967 resultados para Metal ions -- Absorption and adsorption


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For the first time, the effect of Na+ on crystal structure, valence state of Yb ions, spectroscopic properties of YbF3-doped CaF2 system was systematically studied. Na+ can greatly suppress the deoxidization of Yb3+ to Yb2+. Absorption and emission spectra showed codoping Na+ with different Na:Yb ratios can modulate the spectroscopy and photoluminescence properties of Yb3+ ions in CaF2 lattice in a large scope. The emission lifetime and quantum efficiency of Yb3+ in CaF2 were greatly enhanced by the codopant of Na+. The potential laser performances of the new Yb, Na-codoped CaF2 crystals were predicted. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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No presente trabalho, pretendeu-se avaliar a alga marinha Sargassum filipendula na sua capacidade de remoção do metal cobre na presença do metal cálcio, de modo a verificar o efeito da presença do cálcio, proveniente do hidróxido de cálcio (cal hidratada), utilizado no tratamento primário de efluentes por precipitação química. Para tanto, foi realizado primeiramente o estudo da cinética de biossorção de cobre e cálcio em regime de batelada, nas concentrações de 50 e 200 g/mL, e em seguida foi estudado o equilíbrio da biossorção de cobre e cálcio, também em regime de batelada, utilizando soluções isoladas e combinadas de cobre e cálcio, em concentrações variadas, com biomassa lavada com água corrente e com HCl 0,1 mol/L, de modo a verificar se houve melhora na biossorção com a protonação da biomassa. Os resultados do estudo cinético da biossorção do cobre e do cálcio mostraram, em todos os casos, que o equilíbrio ocorreu até os 30 minutos iniciais e que os resultados do cobre se ajustaram melhor a um modelo cinético de segunda ordem, enquanto que os resultados do cálcio não se ajustaram a nenhum dos dois modelos propostos. Foi possível verificar ainda uma relação direta entre biossorção de cobre e liberação de elementos alcalinos e alcalino-terrosos, sugerindo o envolvimento de troca-iônica durante o processo. Já com os resultados de estudo do equilíbrio da biossorção dos metais cobre e cálcio, foi possível obter algumas conclusões, dentre as quais podemos destacar a predileção pelo modelo de isotermas de Langmuir e a interferência na biosorção do cobre causada pela presença do cálcio na solução. Nesta etapa, foi possível ainda estabelecer novamente a correlação de permuta entre os metais cobre e alcalinos/alcalino terrosos. Os modelos de pseudo-primeira ordem e segunda ordem foram utilizados para avaliar a cinética de adsorção dos íons metálicos pela biomassa, enquanto que os modelos das isotermas de Langmuir e de Freundlich, foram utilizados para a representação do equilíbrio da biossorção


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Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used for materials microprocessing. Due to their ultrashort pulse width and ultrahigh light intensity, the process is generally characterized by the nonthermal diffusion process. We observed various induced microstructures such as refractive-index-changed structures, color center defects, microvoids and microcracks in transparent materials (e.g., glasses after the femtosecond laser irradiation), and discussed the possible applications of the microstructures in the fabrication of various micro optical devices [e.g., optical waveguides, microgratings, microlenses, fiber attenuators, and three-dimensional (3D) optical memory]. In this paper, we review our recent research developments on single femtosecond-laser-induced nanostructures. We introduce the space-selective valence state manipulation of active ions, precipitation and control of metal nanoparticles and light polarization-dependent permanent nanostructures, and discuss the mechanisms and possible applications of the observed phenomena.


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The Cr(0.1%),Yb(10%):GGG crystals have been grown by the Czochralski method. The chemical composition is: Yb0.33Gd2.47Cr0.005Ga5.2O12. There are no observed Yb3+ ions substituting Ga3+ ions, just like that of Yb:GGG crystals. The defects in Cr,Yb:GGG crystal were also investigated. The absorption and emission spectra of Cr,Yb:GGG crystal at room temperature have been measured. The 02 and H-2 annealing effect of Cr,Yb:GGG crystal have been compared. Cr3+ can greatly weak the visible luminescence of this crystal. The Cr-Yb-codoped crystals may be potential materials for compact, efficient, high stability LD pumped solid state lasers. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An Ho3+-doped YAlO3 (Ho : YAP) single crystal has been grown by the Czochralski technique. The polarized absorption spectra, polarized fluorescence spectra and fluorescence decay curve of the crystal are measured at room temperature. The spectroscopic parameters are calculated based on Judd-Ofelt theory, and the effective phenomenological intensity parameters Omega(2,eff), Omega(4,eff) and Omega(6,eff) are obtained to be 2.89 x 10(-20), 2.92 x 10(-20) and 1.32 x 10(-20) cm(2), respectively. The room-temperature fluorescence lifetime of the Ho3+ 5I(7) -> I-5(8) transition is measured to be 8.1 ms. Values of the absorption and emission cross-sections with different polarizations are presented for the I-5(7) manifold, and the polarized gain cross-section curves are also provided and discussed.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é a síntese e investigação estrutural e óptica de amostras SrGa2O4 dopados com 1% de íons Ni2+. Estas amostras foram sintetizados por reação do estado sólido convencional, utilizando como materiais de partida de alta pureza Ga2O3, SrCO3 e NiO em quantidades estequiométricas. As amostras foram caracterizadas estruturalmente pelo método de difração de raios - X( XRD ) e as medições de difração mostraram que as amostras têm uma única fase monoclínica. Os padrões de XRD também foram refinados pelo método de Rietveld, que permitiu a determinação dos parâmetros de célula unitária. A Caracterização óptica das amostras puras e dopadas SrGa2O4 foram realizadas as medições a partir de fotoluminescência, de excitação e de absorção fotoacústica, à temperatura ambiente. Os espectros de emissão mostraram três bandas de emissão localizadas em 557 nm, 661 nm e 844 nm e foram identificadas essas bandas, respectivamente, com as seguintes transições eletrônicas :1T2 (1D) → 3A2 (3F), 3T1 (3F)→ 3A2 (3F) e 1T2 (1D) → 3T2 (3F). Os espectros de excitação mostraram seis bandas de absorção associadas às transições electrônicas do nível 3A2 (3F) para o 3T1 (3P) , T1 (3P), 1A1 (1G), 1T2 (1D), 3T1 (3F), 1E (1D) e 1T2, 1E (1G). Medidas de absorção fotoacústica também foram realizados com o fim de verificar as transições ópticas observadas nos espectros de excitação e de identificar novas bandas de absorção óptica. Os resultados demonstraram que os íons de Ni2+ ocupam dois locais octaédricos diferentes na amostra SrGa2O4 dopado. A partir das transições ópticas observadas nos espectros de excitação e fotoacústica, determinou-se o parâmetro de cristal de campo, dq, e parâmetros Racah, B e C. A proporção Dq / B ≈ 1.2 para ambos os locais são típicos para Ni2+ íons inseridos em redes de óxido e em coordenação octaédrica.


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To further enhance the sound absorption of metal foams via combining the high sound absorption and good heat conductivity of the cellular foam metals, the use and acoustic modeling of these materials are reviewed. The predictions made by three viscous models developed by the authors for the propagation of sound through open-cell metal foams are compared with an experiment both for the metal foams and for the polymer substrates used to manufacture the foam. All models are valid in the limit of low Reynold's number which is valid for the typical cell dimensions found in metal foams provided the amplitude of the waves is below 160 dB. The first model considers the drag experienced by acoustic waves as they propagate passing rigid cylinders parallel to their axes, the second considers the propagation normal to their axes, and the third considers the propagation passing the spherical joints. All three are combined together to give a general model of the acoustic behavior of the foams. In particular, the sound absorption is found to be significant and well predicted by the combined model. In addition, a post-processing technique is described for the experiment used to extract the fundamental wave propagation characteristics of the material.


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Results of X-ray absorption fine structure measurements in manganites (La1-xHox)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 with 0.15 < x < 0.50 are presented. When LaMnO3 is doped with a, divalent element such as Ca2+, substituting for La3+, holes are induced in the filled Mn d orbitais. This leads to a, strong ferromagnetic coupling between Mn sites. Ca ions in La1-xCa xMnO3 introduce a distortion of the crystal lattice and mixed valence Mn ions (Mn3+ and Mn4+). On the other hand, in manganites (La1-xHox)2/3Ca 1/3MnO3 the substitution of La for Ho causes a lattice distortion and induces a disorder, which reduces a magnetic interaction. The ferromagnetic transition temperature and conductivity decrease very quickly with increasing x. The magnetic and transport properties of compounds depend on the local atomic structure around Mn ions. The information on the bond lengths and Debye-Waller factor are obtained from the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data analysis. The charge state of Mn is determined from the position of the absorption edge in X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) data. XAFS results are in good agreement with magnetic characteristics of the studied materials.


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Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), a key enzyme which initiates RNA replication by a de novo mechanism without a primer and is a potential target for anti-virus therapy. We expressed the NS5B protein in Escherichia coli. The rGTP can stimulate de novo initiation of RNA synthesis and mutation of the GDD motif to Gly-Asp-Asp (GAA) abolishes the RNA synthesis. To better understand the mechanism of viral RNA synthesis in CSFV, a three-dimensional model was built by homology modeling based on the alignment with several virus RdRps. The model contains 605 residues folded in the characteristic fingers, palm and thumb domains. The fingers domain contains an N-terminal region that plays an important role in conformational change. We propose that the experimentally observed promotion of polymerase efficiency by rGTP is probably due to the conformational changes of the polymerase caused by binding the rGTP. Mutation of the GDD to GAA interferes with the interaction between the residues at the polymerase active site and metal ions, and thus renders the polymerase inactive. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Temperature and pressure dependent measurements have been performed on 3.5 nm ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles. As temperature increases, the donor-acceptor (DA) emission of ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles at 440 nm shifts to longer wavelengths while the Mn2+ emission (T-4(1)-(6)A(1)) shifts to shorter wavelengths. Both the DA and Mn2+ emission intensities decrease with temperature with the intensity decrease of the DA emission being much more pronounced. The intensity decreases are fit well with the theory of thermal quenching. As pressure increases, the Mn2+ emission shifts to longer wavelengths while the DA emission wavelength remains almost constant. The pressure coefficient of the DA emission in ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles is approximately -3.2 meV/GPa, which is significantly smaller than that measured for bulk materials. The relatively weak pressure dependence of the DA emission is attributed to the increase of the binding energies and the localization of the defect wave functions in nanoparticles. The pressure coefficient of Mn2+ emission in ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles is roughly -34.3 meV/GPa, consistent with crystal field theory. The results indicate that the energy transfer from the ZnS host to Mn2+ ions is mainly from the recombination of carriers localized at Mn2+ ions. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Natural surface coatings sampled (NSCSs) from the surface of shingles and surficial sediments (SSs) in the Songhua River, China were employed to investigate the similarities and difference in fractions of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) between NSCSs and SSs using the modified sequential extraction procedure (MSEP). The results show that the differences between NSCSs and SSs in Fe fractions were insignificant and Fe was dominantly present as residual phase (76.22% for NSCSs and 80.88% for SSs) and Fe-oxides phase (20.33% for NSCSs and 16.15% for SSs). Significant variation of Mn distribution patterns between NSCSs and SSs was observed with Mn in NSCSs mainly present in Mn-oxides phase (48.27%) and that in SSs present as residual phase (45.44%). Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd were found dominantly in residual fractions (>48%), and next in solid oxides/hydroxides for Zn, Pb and Cd and in easily oxidizable solids/compounds form for Cu, respectively. The heavy metal distribution pattern implied that Fe/Mn oxides both in NSCSs and SSs were more important sinks for binding and adsorption of Zn, Pb and Cd than organic matter (OM), and inversely, higher affinity of Cu to OM than Fe/Mn oxides in NSCSs and SSs was obtained. Meanwhile, it was found that the distributions of heavy metals in NSCSs and SSs were similar to each other and the pseudo-total concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in NSCSs were greater than those in SSs, highlighting the more importance for NSCSs than SSs in controlling behaviours of heavy metals in aquatic environments.


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Structural dependence on annealing of a-SiOx:H was studied by using infrared absorption and Raman scattering. The appearance of Raman peaks in the range of 513-519cm(-1) after 1170 degreesC annealing was interpreted as the formation nanocrystalline silicon with the sizes from 3-10nm. The Raman spectra also show the existence of amorphous-like silicon phase, which is associated with Si-Si bond re-construction at boundaries of silicon nanocrystallites. The presence of the shoulder at 980cm(-1) of Si-O-Si stretching vibration at 1085cm(-1) in infrared spectra imply that except that SiO2 phase, there is silicon sub-oxide phase in the films annealed at 1170 degreesC. This sub-oxide phase is located at the interface between Si crystallites and SiO2, and thus support the shell model for the mixed structures of Si grains and SiO2 matrix.


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Erbium-doped silica glasses were made by sol-gel process. Intensive photoluminescence (PL) spectra from the Er-doped silica glasses at room temperature were measured. A broadband peak at 1535 ma, corresponding to the I-4(13/2)-I-4(15/2) transition, its full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 10 nm, and a shoulder at 1546 nm in the PL spectra were observed. At lower temperatures, main line of 1535 nm and another line of 1552 Mn instead of 1546 nm appear. So two types of luminescence centers must exist in the samples at different temperature. The intensity of main line does not decrease obviously with increasing temperature. By varying the Er ion concentration in the range of 0.2 wt% - 5wt%, the highest photoluminescence intensity was obtained at 0.2wt% erbium doped concentration. Luminescence intensity decreases with increasing erbium concentration. Cooperative upconversion was used to explain the concentration quenching of luminescence from silica glass with high erbium concentration. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements were carried out. It was found that the majority of the erbium impurities in the glasses have a local structure of eight first neighbor oxygen atoms at a mean distance of 0.255 nm, which is consistent with the typical coordination structure of rare earth ion.