999 resultados para language contacts
This paper discusses the importance of direct and intense language instruction for hearing impaired children in developing language and communication skills. The author presents a variety of activities for teacher use.
This paper discusses a study to compare test results of the CID GAEL test among hearing impaired children who are enrolled in cued speech vs. oral vs. signed english programs.
This study examines the effectiveness of utilizing a DVD software program to teach specific language structures to children who are deaf or hard of hearing. This study includes a literary review of previous studies that evaluated the effectiveness of using technology to teach language to children who exhibited language delays.
This paper discusses means of providing extra support for parents of newly diagnosed hearing impaired children to help with language development.
This paper compares the CID GAEL test and the CELI test.
This study examines the purpose and uses of Cued Speech, its benefits and limitations, and its effectiveness as a tool for language, literacy, and bilingualism.
This paper reviews a study done to determine the correlation between lipreading, auditory speech perception, language abilities, and hearing loss levels in hearing impaired children.
This study discusses the importance of parental involvement in children’s language development, and the related project offers parents books and activities to assist them in developing their children’s linguistic skills.
This paper discusses a study to determnine the vocabulary and language construction of primary readers and suitability for use in teaching of hearing impaired children.
This paper is a review of language development in normal and hearing impaired children.
This paper is a collection of four theme-based units to be used to teach beginning science and social studies concepts.
This paper discusses the effects of conducive hearing loss on language development.
This paper discusses a study of language development of hearing impaired children.
This dissertation compares oral and written language development in hearing and deaf children. The study applies grammatical, lexical and syntactical measures to describe and analyze the differences in language development in groups of hearing and orally-taught hearing-impaired children and to relate these findings to chronological age.
This paper examines the Central Institute for the Deaf’s "Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language" (GAEL) test of expressive language and whether it identifies children with language disorders. Also examined is the relative difficulty of each of the grammatical categories sampled on the GAEL in relation to the standardization sample.