluar el grau de dificultat manifestat per l’estudiant en relació al procés de documentació. Avaluar la idonietat de l’argumentació i la decisió de l’estudiant a la pregunta formulada en el cas clínic. Metodologia: L’assignatura d’Infermeria Medicoquirúrgica. Adult I del Departament d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Vic, va iniciar una experiència d’aprenentatge basat en la resolució de problemes, amb estudiants de 2on curs. Les professores responsables dels seminaris van realitzar una avaluació de l’experiència a través d’una enquesta. Aquesta es responia al cap d’un mes de la simulació al laboratori, quan es contrastaven els resultats obtinguts en aquesta entre professores i estudiants després de visualitzar la gravació feta durant el mateix. En el context del seminari de simulació de casos, es va introduir una pregunta/problema, a partir de la que els estudiants, en grup, havien de documentar-se amb el suport d’una guia. Per valorar l’actitud davant aquesta pregunta/problema es va dissenyar un qustionari tipus Likert. L’avaluació del grau de dificultat s’ha registrat a través d’unes escales de puntuació. Per a l’avaluació de la decisió presa, es van valorar les síntesis resum entregades en els treballs escrits pels diferents grups. Resultats: La realització de la simulació en el laboratori va ser avaluada per un alt percentatge d’estudiants (68,8%) amb puntuacions entre 6 i 8 mentre que un 26,6% la van situar en tre 9 i 10, només un 4,7 % la van puntuar amb 5. La integració del model d’infermeria va ser valorada pel 86% amb una puntuació entre 7 i 10. La valoració global de la simulació va ser qualificada pels estudiants amb una puntuació de 8 (34,4%) seguida d’un 28,1% amb una consideració de 7. Un 7,2% van puntuar entre 9 i 10. El 93,3% van assegurar que conèixer les fonts documentals els serviria per millorar l’assistència, el 86,7% esperen obtenir arguments sòlids respecte les seves desicions si la documentació consultada és de qualitat. Un 77,8% dels estudiants consideren estar més satisfets al saber incorporar la presa de decisions basada en evidències. Respecte el grau de dificultat en el procés de documentació la dificultat més gran la presenten en com buscar en les bases de dades de referències bibliogràfiques. Conclusions: L’aprenentatge dels estudiants a través de la simulació de casos és una estratègia vàlida que l’estudiant valora positivament al mateix temps que permet desenvolupar habilitats per a la pràctica professional. L’estratègia docent dissenyada per integrar les evidències en la presa de decisions es considera positiva, no obstant, després d’analitzar els resultats, s’han de modificar alguns aspectes per a la seva millora; tutoritzar per a millorar el procés de documentació i incidir més en la crítica i reflexió, de manera que les troballes de la investigació siguin canalitzades cap a la pràctica.


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Documento publicado en 1992 por el CEO-UAB como parte de la colección &i&Working Papers&/i& que incluye la historia de los pictogramas de los distintos Juegos Olímpicos, de Invierno y de Verano, desde Tokio '64, cuando se inicia su diseño sistemático, hasta Barcelona '92, cuando los recursos gráficos se integran en un proceso único de información y de representación de la identidad olímpica y de la cultura de la ciudad sede.


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This paper reviews four economic theories of leadership selection in conflictual settings. The first of these by Cukierman and Tomassi (1998) labeled the ‘information rationale’, argues that hawks may actually be necessary to initiate peace agreements. The second labeled the ‘bargaining rationale’ borrowing from Hamlin and Jennings (2007) agrees with the conventional wisdom that doves are more likely to secure peace, but post-conflict there are good reasons for hawks to be rationally selected. The third found in Jennings and Roelfsema (2008) is labeled the social psychological rationale. This captures the idea of a competition over which group can form the strongest identity, so can apply to group choices which do not impinge upon bargaining power. As in the bargaining rationale, dove selection can be predicted during conflict, but hawk selection post-conflict. Finally, the expressive rationale is discussed which predicts that regardless of the underlying structure of the game (informational, bargaining, psychological) the large group nature of decision-making by making individual decision makers non-decisive in determining the outcome of elections may cause them to make choices based primarily on emotions which may be invariant with the mode of group interaction, be it conflictual or peaceful. Finally, the paper analyses the extent to which the theories can throw light on Northern Ireland electoral history over the last 25 years.


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The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is involved in many age-dependent neurological deficits, including numbness, pain, restless legs, trouble with walking and balance that are commonly found in the elderly. These symptoms generally result from demyelination and/or loss of axonal integrity. However, the precise identity of age-regulated molecular changes in either neuronal or glial compartments of the nerve is unclear. Interestingly, these deficiencies are also present in inherited neuropathies, where the expressivity of the rapid and early onset phenotypes is undeniably more severe than in normal aging. Nevertheless, especially the molecular changes underlying loss of axonal integrity in neuropathy condition are also poorly understood. To unravel molecular mechanisms affected by PNS aging, we used wildtype mice at 17 time-points from day of birth until senescence (28 months-old). For the neuropathy study, we focused on 56 day-old Schwann cell-specific neuropathy-inducing mutants, MPZCre/1/ LpinfE2-3/fE2-3 and MPZCre/1/ScapfE1/fE1 mice, that have, at this age, already developed neuropathic symptoms. Transcriptomes of dissected Schwann cell-containing endoneurium or sensory neuron-containing dorsal root ganglia have been analyzed throughout time or genotypes, using Illumina Bead Chips. Following data validation, we identified groups of differentially expressed genes in the development, aging and in the neuropathic mutants, in both glial and neuronal compartments. We detected substantial differences in the dynamics of changes in gene expression during development and aging between these two compartments. Furthermore, considering the above-mentioned phenotypic similarities, we integrated aging and mutant data. Interestingly, we observed that there are some parallels at the molecular level between processes involved in aging, which leads to less severe and more progressive PNS alterations, and in the rapid onset peripheral neuropathies. Apart from helping the understanding of molecular alterations underlying age-related PNS phenotypes, this data should also contribute to the identification of pathways that could be used as targets for therapeutical approaches to prevent complications associated with both aging and inherited forms of neuropathies.


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The work of this thesis would like to investigate two particular questions about the care of underage: on the one hand, the maltreatment, and the mother's desire on the other hand. About the first, this proposal try to underscore the elaborate irregularity and disparity related to this phenomenon and his historical evolution. The objective's thesis propose to underline that the abuse crosses the crisis of educational dimension inside and outside the family. We are talking about a type of crisi that places at the origin of a specific clinic and that it is about the maltreatment designated, at the same time, to cope with the educational void and with the ill-treated under age's hardships. The so-called clinic of the maltreatment horns, therefore, with the purpose to join and to set in order the normative and educational aspects. However, the prescriptive requirement is intended to measure against the same one crisis in a paradoxical way; the laws and the juveniles court must make up for the lack absence of the rules that characterized the maltreatment, getting around to use the typical reference that traditionally were been at the base of the educational way's construction. The same crimes on underage often found in the father the responsibility. The requirements and the therapeutic needs has utilized the theoretical construct of the trauma as the key line of clinical practice. On the one hand, the trauma was been paired controversially to the psychoanalytical concepts as the notion of the phantom, in the same manner that the objective truth is been opposed to the notion of the imagination and fantasy; on the other hand, the trauma was gotten to be the mark and the characteristic that defined the individual identity of the mistreated persons, regardless of the person's clinical structure or, generally, regardless of the their individual position. Both the normative demand and therapeutic converge on the idealization of the imaginary figure that is able to supply to every type of maltreatment: the mother. This position is connected on theoretical construct well-established in the mythology, that associated the mother figure to a natural dimension; this is related to the second point at issue: the mother's desire. The awareness of the mother figure in natural and idealized terms describes accusingly and negatively the trauma, without seeing the difference between trauma that helps to give a structure to the individual position from the trauma solely devastating. The mother's mythology, therefore, is in an evident antagonism with the female figure and woman's sexuality. In these way the maltreatment's clinic suggests that a woman is able to be a mother only when she doesn't appreciate the rule of female. This situation preclusives a comparison with own sexuality and gives to the women a complex of castration. The clinic cases reported highlight as these difficulties are the expression of the familiarity's heredity that wasn't been sufficiently elaborated. This condition (into the relation between mother and his child) turn the infant in the incapacity to symbolized and it doesn't help him to accede to the positive trauma, to the language and to the edipic rule; this is the reason why the child toils difficulties to approach to own personality and to orient himself in the relation with his body, with the body of the adults and the same age children.


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DNA-based techniques are important tools for species assignment, in particular when identification with morphological criteria is difficult. The aim of this study was to genetically determine the species identity of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) populations from western and northern Switzerland (Swiss Plateau), this area being frequently subjected to introductions of species or sub-species from south of the Alps. We sequenced 261 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene from 24 samples of tree frogs from the Swiss Plateau, Ticino (southern Switzerland) and the Dombes region (Ain, France), and compared them with homologous sequences retrieved from DNA databases. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two distinct clades. The first one is represented by samples of Green tree frog (Hyla arborea) from the Swiss Plateau, France, Germany and Greece, confirming the current knowledge about the species' distribution. The second clade includes samples belonging to the Italian tree frog (Hyla intermedia) from south of the Alps (Ticino and Italy), and unexpectedly from the Grangettes site in western Switzerland. These results suggest the introduction of the Italian tree frog H. intermedia north of the Alps, and raise questions about the management of the Grangettes protected area.


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Protocol per autenticar a persones que sol·liciten un servei o producte en un web mitjançant un proveïdor d'identitats amb el DNI-E. El proveïdor d'identitats garanteix als proveïdors de serveis que les persones amb qui tracten són qui diuen ser i proporciona a més una reputació associada a cada persona. Aquesta comunicació es fa amb un servei web que prèvia autenticació del proveïdor de servei podrà realitzar les diferents peticions d'autenticitat i de reputació dels seus clients. Donat que es tracten amb dades personals, durant el protocol es protegeix en tot moment l'autèntica identitat de cada persona per tal de que pugui mantenir el seu anonimat.


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A description is given of the shell, radula, renal region, reproductive system and egg capsules of topotypic specimens of limnaea peregrina Clessin, 1882. This investigation intends contributing to define the specific identity of that nominal species. A close anatomical comparison with Lymnaea columella Say, 1817 from Michigan, USA, shows that both forms are indistinguishable, giving support to previous inferences from some authors. Data on egg hatching are presented.