Contracting bubbles in Hele-Shaw cells with a power-law fluid

Autoria(s): McCue, Scott W.; King, John R.



The problem of bubble contraction in a Hele-Shaw cell is studied for the case in which the surrounding fluid is of power-law type. A small perturbation of the radially symmetric problem is first considered, focussing on the behaviour just before the bubble vanishes, it being found that for shear-thinning fluids the radially symmetric solution is stable, while for shear-thickening fluids the aspect ratio of the bubble boundary increases. The borderline (Newtonian) case considered previously is neutrally stable, the bubble boundary becoming elliptic in shape with the eccentricity of the ellipse depending on the initial data. Further light is shed on the bubble contraction problem by considering a long thin Hele-Shaw cell: for early times the leading-order behaviour is one-dimensional in this limit; however, as the bubble contracts its evolution is ultimately determined by the solution of a Wiener-Hopf problem, the transition between the long-thin limit and the extinction limit in which the bubble vanishes being described by what is in effect a similarity solution of the second kind. This same solution describes the generic (slit-like) extinction behaviour for shear-thickening fluids, the interface profiles that generalise the ellipses that characterise the Newtonian case being constructed by the Wiener-Hopf calculation.





Institute of Physics



McCue, Scott W. & King, John R. (2011) Contracting bubbles in Hele-Shaw cells with a power-law fluid. Nonlinearity, 24, pp. 613-641.


Copyright 2011 Institute of Physics


Faculty of Science and Technology; Mathematical Sciences

Palavras-Chave #010201 Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods #010207 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics #Hele-Shaw flow #power-law fluid #bubble contraction #formal asymptotics #extinction problem #moving boundary problem #Wiener-Hopf technique

Journal Article