958 resultados para Perry, Scott


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his case study aims to describe how general parenting principles can be used as part of parent-led, family-focused child weight management that is in line with current Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines. A parent-led, family-focused child weight management program was designed for use by dietitians with parents of young children (five- to nine-year-olds). The program utilises the cornerstones of overweight treatment: diet, activity, behaviour modification and family support delivered in an age-appropriate, family-focused manner. Parents participate in 16 sessions (4 parenting-focused, 8 lifestyle-focused and 4 individual telephone support calls) conducted weekly, fortnightly then monthly over six months. This case study illustrates how a family used the program, resulting in reduced degree of overweight and stabilised waist circumference in the child over 12 months. In conclusion, linking parenting skills to healthy family lifestyle education provides an innovative approach to family-focused child weight management. It addresses key Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines, works at the family level, and provides a means for dietitians to easily adopt age-appropriate behaviour modification as part of their practice.


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Ideas of 'how we learn' in formal academic settings have changed markedly in recent decades. The primary position that universities once held on shaping what constitutes learning has come into question from a range of experience-led and situated learning models. Drawing on findings from a study conducted across three Australian universities, the article focuses on the multifarious learning experiences indicative of practice-based learning exchanges such as student placements. Building on both experiential and situated learning theories, the authors found that students can experience transformative and emotional elucidations of learning, that can challenge tacit assumptions and transform the ways they understand the world. It was found that all participants (hosts, students, academics) both teach and learn in these educative scenarios and that, contrary to common (mis)perceptions that academics live in 'ivory towers', they play a crucial role in contributing to learning that takes place in the so-called 'real world'.


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The iPlan treatment planning sys-tem uses a pencil beam algorithm, with density cor-rections, to predict the doses delivered by very small (stereotactic) radiotherapy fields. This study tests the accuracy of dose predictions made by iPlan, for small-field treatments delivered to a planar solid wa-ter phantom and to heterogeneous human tissue using the BrainLAB m3 micro-multileaf collimator.


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Prostate cancer metastasis is reliant on the reciprocal interactions between cancer cells and the bone niche/micro-environment. The production of suitable matrices to study metastasis, carcinogenesis and in particular prostate cancer/bone micro-environment interaction has been limited to specific protein matrices or matrix secreted by immortalised cell lines that may have undergone transformation processes altering signaling pathways and modifying gene or receptor expression. We hypothesize that matrices produced by primary human osteoblasts are a suitable means to develop an in vitro model system for bone metastasis research mimicking in vivo conditions. We have used a decellularized matrix secreted from primary human osteoblasts as a model for prostate cancer function in the bone micro-environment. We show that this collagen I rich matrix is of fibrillar appearance, highly mineralized, and contains proteins, such as osteocalcin, osteonectin and osteopontin, and growth factors characteristic of bone extracellular matrix (ECM). LNCaP and PC3 cells grown on this matrix, adhere strongly, proliferate, and express markers consistent with a loss of epithelial phenotype. Moreover, growth of these cells on the matrix is accompanied by the induction of genes associated with attachment, migration, increased invasive potential, Ca2+ signaling and osteolysis. In summary, we show that growth of prostate cancer cells on matrices produced by primary human osteoblasts mimics key features of prostate cancer bone metastases and thus is a suitable model system to study the tumor/bone micro-environment interaction in this disease.


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National estimates of the prevalence of child abuse-related injuries are obtained from a variety of sectors including welfare, justice, and health resulting in inconsistent estimates across sectors. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is used as the international standard for categorising health data and aggregating data for statistical purposes, though there has been limited validation of the quality, completeness or concordance of these data with other sectors. This research study examined the quality of documentation and coding of child abuse recorded in hospital records in Queensland and the concordance of these data with child welfare records. A retrospective medical record review was used to examine the clinical documentation of over 1000 hospitalised injured children from 20 hospitals in Queensland. A data linkage methodology was used to link these records with records in the child welfare database. Cases were sampled from three sub-groups according to the presence of target ICD codes: Definite abuse, Possible abuse, unintentional injury. Less than 2% of cases coded as being unintentional were recoded after review as being possible abuse, and only 5% of cases coded as possible abuse cases were reclassified as unintentional, though there was greater variation in the classification of cases as definite abuse compared to possible abuse. Concordance of health data with child welfare data varied across patient subgroups. This study will inform the development of strategies to improve the quality, consistency and concordance of information between health and welfare agencies to ensure adequate system responses to children at risk of abuse.


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Background/aims: To investigate the influence of a period of sustained near work upon axial length in groups of emmetropes and myopes. Methods: Forty young adult subjects (20 myopes and 20 emmetropes) were recruited for the study. Myopes were further classified as either early onset (EOM), late onset (LOM), stable (SM) or progressing (PM) subgroups. Axial length was measured with the IOLMaster instrument before, immediately after and then again 10 minutes after a continuous 30 minute near task of 5 D accommodation demand. Measures of distance objective refraction were also collected. Results: Significant changes in axial length were observed immediately following the near task. EOM axial length elongated on average by 0.027 ± 0.021 mm, LOM by 0.014 ± 0.020 mm, EMM by 0.010 ± 0.015 mm, PM by 0.031 ± 0.022 mm, and SM by 0.014 ± 0.018 mm. At the conclusion of the 10 minute regression period, axial length measures were not significantly different from baseline values. Conclusion: Axial elongation was observed following a prolonged near task. Both EOM and PM groups showed increases in axial length that were significantly greater than emmetropes


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Emergency departments (EDs) are often the first point of contact with an abused child. Despite legal mandate, the reporting of definite or suspected abusive injury to child safety authorities by ED clinicians varies due to a number of factors including training, access to child safety professionals, departmental culture and a fear of ‘getting it wrong’. This study examined the quality of documentation and coding of child abuse captured by ED based injury surveillance data and ED medical records in the state of Queensland and the concordance of these data with child welfare records. A retrospective medical record review was used to examine the clinical documentation of almost 1000 injured children included in the Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit database (QISU) from 10 hospitals in urban and rural centres. Independent experts re-coded the records based on their review of the notes. A data linkage methodology was then used to link these records with records in the state government’s child welfare database. Cases were sampled from three sub-groups according to the surveillance intent codes: Maltreatment by parent, Undetermined and Unintentional injury. Only 0.1% of cases coded as unintentional injury were recoded to maltreatment by parent, while 1.2% of cases coded as maltreatment by parent were reclassified as unintentional and 5% of cases where the intent was undetermined by the triage nurse were recoded as maltreatment by parent. Quality of documentation varied across type of hospital (tertiary referral centre, children’s, urban, regional and remote). Concordance of health data with child welfare data varied across patient subgroups. Outcomes from this research will guide initiatives to improve the quality of intentional child injury surveillance systems.


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Purpose: To investigate the influence of accommodation upon axial length (and a comprehensive range of ocular biometric parameters), in populations of young adult myopic and emmetropic subjects. Methods: Forty young adult subjects had ocular biometry measured utilizing a non-contact optical biometer (Lenstar LS 900) based upon the principle of optical low coherence reflectometry, under three different accommodation demands (0 D, 3 D and 6 D). Subjects were classified as emmetropes (n=19) or myopes (n=21) based upon their spherical equivalent refraction (mean emmetropic refraction -0.05 ± 0.27DS and mean myopic refraction -1.82 ± 0.84 DS). Results: Axial length changed significantly with accommodation, with a mean increase of 11.9 ± 12.3 µm and 24.1 ± 22.7 µm for the 3 D and 6 D accommodation stimuli respectively. A significant axial elongation associated with accommodation was still evident even following correction of the axial length data for potential error due to lens thickness change. The mean ‘corrected’ increase in axial length was 5.2 ± 11.2 µm, and 7.4 ± 18.9 µm for the 3 D and 6 D stimuli respectively. There was no significant difference between the myopic and emmetropic populations in terms of the magnitude of change in axial length with accommodation, regardless of whether the data were corrected or not. A number of other ocular biometric parameters, such as anterior chamber depth, lens thickness and vitreous chamber depth also exhibited significant change with accommodation. The myopic and emmetropic populations also exhibited no significant difference in the magnitude of change in these parameters with accommodation. Conclusions: The eye undergoes a significant axial elongation associated with a brief period of accommodation, and the magnitude of this change in eye length increases for larger accommodation demands, however there is no significant difference in the magnitude of eye elongation in myopic and emmetropic subjects.


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Purpose: To investigate the influence of convergence on axial length and corneal topography in young adult subjects.---------- Methods: Fifteen emmetropic young adult subjects with normal binocular vision had axial length and corneal topography measured immediately before and after a 15-min period of base out (BO) prismatic spectacle lens wear. Two different magnitude prismatic spectacles were worn in turn (8 [DELTA] BO and 16 [DELTA] BO), and for both tasks, distance fixation was maintained for the duration of lens wear. Eight subjects returned on a separate day for further testing and had axial length measured before, during, and immediately after a 15-min convergence task.---------- Results: No significant change was found to occur in axial length either during or after the sustained convergence tasks (p > 0.6). Some small but significant changes in corneal topography were found to occur after sustained convergence. The most significant corneal change was observed after the 16 [DELTA] BO prism wear. The corneal refractive power spherocylinder power vector J0 was found to change by a small (mean change of 0.03 D after the 16 [DELTA] BO task) but statistically significant (p = 0.03) amount as a result of the convergence task (indicative of a reduction in with-the-rule corneal astigmatism after convergence). Corneal axial power was found to exhibit a significant flattening in superior regions. Conclusions: Axial length appears largely unchanged by a period of sustained convergence. However, small but significant changes occur in the topography of the cornea after convergence.


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Purpose: To investigate the short term influence of imposed monocular defocus upon human optical axial length (the distance from anterior cornea to retinal pigment epithelium) and ocular biometrics. Methods: Twenty-eight young adult subjects (14 myopes and 14 emmetropes) had eye biometrics measured before and then 30 and 60 minutes after exposure to monocular (right eye) defocus. Four different monocular defocus conditions were tested, each on a separate day: control (no defocus), myopic (+3 D defocus), hyperopic (-3 D defocus) and diffuse (0.2 density Bangerter filter) defocus. The fellow eye was optimally corrected (no defocus). Results: Imposed defocus caused small but significant changes in optical axial length (p<0.0001). A significant increase in optical axial length (mean change +8 ± 14 μm, p=0.03) occurred following hyperopic defocus, and a significant reduction in optical axial length (mean change -13 ± 14 μm, p=0.0001) was found following myopic defocus. A small increase in optical axial length was observed following diffuse defocus (mean change +6 ± 13 μm, p=0.053). Choroidal thickness also exhibited some significant changes with certain defocus conditions. No significant difference was found between myopes and emmetropes in the changes in optical axial length or choroidal thickness with defocus. Conclusions: Significant changes in optical axial length occur in human subjects following 60 minutes of monocular defocus. The bi-directional optical axial length changes observed in response to defocus implies the human visual system is capable of detecting the presence and sign of defocus and altering optical axial length to move the retina towards the image plane.


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Purpose: To investigate the influence of keratoconus on peripheral ocular aberrations. Methods: Aberrations of 7 mild and 5 moderate keratoconics were determined over a 42°horizontal x 32° vertical visual field with a modified COAS-HD aberrometer. Control data were obtained from an emmetropic group. Results: Most aberrations in keratoconics showed field dependence predominately along the vertical meridian. Mean spherical equivalent M, oblique astigmatism J45 and regular astigmatism J180 refraction components and total root mean square aberrations (excluding defocus) had high magnitudes in the inferior visual field. The rates of change of aberrations were higher in moderate than in mild keratoconics. Coma was the dominant peripheral higher-order aberration in both emmetropes and keratoconics; for the latter it had high magnitudes in the centre and periphery of the visual field. Conclusion: Greater rates of change of aberrations across the visual field occurred for the keratoconic groups than for the emmetropic control group. Moderate keratoconics had more rapid changes in, and higher magnitudes of aberrations across the visual field than mild keratoconics. The dominant higher-order aberration for the keratoconics across the visual field was vertical coma.


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BLAST Atlas is a visual analysis system for comparative genomics that supports genome-wide gene characterisation, functional assignment and function-based browsing of one or more chromosomes. Inspired by applications such as the WorldWide Telescope, Bing Maps 3D and Google Earth, BLAST Atlas uses novel three-dimensional gene and function views that provide a highly interactive and intuitive way for scientists to navigate, query and compare gene annotations. The system can be used for gene identification and functional assignment or as a function-based multiple genome comparison tool which complements existing position based comparison and alignment viewers.


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This study aimed to investigate the influence of water loading upon intraocular pressure (IOP), ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) and axial length. Twenty one young adult subjects who were classified based on their spherical equivalent refraction as either myopes (n=11), or emmetropes (n=10) participated. Measures of IOP, OPA and ocular biometrics were collected before, and then 10, 15, 25 and 30 minutes following the ingestion of 1000 ml of water. Significant increases in both IOP and OPA were found to occur following water loading (p<0.0001), with peaks in both parameters occurring at 10 minutes after water loading (mean ± SEM increase of 2.24 ± 0.31 mmHg in IOP and 0.46 ± 0.06 mmHg in OPA). Axial length was found to reduce significantly following water loading (p=0.0005), with the largest reduction in axial length evident 10 minutes after water drinking (mean decrease 12 ± 3 µm). A significant time by refractive error group interaction (p=0.048) was found in axial length, indicative of a different pattern of change in eye length following water loading between the myopic and emmetropic populations. The largest difference in axial length change was evident at 10 minutes after water loading with a 17 ± 5 µm reduction in axial length evident in the myopes and only a 6 ± 2 µm reduction in the emmetropes. These findings illustrate significant changes in ocular parameters in young adult subjects following water loading.