984 resultados para carbon balance


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In this paper, elastic wave propagation is studied in a nanocomposite reinforced with multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Analysis is performed on a representative volume element of square cross section. The frequency content of the exciting signal is at the terahertz level. Here, the composite is modeled as a higher order shear deformable beam using layerwise theory, to account for partial shear stress transfer between the CNTs and the matrix. The walls of the multiwall CNTs are considered to be connected throughout their length by distributed springs, whose stiffness is governed by the van der Waals force acting between the walls of nanotubes. The analyses in both the frequency and time domains are done using the wavelet-based spectral finite element method (WSFEM). The method uses the Daubechies wavelet basis approximation in time to reduce the governing PDE to a set of ODEs. These transformed ODEs are solved using a finite element (FE) technique by deriving an exact interpolating function in the transformed domain to obtain the exact dynamic stiffness matrix. Numerical analyses are performed to study the spectrum and dispersion relations for different matrix materials and also for different beam models. The effects of partial shear stress transfer between CNTs and matrix on the frequency response function (FRF) and the time response due to broadband impulse loading are investigated for different matrix materials. The simultaneous existence of four coupled propagating modes in a double-walled CNT-composite is also captured using modulated sinusoidal excitation.


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Pyrolysis of thiophene over nickel nanoparticles dispersed on silica is shown to yield Y-junction carbon nanotubes with smaller diameters than those obtained by the pyrolysis of organometallic-thiophene mixtures. In the presence of water vapour, the pyrolysis of organometallic-hydrocarbon mixtures yields single-walled nanotubes, as well as relatively narrow-diameter carbon nanotubes with Y-junctions. Pyrolysis-of organometallic-hydrocarbon mixtures, in the absence of water vapour, only gives nanotubes with T- and Y-junctions.


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Pristine and long-chain functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were incorporated successfully in supramolecular organogels formed by an all-trans tri(p-phenylenevinylene) bis-aldoxime to give rise to new nanocomposites with interesting mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Variable-temperature UV-vis and fluorescence spectra reveal both pristine and functionalized SWNTs promote aggregation of the gelator molecules and result in quenching of the UV-vis and fluorescence intensity. Electron microscopy and confocal microscopy show the existence of a densely packed and directionally aligned fibrous network in the resulting nanocomposites. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of the composites shows that incorporation of SWNTs increases the gel formation temperature. The DSC of the xerogels of 1-SWNT composites indicates formation of different thermotropic mesophases which is also evident from polarized optical microscopy. The reinforced aggregation of the gelators on SWNT doping was reflected in the mechanical properties of the composites. Rheology of the composites demonstrates the formation of a rigid and viscoelastic solid-like assembly on SWNT incorporation. The composites from gel-SWNTs were found to be semiconducting in nature and showed enhanced electrical conductivity compared to that of the native organogel. Upon irradiation with a near IR laser at 1064 nm for 5 min it was possible to selectively induce a gel-to-sol phase transition of the nanocomposites, while irradiation for even 30 min of the native organogel under identical conditions did not cause any gel-to-sol conversion.


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The use of fractional-factorial methods in the optimization of porous-carbon electrode structure is discussed with respect to weight-loss of carbon during gas treatment, weight and mixing time of binder, compaction temperature, time and pressure, and pressure of feed gas. The experimental optimization of an air electrode in alkaline solution is described.


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The equilibrium solubility of a pharmaceutical compound. 1,5-dimethy1-2-phenyl-4-propan-2-ylpyrazol-3-one (propyphenazone, isopropylantipyrine) in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) was experimentally determined by a saturation method at 308, 318 and 328 K. over the pressure range of 9.0-19.0 MPa. The solubility data satisfied the self-consistency test, proposed by Mendez-Santiago and Teja. A new association model was derived to correlate the solubilities of pharmaceutical compounds in SCCO2. Solubility data from 54 different pharmaceutical compounds including steroids, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, statins and specific functional drugs were collected from literature. The model successfully correlated the experimental results for the solubilities of all these compounds in SCCO2 within 12% AARD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper, Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory is employed to evaluate the length dependent in-plane stiffness of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The SWCNT is modeled as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and is analyzed for various boundary conditions to evaluate the length dependent in-plane stiffness. It has been found that the nonlocal scaling parameter has a significant effect on the length dependent in-plane stiffness of SWCNTs. It has been observed that as the nonlocal scale parameter increases the stiffness ratio of SWCNT decreases. In nonlocality, the cantilever SWCNT has high in-plane stiffness as compared to the simply-supported and the clamped cases.


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Lakes serve as sites for terrestrially fixed carbon to be remineralized and transferred back to the atmosphere. Their role in regional carbon cycling is especially important in the Boreal Zone, where lakes can cover up to 20% of the land area. Boreal lakes are often characterized by the presence of a brown water colour, which implies high levels of dissolved organic carbon from the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem, but the load of inorganic carbon from the catchment is largely unknown. Organic carbon is transformed to methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in biological processes that result in lake water gas concentrations that increase above atmospheric equilibrium, thus making boreal lakes as sources of these important greenhouse gases. However, flux estimates are often based on sporadic sampling and modelling and actual flux measurements are scarce. Thus, the detailed temporal flux dynamics of greenhouse gases are still largely unknown. ----- One aim here was to reveal the natural dynamics of CH4 and CO2 concentrations and fluxes in a small boreal lake. The other aim was to test the applicability of a measuring technique for CO2 flux, i.e. the eddy covariance (EC) technique, and a computational method for estimation of primary production and community respiration, both commonly used in terrestrial research, in this lake. Continuous surface water CO2 concentration measurements, also needed in free-water applications to estimate primary production and community respiration, were used over two open water periods in a study of CO2 concentration dynamics. Traditional methods were also used to measure gas concentration and fluxes. The study lake, Valkea-Kotinen, is a small, humic, headwater lake within an old-growth forest catchment with no local anthropogenic disturbance and thus possible changes in gas dynamics reflect the natural variability in lake ecosystems. CH4 accumulated under the ice and in the hypolimnion during summer stratification. The surface water CH4 concentration was always above atmospheric equilibrium and thus the lake was a continuous source of CH4 to the atmosphere. However, the annual CH4 fluxes were small, i.e. 0.11 mol m-2 yr-1, and the timing of fluxes differed from that of other published estimates. The highest fluxes are usually measured in spring after ice melt but in Lake Valkea-Kotinen CH4 was effectively oxidised in spring and highest effluxes occurred in autumn after summer stratification period. CO2 also accumulated under the ice and the hypolimnetic CO2 concentration increased steadily during stratification period. The surface water CO2 concentration was highest in spring and in autumn, whereas during the stable stratification it was sometimes under atmospheric equilibrium. It showed diel, daily and seasonal variation; the diel cycle was clearly driven by light and thus reflected the metabolism of the lacustrine ecosystem. However, the diel cycle was sometimes blurred by injection of hypolimnetic water rich in CO2 and the surface water CO2 concentration was thus controlled by stratification dynamics. The highest CO2 fluxes were measured in spring, autumn and during those hypolimnetic injections causing bursts of CO2 comparable with the spring and autumn fluxes. The annual fluxes averaged 77 (±11 SD) g C m-2 yr-1. In estimating the importance of the lake in recycling terrestrial carbon, the flux was normalized to the catchment area and this normalized flux was compared with net ecosystem production estimates of -50 to 200 g C m-2 yr-1 from unmanaged forests in corresponding temperature and precipitation regimes in the literature. Within this range the flux of Lake Valkea-Kotinen yielded from the increase in source of the surrounding forest by 20% to decrease in sink by 5%. The free water approach gave primary production and community respiration estimates of 5- and 16-fold, respectively, compared with traditional bottle incubations during a 5-day testing period in autumn. The results are in parallel with findings in the literature. Both methods adopted from the terrestrial community also proved useful in lake studies. A large percentage of the EC data was rejected, due to the unfulfilled prerequisites of the method. However, the amount of data accepted remained large compared with what would be feasible with traditional methods. Use of the EC method revealed underestimation of the widely used gas exchange model and suggests simultaneous measurements of actual turbulence at the water surface with comparison of the different gas flux methods to revise the parameterization of the gas transfer velocity used in the models.


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Individual carbon nanotubes being substantially smaller than the wavelength of light, are not much responsive to optical manipulation. Here we demonstrate how decorating single-walled carbon nanotubes with palladium particles makes optical trapping and manipulation easier. Palladium decorated nanotubes (Pd/SWNTs) have higher effective dielectric constant and are trapped at much lower laser power level with greater ease. In addition, we report the transportation of Pd/SWNTs using an asymmetric line trap. Using this method carbon nanotubes can be transported in any desired direction with high transportation speed. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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A single component accelerometer-based force balance is developed, calibrated, and used for high enthalpy applications. Functionality of this force balance, for such applications, is demonstrated for the first time during high enthalpy tests in a newly established free piston-driven shock tunnel, HST3, using a 60 degrees apex angle blunt cone model at 0 degrees angle of incidence. Usefulness of this force balance is also confirmed, for much complicated high enthalpy flow situations, during the drag reduction studies with counterflow supersonic jet from the stagnation point.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kuluttajien näkemyksiä ilmastonmuutoksesta ja ilmastovaikutusten seuranta- ja palautejärjestelmän hyväksyttävyydestä kulutuksen ohjauskeinona. 15 kuluttajaa kokeili kuukauden ajan kulutuksen ilmastovaikutusten seuranta- ja palautejärjestelmän demonstraatioversiota ja he osallistuivat kokeilun pohjalta aihepiiriä käsitelleeseen verkkokeskusteluun. Analysoin verkkokeskustelun aineistoa arkisen järkeilyn näkökulmasta tutkien kuluttajien ilmastonmuutokseen ja ympäristövastuullisuuteen liittyvää arkitietoa sekä palvelun hyväksyttävyyteen liittyviä heuristiikkoja. Ilmastonmuutoksen todettiin yleisesti olevan vielä melko abstrakti ja monitulkintainen ilmiö, minkä vuoksi kuluttajilla on vaikeuksia ymmärtää omien valintojensa konkreettista merkitystä ilmastonmuutoksen kannalta. Vaikka tietoa kulutuksen ilmastovaikutuksista on saatavilla paljon, niin erityisesti yritysten tuottama tieto koettiin ristiriitaiseksi ja osin epäluotettavaksi. Kuluttajat myös kritisoivat ilmastonmuutoskeskustelun tarjoamaa kapeaa näkemystä kulutuksen ympäristövaikutuksista. Hiilidioksidipäästöihin keskittymisen sijaan ympäristövaikutuksia tulisi kuluttajien mielestä tarkastella kokonaisuutena, josta ilmastovaikutukset muodostavat vain yhden osan. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden kuluttajien kulutustottumuksiin ilmastonmuutos vaikutti eriasteisesti. Toisille ilmastonmuutoksesta oli muodostunut keskeinen omaa kulutusta ohjaava normi, kun taas toiset kertoivat pohtivansa ilmastovaikutuksia pääasiassa suurimpien hankintojen kohdalla. Ympäristövastuullisuudessa merkitykselliseksi koettiin tasapainon löytäminen ja henkilökohtainen tunne siitä, että kokee toimivansa oikein. Ilmasto- tai ympäristökysymyksiä punnitaan valinnoissa joustavasti yhdessä muiden tekijöiden kanssa. Vaikka kuluttajilla toisaalta olisi tietoa ja halua ottaa ilmasto- ja ympäristövaikutukset huomioon valinnoissaan, toimintaympäristö rajaa keskeisesti kuluttajien mahdollisuuksia toimia ympäristövastuullisesti. Tutkimus toi esille neljä kuluttajien käyttämää heuristiikkaa heidän pohtiessaan ilmastovaikutusten seuranta- ja palautejärjestelmän hyväksyttävyyden ehtoja ja toimivuutta ohjauskeinona. Ensinnäkin palvelun tulee olla käytettävyydeltään nopea ja vaivaton sekä tarjota tietoa havainnollisessa ja helposti ymmärrettävässä muodossa. Toiseksi palvelun tarjoaman tiedon tulee olla ehdottoman luotettavaa ja kuluttajien valintojen kannalta merkityksellistä siten, että palvelu ottaa huomioon erilaiset kuluttajat ja tiedontarpeet. Kolmanneksi palvelu tulee toteuttaa kokonaisvaltaisesti ja läpinäkyvästi useampien kaupparyhmittymien ja julkisten toimijoiden yhteistyönä. Neljänneksi toteutuksessa tulee huomioda palvelun kannustavuus ja kytkeytyminen muihin ohjauskeinoihin.


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The influence of concentration and size of sp (2) cluster on the transport properties and electron field emissions of amorphous carbon films have been investigated. The observed insulating to metallic behaviour from reduced activation energy derived from transport measurement and threshold field for electron emission of a-C films can be explained in terms of improvements in the connectivity between sp (2) clusters. The connectivity is resulted by the cluster concentration and size. The concentration and size of sp (2) content cluster is regulated by the coalescence of carbon globules into clusters, which evolves with deposition conditions.


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We have measured the frequency-dependent real index of refraction and extinction coefficient (and hence the complex dielectric function) of a free-standing double-walled carbon nanotube film of thickness 200 nm by using terahertz time domain spectroscopy in the frequency range 0.1 to 2.5 THz. The real index of refraction and extinction coefficient have very high values of approximately 52 and 35, respectively, at 0.1 THz, which decrease at higher frequencies. Two low-frequency phonon modes of the carbon nanotubes at 0.45 and 0.75 THz were clearly observed for the first time in the real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric function along with a broad resonance centred at around 1.45 THz, the latter being similar to that in single-walled carbon nanotubes assigned to electronic excitations. Our experiments bring out a possible application of double-walled carbon nanotube films as a neutral density filter in the THz range.


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Polystyrene/multiwall carbon nanotube composite films are prepared with loading up to 7 weight percent (wt%) of multiwall carbon nanotubes by solution processing and casting technique. In the formation of these composite films, iron filled carbon nanotubes with high aspect ratio (similar to 4000) were used. Scanning electron microscopy study shows that the nanotubes are uniformly dispersed within the polymer matrix. At high magnification, bending of carbon nanotubes is noticed which can be attributed to their elastic properties. The electrical conductivity measurements show that the percolation threshold is rather low at 0.21 wt%. Hysteresis loop measurements on the bulk multiwall carbon nanotube and composite samples are done at 10, 150 and 300 K and the coercivity values are found to be largest at all the temperatures, for 1 wt% composite sample. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In situ polymerization of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene with sol-gel-derived mesoporous carbon (MC) leading to a new composite and its subsequent impregnation with Pt nanoparticles for application in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) is reported. The composite exhibits good dispersion and utilization of platinum nanoparticles akin to other commonly used microporous carbon materials, such as carbon black. Pt-supported MC-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) composite also exhibits promising electrocatalytic activity toward oxygen reduction reaction, which is central to PEFCs. The PEFC with Pt-loaded MC-PEDOT support exhibits 75% of enhancement in its power density in relation to the PEFC with Pt-loaded pristine MC support while operating under identical conditions. It is conjectured that Pt-supported MC-PEDOT composite ameliorates PEFC performance/durability on repetitive potential cycling. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3486172] All rights reserved.