877 resultados para problem solving research


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Within the last decade design has had a strategic role in tackling escalating environmental, social and economic problems. Through design thinking, creative methods have been applied to problem solving in a process of collaboration and designers working in new territories and knowledge domains. As the designer has moved further afield the method of Knowledge Exchange (KE) has become more recognised as a democratic approach to collaboration with the ethos that everyone has something creative and productive to offer. This paper provides reflections on early stage findings from a strategic design innovation process in which collaborative partnerships between academics, SMEs and designers emerged through KE and suggests that there is value to be had from using design strategically for not only those from a business or academic background but also for those from the design community and points to a need for more training for designers from all disciplines in how to use design strategically


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The +Contigo Project is a longitudinal research project based on a multilevel network intervention aimed at promoting mental health and well-being and preventing suicidal behaviors. Students participate in social skills training sessions on the stigma of mental disorders, adolescence, self-esteem, problem-solving skills, and wellbeing. Problem statement: To identify the qualitative impact of the +Contigo Project. Objectives: To identify the importance of the project for students, the problem situations which it helped to solve, and its impact on an individual level. Research methods: Content analysis (Bardin, 2009) with a posteriori categorical identification. Semi-structured interview guide with 5 questions. A convenience sample of 16 students, from three schools of one school cluster in the Center Region of Portugal, was used. The ethical aspects of parental consent, voluntary participation and data confidentiality were addressed. Findings: Fourteen categories emerged from the data analysis. The answers to Question 4 'How was this project important to you?' were particularly relevant. Students mentioned that it improved their self-esteem by increasing self-confidence and interpersonal skills, and that it increased their reflection and awareness on problems with which they learned how to cope during the sessions. Conclusions: All interviewees considered that the +Contigo project helped them to solve problems, improve their interpersonal skills and cope with the adolescence period. Students improved their self-esteem and self-knowledge, and were able to apply what they had learned in the sessions in their daily lives. We concluded that the project had a positive impact on the students' mental health.


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Construction management research literature has identified the importance of understanding the practical realities of skills and training provision and the role of reflective practice in the development of knowledge. This paper examines vocational training of experienced site staff in the development of their knowledge through SVQ training to investigate the primary factors for successful learning in site-based construction staff with a supervisory/management role. Using semi-structured interviews the impact of vocational training on individual candidates and other sitebased staff are investigated. The paper explores, through the reflections of 26 SVQ candidates (20 SVQ3 and 6 SVQ4), a deeper understanding of how site supervisors and site managers learn through the SVQ process and develop tacit knowledge through formal reflection. Reflective practice develops practical wisdom (Phronesis). The investigation explains aspects of practical wisdom and how knowledge, practice and skills are developed through vocational training. There is a clear perception by those completing the qualification that it has enabled them to perform their job better identifying numerous examples relating to problem solving, critical thinking, making decisions and leadership. It has been found that Phronesis is evident on a day-to-day basis on site activities developed through reflective practice in personal development. The reflective practice in developing knowledge also builds, within individuals, a better understanding of themselves and their capabilities through the learning achieved in the SVQ. Future work is identified around analysing the role of the assessor in facilitating Phronesis in the SVQ context.


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El estudio tuvo como propósito determinar la efectividad relativa del ABP, comparado con el método tradicional para desarrollar habilidades de resolución de problemas en el aprendizaje de las aplicaciones de la solución de triángulos en el grado 10º de la Institución Educativa El Progreso, de El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia. La enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas sustentadas con la estrategia didáctica Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas permite a los estudiantes y docentes aproximarse al conocimiento de una manera similar a como lo hacen los científicos; el primer paso es una situación de duda, perplejidad del estudiante provocada por la Situación Problema planteada por el docente, el segundo un momento de “sugerencias” en las que la mente salta hacia adelante en busca de una posible solución (Dewey, 1933, p. 102). El tercer paso “intelectualización” de la dificultad que se ha percibido para convertirlo en un problema que debe solucionarse (Dewey, 1933, p. 103). La cuarta es “la idea conductora o hipótesis”, las cuales se basan en la formulación de explicaciones sugeridas o soluciones posibles (Dewey, 1933, p. 104). El quinto paso sería el “razonamiento”, consiste en la elaboración racional de una idea que se va desarrollando de acuerdo a las habilidades de cada persona (Dewey, 1933, p. 105). El paso final es la “comprobación de hipótesis” en situaciones reales. Este proceso se evidenció a través de cuatro Situaciones-Problema enfocadas desde un contexto auténtico “la remodelación del parque principal de El Carmen de Viboral” con el objetivo de motivar a los estudiantes para el aprendizaje de algunos conceptos matemáticos y el desarrollo de habilidades de resolución de problemas. La metodología de la investigación fue un diseño cuasi-experimental con grupo experimental compuesto por 38 estudiantes del grado 10º2 y grupo control con 37 estudiantes del grado 10º1. Se empleó como técnica de recolección de la información una prueba pre-test antes del tratamiento y una prueba post-test que se aplicó después del tratamiento a ambos grupos; se aplicó también una escala de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la metodología tradicional en ambos grupos y una escala de satisfacción con la estrategia didáctica ABP sólo al grupo experimental; la observación directa, y el portafolio que evidenciaba todas las construcciones de los estudiantes. La aplicación de la estrategia didáctica experimental se aplicó durante 4 meses, con una intensidad horaria de cuatro horas semanales, tiempo durante el cual se implementaron las cuatro Situaciones-Problema. Se concluyó entre otros aspectos que el 86,5% de los estudiantes encuentran las clases de matemáticas como interesantes, contextualizadas, aplicables y significativas, mientras que antes del tratamiento sólo el 44,4% se encontraba satisfecho con las clases de matemáticas, con una diferencia en cambio de actitud de 42,1% frente a las clases de matemáticas con la metodología tradicional. En el análisis comparativo de adquisición de competencias específicas se demuestra que el grupo experimental demostró ser matemáticamente más competente con respecto al grupo control en todas las competencias evaluadas: capacidad de modelación, inductiva, comunicativa y habilidad procedimental. Además, el proyecto de investigación tuvo un valor agregado: 10 estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer más sobre su cultura ceramista mediante el diseño y construcción de mosaicos que los ofreció la casa de la cultura en forma gratuita.


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Acompanha: Sequência didática interativa para o ensino de doenças epidêmicas


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This paper presents a case-based heuristic selection approach for automated university course and exam timetabling. The method described in this paper is motivated by the goal of developing timetabling systems that are fundamentally more general than the current state of the art. Heuristics that worked well in previous similar situations are memorized in a case base and are retrieved for solving the problem in hand. Knowledge discovery techniques are employed in two distinct scenarios. Firstly, we model the problem and the problem solving situations along with specific heuristics for those problems. Secondly, we refine the case base and discard cases which prove to be non-useful in solving new problems. Experimental results are presented and analyzed. It is shown that case based reasoning can act effectively as an intelligent approach to learn which heuristics work well for particular timetabling situations. We conclude by outlining and discussing potential research issues in this critical area of knowledge discovery for different difficult timetabling problems.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Network Virtualization is a key technology for the Future Internet, allowing the deployment of multiple independent virtual networks that use resources of the same basic infrastructure. An important challenge in the dynamic provision of virtual networks resides in the optimal allocation of physical resources (nodes and links) to requirements of virtual networks. This problem is known as Virtual Network Embedding (VNE). For the resolution of this problem, previous research has focused on designing algorithms based on the optimization of a single objective. On the contrary, in this work we present a multi-objective algorithm, called VNE-MO-ILP, for solving dynamic VNE problem, which calculates an approximation of the Pareto Front considering simultaneously resource utilization and load balancing. Experimental results show evidences that the proposed algorithm is better or at least comparable to a state-of-the-art algorithm. Two performance metrics were simultaneously evaluated: (i) Virtual Network Request Acceptance Ratio and (ii) Revenue/Cost Relation. The size of test networks used in the experiments shows that the proposed algorithm scales well in execution times, for networks of 84 nodes


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This paper presents a case-based heuristic selection approach for automated university course and exam timetabling. The method described in this paper is motivated by the goal of developing timetabling systems that are fundamentally more general than the current state of the art. Heuristics that worked well in previous similar situations are memorized in a case base and are retrieved for solving the problem in hand. Knowledge discovery techniques are employed in two distinct scenarios. Firstly, we model the problem and the problem solving situations along with specific heuristics for those problems. Secondly, we refine the case base and discard cases which prove to be non-useful in solving new problems. Experimental results are presented and analyzed. It is shown that case based reasoning can act effectively as an intelligent approach to learn which heuristics work well for particular timetabling situations. We conclude by outlining and discussing potential research issues in this critical area of knowledge discovery for different difficult timetabling problems.


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HUMOR: OUR VIEW FOR MATHEMATICS TEACHING Our assumptions and context. Process humor and be able to produce is clearly a sign of intelligence, revealing, when done well, complex reasoning. Humor has an important social role, assuming as a cognitive experience that as well as creating a sense of well-being, predisposes people to work and can improve the productivity of that work. Mathematics is a discipline in which the reasoning occupies a very prominent place, both as a science as a school area. At the same time, students' interest for mathematics is not always the same and some have initially not very favorable feelings (Toh, 2009; Wanzer, Frymier & Irwin, 2010). Recent curriculum changes to the teaching of mathematics have been, in most countries of the world, showing the need for students to develop skills of critical nature, such as communication, thinking and problem solving along with the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. Also in Portugal, it is claimed the importance of promoting learning that combine the construction of mathematical knowledge with its use, when performing mathematical tasks and communicating mathematical ideas and mathematical reasoning. In the early years of schooling, corresponding to primary education in many countries, the use of texts such as short stories or comics, from which we can develop challenging mathematical tasks, is reported in the literature as having potential to promote learning specified in curricular documents (Wanzer, Frymier., & Irwin, 2010). In particular, some texts focus on mathematical topics in a humorous way and to be understood, students must develop their mathematical competence. The development of mathematical tasks from stories and other humorous presents big challenges to teachers (Flores & Moreno, 2011). Our questions. In this context, we put some questions: Primary teachers use in their classes tasks or situations that present, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas? What resources do they use? Also: How to select, adapt or build texts and tasks which have, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas with didactic potential for education in the early years of schooling? If the resources for this purpose have been produced and if teachers have been sensitized for their use, are they able to integrate them in their classes? Our intentions. This research project seeks to address these questions, focused on: (i ) assessment of teachers’ practices and underlying knowledge, resources available for the use of texts with mathematical ideas presented in a humorous way; (ii) selection, adaptation and construction of mathematical tasks from texts that present, in a humorous way, mathematical ideas with didactic potential in education for the early years of schooling; and ( iii ) integration and use, by primary school teachers, of texts that present , in a humorous way, contexts for the teaching of mathematics. So, the project is organized into three tasks and as a methodological design that combines qualitative elements with quantitative elements, the first one prevailing.


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Este estudo tem como objectivo investigar o papel que as representações, construídas por alunos do 1.o ano de escolaridade, desempenham na resolução de problemas de Matemática. Mais concretamente, a presente investigação procura responder às seguintes questões: Que representações preferenciais utilizam os alunos para resolver problemas? De que forma é que as diferentes representações são influenciadas pelas estratégias de resolução de problemas utilizadas pelos alunos? Que papéis têm os diferentes tipos de representação na resolução dos problemas? Nesta investigação assume-se que a resolução de problemas constitui uma actividade muito importante na aprendizagem da Matemática no 1.o Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os problemas devem ser variados, apelar a estratégias diversificadas de resolução e permitir diferentes representações por parte dos alunos. As representações cativas, icónicas e simbólicas constituem importantes ferramentas para os alunos organizarem, registarem e comunicarem as suas ideias matemáticas, nomeadamente no âmbito da resolução de problemas, servindo igualmente de apoio à compreensão de conceitos e relações matemáticas. A metodologia de investigação segue uma abordagem interpretativa tomando por design o estudo de caso. Trata-se simultaneamente de uma investigação sobre a própria prática, correspondendo os quatro estudos de caso a quatro alunos da turma de 1.0 ano de escolaridade da investigadora. A recolha de dados teve lugar durante o ano lectivo 2007/2008 e recorreu à observação, à análise de documentos, a diários, a registos áudio/vídeo e ainda a conversas com os alunos. A análise de dados que, numa primeira fase, acompanhou a recolha de dados, teve como base o problema e as questões da investigação bem como o referencial teórico que serviu de suporte à investigação. Com base no referencial teórico e durante o início do processo de análise, foram definidas as categorias de análise principais, sujeitas posteriormente a um processo de adequação e refinamento no decorrer da análise e tratamento dos dados recolhidos -com vista à construção dos casos em estudo. Os resultados desta investigação apontam as representações do tipo icónico e as do tipo simbólico como as representações preferenciais dos alunos, embora sejam utilizadas de formas diferentes, com funções distintas e em contextos diversos. Os elementos simbólicos apoiam-se frequentemente em elementos icónicos, sendo estes últimos que ajudam os alunos a descompactar o problema e a interpretá-lo. Nas representações icónicas enfatiza-se o papel do diagrama, o qual constitui uma preciosa ferramenta de apoio ao raciocínio matemático. Conclui-se ainda que enquanto as representações activas dão mais apoio a estratégias de resolução que envolvem simulação, as representações icónicas e simbólicas são utilizadas com estratégias diversificadas. As representações construídas, com papéis e funções diferentes entre si, e que desempenham um papel crucial na correcta interpretação e resolução dos problemas, parecem estar directamente relacionadas com as caraterísticas da tarefa proposta no que diz respeito às estruturas matemáticas envolvidas. ABSTRACT; The objective of the present study is to investigate the role of the representations constructed by 1st grade students in mathematical problem solving. More specifically, this research is oriented by the following questions: Which representations are preferably used by students to solve problems? ln which way the strategies adopted by the students in problem solving influence those distinct representations? What is the role of the distinct types of representation in the problems solving process? ln this research it is assumed that the resolution of problems is a very important activity in the Mathematics learning at the first cycle of basic education. The problems must be varied, appealing to diverse strategies of resolution and allow students to construct distinct representations. The active, iconic and symbolic representations are important tools for students to organize, to record and to communicate their mathematical ideas, particularly in problem solving context, as well as supporting the understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships. The adopted research methodology follows an interpretative approach, and was developed in the context of the researcher classroom, originating four case studies corresponding to four 1 st grade students of the researcher's class. Data collection was carried out during the academic year of 2007/2008 and was based on observation, analysis of documents, diaries, audio and video records and informal conversations with students. The initial data analysis was based on the problems and issues of research, as well in the theoretical framework that supports it. The main categories of analysis were defined based on the theoretical framework, and were subjected to a process of adaptation and refining during data processing and analysis aiming the -case studies construction. The results show that student's preferential representations are the iconic and the symbolic, although these types of representations are used in different ways, with different functions and in different contexts. The symbolic elements are often supported by iconic elements, the latter helping students to unpack the problem and interpret it. ln the iconic representations the role of the diagrams is emphasized, consisting in a valuable tool to support the mathematical reasoning. One can also conclude that while the active representations give more support to the resolution strategies involving simulation, the iconic and symbolic representations are preferably used with different strategies. The representations constructed with distinct roles and functions, are crucial in the proper interpretation and resolution of problems, and seem to be directly related to the characteristics of the proposed task with regard to the mathematical structures involved.


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Requirements specification has long been recognized as critical activity in software development processes because of its impact on project risks when poorly performed. A large amount of studies addresses theoretical aspects, propositions of techniques, and recommended practices for Requirements Engineering (RE). To be successful, RE have to ensure that the specified requirements are complete and correct what means that all intents of the stakeholders in a given business context are covered by the requirements and that no unnecessary requirement was introduced. However, the accurate capture the business intents of the stakeholders remains a challenge and it is a major factor of software project failures. This master’s dissertation presents a novel method referred to as “Problem-Based SRS” aiming at improving the quality of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) in the sense that the stated requirements provide suitable answers to real customer ́s businesses issues. In this approach, the knowledge about the software requirements is constructed from the knowledge about the customer ́s problems. Problem-Based SRS consists in an organization of activities and outcome objects through a process that contains five main steps. It aims at supporting the software requirements engineering team to systematically analyze the business context and specify the software requirements, taking also into account a first glance and vision of the software. The quality aspects of the specifications are evaluated using traceability techniques and axiomatic design principles. The cases studies conducted and presented in this document point out that the proposed method can contribute significantly to improve the software requirements specification.


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We take for granted that we exist in dimensions of time and space. We accept that time passes and that space extends as a matter of course. Just as our personal space is important to us, so is time of our own. The individual is capable of developing a variety of time perspectives or orientations, each applicable to a different aspect of life, for instance, home, leisure, economic, political and organisational. Our temporal perspective influences a wide range of psychological processes, from motivation, emotions and spontaneity to risk-taking creativity and problem-solving. Our temporal landscapes are made up of recognisable domains, with permeable borders – private time and public time, home time and work time, past, present and future time, cyclical time. Just as a geography of space contains recognisable natural features – rivers, deserts, mountains – and features created by human beings – canals, roads, skyscrapers – so our temporal landscape contains natural features – day and night, the seasons – and features created by us – the ordering of social, economic, legal, and organisational time into, among others, the practices of family life, financial periods, prison sentences and workloads. This paper views the temporal landscapes of night nurses, and is based on longitudinal ethnographic research. It highlights areas such as shift work, workload, and the temporal aspects of caring. The result is the production of a map, albeit a rough one, of the temporal landscape inhabited by night nurses as they go about their working lives.


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O presente relatório insere-se no âmbito das unidades curriculares de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Pré-Escolar e em 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, inseridas no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de Évora. A investigação traduzida neste relatório decorreu nos dois contextos acima referidos, sendo primeiramente realizada no contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar e seguidamente no contexto de 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O principal objetivo da investigação centra-se no desenvolvimento das capacidades de resolver problemas em matemática, tanto em crianças mais pequenas, como mais tarde no início da escolaridade obrigatória. Surgiu assim a questão orientadora da investigação: Que práticas devo realizar para contribuir para que as/os crianças/alunos consigam tornar-se bons resolvedores de problemas? Seguiram-se a esta outras três questões no sentido auxiliar a investigação: Como lidam as/os crianças/alunos com a resolução de problemas? Que estratégias utilizam as/os crianças/alunos para resolver problemas? Que representações usam as/os crianças/alunos na resolução de problemas? No desenvolvimento da investigação foi realizada uma sequência didática de tarefas matemáticas de exploração de resolução de problemas onde foram recolhidos os dados para uma posterior análise, tendo em conta não só os objetivos da investigação como os referenciais teóricos. Concluiu-se que a metodologia utilizada desenvolveu a capacidade de resolver problemas dos estudantes, ou seja, a exploração de problemas utilizando diferentes estratégias e representações, tal como a partilha de conhecimentos e a comunicação matemática, são ferramentas essenciais para uma intervenção eficaz no que concerne à resolução de problemas; Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and Teaching of the Primary School: Developing the capacities to solve problems in mathematics Abstract: The present report is inserted in the context of the curricular unit Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary School, integrated in Master in Preschool Education and Teaching Primary School at University of Évora. This research was held in two different contexts, the first one was performed in a pre-school classroom, and later the second one in classroom of first year of Primary School. The main objective of the research was focused on the development of the capacities to solve mathematical problems either in small children, or later in the beginning of compulsory schooling. As so, the question guiding this investigation emerged: Which practices should I perform to help children/students become better problem solvers? After this, other three questions came up in order to help the research: How do children/students deal with solving problems? What strategies do children/students use to solve problems? What representations do children/students use to solve problems? Throughout this research a didactic intervention consisting in a sequence of mathematical tasks to explore the resolution of problems was performed, allowing data collection for a latter analysis, based not only on the objectives and initial research questions, but also on theoretical approaches consulted. We came to the conclusion that the ability of students to solve problems was improved with the methodology used in this research, meaning that, challenging students with problems using different strategies and representations, such as knowledge sharing and mathematical communication, are essential tools for effective intervention concerning problem solving.


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Depuis les années 1980, le développement de l’autodétermination des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) est devenu une priorité dans les interventions qui leur sont offertes. Les agents de socialisation (p.ex., éducateurs, travailleurs sociaux, enseignants, parents, etc.) ont un rôle crucial dans sa promotion de par le soutien qu’ils leur offrent et les apprentissages qu’ils tentent de favoriser chez elles. La façon de communiquer et le type de relation que les agents de socialisation établissent avec la personne présentant une DI ont une influence certaine dans son développement. Pourtant, peu d’études ont jusqu’à ce jour évalué quelles sont les manières optimales de communiquer et d’interagir des agents socialisation pouvant faciliter l’autodétermination des personnes présentant une DI. Ancrée dans la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD), cette thèse s’intéresse à évaluer, les effets d’un type de soutien spécifique, le soutien à l’autonomie (ou à l’autodétermination; SA, une manière de communiquer et d’être en relation qui satisfait le besoin d’autodétermination), sur la satisfaction du besoin d’autodétermination et la présence de bénéfices comportementaux, motivationnels et affectifs chez les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle légère (DIL) dans un contexte d’apprentissage. Deux articles seront présentés dans cette thèse. Le concept d’autodétermination comprend une large littérature et revêt de multiples définitions. Le premier article, de nature théorique, permettra de mieux le comprendre et de l’éclaircir à la lumière de la théorie fonctionnelle de l’autodétermination (TfAD) et de la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD). Les études portant sur les interventions de promotion de l’autodétermination de la TAD et de la TfAD seront présentées. Dans un deuxième temps, la TAD et la TfAD seront comparées et contrastées l’une avec l’autre ce qui permettra de démontrer leurs différences, leurs similarités et leurs complémentarités tant au niveau théorique que de l’intervention. Enfin, il est proposé que le SA étudié par la TAD puisse constituer une intervention prometteuse, en plus des interventions proposées par la TfAD, afin de favoriser le développement de l’autodétermination et engendrer des bénéfices comportementaux, motivationnels et affectifs chez cette population. La deuxième étude visera à évaluer cette proposition. Par le biais d’une étude expérimentale, il sera évalué si le SA peut satisfaire le besoin d’autonomie/autodétermination des personnes présentant une DIL et peut faciliter l’intériorisation de la valeur d’une tâche, l’engagement et la diminution de l’anxiété lorsqu’ils réalisent une tâche de résolution de problème, une activité d’apprentissage qui est à la fois importante et fastidieuse. Ainsi, l’étude permettra de comparer les effets d’une tâche réalisée avec ou sans SA (condition expérimentale et témoin respectivement). Les participants (N = 51) présentaient tous une DIL et ont été recrutés dans un centre de réadaptation de la région de Montréal, au Québec (Canada). Les résultats démontrent que comparativement à la condition témoin, le SA amène chez les participants une satisfaction plus élevée du besoin d’autodétermination, un plus grand niveau d’engagement, une plus grande diminution de leur anxiété lors de l’activité et facilite l’intériorisation de la valeur de la tâche. La signification et l’interprétation de ces résultats, de même que leurs implications potentielles pour la recherche et les interventions offertes à ces personnes sont finalement discutées.