971 resultados para reaction mechanism(Chemistry)


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The para orientation by the carbonyl groups in the bromination of phenanthrenequinone derivatives has been explained on the basis of an excited state resulting from thermal excitation of the quinone and/or from a n→π* transition of the nonbonding electrons of the oxygen atoms. A general preparative method for the syntheses of 3-bromophenanthrenequinone derivatives has been developed. The structure of 2-nitro-6-bromophenanthrenequinone has been established by degradation. Synthesis of 2-nitro-6-bromofluorenone is described. Direct bromination of phenanthrenequinone to 2-bromo and 2,7-dibromo derivatives has also been described.


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Catalytic dehydrogenation of 2-propanol over Cu-SiO2 catalyst was investigated. The undesired side reaction of dehydration can be controlled by a selective catalyst and choice of proper operating conditions. The kinetics of the heterogeneous catalytic reaction can be adequately expressed by a forward first-order and reverse second-order mechanism. The rate-controlling step with chemically pure 2-propanol is single-site surface reaction, while for the technical grade alcohol the adsorption of alcohol is rate-controlling. The static bed data are compared with the fluidized bed dat


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Carbon disulfide reacts with azide ion to form the 1,2,3,4-thiatriazolinethionate ion and not the acyclic azido dithiocarbonate ion as previously reported. A series of salts of thiatriazoline have been prepared and none shows evidence for the presence of the azido group. Esters of thiatriazolinethione prepared by the reaction of the sodium salt with alkyl or acyl halides have been found to be either 5-(substituted) mercapto-1,2,3,4-thiatriazoles or 4-substituted 1,2,3,4-thiatriazoline-5-thiones. These structures have been assigned on the basis of degradative and spectroscopic evidence. The chemistry of the so-called azidodithiocarbonates has been reinterpreted in terms of the thiatriazole structure.


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Oxidation of longifolene, a mono-olefinic sesquiterpene, with a chloroform solution of perbenzoic acid proceeded to almost two mole consumption of the peracid to furnish a number of products, important ones being an α-ketol, a norketone (longicamphenilone) and the corresponding C14-alcohols. Under certain conditions it has been possible to arrest the reaction at one mole consumption and to isolate longifolene-α-epoxide, which is the major product; some amounts of epimeric longifolaldehydes and longicamphenilone were also formed. Further action of perbenzoic acid on longifolene oxide and longifolaldehydes has been investigated and the results used to interpret the mechanism of abnormal peracid oxidation of longifolene.


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Noble metal substituted ionic catalysts were synthesized by solution combustion technique. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Zirconia supported compounds crystallized in tetragonal phase. The solid solutions of ceria with zirconia crystallized in fluorite structure. The noble metals were substituted in ionic form.The water-gas shift reaction was carried out over the catalysts.Negligible conversions were observed with unsubstituted compounds. The substitution of a noble metal ion was found to enhance the reaction rate. Equilibrium conversion was obtained below 250 degrees C in the presence of Pt ion substituted compounds. The formation of Bronsted acid-Bronsted base pairs was proposed to explain the activity of zirconia catalysts. The effect of oxide ion vacancies on the reactions over substituted ceria-zirconia solid solutions was established. (c)2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The particle size and crystallite size of anatase increase markedly in the region of the crystal structure transformation. The unit cell of anatase seems to expand prior to the transformation to rutile. This expansion has been attributed to a displacive transformation of the type defined by Buerger. Smaller particle size and larger surface area seem to favour the transformation. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase prepared by the hydrolysis of titanium sulphate have been studied at different temperatures and are found to be considerably different from the kinetics of the transformation of pure anatase. The transformation becomes immeasurably slow below ∼695 ± 10°C compared to ∼610°C for pure anatase. An induction period is observed in the transformation of anatase obtained from sulphate hydrolysis and the duration decreases with increase in temperature. The activation energy is ∼120 kcal/mole, a value higher than that for the pure anatase-rutile transformation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative rates of nucleation and propagation processes. The activation energy for the nucleation process seems to be much larger than for the propagation process. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase samples doped with different amounts of sulphate ion impurity have also been studied and the transformation is found to be progressively decelerated with increase in the impurity concentration. The energy of activation for the transformation appears to increase progressively with increase in impurity concentration.


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Reaction of 2-ethylbenzisoxazolium fluoborate (III) with dimedone, dihydroresorcinol, 2-methyldihydroresorcinol and 2-methylcyclopentane-1,3-dione in the presence of base leads to the formation of amides VIII, XI, X and XIII respectively, via the benzoketoketenimine intermediate (IX) and an intramolecular migration. The 7-hydroxy-2-ethylbenzisoxazolium salt (IV) gives the amide (XIV) by double migration. Amides VIII, XI, X and XIII undergo intramolecular Michael reaction to furnish the benzoxazinones (XVI, XVIII, XVII and XXVI). Stereochemistry of this addition is discussed and the conformation in which the CN bond at C-1′ is attached equatorially to the cyclohexanone ring is assigned to the Spirans (XX, XXX and XXVIII). Effect of acids and bases on the amide (VIII) and the spiran (XVI) is described.


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Pseudo-acid chlorides of five 4′-substituted o-benzoylbenzoic acids are converted into a mixture of dilactones with sodium iodide in acetone. The meso-isomer is always formed to a larger extent than the (±)-mixture. These results imply that the radicals involved are not planar.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted into the atmosphere from natural and anthropogenic sources, vegetation being the dominant source on a global scale. Some of these reactive compounds are deemed major contributors or inhibitors to aerosol particle formation and growth, thus making VOC measurements essential for current climate change research. This thesis discusses ecosystem scale VOC fluxes measured above a boreal Scots pine dominated forest in southern Finland. The flux measurements were performed using the micrometeorological disjunct eddy covariance (DEC) method combined with proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), which is an online technique for measuring VOC concentrations. The measurement, calibration, and calculation procedures developed in this work proved to be well suited to long-term VOC concentration and flux measurements with PTR-MS. A new averaging approach based on running averaged covariance functions improved the determination of the lag time between wind and concentration measurements, which is a common challenge in DEC when measuring fluxes near the detection limit. The ecosystem scale emissions of methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone were substantial. These three oxygenated VOCs made up about half of the total emissions, with the rest comprised of monoterpenes. Contrary to the traditional assumption that monoterpene emissions from Scots pine originate mainly as evaporation from specialized storage pools, the DEC measurements indicated a significant contribution from de novo biosynthesis to the ecosystem scale monoterpene emissions. This thesis offers practical guidelines for long-term DEC measurements with PTR-MS. In particular, the new averaging approach to the lag time determination seems useful in the automation of DEC flux calculations. Seasonal variation in the monoterpene biosynthesis and the detailed structure of a revised hybrid algorithm, describing both de novo and pool emissions, should be determined in further studies to improve biological realism in the modelling of monoterpene emissions from Scots pine forests. The increasing number of DEC measurements of oxygenated VOCs will probably enable better estimates of the role of these compounds in plant physiology and tropospheric chemistry. Keywords: disjunct eddy covariance, lag time determination, long-term flux measurements, proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry, Scots pine forests, volatile organic compounds


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Elemental sulphur dissolved in organic solvents (such as chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and benzene) reacts rapidly and quantitatively, with aqueous alkali at room temperature, when this immiscible liquid mixture is homogenized by the addition of ethyl alcohol. The products of reaction under these experimental conditions are sulphide, thiosulphate and a small quantity of sulphite. A mechanism involving the intermediate formation and decomposition of dihydrogen sulphoxide, HSOH, is suggested for the reaction.


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Dimethyl 3-(aryl)-3,6-dihydro-2H-1,3-oxazine4,5-dicarboxylate structure assigned for the products obtained in the Bronsted acid catalyzed reaction of dimethyl but-2-ynoates with anilines and an excess of formaldehyde in methanol has been revised to methyl 1-(aryl)-3-(methoxymethyl)-4,5-dioxopyrrolidine-3-carboxylate. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism of hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by m-hydroxybenzoate-4-hydroxylase and anthranilate hydroxylase from Aspergillus niger was investigated using superoxide dismutase from ovine erythrocytes. Inclusion of superoxide dismutase in the assay mixtures of the two enzymes resulted in complete inhibition of the hydroxylation reaction, indicating the possible involvement of superoxide anions (O2−) in these reactions.


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The kinetics of dimerization of 4-substituted- and unsubstituted o-benzoylbenzoyl chlorides, with iodide ion can be described by the expression, rate =k2[acid chloride][iodide]. The value for the reaction in dimethylformamide solution is –0·38. The entropy of activation for the reaction is –34·2 cal mol–1 K–1 and the activation energy is 10·7 kcal mol–1. These results have been interpreted as evidence for the formation of pseudo-iodide in the rate-determining step and its fast decomposition to radicals which combine to give a mixture of stereoisomeric dilactones.