861 resultados para Video-based interface
[EN]This paper describes a face detection system which goes beyond traditional approaches normally designed for still images. First the video stream context is considered to apply the detector, and therefore, the resulting system is designed taking into consideration a main feature available in a video stream, i.e. temporal coherence. The resulting system builds a feature based model for each detected face, and searches them using various model information in the next frame. The results achieved for video stream processing outperform Rowley-Kanade's and Viola-Jones' solutions providing eye and face data in a reduced time with a notable correct detection rate.
[EN]Vision-based applications designed for humanmachine interaction require fast and accurate hand detection. However, previous works on this field assume different constraints, like a limitation in the number of detected gestures, because hands are highly complex objects to locate. This paper presents an approach which changes the detection target without limiting the number of detected gestures. Using a cascade classifier we detect hands based on their wrists. With this approach, we introduce two main contributions: (1) a reliable segmentation, independently of the gesture being made and (2) a training phase faster than previous cascade classifier based methods. The paper includes experimental evaluations with different video streams that illustrate the efficiency and suitability for perceptual interfaces.
[EN]This paper describes an approach for detection of frontal faces in real time (20-35Hz) for further processing. This approach makes use of a combination of previous detection tracking and color for selecting interest areas. On those areas, later facial features such as eyes, nose and mouth are searched based on geometric tests, appearance veri cation, temporal and spatial coherence. The system makes use of very simple techniques applied in a cascade approach, combined and coordinated with temporal information for improving performance. This module is a component of a complete system designed for detection, tracking and identi cation of individuals [1].
Objective Leadership is particularly important in complex highly interprofessional health care contexts involving a number of staff, some from the same specialty (intraprofessional), and others from different specialties (interprofessional). The authors recently published the concept of “The Burns Suite” (TBS) as a novel simulation tool to deliver interprofessional and teamwork training. It is unclear which leadership behaviors are the most important in an interprofessional burns resuscitation scenario, and whether they can be modeled on to current leadership theory. The purpose of this study was to perform a comprehensive video analysis of leadership behaviors within TBS. Methods A total of 3 burns resuscitation simulations within TBS were recorded. The video analysis was grounded-theory inspired. Using predefined criteria, actions/interactions deemed as leadership behaviors were identified. Using an inductive iterative process, 8 main leadership behaviors were identified. Cohen’s κ coefficient was used to measure inter-rater agreement and calculated as κ = 0.7 (substantial agreement). Each video was watched 4 times, focusing on 1 of the 4 team members per viewing (senior surgeon, senior nurse, trainee surgeon, and trainee nurse). The frequency and types of leadership behavior of each of the 4 team members were recorded. Statistical significance to assess any differences was assessed using analysis of variance, whereby a p < 0.05 was taken to be significant. Leadership behaviors were triangulated with verbal cues and actions from the videos. Results All 3 scenarios were successfully completed. The mean scenario length was 22 minutes. A total of 362 leadership behaviors were recorded from the 12 participants. The most evident leadership behaviors of all team members were adhering to guidelines (which effectively equates to following Advanced Trauma and Life Support/Emergency Management of Severe Burns resuscitation guidelines and hence “maintaining standards”), followed by making decisions. Although in terms of total frequency the senior surgeon engaged in more leadership behaviors compared with the entire team, statistically there was no significant difference between all 4 members within the 8 leadership categories. This analysis highlights that “distributed leadership” was predominant, whereby leadership was “distributed” or “shared” among team members. The leadership behaviors within TBS also seemed to fall in line with the “direction, alignment, and commitment” ontology. Conclusions Effective leadership is essential for successful functioning of work teams and accomplishment of task goals. As the resuscitation of a patient with major burns is a dynamic event, team leaders require flexibility in their leadership behaviors to effectively adapt to changing situations. Understanding leadership behaviors of different team members within an authentic simulation can identify important behaviors required to optimize nontechnical skills in a major resuscitation. Furthermore, attempting to map these behaviors on to leadership models can help further our understanding of leadership theory. Collectively this can aid the development of refined simulation scenarios for team members, and can be extrapolated into other areas of simulation-based team training and interprofessional education.
Una Brain Computer Interface (BCI) è un dispositivo che permette la misura e l’utilizzo di segnali cerebrali al fine di comandare software e/o periferiche di vario tipo, da semplici videogiochi a complesse protesi robotizzate. Tra i segnali attualmente più utilizzati vi sono i Potenziali Evocati Visivi Steady State (SSVEP), variazioni ritmiche di potenziale elettrico registrabili sulla corteccia visiva primaria con un elettroencefalogramma (EEG) non invasivo; essi sono evocabili attraverso una stimolazione luminosa periodica, e sono caratterizzati da una frequenza di oscillazione pari a quella di stimolazione. Avendo un rapporto segnale rumore (SNR) particolarmente favorevole ed una caratteristica facilmente studiabile, gli SSVEP sono alla base delle più veloci ed immediate BCI attualmente disponibili. All’utente vengono proposte una serie di scelte ciascuna associata ad una stimolazione visiva a diversa frequenza, fra le quali la selezionata si ripresenterà nelle caratteristiche del suo tracciato EEG estratto in tempo reale. L’obiettivo della tesi svolta è stato realizzare un sistema integrato, sviluppato in LabView che implementasse il paradigma BCI SSVEP-based appena descritto, consentendo di: 1. Configurare la generazione di due stimoli luminosi attraverso l’utilizzo di LED esterni; 2. Sincronizzare l’acquisizione del segnale EEG con tale stimolazione; 3. Estrarre features (attributi caratteristici di ciascuna classe) dal suddetto segnale ed utilizzarle per addestrare un classificatore SVM; 4. Utilizzare il classificatore per realizzare un’interfaccia BCI realtime con feedback per l’utente. Il sistema è stato progettato con alcune delle tecniche più avanzate per l’elaborazione spaziale e temporale del segnale ed il suo funzionamento è stato testato su 4 soggetti sani e comparato alle più moderne BCI SSVEP-based confrontabili rinvenute in letteratura.
This research takes a practice-based approach to exploring perceptual matters that often go unnoticed in the context of everyday lived experience. My approach focuses on the experiential possibilities of knowledge emerging through artistic enquiry, and uses a variety of modes (like textiles, sound, physical computing, programming, video and text) to be conducted and communicated. It examines scholarship in line with the ecological theory of perception, and is particularly informed by neurobiological research on sensory integration as well as by cultural theories that examine the role of sensory appreciation in perception. Different processes contributing to our perceptual experience are examined through the development of a touch-sensitive, sound-generating rug and its application in an experimental context. Participants’ interaction with the rug and its sonic output allows an insight into how they make sense of multisensory information via observation of how they physically respond to it. In creating possibilities for observing the two ends of the perceptual process (sensory input and behavioural output), the rug provides a platform for the study of what is intangible to the observer (perceptual activity) through what can actually be observed (physical activity). My analysis focuses on video recordings of the experimental process and data reports obtained from the software used for the sound generating performance of the rug. Its findings suggest that attentional focus, active exploration, and past experience actively affect the ability to integrate multisensory information and are crucial parameters for the formation of a meaningful percept upon which to act. Although relational to the set experimental conditions and the specificities of the experimental group, these findings are in resonance with current cross-disciplinary discourse on perception, and indicate that art research can be incorporated into the wider arena of neurophysiological and behavioural research to expand its span of resources and methods.
Drawing on an empirical study of public transport, this paper studies interactive value formation at the provider—customer interface, from a practice—theory perspective. In contrast to the bulk of previous research, it argues that interactive value formation is not only associated with value co-creation but also with value co-destruction. In addition, the paper also identifies five interaction value practices — informing, greeting, delivering, charging, and helping — and theorizes how interactive value formation takes place as well as how value is intersubjectively assessed by actors at the provider—customer interface. Furthermore, the paper also distinguishes between four types of interactive value formation praxis corresponding with four subject positions which practitioners step into when engaging in interactive value formation.
The estimating of the relative orientation and position of a camera is one of the integral topics in the field of computer vision. The accuracy of a certain Finnish technology company’s traffic sign inventory and localization process can be improved by utilizing the aforementioned concept. The company’s localization process uses video data produced by a vehicle installed camera. The accuracy of estimated traffic sign locations depends on the relative orientation between the camera and the vehicle. This thesis proposes a computer vision based software solution which can estimate a camera’s orientation relative to the movement direction of the vehicle by utilizing video data. The task was solved by using feature-based methods and open source software. When using simulated data sets, the camera orientation estimates had an absolute error of 0.31 degrees on average. The software solution can be integrated to be a part of the traffic sign localization pipeline of the company in question.
Die Autorin interpretiert das Video "I see a woman crying (Weeping Woman)" der niederländischen Künstlerin Rinke Dijkstra unter Aspekten des Bildungsprozesses von Kindern. In der sequentiellen Erschließung einzelner Szenen des Videos kann gezeigt werden, wie ein Gespräch von Kindern ein Kunstwerk thematisiert. Damit wird mit künstlerisch-ästhetischen Mitteln das Bildungsproblem inszeniert. (DIPF/Autor)
This thesis introduces the L1 Adaptive Control Toolbox, a set of tools implemented in Matlab that aid in the design process of an L1 adaptive controller and enable the user to construct simulations of the closed-loop system to verify its performance. Following a brief review of the existing theory on L1 adaptive controllers, the interface of the toolbox is presented, including a description of the functions accessible to the user. Two novel algorithms for determining the required sampling period of a piecewise constant adaptive law are presented and their implementation in the toolbox is discussed. The detailed description of the structure of the toolbox is provided as well as a discussion of the implementation of the creation of simulations. Finally, the graphical user interface is presented and described in detail, including the graphical design tools provided for the development of the filter C(s). The thesis closes with suggestions for further improvement of the toolbox.
This paper presents the evaluation of morpheme a sketching interface for the control of sound synthesis. We explain the task that was designed in order to assess the effectiveness of the interface, detect usability issues and gather participants’ responses regarding cognitive, experiential and expressive aspects of the interaction. The evaluation comprises a design task, where partici-pants were asked to design two soundscapes using the morpheme interface for two video footages. Responses were gathered using a series of likert type and open-ended questions. The analysis of the data gathered revealed a number of usability issues, however the performance of morpheme was satisfactory and participants recognised the creative potential of the interface and the synthesis methods for sound design applications.
Introduction: Brain computer interface (BCI) is a promising new technology with possible application in neurorehabilitation after spinal cord injury. Movement imagination or attempted movement-based BCI coupled with functional electrical stimulation (FES) enables the simultaneous activation of the motor cortices and the muscles they control. When using the BCI- coupled with FES (known as BCI-FES), the subject activates the motor cortex using attempted movement or movement imagination of a limb. The BCI system detects the motor cortex activation and activates the FES attached to the muscles of the limb the subject is attempting or imaging to move. In this way the afferent and the efferent pathways of the nervous system are simultaneously activated. This simultaneous activation encourages Hebbian type learning which could be beneficial in functional rehabilitation after spinal cord injury (SCI). The FES is already in use in several SCI rehabilitation units but there is currently not enough clinical evidence to support the use of BCI-FES for rehabilitation. Aims: The main aim of this thesis is to assess outcomes in sub-acute tetraplegic patients using BCI-FES for functional hand rehabilitation. In addition, the thesis explores different methods for assessing neurological rehabilitation especially after BCI-FES therapy. The thesis also investigated mental rotation as a possible rehabilitation method in SCI. Methods: Following investigation into applicable methods that can be used to implement rehabilitative BCI, a BCI based on attempted movement was built. Further, the BCI was used to build a BCI-FES system. The BCI-FES system was used to deliver therapy to seven sub-acute tetraplegic patients who were scheduled to receive the therapy over a total period of 20 working days. These seven patients are in a 'BCI-FES' group. Five more patients were also recruited and offered equivalent FES quantity without the BCI. These further five patients are in a 'FES-only' group. Neurological and functional measures were investigated and used to assess both patient groups before and after therapy. Results: The results of the two groups of patients were compared. The patients in the BCI-FES group had better improvements. These improvements were found with outcome measures assessing neurological changes. The neurological changes following the use of the BCI-FES showed that during movement attempt, the activation of the motor cortex areas of the SCI patients became closer to the activation found in healthy individuals. The intensity of the activation and its spatial localisation both improved suggesting desirable cortical reorganisation. Furthermore, the responses of the somatosensory cortex during sensory stimulation were of clear evidence of better improvement in patients who used the BCI-FES. Missing somatosensory evoked potential peaks returned more for the BCI-FES group while there was no overall change in the FES-only group. Although the BCI-FES group had better neurological improvement, they did not show better functional improvement than the FES-only group. This was attributed mainly to the short duration of the study where therapies were only delivered for 20 working days. Conclusions: The results obtained from this study have shown that BCI-FES may induce cortical changes in the desired direction at least faster than FES alone. The observation of better improvement in the patients who used the BCI-FES is a good result in neurorehabilitation and it shows the potential of thought-controlled FES as a neurorehabilitation tool. These results back other studies that have shown the potential of BCI-FES in rehabilitation following neurological injuries that lead to movement impairment. Although the results are promising, further studies are necessary given the small number of subjects in the current study.
Based on the presupposition that the arts in the West always counted on resources, supports, and devices pertaining to its time context, an reflection is intended regarding the scenic compositions mediated by digital technologies do. Such technologies are inserted in the daily routine, also composing artistic experiments, thus playing a dialogical role with the art/technology intersection. Therefore, the proposal is to investigate what relationships are established in the contemporary theatrical scene from the contagion by digital technologies, aiming at establishing this parallel through a dialogue with the authors discussing the subject, and also based on the group practices having technological resources as a determinant factor in their plays. Furthermore, a reflection should be made on the scene that incorporates or is carried out in intermediatic events, analyzing how digital technologies (re)configure compositional processes of the plays by GAG Phila7, in the city of São Paulo/SP. For such, the dissertation is organized in three sections comprising four moments, to wit: brief overview of the field, contextualization, poetic analysis and synthesis. Qualitative methods are used as the methodological proposal: semi-structure interview, note and document taking (program, website, playing book, disclosure material for advertising text, photographs, and videos). Within the universe of qualitative research, it works with the epistemological perspective of the Gadamer philosophical hermeneutics. The possibilities allowed by the double virtual (Internet/web) generated a type of theater with another material basis and new forms of organization and structure, being possible to perceive that such technological advances and the arts are mutually contaminated, generating a dislocation in the logics of theatrical composition, movement beginning with the artistic vanguards, gradually intensified, thus offering new possibilities of constructions and hybridization of the of the most different possible types. Experiment ―Profanações_superfície de eventos de construção coletiva‖, idealized by Phila7 is inserted in this perspective. Object of the discussion of such research, the experiment works with possible poetics arising from the intersection with the digital technologies, aiming at identifying and problematizing the challenges from the technological evolution and expansion in a scenic context
Blood flow assessment employing Doppler techniques is a useful procedure in pregnancy evaluation, as it may predict pregnancy disorders coursing with increased uterine vascular impedance, as pre-eclampsia. While the local causes are unknown, emphasis has been put on reactive oxygen species (ROS) excessive production. As NADPH oxidase (NOX) is a ROS generator, it is hypothesized that combining Doppler assessment with NOX activity might provide useful knowledge on placental bed disorders underlying mechanisms. A prospective longitudinal study was performed in 19 normal course, singleton pregnancies. Fetal aortic isthmus (AoI) and maternal uterine arteries (UtA) pulsatility index (PI) were recorded at two time points: 20-22 and 40-41 weeks, just before elective Cesarean section. In addition, placenta and placental bed biopsies were performed immediately after fetal extraction. NOX activity was evaluated using a dihydroethidium-based fluorescence method and associations to PI values were studied with Spearman correlations. A clustering of pregnancies coursing with higher and lower PI values was shown, which correlated strongly with placental bed NOX activity, but less consistently with placental tissue. The study provides evidence favoring that placental bed NOX activity parallels UtA PI enhancement and suggests that an excess in oxidation underlies the development of pregnancy disorders coursing with enhanced UtA impedance.
In recent years there have been several proposals for alternative pedagogical practices. Most of these proposals are based in the, so called, “active learning”, in opposition to the common “passive learning”, which is centered on transmission of information inside classrooms as well as recognized as teacher-centered procedure. In an active learning pedagogical structure, students have a more participative role in the overall learning/teaching process, being encouraged to face new learning challenges like, for instance, solving problems and developing projects, in an autonomous approach trying to make them, consequently, able to build their own knowledge. The flipped or “inverted” classroom is one of these active learning pedagogical methodologies that emphasizes a learner-centered instruction. According to this approach, the first contact that students have with the content on a particular curriculum subject is not transmitted by the lecturer in the classroom, this teaching strategy requires students to assess and analyze the specific subject before attending to class, therefore the informational component from the lecture is the homework, and class time is dedicated to exercises and assignments, always with support from the instructor, who acts as a facilitator, helping students when needed and offering supplementary explanation as required. The main objective of this paper is to discuss and explore how the use of different types of instructional videos and online activities may be implemented in the flipped classroom procedure (as means of incorporating new content and teaching new competencies) and to describe students’ perceptions of this approach within a course in a Higher Education Institution (HEI), presenting some positive and negative features of this pedagogical practice.