844 resultados para Teaching in Museums


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This work aims to understand the multimedia Learning Objects (LO's) developed within the CONDIGITAL project, subsidized by the federal government. The CONDIGITAL aimed to encourage the production and the use of media in teaching in high school classrooms. This work presents a reflection on the contribution of media to the construction of significant learning of student users. The research was conducted through a literature study. Therefore, it was considered the work of some researchers related to the study of the potential of these technologies in education, such as Valente (1995), Tauroco (2007) and Mussoi (2010). These readings made possible to discern some common evaluation criteria that may be used as parameters to analyze the quality of these media as educational tools. The theme of exploration is guided by a research on the motivation of the mentioned project and on its amplitude and its results, which is directed later to the LO's developed by UNICAMP team, particularly in the Mathematics productions developed by the M³ project, some of the which are presented and evaluated in this monograph


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Dr. Dorothy Perry Thompson was a Winthrop professor of English and an accomplished poet and writer. As well as teaching in the English Department, Dr. Thompson also coordinated the African American Studies program which she helped found. The Dorothy Perry Thompson Papers consists of her poems and writings, drafts, research, notes, contract agreements, awards and certificates, speaking engagement flyers and records, thank you letters, and promotion and tenure records.


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This work aims to understand the multimedia Learning Objects (LO's) developed within the CONDIGITAL project, subsidized by the federal government. The CONDIGITAL aimed to encourage the production and the use of media in teaching in high school classrooms. This work presents a reflection on the contribution of media to the construction of significant learning of student users. The research was conducted through a literature study. Therefore, it was considered the work of some researchers related to the study of the potential of these technologies in education, such as Valente (1995), Tauroco (2007) and Mussoi (2010). These readings made possible to discern some common evaluation criteria that may be used as parameters to analyze the quality of these media as educational tools. The theme of exploration is guided by a research on the motivation of the mentioned project and on its amplitude and its results, which is directed later to the LO's developed by UNICAMP team, particularly in the Mathematics productions developed by the M³ project, some of the which are presented and evaluated in this monograph


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Desde as primeiras décadas do século XX, foi constatada nos currículos dos cursos de formação de professores a existência de uma disciplina cuja constituição, funcionamento e objetivos têm como pressuposto ensinar a ensinar a matemática. Historicamente, a disciplina Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática tem aparecido nos cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática com distintas denominações. Ao longo dessas mudanças, os pressupostos e as características dessa disciplina foram se modificando. Tomando como metodologia de pesquisa a análise documental e a história oral, e como referencial teórico os estudos de André Chervel (1990), este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender o processo histórico de disciplinarização da Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática em cursos de licenciatura em Matemática de instituições públicas de ensino superior do estado de São Paulo (USP, UNICAMP e UNESP-Rio Claro), buscando conhecer a gênese e o desenvolvimento histórico da disciplina, identificando conteúdos e métodos propostos bem como as mudanças pelas quais passou a disciplina.


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Analisa como ocorreu a separação entre o ensino da medicina e o da odontologia no Brasil. Privilegia a institucionalização das políticas de ensino da odontologia no país como vertente produtora de identidade profissional. Políticas de ensino e práticas profissionais são interrelacionadas para mostrar como suas relações e sentidos mudam historicamente. Propõe que a autonomia do ensino da odontologia emergiu da necessidade de conformação do sistema de regulação das práticas de cura no Brasil e seu processo de instituição desenvolveu-se sob inspiração das políticas positivistas acerca do ensino livre. Práticas curriculares foram produzindo a subjetividade do cirurgião-dentista moderno e também da clínica por ele desempenhada.


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir os resultados de parte de uma pesquisa empírica levada a cabo em 2008 com alunos de espanhol de um dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas mantido pelo governo estadual de São Paulo. Tínhamos como meta conhecer e mensurar, até onde fosse possível, o nível de motivação dos alunos em sala de aula, assim como as suas principais causas. Uma vez que tais Centros são, no momento, os responsáveis em São Paulo pela aplicação da lei que torna obrigatória a oferta de língua espanhola nas escolas de nível médio do país (no que se refere à escola pública estadual), consideramos pertinente divulgar tais resultados, de forma que as discussões suscitadas por eles possam contribuir para um ensino de línguas mais motivador e, portanto, mais eficiente. A pesquisa, de cunho quantitativo e qualitativo, contou com 161 alunos informantes. Os principais resultados apontaram que i) os estudantes em geral encontram-se motivados durante as aulas de espanhol; ii) a figura do professor, o esforço depreendido, o conteúdo, a autonomia de escolha do idioma estudado e o prazer que têm em aprender a LE foram as principais causas de motivação apresentadas; iii) a falta de conhecimento sobre aspectos culturais da língua alvo foi apontada como uma das principais causas de desmotivação; iv) as atividades descritas como mais motivadoras foram, pela ordem, jogos e brincadeiras, vídeos/filmes e músicas; v) as atividades consideradas menos motivadoras foram seminário, prova oral/chamada oral e redação.


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Este trabalho apresenta um recorte histórico do ensino de Física na Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo no período de 1913 a 1943. Vimos que o curso superior de Física foi essencial no remodelamento curricular da Física secundária. Destacamos a seleção cultural escolar por meio dos livros didáticos, apontando para aqueles que influenciaram e guiaram as mudanças curriculares da instituição, cujo enfoque curricular, no ensino de Física, foi criado em virtude de uma necessidade social. Mergulhamos nas práticas escolares por meio das relações microscópicas entre o que se estudava e que encontramos materializado nas avaliações do conteúdo de Física. Dessa forma, expusemos tradições pedagógicas, procedimentos e condutas sobre o cotidiano escolar da instituição que visavam aprimorar o ensino de Física. Assim, as questões e exercícios das provas analisadas, foram necessidades pedagógicas criadas dentro e para a escola, que não são constantes e uniformes, uma vez que dependem da sociedade, do público escolar e das matérias.


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O artigo, produzido no âmbito das comemorações dos 80 anos de publicação do Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova, interroga-se sobre a atualidade dessa carta. Para tanto, explora as condições históricas de emergência do documento, os significados atribuídos à Escola Nova no Brasil na década de 1930 e as contendas ocorridas na arena educacional no período. Além disso, discorre sobre as especificidades do movimento escolanovista brasileiro, procurando demonstrar que a Escola Nova constituiu-se no país como uma fórmula, com significados múltiplos e distintas apropriações produzidas no entrelaçamento de três vertentes: a pedagógica, a ideológica e a política. No que tange ao primeiro aspecto, a indefinição das fronteiras conceituais permitiu que a expressão Escola Nova aglutinasse diferentes educadores, católicos e liberais, em torno de princípios pedagógicos do ensino ativo. No segundo caso, a fórmula ofereceu-se como meio para a transformação da sociedade, servindo às finalidades divergentes dos grupos em litígio. Já na terceira acepção, tornou-se bandeira política, sendo capturada como signo de renovação do sistema educacional pelo Manifesto e por seus signatários. Assim, o documento emergiu como parte do jogo político pela disputa do controle do Estado e de suas dinâmicas, e, portanto, como elemento de coesão de uma frente de educadores que, a despeito de suas diferenças, articulava-se em torno de alguns objetivos comuns, como laicidade, gratuidade e obrigatoriedade da educação. Ademais, ele também foi representante de um grupo de intelectuais que abraçava um mesmo projeto de nação, ainda que com divergências internas.


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[ES] El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo el análisis de las listas de vocabulario bilingües español-francés creadas en torno al tema de la indumentaria e incluidas en los diferentes repertorios léxicos organizados por temas que han sido ampliamente empleados como herramienta básica para la enseñanza del vocabulario esencial de una lengua extranjera. La investigación combina, por tanto, tres líneas principales: lexicográfica, dada la naturaleza del corpus, léxico-semántica, puesto que se traza la evolución de las voces registradas en esos listados y didáctica, pues contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de la historia de la enseñanza del vocabulario.


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Ancient pavements are composed of a variety of preparatory or foundation layers constituting the substrate, and of a layer of tesserae, pebbles or marble slabs forming the surface of the floor. In other cases, the surface consists of a mortar layer beaten and polished. The term mosaic is associated with the presence of tesserae or pebbles, while the more general term pavement is used in all the cases. As past and modern excavations of ancient pavements demonstrated, all pavements do not necessarily display the stratigraphy of the substrate described in the ancient literary sources. In fact, the number and thickness of the preparatory layers, as well as the nature and the properties of their constituent materials, are often varying in pavements which are placed either in different sites or in different buildings within a same site or even in a same building. For such a reason, an investigation that takes account of the whole structure of the pavement is important when studying the archaeological context of the site where it is placed, when designing materials to be used for its maintenance and restoration, when documenting it and when presenting it to public. Five case studies represented by archaeological sites containing floor mosaics and other kind of pavements, dated to the Hellenistic and the Roman period, have been investigated by means of in situ and laboratory analyses. The results indicated that the characteristics of the studied pavements, namely the number and the thickness of the preparatory layers, and the properties of the mortars constituting them, vary according to the ancient use of the room where the pavements are placed and to the type of surface upon which they were built. The study contributed to the understanding of the function and the technology of the pavements’ substrate and to the characterization of its constituent materials. Furthermore, the research underlined the importance of the investigation of the whole structure of the pavement, included the foundation surface, in the interpretation of the archaeological context where it is located. A series of practical applications of the results of the research, in the designing of repair mortars for pavements, in the documentation of ancient pavements in the conservation practice, and in the presentation to public in situ and in museums of ancient pavements, have been suggested.


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Das Primärziel des BLK-Modellversuchs „E-Learning zur Unterstützung des Lernfeldkonzepts (ELLFE)“ ist die Entwicklung und Ausgestaltung des Lernfeldkonzepts durch E-Learning-gestützte Lernsituationen. Der mediale Schwerpunkt soll erprobt werden, da angenommen wird, dass der Lernfeldunterricht durch die Potentiale des E-Learning flankiert werden kann. Der Artikel stellt neben den theoretischen Vorüberlegungen zu dem Projekt einige konkrete Umsetzungsbeispiele sowie gegenwärtige Evaluationsbefunde vor.


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The distance learning programme has made its entrance into nursing education, and many see it as a break with the education’s traditions of teaching in the classroom, in practise rooms and at the patient’s bedside (Chaffin & Maddux 2004). Traditionally, many of the technical skills and personal qualities that nurses must acquire are learned through interaction with others. The distance learning programme has therefore given rise to some new problems and challenges, and this article discusses some of these. Empirically, the article builds on a comparative study of three student nurse classes from two Danish nursing schools, including one based on the distance learning programme. By following both distance learning and traditional nursing students in their clinical training, light is cast upon the differences and similarities that may exist in the clinical skills and competences that the students gain under the two programmes. Theoretically the article builds on Etienne Wengers theory on learning in communities of practice, focusing on the relationship between experience and competence in learning related communities of practice (Wenger 1998;Wenger 2004) . The article contributes with findings that are related to the differences between the programmes and the different types of students that each programme attracts. The article argues that an increased didactic and pedagogical focus upon the field of tension between experience and competence will enable an optimisation of the learning conditions of the distance learning students in their clinical teaching. The article, in conclusion, thus places focus on the questions surrounding teaching design in relation to the distance learning programme.


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Das Primärziel des BLK-Modellversuchs „E-Learning zur Unterstützung des Lernfeldkonzepts (ELLFE)“ ist die Entwicklung und Ausgestaltung des Lernfeldkonzepts durch E-Learning-gestützte Lernsituationen. Der mediale Schwerpunkt soll erprobt werden, da angenommen wird, dass der Lernfeldunterricht durch die Potentiale des E-Learning flankiert werden kann. Der Artikel stellt neben den theoretischen Vorüberlegungen zu dem Projekt einige konkrete Umsetzungsbeispiele sowie gegenwärtige Evaluationsbefunde vor.


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Background There is increasing evidence that a strong primary care is a cornerstone of an efficient health care system. But Switzerland is facing a shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs). This pushed the Federal Council of Switzerland to introduce a multifaceted political programme to strengthen the position of primary care, including its academic role. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of academic primary care at the five Swiss universities by the end of year 2012. Results Although primary care teaching activities have a long tradition at the five Swiss universities with activities starting in the beginning of the 1980ies; the academic institutes of primary care were only established in recent years (2005 – 2009). Only one of them has an established chair. Human and financial resources vary substantially. At all universities a broad variety of courses and lectures are offered, including teaching in private primary care practices with 1331 PCPs involved. Regarding research, differences among the institutes are tremendous, mainly caused by entirely different human resources and skills. Conclusion So far, the activities of the existing institutes at the Swiss Universities are mainly focused on teaching. However, for a complete academic institutionalization as well as an increased acceptance and attractiveness, more research activities are needed. In addition to an adequate basic funding of research positions, competitive research grants have to be created to establish a specialty-specific research culture.


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Ignacy Koschembahr-Łyskowski: a professor at the University of Fribourg (1895-1900) Ignacy Koschembahr-Łyskowski (1864-1945) was a Polish legal scholar researching into Roman and Private laws; one of the drafters of Polish unified Private Law in the Interwar era. After having obtained his PhD in Berlin in 1888 and postdoctoral degree in Breslau in 1894, he moved to Fribourg (Switzerland), where he stayed 5 years (1895-1900) as a professor for Roman law. Koschembahr-Łyskowski wrote there his fundamental works on the methodology of Roman law (1898) and its usefulness for modernity, as well as about the codification of Swiss Private Law (1899), demonstrating the usefulness of the Roman law experience for modern legislation. An overview of his works shows a surprising topicality of his ideas. The survey concentrates on his teaching in Fribourg as well as his writings, and is based on many newly discovered documents from the local archives, that have never been published before.