998 resultados para effective rotor origin
Our objective is to evaluate the accuracy of three algorithms in differentiating the origins of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias (OTVAs). This study involved 110 consecutive patients with OTVAs for whom a standard 12-lead surface electrocardiogram (ECG) showed typical left bundle branch block morphology with an inferior axis. All the ECG tracings were retrospectively analyzed using the following three recently published ECG algorithms: 1) the transitional zone (TZ) index, 2) the V2 transition ratio, and 3) V2 R wave duration and R/S wave amplitude indices. Considering all patients, the V2 transition ratio had the highest sensitivity (92.3%), while the R wave duration and R/S wave amplitude indices in V2 had the highest specificity (93.9%). The latter finding had a maximal area under the ROC curve of 0.925. In patients with left ventricular (LV) rotation, the V2 transition ratio had the highest sensitivity (94.1%), while the R wave duration and R/S wave amplitude indices in V2 had the highest specificity (87.5%). The former finding had a maximal area under the ROC curve of 0.892. All three published ECG algorithms are effective in differentiating the origin of OTVAs, while the V2 transition ratio, and the V2 R wave duration and R/S wave amplitude indices are the most sensitive and specific algorithms, respectively. Amongst all of the patients, the V2 R wave duration and R/S wave amplitude algorithm had the maximal area under the ROC curve, but in patients with LV rotation the V2 transition ratio algorithm had the maximum area under the ROC curve.
The effective diffusivity of clove essential oil in subcritical liquid CO2 was estimated. The experimental apparatus employed was a fixed-bed extractor. The fixed bed was formed with grounded (mesh -32 + 65) and compacted clove buds which were considered a solid element. The effective diffusion coefficient was evaluated by fitting the experimental concentration profile to the unsteady state mass balance equation for unidirectional diffusion in a finite solid medium. The diffusion coefficient was related to the concentration of oil in the solid by an exponential function. The estimated values of the effective diffusion coefficient varied from 3.64 to 5.22x10-10 m2/s. The average relative errors were lower than 3.1%.
Ethanolic extracts and essential oils from Green Propolis from southeastern Brazil and leaf buds from its botanical origin Baccharis dracunculifolia were analyzed by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC), Reversed Phase High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (RP-HPTLC) and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. Both ethanolic extracts and essential oils showed similar chromatographic profiles. Thirteen flavonoids were identified by RP-HPLC and RP-HPTLC analyses in both samples. Twenty-three volatile compounds were identified by GC-MS analyses. Seventeen were present in both essential oils. The major flavonoid compound in both extracts was artepillin C. The major volatile compound in both essential oils was nerolidol. The major compounds identified in this work could be used as chemical markers in order to classify and identify botanical origins of propolis.
This work evaluated the physicochemical composition of 171 red Brazilian wines from the 2006 vintage, which were represented by 21 varietals. These wines were produced by 58 Brazilian wineries in different regions of the country, with latitudes varying from 9º to 31º South. Physicochemical wine analysis was performed in the same year and discrimination in the viticultural regions, varietal wines, and wineries was performed by means of the principal component analysis (PCA). The main results show that wines from São Joaquim had higher values of A420, A520, A620, color intensity, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and dry extracts, while those from Toledo had lower values of these variables; those from Vale do São Francisco had higher values of potassium, pH, density, and volatile acidity; from Serra do Nordeste A, they had higher titratable acidity; and from Planalto Superior B, higher hue. Regarding the varietal wines, PCA mainly discriminated the wines produced from the varieties Ancellotta, Teroldego, Egiodola, Refosco, Marselan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Arinarnoa, Barbera, and Alfrocheiro. In relation to wineries, twenty two of them were discriminated by their higher values of some variables, i.e., three were characterized by color intensity; three by hue; eight by alcohol content; six by potassium, dry extract, density, and pH; and two by titratablel acidity.
Given the debate generated by Genetically Modified (GM) foods in developed and developing countries, the aim was to evaluate the importance of determining factors in the preference of consumers in Temuco and Talca in central-southern Chile for GM foods using conjoint analysis and to determine the existence of different market segments using a survey of 800 people. Using conjoint analysis, it was established that, in general, genetic modification was a more important factor than either brand or price in the consumer's decision to purchase either food. Cluster analysis identified three segments: the largest (51.4%) assigned greatest importance to brand and preferred genetically modified milk and tomato sauce; the second group (41.0%) gave greatest importance to the existence of genetic manipulation and preferred non-genetically modified foods; the smallest segment (7.6%) mainly valued price and preferred milk and tomato sauce with no genetic manipulation. The three segments rejected the store brand and preferred to pay less for both foods. The results are discussed based on studies conducted in developed and developing countries.
Celery (Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef) leaves with 50±0.07 g weight and 91.75±0.15% humidity (~11.21 db) were dried using 8 different microwave power densities ranging between 1.8-20 W g-1, until the humidity fell down to 8.95±0.23% (~0.1 db). Microwave drying processes were completed between 5.5 and 77 min depending on the microwave power densities. In this study, measured values were compared with predicted values obtained from twenty thin layer drying theoretical, semi-empirical and empirical equations with a new thin layer drying equation. Within applied microwave power density; models whose coefficient and correlation (R²) values are highest were chosen as the best models. Weibull distribution model gave the most suitable predictions at all power density. At increasing microwave power densities, the effective moisture diffusivity values ranged from 1.595 10-10 to 6.377 10-12 m2 s-1. The activation energy was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation. The linear relationship between the drying rate constant and effective moisture diffusivity gave the best fit.
AbstractWith the aim of comparing the acceptance of milk obtained from cloned, genetically modified (GM) and conventionally bred cows among working adults and university students, and identifying and characterizing typologies among both subsamples in terms of their preferences, a survey was applied to 400 people in southern Chile, distributed using a simple allocation among the subsamples. Using a conjoint analysis, it was found that consumers preferred milk from a conventional cow. Using a cluster analysis, in both subsamples two segments sensitive to production technology were identified. Rejection of cloning was greatest among university students, whereas a higher proportion of working adults rejected GM. The segments differed in terms of area of residence, knowledge about GM, and milk consumption habits. Contrary to what was expected, no differences were found according to education, gender or degree of satisfaction with food-related life.
Kaikkien kansalaisten ja yritysten, jotka kärsivät vahinkoa Euroopan Unionin kilpailusääntöjen (SEUT 101 ja 102 artiklan) rikkomisen vuoksi, on voitava vaatia korvauksia vahingon aiheuttaneelta osapuolelta. Euroopan unionin tuomioistuin on ratkaisuillaan Courage ja Manfredi vahvistanut vahinkoa kärsineen oikeuden saada korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta. Suomessa kilpailuoikeudellista vahingonkorvausta koskeva oikeuskäytäntö on ollut vähäistä, vaikkakin viime aikoina on annettu muutama merkittävä vahingonkorvausratkaisu, näistä kenties tunnetuimpana asvalttikartelliratkaisu. Kilpailuoikeuden rikkomisesta vahinkoa kärsineet saavat kuitenkin vain harvoin korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta, mikä on ollut seurausta erilaisista lainsäädännöllisistä ja menettelyistä johtuvista esteistä jäsenvaltioiden säännöissä. Komission pitkään kestänyt lainsäädäntöhanke EU:n kilpailuoikeuden täytäntöönpanojärjestelmän selkeyttämiseksi päättyi marraskuussa 2014, kun Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi tietyistä säännöistä, joita sovelletaan jäsenvaltioiden ja Euroopan unionin kilpailuoikeuden rikkomisen johdosta kansallisen lainsäädännön nojalla nostettuihin vahingonkorvauskanteisiin (2014/104/ EU) hyväksyttiin. Direktiivi julkaistiin Euroopan unionin virallisessa lehdessä 5. joulukuuta 2014, ja jäsenvaltioilla on 27.12.2016 asti aikaa implementoida direktiivi osaksi kansallista lainsäädäntöä. Direktiivin tavoitteena on EU:n kilpailusääntöjen tehokas täytäntöönpano sekä kilpailuoikeuden julkisoikeudellisen ja yksityisoikeudellisen täytäntöönpanon selkeyttäminen. Lisäksi direktiivi pyrkii varmistamaan, että vahingonkärsijät voivat saada täyden korvauksen kärsimästään vahingosta, sekä poistamaan esteitä ja pienentämään kustannuksia vahingon todistamisessa, samalla harmonisoiden eri jäsenmaissa toimivien yritysten oikeussuojan tasoa. Tarkastelen pro gradu –tutkielmassani kilpailuoikeudellisen vahingonkorvauksen kehitystä sekä uuden EU:n vahingonkorvausdirektiivin vaikutuksia erityisesti vahingonkärsijän näkökulmasta, eli sitä kuinka direktiivi vaikuttaa vahingonkärsijän mahdollisuuteen saada korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta, joka johtuu EU:n kilpailusääntöjen rikkomisesta. Lisäksi tarkastelen lyhyesti direktiivin tuomia muutoksia Suomen lainsäädäntöön. Tutkielmani loppupäätelmä on, että vaikka vahingonkorvausdirektiivi ei täydellisesti paranna vahingonkärsijän asemaa, se selkeyttää monella tavalla kilpailuoikeudellisten vahingonkorvauskanteiden nykyistä tilaa, ja saattaa tietyssä määrin rohkaista vahingonkärsijiä hakemaan korvausta kärsimästään vahingosta.
The non-idealities in a rotor-bearing system may cause undesirable subcritical superharmonic resonances that occur when the rotating speed of the rotor is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. These resonances arise partly from the non-idealities of the bearings. This study introduces a novel simulation approach that can be used to study the superharmonic vibrations of rotor-bearing systems. The superharmonic vibrations of complex rotor-bearing systems can be studied in an accurate manner by combining a detailed rotor and bearing model in a multibody simulation approach. The research looks at the theoretical background of multibody formulations that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The multibody formulations currently in use are suitable for linear deformation analysis only. However, nonlinear formulation may arise in high-speed rotor dynamics applications due to the cenrrifugal stiffening effect. For this reason, finite element formulations that can describe nonlinear deformation are also introduced in this work. The description of the elastic forces in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation is studied and improved. A ball bearing model that includes localized and distributed defects is developed in this study. This bearing model could be used in rotor dynamics or multibody code as an interface elements between the rotor and the supporting structure. The model includes descriptions of the nonlinear Hertzian contact deformation and the elastohydrodynamic fluid film. The simulation approaches and models developed here are applied in the analysis of two example rotor-bearing systems. The first example is an electric motor supported by two ball bearings and the second is a roller test rig that consists of the tube roll of a paper machine supported by a hard-bearing-type balanceing machine. The simulation results are compared to the results available in literature as well as to those obtained by measuring the existing structure. In both practical examples, the comparison shows that the simulation model is capable of predicting the realistic responses of a rotor system. The simulation approaches developed in this work can be used in the analysis of the superharmonic vibrations of general rotor-bearing systems.
Active magnetic bearing is a type of bearing which uses magnetic field to levitate the rotor. These bearings require continuous control of the currents in electromagnets and data from position of the rotor and the measured current from electromagnets. Because of this different identification methods can be implemented with no additional hardware. In this thesis the focus was to implement and test identification methods for active magnetic bearing system and to update the rotor model. Magnetic center calibration is a method used to locate the magnetic center of the rotor. Rotor model identification is an identification method used to identify the rotor model. Rotor model update is a method used to update the rotor model based on identification data. These methods were implemented and tested with a real machine where rotor was levitated with active magnetic bearings and the functionality of the methods was ensured. Methods were developed with further extension in mind and also with the possibility to apply them for different machines with ease.
Hankintojen johtamisen kirjallisuus korostaa tehokkaan hankinnan olevan käypä keino tehostaa organisaation tulosta kokonaisvaltaisesti. Myös kasvava tietoisuus erityisesti epäsuorista hankintamenetelmistä ja työkaluista toimivat kannustimina tälle tutkimukselle. Tämän Pro Gradu -tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena on rakentaa kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys epäsuorasta hankinnasta sekä löytää keinoja sen tehostamiseksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten globaali, monikansal- linen organisaatio voi parantaa kannattavuuttaan epäsuorissa hankinnoissa, sekä mitkä tekijät hankintastrategiassa vaikuttavat siihen. Tutkimus toteutettiin yksittäisenä tapaustutkimuksena suuren globaalin, monikan- sallisen yrityksen työntekijän näkökulmasta, Pääosa datasta pohjautuu vuonna 2015 toteutettuun Opportunity -analyysi projektiin, joka toteutettiin yhteistyössä ulkoisen konsulttifirman kanssa. Osa datasta pohjautuu puolistrukturoituihin haas- tatteluihin organisaation hankintajohtajan kanssa. Datan keruussa hyödynnettiin lisäksi henkilökohtaista havainnointia ja sekundääristä aineistoa organisaatiosta. Tämä Pro Gradu tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisella otteella, sisältäen joitakin kvantitatiivisia metodin piirteitä.