996 resultados para Victorian era


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Explores the role of cultural institutions in the teaching of history and social education in the primary classroom in Australia. Keys to effective teaching and learning of history; Potential of cultural institutions to foster historical interest, relevance, importance and significance; Practicalities of accessing cultural institutions.


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Hannie Rayson followed the success of her play Life After George (2000) with Inheritance. It is a rural family saga set in Victoria's Mallee region where two families, headed by eighty-year-old twin sisters Dibs and Girlie, battle it out for possession of the family farm. The play, directed by Simon Phillips, was performed in March 2003 to capacity audiences at the Melbourne Theatre Company, and then at the Sydney Theatre Company in April-May 2003. Rayson's most recent play, Two Brothers, opened at the Playhouse, Victorian Arts Centre, in April 2005.


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The author looks at how changes to post-compulsory education are transforming the broader education and training landscape. Examples of policy developments in Queensland and Tasmania carry a message of closer partnerships and collaboration between the sectors contributing to the provision of post-compulsory education and training. The author reports of the findings of an evaluation of the pilot Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).


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There has been considerable emphasis over the last decade on effective teaching and learning in the middle years of schooling, associated with the particular responses to schooling of adolescent students in a period of their lives when issues of identity, commitment, and independence are central to their experience and concern. Extensive research and development has generated considerable reform in Years 5 to 9. Improved understandings of students' different learning styles and needs has led to more diverse and strategic selection of teaching methods. However, there is still considerable scope for improving the quality of contemporary approaches to the education and development of adolescents. A number of major research projects have been conducted by the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DE&T) middle years strategy team since 1998, including the Middle Years Research and Development (MYRAD) project, the Middle Years Literacy, and Middle Years Numeracy Research projects. Currently, the focus has shifted to a more explicit framing of a Middle Years pedagogical framework. The Middle Years Pedagogy Research and Development (MYPRAD) project has developed an explicit pedagogical framework that is grounded in research findings from previous projects and from the literature more generally.


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Presents to teaching guide on global citizenship for the middle years in Australian schools. Position of young people in consumerism; Impact of advertising on young consumers; Attitudes of students toward global branding.


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Outlines the characteristics of global citizenship. Categories of transnational citizenship; Problems in theory and practice of global citizenship; Importance of global citizenship theories and practices to overcoming problems in religion and culture.


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This article considers the issue of acceleration in lower secondary school mathematics in the Victorian Curriculum and Standards Framework.


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How do you get information and communication technology working for authentic learning across the curriculum? It depends on quality professional development. The author draws on her research and evaluation work on a Quality Teacher Program pilot project by the Victorian Department of Education and Training to explain why listening to teachers is leading to just that.


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This article reports on students' reflections, gathered from questionnaire and interview data, on their learning of rhythm and on their attitudes and  motivation from having engaged with African music as non-music specialists using the Orff approach. The "traditional" Orff approach to classroom music was supplemented with African repertoire which builds on the nexus, identified by Amoaku (1 982), between the Orff method and the traditional way of music learning in African cultures. This article describes my experience as a South African working with Australian non-specialist primary teacher students of predominantly Anglo-Celtic background within the context of a music education unit at Deakin University's Melbourne (Burwood) Campus. As Nketia (1988) points out, I - like many expatriate music educators - have selected music from my own country of origin as the foundation to develop curriculum materials teaching rhythm through non-Western music. The results demonstrate worthwhile experiences and outcomes for both the students and myself.


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A group of undergraduate students in their final year of Bachelor of Teaching Primary at Deakin University were asked 'what makes an effective social education teacher?' They discussed the question and compiled a list from their responses to list the characteristics to describes effective teachers in social education.