920 resultados para NExT
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Este projecto de aplicação do Método Húngaro no Ensino Especializado da Música – “Música tradicional na Iniciação Musical: Uma proposta de ordem de aprendizagem” – foi previsto para funcionamento na turma de 1º ano de Iniciação Musical no Conservatório Regional de Setúbal. O Método Húngaro foi desenvolvido na década de 40 a partir do Conceito de Educação Musical de Kodály e foi já adaptado a muitos países, independentemente das características da sua música tradicional e dos sistemas de leitura utilizados por norma. Este projecto formulou uma proposta de ordem de aprendizagem dos nomes das notas através de repertório tradicional português. Esta ordem de aprendizagem é apenas numa fase inicial igual à sequência utilizada na Hungria, progredindo posteriormente para um contexto tonal. Foram realizados registos em formato vídeo da performance da turma do repertório tradicional recolhido para o 1º ano. Este é um projecto em continuidade, que terá aplicação prática nas próximas turmas de Iniciação Musical.
Post-processing a finite element solution is a well-known technique, which consists in a recalculation of the originally obtained quantities such that the rate of convergence increases without the need for expensive remeshing techniques. Postprocessing is especially effective in problems where better accuracy is required for derivatives of nodal variables in regions where Dirichlet essential boundary condition is imposed strongly. Consequently such an approach can be exceptionally good in modelling of resin infiltration under quasi steady-state assumption by remeshing techniques and with explicit time integration, because only the free-front normal velocities are necessary to advance the resin front to the next position. The new contribution is the post-processing analysis and implementation of the freeboundary velocities of mesolevel infiltration analysis. Such implementation ensures better accuracy on even coarser meshes, which in consequence reduces the computational time also by the possibility of employing larger time steps.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Personalised video can be achieved by inserting objects into a video play-out according to the viewer's profile. Content which has been authored and produced for general broadcast can take on additional commercial service features when personalised either for individual viewers or for groups of viewers participating in entertainment, training, gaming or informational activities. Although several scenarios and use-cases can be envisaged, we are focussed on the application of personalised product placement. Targeted advertising and product placement are currently garnering intense interest in the commercial networked media industries. Personalisation of product placement is a relevant and timely service for next generation online marketing and advertising and for many other revenue generating interactive services. This paper discusses the acquisition and insertion of media objects into a TV video play-out stream where the objects are determined by the profile of the viewer. The technology is based on MPEG-4 standards using object based video and MPEG-7 for metadata. No proprietary technology or protocol is proposed. To trade the objects into the video play-out, a Software-as-a-Service brokerage platform based on intelligent agent technology is adopted. Agencies, libraries and service providers are represented in a commercial negotiation to facilitate the contractual selection and usage of objects to be inserted into the video play-out.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Mestre António da Silva Vieira
Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica) - O Estágio do Ensino Especializado realizado no presente ano lectivo foi elaborado na Academia de Música de Lisboa em três turmas. Vários foram os desafios encontrados no decorrer do ano lectivo, como por exemplo a instabilidade das turmas, a falta do quadro na sala em algumas aulas e a pouca experiência anterior na área de docência. A realização deste estágio permitiu experimentar actividades e estratégias aprendidas nas disciplinas do mestrado e estimulou uma atitude de reflexão regular sobre as escolhas pedagógicas elaboradas e sobre a resposta dos alunos. Também o feedback dos professores da Unidade Curricular de Didáctica do Ensino Especializado foi essencial na consciencialização de aspectos que teriam que ser mudados na minha abordagem do ensino: fazer actividades mais formativas e menos avaliativas, dar mais feedback, não avançar para outro nível enquanto uma tarefa ainda não estiver consolidada, não modificar as instruções tão rapidamente, ter cuidado com a apresentação visual das células rítmicas e pensar em soluções para quando os alunos estão cansados. Foi também importante reflectir sobre os planos de aula realizados ao longo do ano e sobre o que não seria realizado da mesma forma, nomeadamente na introdução de células rítmicas, introdução de funções harmónicas e cadências. Durante este ano foi feito um esforço para melhorar estes aspectos, no entanto ainda não foi possível implementar todas as mudanças. De qualquer modo, esta reflexão é um bom ponto de partida para o planeamento do próximo ano e um exemplo da atitude que deve acompanhar-me durante toda a minha actividade enquanto docente.
The ability to solve conflicting beliefs is crucial for multi- agent systems where the information is dynamic, incomplete and dis- tributed over a group of autonomous agents. The proposed distributed belief revision approach consists of a distributed truth maintenance sy- stem and a set of autonomous belief revision methodologies. The agents have partial views and, frequently, hold disparate beliefs which are au- tomatically detected by system’s reason maintenance mechanism. The nature of these conflicts is dynamic and requires adequate methodolo- gies for conflict resolution. The two types of conflicting beliefs addressed in this paper are Context Dependent and Context Independent Conflicts which result, in the first case, from the assignment, by different agents, of opposite belief statuses to the same belief, and, in the latter case, from holding contradictory distinct beliefs. The belief revision methodology for solving Context Independent Con- flicts is, basically, a selection process based on the assessment of the cre- dibility of the opposing belief statuses. The belief revision methodology for solving Context Dependent Conflicts is, essentially, a search process for a consensual alternative based on a “next best” relaxation strategy.
The occurrence of different viruses in nasopharyngeal secretions from children less than 5 years old with acute respiratory infections (ARI) was investigated over a period of 4 years (1982-1985) in Rio de Janeiro. Of the viruses known to be associated with ARI, all but influenza C and parainfluenza types 1, 2 and 4 were found. Viruses were found more frequently in children attending emergency or pediatric wards than in outpatients. This was clearly related to the high incidence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the more severe cases of ARI. RSV positive specimens appeared mainly during the fall, over four consecutive years, showing a clear seasonal ocurrence of this virus. Emergency wards provide the best source of data for RSV surveillance, showing sharp increase in the number of positive cases coinciding with increased incidence of ARI cases. Adenovirus were the second most frequent viruses isolated and among these serotypes 1,2 and 7 were predominant. Influenza virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 were next in frequency. Influenza A virus were isolated with equal frequency in outpatient departments, emergency and pediatric wards. Influenza B was more frequent among outpatients. Parainfluenza type 3 caused outbreaks in the shanty town population annually during the late winter or spring and were isolated mainly from outpatients. Herpesvirus, enterovi-rus and rhinovirus were found less frequently. Other viruses than RSV and parainfluenza type 3 did not show a clear seasonal incidence.
To meet the increasing demands of the complex inter-organizational processes and the demand for continuous innovation and internationalization, it is evident that new forms of organisation are being adopted, fostering more intensive collaboration processes and sharing of resources, in what can be called collaborative networks (Camarinha-Matos, 2006:03). Information and knowledge are crucial resources in collaborative networks, being their management fundamental processes to optimize. Knowledge organisation and collaboration systems are thus important instruments for the success of collaborative networks of organisations having been researched in the last decade in the areas of computer science, information science, management sciences, terminology and linguistics. Nevertheless, research in this area didn’t give much attention to multilingual contexts of collaboration, which pose specific and challenging problems. It is then clear that access to and representation of knowledge will happen more and more on a multilingual setting which implies the overcoming of difficulties inherent to the presence of multiple languages, through the use of processes like localization of ontologies. Although localization, like other processes that involve multilingualism, is a rather well-developed practice and its methodologies and tools fruitfully employed by the language industry in the development and adaptation of multilingual content, it has not yet been sufficiently explored as an element of support to the development of knowledge representations - in particular ontologies - expressed in more than one language. Multilingual knowledge representation is then an open research area calling for cross-contributions from knowledge engineering, terminology, ontology engineering, cognitive sciences, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and management sciences. This workshop joined researchers interested in multilingual knowledge representation, in a multidisciplinary environment to debate the possibilities of cross-fertilization between knowledge engineering, terminology, ontology engineering, cognitive sciences, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and management sciences applied to contexts where multilingualism continuously creates new and demanding challenges to current knowledge representation methods and techniques. In this workshop six papers dealing with different approaches to multilingual knowledge representation are presented, most of them describing tools, approaches and results obtained in the development of ongoing projects. In the first case, Andrés Domínguez Burgos, Koen Kerremansa and Rita Temmerman present a software module that is part of a workbench for terminological and ontological mining, Termontospider, a wiki crawler that aims at optimally traverse Wikipedia in search of domainspecific texts for extracting terminological and ontological information. The crawler is part of a tool suite for automatically developing multilingual termontological databases, i.e. ontologicallyunderpinned multilingual terminological databases. In this paper the authors describe the basic principles behind the crawler and summarized the research setting in which the tool is currently tested. In the second paper, Fumiko Kano presents a work comparing four feature-based similarity measures derived from cognitive sciences. The purpose of the comparative analysis presented by the author is to verify the potentially most effective model that can be applied for mapping independent ontologies in a culturally influenced domain. For that, datasets based on standardized pre-defined feature dimensions and values, which are obtainable from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) have been used for the comparative analysis of the similarity measures. The purpose of the comparison is to verify the similarity measures based on the objectively developed datasets. According to the author the results demonstrate that the Bayesian Model of Generalization provides for the most effective cognitive model for identifying the most similar corresponding concepts existing for a targeted socio-cultural community. In another presentation, Thierry Declerck, Hans-Ulrich Krieger and Dagmar Gromann present an ongoing work and propose an approach to automatic extraction of information from multilingual financial Web resources, to provide candidate terms for building ontology elements or instances of ontology concepts. The authors present a complementary approach to the direct localization/translation of ontology labels, by acquiring terminologies through the access and harvesting of multilingual Web presences of structured information providers in the field of finance, leading to both the detection of candidate terms in various multilingual sources in the financial domain that can be used not only as labels of ontology classes and properties but also for the possible generation of (multilingual) domain ontologies themselves. In the next paper, Manuel Silva, António Lucas Soares and Rute Costa claim that despite the availability of tools, resources and techniques aimed at the construction of ontological artifacts, developing a shared conceptualization of a given reality still raises questions about the principles and methods that support the initial phases of conceptualization. These questions become, according to the authors, more complex when the conceptualization occurs in a multilingual setting. To tackle these issues the authors present a collaborative platform – conceptME - where terminological and knowledge representation processes support domain experts throughout a conceptualization framework, allowing the inclusion of multilingual data as a way to promote knowledge sharing and enhance conceptualization and support a multilingual ontology specification. In another presentation Frieda Steurs and Hendrik J. Kockaert present us TermWise, a large project dealing with legal terminology and phraseology for the Belgian public services, i.e. the translation office of the ministry of justice, a project which aims at developing an advanced tool including expert knowledge in the algorithms that extract specialized language from textual data (legal documents) and whose outcome is a knowledge database including Dutch/French equivalents for legal concepts, enriched with the phraseology related to the terms under discussion. Finally, Deborah Grbac, Luca Losito, Andrea Sada and Paolo Sirito report on the preliminary results of a pilot project currently ongoing at UCSC Central Library, where they propose to adapt to subject librarians, employed in large and multilingual Academic Institutions, the model used by translators working within European Union Institutions. The authors are using User Experience (UX) Analysis in order to provide subject librarians with a visual support, by means of “ontology tables” depicting conceptual linking and connections of words with concepts presented according to their semantic and linguistic meaning. The organizers hope that the selection of papers presented here will be of interest to a broad audience, and will be a starting point for further discussion and cooperation.
The massification of electric vehicles (EVs) can have a significant impact on the power system, requiring a new approach for the energy resource management. The energy resource management has the objective to obtain the optimal scheduling of the available resources considering distributed generators, storage units, demand response and EVs. The large number of resources causes more complexity in the energy resource management, taking several hours to reach the optimal solution which requires a quick solution for the next day. Therefore, it is necessary to use adequate optimization techniques to determine the best solution in a reasonable amount of time. This paper presents a hybrid artificial intelligence technique to solve a complex energy resource management problem with a large number of resources, including EVs, connected to the electric network. The hybrid approach combines simulated annealing (SA) and ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques. The case study concerns different EVs penetration levels. Comparisons with a previous SA approach and a deterministic technique are also presented. For 2000 EVs scenario, the proposed hybrid approach found a solution better than the previous SA version, resulting in a cost reduction of 1.94%. For this scenario, the proposed approach is approximately 94 times faster than the deterministic approach.
The need to increase agricultural yield led, among others, to an increase in the consumption of nitrogen based fertilizers. As a consequence, there are excessive concentrations of nitrates, the most abundant of the reactive nitrogen (Nr) species, in several areas of the world. The demographic changes and projected population growth for the next decades, and the economic shifts which are already shaping the near future are powerful drivers for a further intensification in the use of fertilizers, with a predicted increase of the nitrogen loads in soils. Nitrate easily diffuses in the subsurface environments, portraying high mobility in soils. Moreover, the presence of high nitrate loads in water has the potential to cause an array of health dysfunctions, such as methemoglobinemia and several cancers. Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) placed strategically relatively to the nitrate source constitute an effective technology to tackle nitrate pollution. Ergo, PRB avoid various adverse impacts resulting from the displacement of reactive nitrogen downstream along water bodies. A four stages literature review was carried out in 34 databases. Initially, a set of pertinent key words were identified to perform the initial databases searches. Then, the synonyms of those initial key words were used to carry out a second set of databases searches. The third stage comprised the identification of other additional relevant terms from the research papers identified in the previous two stages. Again, databases searches were performed with this third set of key words. The final step consisted of the identification of relevant papers from the bibliography of the relevant papers identified in the previous three stages of the literature review process. The set of papers identified as relevant for in-depth analysis were assessed considering a set of relevant characterization variables.
We start by presenting the current status of a complex flavour conserving two-Higgs doublet model. We will focus on some very interesting scenarios where unexpectedly the light Higgs couplings to leptons and to b-quarks can have a large pseudoscalar component with a vanishing scalar component. Predictions for the allowed parameter space at end of the next run with a total collected luminosity of 300 fb(-1) and 3000 fb(-1) are also discussed. These scenarios are not excluded by present data and most probably will survive the next LHC run. However, a measurement of the mixing angle phi(tau), between the scalar and pseudoscalar component of the 125 GeV Higgs, in the decay h -> tau(+)tau(-) will be able to probe many of these scenarios, even with low luminosity. Similarly, a measurement of phi(t) in the vertex (t) over bar th could help to constrain the low tan beta region in the Type I model.
The geological sections studied at the São Gião sector (Cantanhede region) have allowed the establishment of a clear succession of ammonite associations during the Middle and Upper Toarcian (“Margas calcárias de São Gião” and “Calcários margosos de Póvoa da Lomba” Formations). The fossil collections were gathered over the last 40 years and, in spite of the apparent facies monotony, come from a thick and fossiliferous marly-limestone unit. The ammonite succession allows the establishment and/or verification of a certain number of biostratigraphical elements, of which are worthy of mention: – the tethyan character of the fauna from the Gradata to the Meneghinii Zones; this differentiation starts with the occurrence of Collina, Crassiceras and Furloceras of the Gradata Zone; – the succession of Osperleioceras, with the connection between the “caussenardes”(O. reynesi, O. authelini) forms and those from Algeria (O. nadorense, O. matteii), which is placed at the beginning of the Aalensis Zone; – the succession of Hammatoceratinae: H. roubanense (Gradata Z.), H. bonarellii (Bonarellii Z.), H. speciosum (Speciosum Sub-zone), followed by Crestaites meneghinii (Reynesi Sub-zone and Meneghinii Z.); Pseudaptetoceras appear next (Aalensis Zone). The dynamic evolution of the sector is characterized by the persistence of marly sedimentation during the Meneghinii Zone, in probable relation to the paleostructural play of the Arunca-Montemor meridian axis.
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo Automação e Eletrónica Industrial