827 resultados para information and communication technology (ICT)
The traditional role of ports in the wider supply chain context is currently being subject to a process of radical review. In broad terms, the traditional model is being replaced by a model which focuses on higher value and more knowledge intensive activities. This trend requires a change in the way in which new knowledge and skills are developed by staff in companies of all kinds within port communities. Traditional models need to be re-evaluated to reflect the increasing importance of knowledge and skills acquisition, particularly in relation to the supply chain management (SCM) concept and the evolving role of information and communications technology (ICT) in improving supply chain capability. This paper describes the case of NITL’s Foundation Certificate Programme (FCP) learning programme with specific reference to its use in addressing some of current shortcomings related to supply chain knowledge and skills in port communities. The FCP rationale is based on the need to move from traditional approaches of supply chain organisation where the various links in the chain were measured and managed in isolation from each other and thus tended to operate at cross purposes, towards more cooperative and integrated approaches.
In today's supply chain management practices, a successful strategy depends increasingly on the performance of third party logistics (3PLs) providers as they play a key integrative role linking the different supply chain elements more effectively. Information and communications technology (ICT) has become an important element of 3PL competitive capability as it enables higher levels of supply chain integration. Recent industry developments have widened the technological gap between large and small 3PLs. This is critical particularly for those markets populated by a large number of small 3PLs such as the Italian logistics industry. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of ICT adoption in small logistics service providers. The focus of the study is the Italian 3PL market. The methodology adopted in this paper is based on the action research framework and it is a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical findings (focus groups and surveys). Firstly, a literature review on ICT dissemination in the international and Italian 3PL industry has been carried out. Then, a field survey has been developed preceded by two focus groups. The empirical investigation examined a sample of 153 small Italian 3PLs on the base of a definition and taxonomy proposed by the authors. The results provide a useful technological profile of the surveyed companies, as well as an analysis of the role of ICT in customising services and of the factors influencing ICT adoption. To give a more robust scientific justification of the survey results, it would be useful to carry out an additional large-scale analysis including other countries with a high presence of small logistics service companies. Furthermore, a complementary case-study analysis would be of help in defining the role of specific factors in different types of 3PL. Further investigations in this field are needed to better understand innovation paths, and how ICT can improve the competitive capabilities of 3PLs and of the wider supply chain. Managers of small 3PLs can use the findings to set-up guidelines for improving a company's technology innovation. Technology vendors can use the findings to better market their service/product into the small logistics service provider segment. Despite the fact that much has been written about the dissemination of ICT, there is still a shortage of research in the field of small 3PLs with little empirical investigation into the usage of ICT by small 3PLs. This paper provides a contribution to filling this void and suggests some possible research directions.
This paper describes the application of a model, initially developed for determining the e-business requirements of a manufacturing organization, to assess the impact of management concerns on the functions generated. The model has been tested on 13 case studies in small, medium and large organizations. This research shows that the incorporation of concerns for generating the requirements for e-business functions improves the results, because they expose issues that are of relevance to the decision making process relating to e-business. Running the model with both and without concerns, and then presenting the reasons for major variances, can expose the issues and enable them to be studied in detail at the individual function/ reason level. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2013.
This study was guided by the following question: Is it possible to prepare good teachers for Basic School in Distance Learning (DL) online? The over all objective of this study was to identify and systematize the essential knowledge and skills for the practice of teaching in basic education as well to investigate whe ther the Distance Learning courses which train and prepare future teachers include all the knowledge and skills necessary for teaching practice. This is a qualitative the oretical and bibliographic research that aims to analyze the current stageof the knowledge on this theme. We selected recent papers on this subject, in order to study what has been written by the authors as well to know which are their significant findings. Data were collected from dissertations, thesis and books published on the theme. Preliminarily, the theme of the presentation and contextualization has been made and the argument about the relevance of the study for education. In the second section, we present an overview of the Distance Education in Brazil: coargumentncepts, characteristics, emergence, evolution and regulation. The third section the working environmentin training teachers and students in on line education, targeting to be familiar to Learning Virtual Environments (LVE), analyzing how these new learning spaces are settled and how students and teachers be have in front of the new settings of teaching and learning using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In the fourth section aimed to identify which are the essential knowledges and skills that the teacher must master in order to work competently as well to discover which are the personal and professional characteristics of a good teacher in the XXI century. The fifth section studied and analyzed the current situation with in Distance Education is carried out in Brazil. We identified the most significant contributions of Distance Learning to Brazilian Education System in order to contribute to advances in the debate on the effectiveness of teacher training courses in distance education mode online.Finally in the sixth section were made final remarks and presented the study results.
En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre los modos - dinámicos y cambiantes - en que la apropiación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) opera en la constitución de las desigualdades sociales y sobre las categorías utilizadas para comprenderlos. La reflexión se ilustra con los hallazgos de una investigación que compara la apropiación de las TIC por jóvenes de clases medias - altas y clases populares urbanas en el Gran La Plata. En el actual contexto de marcado crecimiento del acceso a la computadora e Internet, es preciso revisar las nociones de "brecha digital" y "nativos e inmigrantes digitales", superar resabios tecnologicistas y desplazar la mirada de los objetos a los procesos que resultan significativos para los propios actores: cómo se configuran las trayectorias de acceso; por qué se han convertido las TIC y ciertos saberes y habilidades en bienes de alta deseabilidad colectiva; qué procesos habilitan o permiten en el marco de una sociabilidad específica y qué diferencias logran así los actores suplir. De este modo, se espera contribuir a una evaluación cualitativa de las políticas públicas sobre el terreno "realmente existente" en que operan las desigualdades en la sociedad argentina contemporánea.
En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre los modos - dinámicos y cambiantes - en que la apropiación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) opera en la constitución de las desigualdades sociales y sobre las categorías utilizadas para comprenderlos. La reflexión se ilustra con los hallazgos de una investigación que compara la apropiación de las TIC por jóvenes de clases medias - altas y clases populares urbanas en el Gran La Plata. En el actual contexto de marcado crecimiento del acceso a la computadora e Internet, es preciso revisar las nociones de "brecha digital" y "nativos e inmigrantes digitales", superar resabios tecnologicistas y desplazar la mirada de los objetos a los procesos que resultan significativos para los propios actores: cómo se configuran las trayectorias de acceso; por qué se han convertido las TIC y ciertos saberes y habilidades en bienes de alta deseabilidad colectiva; qué procesos habilitan o permiten en el marco de una sociabilidad específica y qué diferencias logran así los actores suplir. De este modo, se espera contribuir a una evaluación cualitativa de las políticas públicas sobre el terreno "realmente existente" en que operan las desigualdades en la sociedad argentina contemporánea.
En el presente artículo se reflexiona sobre los modos - dinámicos y cambiantes - en que la apropiación de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) opera en la constitución de las desigualdades sociales y sobre las categorías utilizadas para comprenderlos. La reflexión se ilustra con los hallazgos de una investigación que compara la apropiación de las TIC por jóvenes de clases medias - altas y clases populares urbanas en el Gran La Plata. En el actual contexto de marcado crecimiento del acceso a la computadora e Internet, es preciso revisar las nociones de "brecha digital" y "nativos e inmigrantes digitales", superar resabios tecnologicistas y desplazar la mirada de los objetos a los procesos que resultan significativos para los propios actores: cómo se configuran las trayectorias de acceso; por qué se han convertido las TIC y ciertos saberes y habilidades en bienes de alta deseabilidad colectiva; qué procesos habilitan o permiten en el marco de una sociabilidad específica y qué diferencias logran así los actores suplir. De este modo, se espera contribuir a una evaluación cualitativa de las políticas públicas sobre el terreno "realmente existente" en que operan las desigualdades en la sociedad argentina contemporánea.
Telecommuting has been perceived as an effective means of reducing commuter related trips, travel time and emissions. Previously, the lack of access to broadband Internet connection and teleconferencing software from home has acted as a barrier to telecommuting regularly or at all. However, with advances in information and communication technology in recent years telecommuting is becoming a viable option for employers and employees to undertake. This paper examines the current trends of full day and part day telecommuting in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), and attempts to ascertain the most influential drivers and constraints related to telecommuting. The research presented estimates of the environmental benefits from individuals that telecommute. Finally, this paper seeks to determine the magnitude of carbon emissions savings from individuals adopting telecommuting and provides a social cost of carbon saving value. The survey results presented suggest that approximately 44% of the population of the GDA telecommute at least once a month. The findings also indicate that needing contact with colleagues is the most influential constraint to telecommuting, while greater flexibility and avoiding travelling in peak periods are the most important drivers in the propensity to telecommute. Finally, this study shows that there are substantial carbon reductions and social cost of carbon savings. Thus illustrating how telecommuting can be a viable and sustainable policy in the GDA or in other similar sized regions.
Informatie wordt gegeven over de beleidsvraag, de probleemopzet, het onderzoeksontwerp met kernvariabelelen, het onderzoeksproces en de belangrijkste uitkomsten van deze multiniveau, longitudinale veiligheidsmonitor. Tenslotte worden enkele van de meest kenmerkende aspecten van deze onderzoeksmethode behandeld.
Een Pedagogisch-Didactische KernStructuur® (PDKS®) bestaat uit een diagnostische, met name op kerndoelen en curriculumspecificaties gebaseerde systematiek voor het ontwerpen en realiseren van ‘Optimaliserend Onderwijs’ en de bijbehorende speel-/leerprocessen voor elk kind of elke leerling. In dit document wordt een nieuw ontwerp van een praktijkgerichte PDKS®-systematiek uitgewerkt die is ingebed in een webapplicatie ten behoeve van gebruik in instellingen voor vóór- en vroegschoolse educatie en in scholen voor PO en VO. Doel van dit digitale curriculumbeheersysteem is om het voor genoemde instellingen, scholen en leerkrachten / docenten gemakkelijker te maken het onderwijs en de speel-/leerprocessen verantwoord te individualiseren. Dit wil zeggen: deze onderwijs- en leerprocessen adequaat voor te bereiden en in te zetten ter ondersteuning van de ontwikkeling en de leerbehoefte, het leerniveau en het leertempo van individuele leerlingen en groepjes leerlingen in een flexibel groeps- of klasverband. De groeps- of klasorganisatie van leerlingen wordt onafhankelijk(er) van leeftijd en leerlingen kunnen verantwoord, individueel of samen, de eigen speel-/leerprocessen méér zelf reguleren. Via de hier ontwikkelde, informatietechnologisch ingebedde PDKS® kunnen essentiële onderwijs- en leerprocessen worden geïntegreerd. Bijvoorbeeld diagnostiek gebaseerd op individuele én landelijke indicatoren (dubbele diagnostiek), passende instructie en speel-/leerprocessen, vrije curriculumactiviteiten, curriculuminformatie en -beheer, en systematische evaluatie op verschillende onderwijsniveaus (leerling, groepje, groep/klas, school, bovenschools, landelijk). Samenwerking met jeugdzorg wordt eenduidiger, gemakkelijker en méér preventief. De combinatie van resultaten van landelijk genormeerde toetsing en de schoolgebonden evaluatie van leerarrangementen levert tevens concreet zicht op de feitelijke ‘schoolkwaliteit’.
Kinderen worden in basisscholen veelal in leeftijdsgroepen ingedeeld. Er zijn dan steeds leerlingen die ten opzichte van leeftijdsgenoten heel goed of juist slecht presteren. Dit leidt bij deze 'relatief afwijkende leerlingen' tot demotivatie, gerichtheid op andere activiteiten, en 'onderpresteren'. In de hier voorgestane pedagogiek en didactiek wordt elk kind, per ontwikkelings- of competentiegebied, doorlopend en adequaat gesteund. Dit is ook conform de vigerende onderwijswetgeving. De praktische consequentie is dat het onderwijsaanbod in elke groep of klas steeds dient te zijn afgestemd op de werkelijke (begin)kenmerken van de aanwezige leerlingen. Vervolgens dient elk kind in school steeds iets boven het eigen niveau te kunnen spelen en leren, deels volgens eigen voorkeuren en eigen regulatie. Dit vereist voorbereide onderwijsleersituaties en een doorlopend helder inzicht in relevante diagnostische ontwikkelings- en leerniveaus alsmede in de individuele leerprocessen en -effecten. Praktische realisatie van deze eisen vraagt ten eerste om vaststelling van de beginkenmerken van leerlingen. Ten tweede dient het feitelijke speel- en leeraanbod te zijn georganiseerd in aansluiting op deze individuele beginkenmerken, in een meer flexibele vormgeving dan gebruikelijk. Deze twee onderwijsaspecten worden hier concreet uitgewerkt en ingevuld in het kader van een handleiding voor ontwikkelings- of design-based onderzoek dat samen met leerkrachten en management wordt uitgevoerd.
In deze presentatie wordt ingegaan op mogelijkheden het onderwijs voor en het leren van jonge kinderen en leerlingen in het PO, VO en MBO te optimaliseren.
O trabalho apresentado pretende identificar as principais linhas orientadoras para a produção de um documentário sobre os principais desafios enfrentados pelos seniores quando utilizam as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), particularmente para acederem a vários serviços. É inegável que as TIC têm um papel cada vez mais relevante nas sociedades contemporâneas, pelo que é essencial que os indivíduos que as compõem tenham as competências mínimas para a sua utilização. Os vários estudos levados a cabo sobre esta temática identificam os seniores como o grupo que em média menos utiliza as TIC e que mais dificuldades enfrenta quando as usa, o que pode resultar na infoexclusão dos indivíduos de uma faixa etária mais elevada. Tal situação é preocupante porque o envelhecimento populacional mundial parece inevitável, pelo que, embora possam ser pensadas e aplicadas medidas para o atenuar, será importante que cada país se prepare para esta realidade. Uma das formas de o fazer é identificar as principais dificuldades e/ou facilidades que os seniores sentem quando utilizam as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação e definir soluções que ajudem a contornar as dificuldades enfrentadas e potenciar as facilidades. Desta forma, incentiva-se um envelhecimento ativo de um grupo populacional que vai progressivamente aumentando a sua dimensão. O projeto MaQueIsto enquadra-se na investigação sobre o envelhecimento ativo e as TIC do grupo DigiMedia da Universidade de Aveiro. O principal propósito deste trabalho é produzir um documentário onde sejam identificados alguns dos principais desafios que o cidadão sénior enfrenta sistematicamente quando utiliza as TIC, por exemplo ao aceder aos múltiplos serviços indispensáveis ao seu quotidiano, tais como o multibanco, o correio eletrónico, os serviços das finanças, entre outros. O documentário produzido teve como bases a leitura e análise de estudos relacionados com a área, os dados recolhidos no trabalho de campo e os testemunhos dos seniores que aceitaram colaborar no projeto.
The notion of democracy poses a significant challenge and problem in modern considerations on history, philosophy and politics. At present, in the face of the so-called information revolution, democracy has undoubtedly undergone profound and easily visible transformations. It can be said that the application of IT to exercise democratic power has brought about a revolution that will span a period of many years, given the different potential differing states have to spread the new technologies. The development of information and communications technology (ICT) has introduced new notions related to democracy, such as teledemocracy, technopolitics or electronic democracy (e-democracy). The subject of this paper, electronic voting (e-voting) is among the highly significant instruments of e-democracy. Electronic voting is the fulfillment of the principle of national sovereignty as it can be applied in the procedures of both indirect (e-elections) and direct (e-referendum) democracy.
Os avanços e a disseminação do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) descortinam novas perspetivas para a educação com suporte em ambientes digitais de aprendizagem usados via internet (Fiolhais & Trindade, 2003). A plataforma usada no Projeto Matemática Ensino (PmatE) da Universidade de Aveiro (UA) é uma das ferramentas informáticas que suporta esses ambientes através da avaliação baseada no Modelo Gerador de Questões (MGQ), possibilitando a obtenção da imagem do progresso feito pelos alunos (Vieira, Carvalho & Oliveira, 2004). Reconhecendo a importância didática desta ferramenta, já demonstrada noutras investigações (por exemplo, Carvalho, 2011; Pais de Aquino, 2013; Peixoto, 2009), o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral desenvolver material didático digital de Física, no contexto do programa moçambicano de Física da 12ª classe, para alunos e professores sobre radiações e conteúdos da Física Moderna. Pretendeu-se, ainda, propor estratégias de trabalho com recurso às TIC para a melhoria da qualidade das aprendizagens nesta disciplina. O estudo assentou nas três seguintes questões de investigação: (a) Como conceber instrumentos de avaliação das aprendizagens baseadas no modelo gerador de questões para o estudo das radiações e conteúdos da Física Moderna, no contexto do programa moçambicano de Física da 12ª classe? (b) Que potencialidades e constrangimentos apresentam esses instrumentos quando implementados com alunos e professores? (c) De que forma o conhecimento construído pode ser mobilizado para outros temas da Física e para o ensino das ciências em geral? O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de Estudos de Desenvolvimento, de natureza mista, que compreendeu as fases da Análise, Design, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação, seguindo como paradigma um estudo de cariz exploratório, com uma vertente de estudo de caso. Assim, na Análise, foi discutido o contexto da educação em Moçambique e a problemática da abordagem das radiações e conteúdos de Física Moderna no ensino secundário no quadro desafiante que se coloca atualmente à educação científica. No Design foram avaliadas as abordagens dasTIC no ensino e aprendizagem da Física e das ciências em geral e construída a árvore de objetivos nos conteúdos referidos na fase anterior. Na fase do Desenvolvimento foram construídos os instrumentos de recolha de dados, elaborados os protótipos de MGQ e sua posterior programação, validação e testagem em formato impresso no estudo exploratório. Na Avaliação, foi conduzido o estudo principal com a aplicação dos modelos no formato digital e feita sua avaliação, o que incluiu a administração de inquéritos por questionário a alunos e professores. Os resultados indicam que na conceção de MGQ, a definição dos objetivos de aprendizagem em termos comportamentais é fundamental na formulação de questões e na análise dos resultados da avaliação com o objetivo de reajustar as estratégias didáticas. Apontam também que a plataforma do PmatE que suporta os MGQ, embora possua constrangimentos devido a sua dependência da internet e limitações de ordem didática, contribui positivamente na aprendizagem e na identificação das dificuldades e principais erros dos alunos, por um lado. Por outro, estimula através da avaliação os processos de assimilação e acomodação do conhecimento. O estudo recomenda a necessidade de mudanças nas práticas de ensino e de aprendizagem para que seja possível a utilização de conteúdos digitais como complemento à abordagem didática de conteúdos.