909 resultados para open clusters and associations : individual : ESO 92-SC05


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This research focuses on the career experiences of women managers in the IT industry in China and Finland, two countries with different cultures, policies, size of population, and social and economic structures regarding work-life support and equal opportunities. The object of this research is to present a cross-cultural comparison of women’s career experiences and how women themselves understand and account for their careers. The study explores how the macro and the micro levels of cultural and social processes become manifested in the lives of individual women. The main argument in this thesis is that culture plays a crucial role in making sense of women’s career experiences, although its role should be understood through its interrelationship with other social processes, e.g., institutional relations, social policies, industrial structures and organizations, as well as globalization. The interrelationship of a series of cultural and social processes affects individuals’ attitudes to, and arrangement and organization of, their work and family lives. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises five research papers. The main research question of the study is: How do cultural and social processes affect the experiences of women managers? Quantitative and qualitative research methods, which include in-depth interviews, Q-methodology, interpretive analysis, and questionnaires, are used in the study. The main theoretical background is culturally sensitive career theory and the theory of individual differences. The results of this study are viewed through a feminist lens. The research methodology applied allows new explorations on how demographic factors, work experiences, lifestyle issues, and organizational cultures can jointly affect women’s managerial careers. The sample group used in the research is 42 women managers working in IT companies in China (21) and Finland (21). The results of the study illustrate the impact of history, tradition, culture, institutional relations, social politics, industry and organizations, and globalization on the careers of women managers. It is claimed that the role of culture – cultural norms within nations and organizations – is of great importance in the relationship of gender and work. Women’s managerial careers are affected by multiple factors (personal, social and cultural) reflecting national and inter-individual differences. The results of the study contribute to research on careers, adding particularly to the literature on gender, work and culture, and offering a complex and holistic perspective for a richer understanding of pluralism and global diversity. The results of the study indicate how old and new career perspectives are evidenced in women managers in the IT industry. The research further contributes to an understanding of women’s managerial careers from a cross-culture perspective. In addition, the study contributes to the literature on culture and extends understanding of Hofstede’s work. Further, most traditional career theories do not perceive the importance of culture in determining an individual’s career experience and this study richens understanding of women managers’ careers and has considerable implications for international human resource management. The results of this study emphasize the need, when discussing women managers’ careers, to understand the ways by which gendering is produced rather than merely examining gender differences. It is argued that the meaning of self-knowledge is critical. Further, the environment where the careers under study develop differs greatly; China and Finland are very different – culturally, historically and socially. The findings of this study should, therefore, be understood as a holistic, specific, and contextually-bound.


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The provision of Internet access to large numbers has traditionally been under the control of operators, who have built closed access networks for connecting customers. As the access network (i.e. the last mile to the customer) is generally the most expensive part of the network because of the vast amount of cable required, many operators have been reluctant to build access networks in rural areas. There are problems also in urban areas, as incumbent operators may use various tactics to make it difficult for competitors to enter the market. Open access networking, where the goal is to connect multiple operators and other types of service providers to a shared network, changes the way in which networks are used. This change in network structure dismantles vertical integration in service provision and enables true competition as no service provider can prevent others fromcompeting in the open access network. This thesis describes the development from traditional closed access networks towards open access networking and analyses different types of open access solution. The thesis introduces a new open access network approach (The Lappeenranta Model) in greater detail. The Lappeenranta Model is compared to other types of open access networks. The thesis shows that end users and service providers see local open access and services as beneficial. In addition, the thesis discusses open access networking in a multidisciplinary fashion, focusing on the real-world challenges of open access networks.


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An efficient approach for organizing large ad hoc networks is to divide the nodesinto multiple clusters and designate, for each cluster, a clusterhead which is responsible forholding intercluster control information. The role of a clusterhead entails rights and duties.On the one hand, it has a dominant position in front of the others because it manages theconnectivity and has access to other node¿s sensitive information. But on the other hand, theclusterhead role also has some associated costs. Hence, in order to prevent malicious nodesfrom taking control of the group in a fraudulent way and avoid selfish attacks from suitablenodes, the clusterhead needs to be elected in a secure way. In this paper we present a novelsolution that guarantees the clusterhead is elected in a cheat-proof manner.


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National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) established in the decree number 54 maximum allowed levels for Ni and Pb in mineral and natural waters at 20 µg L-1 and 10 µg L-1, respectively. For screening analysis purposes, the high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique (HR-CS FAAS) was evaluated for the fast-sequential determination of nickel and lead in mineral waters.Two atomic lines for Ni (232.003 nm - main and 341.477 nm - secondary) and Pb (217.0005 nm - main and 283.306 nm - secondary) at different wavelength integrated absorbance (number of pixels) were evaluated. Sensitivity enhanced with the increase of the number of pixels and with the summation of the atomic lines absorbances. The main figures of merit associated to the HR-CS FAAS technique were compared with that obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry (LS FAAS). Water samples were pre-concentrated about 5-fold by evaporation before analysis. Recoveries of Pb significantly varied with increased wavelength integrated absorbance. Better recoveries (92-93%) were observed for higher number of pixels at the main line or summating the atomic lines (90-92%). This influence was irrelevant for Ni, and recoveries in the 92-104% range were obtained in all situations.


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This study focuses on the integration of eco-innovation principles into strategy and policy at the regional level. The importance of regions as a level for integrating eco-innovative programs and activities served as the point of interest for this study. Eco-innovative activities and technologies are seen as means to meet sustainable development objective of improving regions’ quality of life. This study is conducted to get an in-depth understanding and learning about eco-innovation at regional level, and to know the basic concepts that are important in integrating eco-innovation principles into regional policy. Other specific objectives of this study are to know how eco-innovation are developed and practiced in the regions of the EU, and to analyze the main characteristic features of an eco-innovation model that is specifically developed at Päijät-Häme Region in Finland. Paijät-Häme Region is noted for its successful eco-innovation strategies and programs, hence, taken as casework in this study. Both primary (interviews) and secondary data (publicly available documents) are utilized in this study. The study shows that eco-innovation plays an important role in regional strategy as reviewed based on the experience of other regions in the EU. This is because of its localized nature which makes it easier to facilitate in a regional setting. Since regional authorities and policy-makers are normally focused on solving its localized environmental problems, eco-innovation principles can easily be integrated into regional strategy. The case study highlights Päijät-Häme Region’s eco-innovation strategies and projects which are characterized by strong connection of knowledge-producing institutions. Policy instruments supporting eco-innovation (e.g. environmental technologies) are very much focused on clean technologies, hence, justifying the formation of cleantech clusters and business parks in Päijät-Häme Region. A newly conceptualized SAMPO model of eco-innovation has been developed in Päijät-Häme Region to better capture the region’s characteristics and to eventually replace the current model employed by the Päijät-Häme Regional Authority. The SAMPO model is still under construction, however, review of its principles points to some of its three important spearheads – practice-based innovation, design (eco-design) and clean technology or environmental technology (environment).


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The aim of this study was to create a Balanced Scorecard to the DigiCup solution. The first goal was to create process descriptions to the few critical processes. The second goal was to define appropriate measurements, according to customer survey as well as following the Balanced Scorecard process description, to manage the critical success factors. The overall goal of this study was to create a performance measurement system for the solution which guides the operation towards continuous improvement. This study was conducted by using both qualitative and quantitative methods, and the analysis was done by using a case study method. The material was gathered from the current customers, the management and the employees using structured, semi-structured and open group and individual interviews. The current customers were divided into retailers and direct customers of the DigiCup solution. The questions which the customers were asked were related to the information about interviewee, company, business strategy, market, satisfaction survey and future requirements. The management defined the strategy and took part in specifying the perspectives, objectives and measurements to the Balanced Scorecard of the DigiCup solution. The employees participated into the choosing of the metrics. The material consisted from altogether sixteen interviews. At the beginning of the study the product development, the order-delivery as well as the printing processes was chosen to be the critical processes of the DigiCup solution. These processes were concentrated on already in the literature review while trying to find the characteristics of these processes as well as the critical success factors and the appropriate measurements, which could be utilized when creating the Balanced Scorecard to the DigiCup solution according to the customer survey. The appropriate perspectives, objectives and measurements were found to the DigiCup solution. The chosen measures works as a basis for the development of IT-reporting tool. As a conclusion it can be stated that when discussing a new business, where the objectives are changing according to which development’s phases the company is in, the measurement should be updated often enough.


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Forskningens syfte var att bidra med en ny kunskapssyntes om vad det innebär att leda förändring ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv. Vårdledaren har, speciellt vid större förändringar inom organisationen, en stor betydelse för hur vårdandet förvaltas genom att hålla den vårdande traditionen levande och genom formningen av den vårdande kulturen och vårdgemenskapen. Den övergripande hermeneutiska forskningsansatsen med tillämpning av metodologisk triangulering har influerats av Gadamers, Ricoeurs och Ödmans syn på hermeneutik med förståelse och förklaring som kompletterar varandra. Forskningens övergripande frågeställning ”Vad innebär det att leda förändring ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv?” förankrades i de fyra underliggande frågeställningarna. Den första frågeställningen berörde meningsinnehållet i begreppet förändring samt dess gestaltning. Metoden var en hermeneutisk begreppsbestämning på en ontologisk och kontextuell nivå enligt Koorts metod för begreppsbestämning. Genom en personalenkät undersöktes personalens åsikter (totalt 597 personer) om den kommande fusionen och förändringen samt deras förväntningar på ledarna under förändringsprocessen för att få svar på vad förutsättningarna var för en förändring eller förändringsprocess med avsedda mål och effekter. Svaret på hur vårdledaren och dennes uppgifter gestaltades vid en förändring samt hur vårdledarna uppfattade förändring och den kommande förändringsprocessen erhölls genom djupintervjuer med vårdledare (17). Av resultatet framgår att vårdledaren leder förändring genom att leda relationer, processer och kultur och genom ett stödjande, reflekterande och kulturbärande ledarskap med syftet att åstadkomma en verklig och hållbar förändring. För att åstadkomma en verklig och hållbar förändring, dvs. en inre omgestaltning och omdaning som vardande, förutsätts dock att både tankemönster och handlanden förändras. Riktningen och insatserna för förändringen skall ha sin grund i en tydlig och meningsfull målsättning och vision utgående från en gemensam värdegrund. En arena för dialog borde utvecklas så att förändringens liksom även vårdandets vision och mission förankras och utvecklas till handling och förändring. Vårdledarens primära uppgift eller mission var att tillhandahålla varje individuell patient en god vård. Den primära missionen var med andra ord att med ansvarsfullhet tjäna vårdandet sak utgående från ett etiskt förhållningssätt. I tjänande av vårdandets sak fanns dock en tillit till att förändringen gagnar patienten och hans eller hennes vård, men vårdledarnas anpassning till förändringen var utan djupare engagemang. Vårdledarna kände även en oro för sitt uppdrag som vårdledare, vårdarbetets ställning och mandatet som patientens advokat. Vårdledaren är också en kulturbärare, vilket innebär att även kulturen har betydelse under en förändringsprocess. Genom att leda kulturen skapar vårdledaren en öppen, bekräftande och evidensbaserad atmosfär med centrala värderingar som ger uttryck för den rådande andan och kulturen.


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Open source and open source software development have been interesting phenomena during the past decade. Traditional business models do not apply with open source, where the actual product is free. However, it is possible to make business with open source, even successfully, but the question is: how? The aim of this study is to find the key factors of successfully making business out of commercial open source software development. The task is achieved by finding the factors that influence open source projects, finding the relation between those factors, and find out why some factors explain the success more than others. The literature review concentrates first on background of open innovation, open source and open source software. Then business models, critical success factors and success measures are examined. Based on existing literature a framework was created. The framework contains categorized success factors that influence software projects in general as well as open source software projects. The main categories of success factors in software business are divided into community management, technology management, project management and market management. In order to find out which of the factors based on the existing literature are the most critical, empirical research was done by conducting unstructured personal interviews. The main finding based on the interviews is that the critical success factors in open source software business do not differ from those in traditional software business or in fact from those in any other business. Some factors in the framework came out in the interviews that can be considered as key factors: establishing and communicating hierarchy (community management), localization (technology management), good license know-how and IPR management (project management), and effective market management (market management). The critical success factors according to the interviewees are not listed in the framework: low price, good product and good business model development.


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A molecular epidemiological study was performed with Babesia bigemina isolates from five geographical regions of Brazil. The genetic analysis was done with random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive extragenic palindromic elements-polymerase chain reaction (REP-PCR) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) that showed genetic polymorphism between these isolates and generated fingerprinting. In RAPD, ILO872 and ILO876 primers were able to detect at least one fingerprinting for each B. bigemina isolate. The amplification of B. bigemina DNA fragments by REP-PCR and ERIC-PCR gave evidence for the presence in this haemoprotozoan of the sequences described previously in microorganisms of the bacterial kingdom. For the first time it was demonstrated that both techniques can be used for genetic analysis of a protozoan parasite, although the ERIC-PCR was more discriminatory than REP-PCR. The dendogram with similarity coefficient among isolates showed two clusters and one subcluster. The Northeastern and Mid-Western isolates showed the greatest genetic diversity, while the Southeastern and Southern isolates were the closest. The antigenic analysis was done through indirect fluorescent antibody technique and Western blotting using a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against epitopes on the merozoite membrane surface, rhoptries and membrane of infected erythrocytes. As expected, the merozoite variable surface antigens, major surface antigen (MSA)-1 and MSA-2 showed antigenic diversity. However, B cell epitopes on rhoptries and infected erythrocytes were conserved among all isolates studied. In this study it was possible to identify variable and conserved antigens, which had already been described as potential immunogens. Considering that an attenuated Babesia clone used as immunogen selected populations capable of evading the immunity induced by this vaccine, it is necessary to evaluate more deeply the cross-protection conferred by genetically more distant Brazilian B. bigemina isolates and make an evaluation of the polymorphism degree of variable antigens such as MSA-1 and MSA-2.


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan nuorten antamia merkityksiä elämykseksi nimetylle kokemukselle ja tunteelle. Tavoitteena on ollut selvittää elämysten kokemista nuorten näkökulmasta ja suhteuttaa nuorten kokemuksilleen antamia merkityksiä laajemmin nuoruutta ja elämyksien kokemista käsittelevään yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun. Elämysten merkityksellistämistä analysoidaan suhteessa identiteetin muodostukseen. Yksilöllisesti koetut elämykset saavat merkityksensä diskursiivisesti rakentuneen todellisuuden ympäröimänä. Tutkimus paikantuu sosiologisen nuorisotutkimuksen ja tunteiden tutkimuksen alaan sekä metodologisesti fenomenologis-konstruktivistisen tutkimuksen alaan. Tutkimuksen taustalla on elämyshakuisuutta käsittelevä teoria. Elämyshakuisuuden tulkinta fenomenologisesta viitekehyksestä tuo käsitteen ymmärtämiseen uuden ulottuvuuden. Elämyshakuisuus kuvaa asennoitumistapaa eli sitä, miten yksilö orientoituu ympäröivään maailmaan. Tällöin ei edellytetä intentionaalisten tekojen tietoista luonnetta. Toiminnalliset prosessit muovautuvat vuorovaikutuksen myötä samaan tapaan kuin ihminen ruumiillisena subjektina muovautuu. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu lukion ensimmäisen luokan oppilaiden kirjoituksista (519 kpl), lastensuojeluinstituutioissa ja kuntoutuskeskuksissa asuvien nuorten yksilöteemahaastatteluista (16 nuorta) sekä seikkailualan asiantuntijoiden teemahaastatteluista (20 aikuista). Nuorten kirjoitukset on kerätty vuosina 1996–1997 ja 2002–2003. Aineiston analyysi on aineistolähtöinen. Erilaiset osa-aineistot työssäni avaavat erilaisia näkökulmia elämysten kokemiseen. Aineistojen analyysi ja tutkimukset teoreettiset lähtökohdat ovat rakentuneet analyysin edetessä ja vuorovaikutussuhteessa toisiinsa. Nuorten elämyksiä käsittelevä kerronta on moninaista ja elämyksiä koetaan erilaisissa tilanteissa. Elämykselle ei ole yhtä määritelmää, kokemisen paikkaan tai kokemisen syytä vaan kokemuksen merkitys rakentuu tilanteisesti. Elämys kuitenkin erottuu muista kokemuksista sen muistettavuuden, ainutlaatuisuuden, uutuuden ja intensiivisyyden perusteella. Nuorten elämyksellisissä hetkissä korostuvat harrastusten yhteydessä koetut uudet, erilaiset, yhteisöllisesti jaetut, mutta myös maailmaa nuorille avaavat itsenäisyyden tunnetta ja hallintaa tuottavat kokemukset. Yksi merkittävä uusia elämyksiä ja tietoa tuottava asia nuorten elämässä on seurustelu. Myös matkailu, erilaiset retket ja leirit olivat nuorille elämyksiä tuottavia tilanteita. Kaikilla nuorilla ei kuitenkaan ole sellaisia harrastuksia, joihin he olisivat sitoutuneita tai joissa he pääsisivät ilmaisemaan itseään ja kokemaan onnistumista. Nuorten elämyksiä käsittelevissä hetkissä nuorten vapaa-ajan toiminta, ympäristö ja sosiaaliset suhteet ovat keskeisessä asemassa. Nuoret eivät ensisijaisesti ajatelleet itse etsivänsä tai toisten nuorten etsivän elämyksiä viihdeteollisuuden tuottamista asioista. Elämyksissä arvostettiin aitoutta ja koettu tunne määritti sitä, oliko jokin koettu elämyksenä vai ei. Toisaalta erilaisten päihteiden todettiin mahdollisesti tuottavan elämyksiä, mutta niidenkin yhteydessä korostettiin usein muita asioita kokemusta rakentavina. Nuorten elämyskokemuksissa toisten nuorten merkitys, luottamus, läheisyyteen ja hyväksyntään liittyvät kokemukset korostuvat. Myös aikuisten asiantuntijoiden omaa nuoruutta käsittelevät elämykset olivat emotionaaliselta merkitykseltään hyvin samanlaisia kuin tämän päivän nuorten esittämät. Elämyksiksi miellettyjä kokemuksia pidettiin arvokkaina. Niiden uskottiin suuntaavan yksilön toimintaa.


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Hystricognathi represent a monophyletic taxon within Rodentia. Since phylogenetically analyzed morphological systems are essential for revealing evolutionary processes, this study identifies evolutionary character transformations on the stem lineage of Hystricognathi as derived from the author's own work and the literature. Data so far indicate that evolutionary transformations in the rostral head region, the loss of tactile ability in the outer nasal skin and the mobile arrangement of the associated cartilage, were allied with a switch from omnivorous to herbivorous and fiber-rich nutrition. Additional character transformations in the skull assist in digesting such food. Structures associated with reproduction and placentation show a remarkable pro portion of derived character conditions: the chorioallantoic placenta has a ring-shaped organization and growth structure which optimizes the capacity for passive diffusion, a subplacenta occurred as a specialized region responsible for placental invasion and the inverted yolk sac facilitates substance exchange with the main placenta. Finally, precocial newborns evolved as a derived condition within Rodentia. All things considered, a mode of reproduction is indicated, which does not demand excessive additional energy intake by the mother and is in accordance with her low energetic diet. Hystricognathi possess major character transformations that represent prerequisites for their successful radiation at the time when more open ecosystems and grasslands evolved during Earth history. The analysis resulted in the reconstruction of a life-near picture of the hystricognath stem species pattern with high explanatory power in terms of changes in space and time and their interdependence with biodiversity.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in cattle from milk producing farms of the microregion of Batalha, state of Alagoas, Brazil, as well as to identify the risk factors associated with the infection. Blood samples were collected from 1,004 cattle of 17 farms for the serological investigation regarding the presence of anti-N. caninum antibodies by the Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction Technique (IMRT). From the total amount of samples analyzed, 77/1,004 (7.67%) were positive and 927/1,004 (92.33%) were negative. The logistical regression identified that cattle from farms without consortium breeding have an infection risk 6.33 (p<0.001; C.I. 2.89-13.10) times higher than cattle from farms with that type of breeding. Cattle from farms where the aborted fetuses are not adequately buried have an infection risk 3.04 (p<0.001; C.I. 1.64-5.63) times higher than cattle from farms with adequate destination of these fetuses. Infection by N. caninum occurs in cattle of the investigated region. The factors identified in our study can be used as risk indicators, so that control measures could be implemented to avoid infection by N. caninum in the herds of this region.


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In this Thesis various aspects of memory effects in the dynamics of open quantum systems are studied. We develop a general theoretical framework for open quantum systems beyond the Markov approximation which allows us to investigate different sources of memory effects and to develop methods for harnessing them in order to realise controllable open quantum systems. In the first part of the Thesis a characterisation of non-Markovian dynamics in terms of information flow is developed and applied to study different sources of memory effects. Namely, we study nonlocal memory effects which arise due to initial correlations between two local environments and further the memory effects induced by initial correlations between the open system and the environment. The last part focuses on describing two all-optical experiment in which through selective preparation of the initial environment states the information flow between the system and the environment can be controlled. In the first experiment the system is driven from the Markovian to the non- Markovian regime and the degree of non-Markovianity is determined. In the second experiment we observe the nonlocal nature of the memory effects and provide a novel method to experimentally quantify frequency correlations in photonic environments via polarisation measurements.


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Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013