838 resultados para lean thinking


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A cikk fő célja a magyarországi termelővállalatok szolgálatosodási folyamatának jellemzése a versenyképesség- kutatás adatainak felhasználásával. Relevanciáját az adja, hogy a nemzetközi szakirodalom a jelenséget inkább a fejlett országokban vizsgálja. A szerzők kutatásukban körüljárták, hogy a szolgálatosodás nemzetközi szakirodalom által elfogadott jellemzői mennyiben tekinthetők érvényesnek a magyarországi viszonyok közepette. A szolgálatosodást három szinten vizsgálták: stratégia, működés és pénzügyi eredményesség. Vizsgálatuk eredményei azt mutatják, hogy a nemzetközi szakirodalommal összhangban a szolgáltatások stratégiai szerepe még alacsony a magyarországi termelővállalatoknál a termelési stratégia többi versenycéljához képest. Ugyanakkor mintájukban már megtalálhatók azok a vállalatok, amelyek mind stratégiai, mind működési szinten jelentősebb hangsúlyt fektetnek a szolgáltatások nyújtására. Fontos eredmény ugyanakkor, hogy a szolgálatosodástól elvárt pénzügyi előnyök még ezeknél a vállalatoknál sem realizálódnak. _______ The main purpose of the authors is to describe the servitization process of Hungarian manufacturing companies based on data of the Competitiveness research. The relevance of this article is given by the fact that international literature analyzes this phenomenon mainly in developed countries. In the present paper they analyze to what extent characteristics of the servitization process, generally accepted in the literature, are also applicable in a developing macroenvironment, i.e. Hungary. They approach servitization from three different perspectives: strategy, operations and financial payoffs. Results of their analysis show that, in concordance with the literature, the strategic role of services at the Hungarian manufacturing companies is still lower than other manufacturing competitive priorities. However, their sample contains a number manufacturing companies that place a greater emphasis on offering services both on strategic and operational level. An important conclusion of their study is that in case of these companies financial benefits attributable to higher levels of servitization do not yet seem to materialize.


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Az elmúlt néhány évben a külföldi sajtóban és szakmai publikációkban egyre többször jelenik meg a „lean egészségügy”, azaz a karcsú menedzsment alkalmazása az egészségügyben mint téma. Habár az ez irányú kutatások még nemzetközi szinten is csak legfeljebb a hajnalukon tartanak, Magyarországon még szinte teljes a sötétség. Ennek a cikknek az a célja, hogy egyrészről felhívja a kutatók, de még inkább a egészségügyi dolgozók, menedzserek figyelmét erre a menedzsmenteszközre és filozófiára, mely új lehetőségeket kínál, másrészről, hogy áttekintést adjon a területen végzett nemzetközi kutatások eredményeiről. A tanulmány ennek megfelelően alapvetően két részre bontható. Az első felében az egészségügyi szolgáltatások helyzetének rövid jellemzése után a karcsú menedzsment alapjait és az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokban való alkalmazásának eszményét mutatja be. A második fele ugyanakkor 16 esettanulmány elemzésén keresztül bemutatja, hogy meddig jutott a világ a „lean egészségügy” ideájának megvalósításában. _______ In the past few years “Lean Healthcare” – the adaptation of lean management into healthcare settings – turns up as a topic often and often in foreign press and the in the professional publications. Although researches at international level in this field are at best at their dawning, in Hungary the darkness is almost complete. This article aims at one side to draw researchers’ and even more healthcare employees’ and managers’ attention to this management tool and philosophy, which offers new possibilities. From the other side to provide an overview of the results of the researches conducted in this field. Reflecting this doubled aim the study is divided into two major sections. In the first part the situation of the health care providers is shortly described followed by the introduction of the basics of the lean management and the idea of applying it into healthcare services. While the second part of the study shows how far the World reached in realizing the idea of “Lean Healthcare” by analyzing 16 cases.


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A nemzetközi szakirodalom a vezetőt a lean termelés bevezetésében és fenntartásában is kulcsszereplőként határozza meg. Ennek ellenére nagyon kevés empirikus elemzés vizsgálja a vezetőkkel kapcsolatos kérdéseket. A szerzők a kontingencialista leadership elmélet keretei között a lean termelési rendszer és a vezetési jellemzők kapcsolatát vizsgálják elméleti szempontból és empirikusan egyaránt. Bár a kérdés nem került korábbi munkák fókuszába, az elméleti és empirikus megfontolások alapján egyaránt megállapítható, hogy több vezetési jellemző is szorosan kapcsolható egy jól működő lean termelővállalat vezetőjéhez. Követendő vezetési jellemzőként jelenik meg többek között az együttműködő, a delegáló, a teljesítményorientált vagy fejlődésorientált. Azonosíthatók olyan jellemzők is, amelyek elméletileg nem egyeztethetők össze a lean termelési rendszer logikájával, pl. autokrata, diktatórikus vagy mikrovezető ______ The working paper focuses on two connected research questions: on one hand based on widely accepted literature it systematically maps the ideal leadership style and related leader attributes that help in transforming a company into a real and well-functioning lean organization. On the other hand the paper analyzes whether leaders of companies with more developed lean practice do or do not follow these leadership attributes recommended by literature. The study uses the fourth round of the Hungarian Competitiveness Research Survey from 2009. This study is limited to the analysis of questionnaires filled in by producers that have more than 50 employees (about 65 manufacturing firms). The authors analyze the leadership styles of two managers, namely the CEO and production manager. Results of the empirical analysis revealed astonishing and contradictory attitudes toward ideal leadership attributes of leaders operating in more developed lean companies.


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A lean termelési rendszer szociotechnikai megközelítése szerint a lean technikai elemei (technikai alrendszer) a kimagasló teljesítményt nyújtó munkaerő-szervezési rendszer (HPWS) gyakorlataival (szocio alrendszer) kapcsolódnak össze. A tanulmány ezt a megközelítést MacDuffie (1995) szervezetilogika-koncepciója alapján mutatja be. A lean termelési rendszer munkaerő-szervezési rendszerével kapcsolatosan négy témakört tekint át: (1) a lean termelési rendszer munkaerő-szervezési rendszerekre gyakorolt hatását, (2) a HPWSgyakorlatok használatát és (3) teljesítményhatását, végül a (4) munkásokra gyakorolt hatásokat. A feldolgozott koncepcionális és empirikus munkákban valamennyi pontban számos ellentmondás fedezhető fel. _____ According to the socio-technical view of lean production lean system is built on both technical and human resource practices (subsystems). The concept of organizational logic developed by MacDuffie (1995) describes how lean techniques and high performance working systems practices mutually suppose each other in lean environment. This study reviews four fields of human issues in relation to lean production: (1) the impact of lean system on work organization; (2) the use HPWS practices and (3) their impact on operational performance indicators in lean producers; (4) the impact of lean production on workers. The review of empirical and conceptual studies points out that there are many contradictions regarding the above points.


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A cikk a lean termelési eszközök alkalmazásának a vállalati szintű versenyképességre gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. A versenyképességet a működőképesség, a változásképesség és a pénzügyi teljesítmény hármasán keresztül ragadja meg, és a vállalati versenyképességi index (VVI) segítségével számszerűsíti. A szerzők a Versenyképesség Kutató Központ felmérésének 2004-es és 2009-es adatbázisa elemzésével arra keresik a választ, hogy 1) kimutatható-e szignifikáns különbség a VVI értékében a lean és nem lean feldolgozóipari vállalatok között és 2) kimutatható-e szignifikáns különbség a VVI egyes összetevőiben (működőképesség, változásképesség és teljesítmény) a lean és nem lean feldolgozóipari vállalatok között. Az eredmények arra hívják fel a figyelmet, hogy a lean és nem lean vállalatok versenyképességi indexe közt hosszú ideje nincs szignifikáns különbség.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and use of critical thinking teaching strategies by full-time and part-time faculty in Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) programs. ^ Sanders CTI (1992) instrument was adapted for this study and pilot-tested prior to the general administration to ADN faculty in Southeast Florida. This modified instrument, now termed the Burroughs Teaching Strategy Inventory (BTSI), returned reliability estimates (Cronbach alphas of .71, .74, and .82 for the three constructs) comparable to the original instrument. The BTSI was administered to 113 full-time and part-time nursing faculty in three community college nursing programs. The response rate was 92% for full-time faculty (n = 58) and 61% for part-time faculty (n = 55). ^ The majority of participants supported a combined definition of critical thinking in nursing which represented a composite of thinking skills that included reflective thinking, assessing alternative viewpoints, and the use of problem-solving. Full-time and part-time faculty used different teaching strategies. Full-time faculty most often used multiple-choice exams and lecture while part-time faculty most frequently used discussion within their classes. One possible explanation for specific strategy choices and differences might be that full-time faculty taught predominately in theory classes where certain strategies would be more appropriate and part-time faculty taught predominately clinical classes. Both faculty types selected written nursing care plans as the second most effective critical thinking strategy. ^ Faculty identified several strategies as being effective in teaching critical thinking. These strategies included discussion, case studies, higher order questioning, and concept analysis. These however, were not always the strategies that were used in either the classroom or clinical setting. ^ Based on this study, the author recommends that if the profession continues to stress critical thinking as a vital component of practice, nursing faculty should receive education in appropriate critical teaching strategies. Both in-service seminars and workshops could be used to further the knowledge and use of critical thinking strategies by faculty. Qualitative research should be done to determine why nursing faculty use self-selected teaching strategies. ^


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Current reform initiatives recommend that geometry instruction include the study of three-dimensional geometric objects and provide students with opportunities to use spatial skills in problem-solving tasks. Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP) is a dynamic and interactive computer program that enables the user to investigate and explore geometric concepts and manipulate geometric structures. Research using GSP as an instructional tool has focused primarily on teaching and learning two-dimensional geometry. This study explored the effect of a GSP based instructional environment on students' geometric thinking and three-dimensional spatial ability as they used GSP to learn three-dimensional geometry. For 10 weeks, 18 tenth-grade students from an urban school district used GSP to construct and analyze dynamic, two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects in a classroom environment that encouraged exploration, discussion, conjecture, and verification. The data were collected primarily from participant observations and clinical interviews and analyzed using qualitative methods of analysis. In addition, pretest and posttest measures of three-dimensional spatial ability and van Hiele level of geometric thinking were obtained. Spatial ability measures were analyzed using standard t-test analysis. ^ The data from this study indicate that GSP is a viable tool to teach students about three-dimensional geometric objects. A comparison of students' pretest and posttest van Hiele levels showed an improvement in geometric thinking, especially for students on lower levels of the van Hiele theory. Evidence at the p < .05 level indicated that students' spatial ability improved significantly. Specifically, the GSP dynamic, visual environment supported students' visualization and reasoning processes as students attempted to solve challenging tasks about three-dimensional geometric objects. The GSP instructional activities also provided students with an experiential base and an intuitive understanding about three-dimensional objects from which more formal work in geometry could be pursued. This study demonstrates that by designing appropriate GSP based instructional environments, it is possible to help students improve their spatial skills, develop more coherent and accurate intuitions about three-dimensional geometric objects, and progress through the levels of geometric thinking proposed by van Hiele. ^


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Through action research, the researchers engaged a group of third grade children in a project that offered a variety of learning activities to develop the children’s perspective-taking ability. As a result the teachers found a significant increase in the emotional connection of the students to the characters in the literature.


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A Learning Assistant program that recruits strong STEM undergraduates to become mathematics teachers was explored through a qualitative study. Three program participants were purposely selected and interviewed. The program reaffirmed one participant’s choice to become a teacher and clarified for one that it might be a career for him.


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Lean and mean hospitality organizations are relevant today. The authors explore research findings from Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) studies, in general, and cite findings from the hospitality industry to make the case for lean and loving hospitality organizations.


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This paper makes a case for a direct relationship between digital literacy and nonlinear thinking styles, articulates a demand for nonlinear thinking styles in education and the workplace, and states implications for a connection between nonlinear thinking styles visual literacy, and intuitive artistic practice.


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This flyer promotes the event "Contemporary Cuban Culture: Notes on Alternative Thinking Lecture by Madeline Cámara Betancourt ". Credit for image on flyer: Baruj Salinas, Punta Cana VI, 1999.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and use of critical thinking teaching strategies by full-time and part-time faculty in Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) programs. Sander's CTI (1992) instrument was adapted for this study and pilottested prior to the general administration to ADN faculty in Southeast Florida. This modified instrument, now termed the Burroughs Teaching Strategy Inventory (BTSI), returned reliability estimates (Cronbach alphas of .71, .74, and .82 for the three constructs) comparable to the original instrument. The BTSI was administered to 113 full-time and part-time nursing faculty in three community college nursing programs. The response rate was 92% for full-time faculty (n = 58) and 61 % for part-time faculty (n = 55). The majority of participants supported a combined definition of critical thinking in nursing which represented a composite of thinking skills that included reflective thinking, assessing alternative viewpoints, and the use of problem-solving. Full-time and part-time faculty used different teaching strategies. Fulltime faculty most often used multiple-choice exams and lecture while part-time faculty most frequently used discussion within their classes. One possible explanation for specific strategy choices and differences might be that full-time faculty taught predominately in theory classes where certain strategies would be more appropriate and part-time faculty taught predominately clinical classes. Both faculty types selected written nursing care plans as the second most effective critical thinking strategy. Faculty identified several strategies as being effective in teaching critical thinking. These strategies included discussion, case studies, higher order questioning, and concept analysis. These however, were not always the strategies that were used in either the classroom or clinical setting. Based on this study, the author recommends that if the profession continues to stress critical thinking as a vital component of practice, nursing faculty should receive education in appropriate critical teaching strategies. Both in-service seminars and workshops could be used to further the knowledge and use of critical thinking strategies by faculty. Qualitative research should be done to determine why nursing faculty use self-selected teaching strategies.