924 resultados para Mechanistic
Einleitung Aktuelle empirische Befunde deuten darauf hin, dass Sportler/innen durch Stress und erhöhte Angst eine reduzierte Effizienz bei der Entscheidungsfindung aufweisen (Wilson, 2008). Erklärt werden kann dieser Befund durch die Attentional-Control-Theory (ACT, Eysenck et al., 2007), die postuliert, dass aufmerksamkeitslenkende Prozesse unter Angst gestört werden. Um diese Annahme für komplexe Situationen im Sport zu prüfen, wurden Fußballspieler unter erhöhten und regulären Druckbedingungen verglichen. Methode Je 11 Experten und Nicht-Experten hatten aus der Perspektive des Abwehrspielers die Aufgabe, in zwei mal 24 Spielsituationen so schnell und korrekt wie möglich verbal anzugeben, welche Aktion der ballführende Spieler (in naher vs. ferner Spielsituation) nach Ausblendung der Szene ausführen wird. Während im ersten Block der Druck nicht erhöht wurde, wurden Druckbedingungen im zweiten Block u.a. durch eine Wettkampfsituation und „falscher“ Ergebnisrückmeldung gesteigert. Entscheidungs- und Blickverhalten (u.a. Anzahl Fixationen), Pupillengröße, Zustandsangst und „Mental Effort“ (Wilson, 2008) wurden erfasst. Neben Expertiseunterschieden wurde erwartet, dass erhöhte Angst die Entscheidungseffizienz sowie das Blickverhalten stört (ACT-Annahme), was mit 2 (Experten/Nicht-Experten) x 2 (nahe/ferne Spielsituation) x 2 (hohe/reguläre Druckbedingung) ANOVAs (? = .05) mit Messwiederholungen auf den letzten beiden Faktoren geprüft wurde. Ergebnisse Druckmanipulationen führten zu höherer Zustandsangst und größeren Pupillendurchmessern. Neben Expertiseunterschieden – Experten antworteten schneller, korrekter und zeigten ein situationsangepasstes visuelles Suchverhalten – wiesen beide Gruppen in Drucksituationen längere Antwortzeiten und höheren Mental Effort auf. Erhöhter Druck führte bei Experten zur Reduktion der Fixationsortwechsel für ferne Spielsituationen. Nicht-Experten differenzierten ihr Suchverhalten weder zwischen Bedingungen noch für Spielsituationen. Diskussion Die Resultate bestätigen die ACT-Annahme, dass Angst und Stress die sportliche Leistung durch längere Reaktionszeiten, höhere kognitive Anstrengung und ein teilweise ineffizientes visuelles Suchverhalten negativ beeinflusst. Eine gestörte Balance zwischen Top-Down und Bottom-Up-Prozessen könnte die Ursache sein (Eysenck et al., 2007). Literatur Eysenck, M. W., Derakshan, N., Santos, R., & Calvo, M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: Attentional control theory. Emotion, 7, 336–353. Wilson, M. (2008). From processing efficiency to attentional control: A mechanistic account of the anxiety-performance relationship. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 184– 201. 2 Vorträge und Poster
Intensive land use is a driving force for biodiversity decline in many ecosystems. In semi-natural grasslands, land-use activities such as mowing, grazing and fertilization affect the diversity of plants and arthropods, but the combined effects of different drivers and the chain of effects are largely unknown. In this study we used structural equation modelling to analyse how the arthropod communities in managed grasslands respond to land use and whether these responses are mediated through changes in resource diversity or resource quantity (biomass). Plants were considered resources for herbivores which themselves were considered resources for predators. Plant and arthropod (herbivores and predators) communities were sampled on 141 meadows, pastures and mown pastures within three regions in Germany in 2008 and 2009. Increasing land-use intensity generally increased plant biomass and decreased plant diversity, mainly through increasing fertilization. Herbivore diversity decreased together with plant diversity but showed no response to changes in plant biomass. Hence, land-use effects on herbivore diversity were mediated through resource diversity rather than quantity. Land-use effects on predator diversity were mediated by both herbivore diversity (resource diversity) and herbivore quantity (herbivore biomass), but indirect effects through resource quantity were stronger. Our findings highlight the importance of assessing both direct and indirect effects of land-use intensity and mode on different trophic levels. In addition to the overall effects, there were subtle differences between the different regions, pointing to the importance of regional land-use specificities. Our study underlines the commonly observed strong effect of grassland land use on biodiversity. It also highlights that mechanistic approaches help us to understand how different land-use modes affect biodiversity.
The understanding of molecular mechanisms requires the elucidation of protein-protein interaction in vivo. For large multi-factor complexes like those assembling on mRNA, co-immunoprecipitation assays often identify many peripheral interactors that complicate the interpretation of such results and that might conceal other insightful mechanistic connections. Here we address the protein-protein interaction network for key factors in the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway in a distant-dependent manner using BioID1,2. In this novel approach, the mutant E. coli biotin-protein ligase BirAR118G is fused to the bait protein and biotinylates proximal proteins promiscuously. Hence, interactors positioned close to the bait in vivo are enriched by streptavidin purification and identified by mass spectrometry or western blotting. We present a validation of the BioID assay and preliminary results for close interactors of UPF1 and other key players in NMD.
The understanding of molecular mechanisms requires the elucidation of protein-protein interaction in vivo. For large multi-factor complexes like those assembling on mRNA, co-immunoprecipitation assays often identify many peripheral interactors that complicate the interpretation of such results and that might conceal other insightful mechanistic connections. Here we address the protein-protein interaction network for key factors in the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway in a distant-dependent manner using BioID1,2. In this novel approach, the mutant E. coli biotin-protein ligase BirAR118G is fused to the bait protein and biotinylates proximal proteins promiscuously. Hence, interactors positioned close to the bait in vivo are enriched by streptavidin purification and identified by mass spectrometry or western blotting. We present a validation of the BioID assay and preliminary results for close interactors of UPF1 and other key players in NMD.
Type 2 diabetes and obesity are increasing worldwide and linked to periodontitis, a chronic disease which is characterized by the irreversible destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues, that is, periodontium. The mechanisms underlying the association of diabetes mellitus and obesity with periodontal destruction and compromised periodontal healing are not well understood, but decreased plasma levels of adiponectin, as found in diabetic and obese individuals, might be a critical mechanistic link. The aim of this in vitro study was to examine the effects of adiponectin on periodontal ligament (PDL) cells under normal and regenerative conditions, and to study the regulation of adiponectin and its receptors in these cells. Adiponectin stimulated significantly the expression of growth factors and extracellular matrix, proliferation, and in vitro wound healing, reduced significantly the constitutive tumor necrosis factor-α expression, and caused a significant upregulation of its own expression. The beneficial actions of enamel matrix derivative on a number of PDL cell functions critical for periodontal regeneration were partially enhanced by adiponectin. The periodontopathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis inhibited the adiponectin expression and stimulated the expression of its receptors. In conclusion, reduced levels of adiponectin, as found in type 2 diabetes and obesity, may compromise periodontal health and healing.
Medulloblastoma (MB), the most common pediatric malignant brain cancer, typically arises as pathological result of deregulated developmental pathways, including the NOTCH signaling cascade. Unlike the evidence supporting a role for NOTCH receptors in MB development, the pathological functions of NOTCH ligands remain largely unexplored. By examining the expression in large cohorts of MB primary tumors, and in established in vitro MB models, this research study demonstrates that MB cells bear abnormal levels of distinct NOTCH ligands. We explored the potential association between NOTCH ligands and the clinical outcome of MB patients, and investigated the rational of inhibiting NOTCH signaling by targeting specific ligands to ultimately provide therapeutic benefits in MB. The research revealed a significant over-expression of ligand JAG1 in the vast majority of MBs, and proved that JAG1 mediates pro-proliferative signals via activation of NOTCH2 receptor and induction of HES1 expression, thus representing an attractive therapeutic target. Furthermore, we could identify a clinically relevant association between ligand JAG2 and the oncogene MYC, specific for MYC-driven Group 3 MB cases. We describe for the first time a mechanistic link between the oncogene MYC and NOTCH pathway in MB, by identifying JAG2 as MYC target, and by showing that MB cells acquire induced expression of JAG2 through MYC-induced transcriptional activation. Finally, the positive correlation of MYC and JAG2 also with aggressive anaplastic tumors and highly metastatic MB stages suggested that high JAG2 expression may be useful as additional marker to identify aggressive MBs.
Drugs that inhibit insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGFI) receptor IGFIR were encouraging in early trials, but predictive biomarkers were lacking and the drugs provided insufficient benefit in unselected patients. In this study, we used genetic screening and downstream validation to identify the WNT pathway element DVL3 as a mediator of resistance to IGFIR inhibition. Sensitivity to IGFIR inhibition was enhanced specifically in vitro and in vivo by genetic or pharmacologic blockade of DVL3. In breast and prostate cancer cells, sensitization tracked with enhanced MEK-ERK activation and relied upon MEK activity and DVL3 expression. Mechanistic investigations showed that DVL3 is present in an adaptor complex that links IGFIR to RAS, which includes Shc, growth factor receptor-bound-2 (Grb2), son-of-sevenless (SOS), and the tumor suppressor DAB2. Dual DVL and DAB2 blockade synergized in activating ERKs and sensitizing cells to IGFIR inhibition, suggesting a nonredundant role for DVL3 in the Shc-Grb2-SOS complex. Clinically, tumors that responded to IGFIR inhibition contained relatively lower levels of DVL3 protein than resistant tumors, and DVL3 levels in tumors correlated inversely with progression-free survival in patients treated with IGFIR antibodies. Because IGFIR does not contain activating mutations analogous to EGFR variants associated with response to EGFR inhibitors, we suggest that IGF signaling achieves an equivalent integration at the postreceptor level through adaptor protein complexes, influencing cellular dependence on the IGF axis and identifying a patient population with potential to benefit from IGFIR inhibition.
A lack of reliably informative biomarkers to distinguish indolent and lethal prostate cancer is one reason this disease is overtreated. miR-221 has been suggested as a biomarker in high-risk prostate cancer, but there is insufficient evidence of its potential utility. Here we report that miR-221 is an independent predictor for cancer-related death, extending and validating earlier findings. By mechanistic investigations we showed that miR-221 regulates cell growth, invasiveness, and apoptosis in prostate cancer at least partially via STAT1/STAT3-mediated activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. miR-221 directly inhibits the expression of SOCS3 and IRF2, two oncogenes that negatively regulate this signaling pathway. miR-221 expression sensitized prostate cancer cells for IFN-γ-mediated growth inhibition. Our findings suggest that miR-221 offers a novel prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target in high-risk prostate cancer.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the persistence of the feminizing effects of discontinued 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) exposure on zebrafish (Danio rerio). An exposure scenario covering the sensitive phase of sexual differentiation, as well as final gonad maturation was chosen to examine the estrogenic effects on sexual development of zebrafish. Two exposure scenarios were compared: continuous exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations (0.1-10 ng/L EE2) up to 100 days post-hatch (dph) and developmental exposure up to 60 dph, followed by 40 days of depuration in clean water. The persistence of effects was investigated at different biological organization levels from mRNA to population-relevant endpoints to cover a broad range of important parameters. EE2 had a strong feminizing and inhibiting effect on the sexual development of zebrafish. Brain aromatase (cyp19b) mRNA expression showed no clear response, but vitellogenin levels were significantly elevated, gonad maturation and body growth were inhibited in both genders, and sex ratios were skewed towards females and undifferentiated individuals. To a large extent, all of these effects were reversed after 40 days of recovery, leading to the conclusion that exposure to the estrogen EE2 results in very strong, but reversible underdevelopment and feminization of zebrafish. The present study is the first to show this reversibility at different levels of organization, which gives better insight into the mechanistic basis of estrogenic effects in zebrafish.
The understanding of the charge transport through single molecule junctions is a prerequisite for the design and building of electronic circuits based on single molecule junctions. However, reliable and robust formation of such junctions is a challenging task to achieve. In this topical review, we present a systematic investigation of the anchoring group effect on single molecule junction conductance by employing two complementary techniques, namely scanning tunneling microscopy break junction (STM-BJ) and mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) techniques, based on the studies published in the literature and important results from our own work. We compared conductance studies for conventional anchoring groups described earlier with the molecular junctions formed through π-interactions with the electrode surface (Au, Pt, Ag) and we also summarized recent developments in the formation of highly conducting covalent Au–C σ-bonds using oligophenyleneethynylene (OPE) and an alkane molecular backbone. Specifically, we focus on the electron transport properties of diaryloligoyne, oligophenyleneethynylene (OPE) and/or alkane molecular junctions composed of several traditional anchoring groups, (dihydrobenzo[b]thiophene (BT), 5-benzothienyl analogue (BTh), thiol (SH), pyridyl (PY), amine (NH2), cyano (CN), methyl sulphide (SMe), nitro (NO2)) and other anchoring groups at the solid/liquid interface. The qualitative and quantitative comparison of the results obtained with different anchoring groups reveals structural and mechanistic details of the different types of single molecular junctions. The results reported in this prospective may serve as a guideline for the design and synthesis of molecular systems to be used in molecule-based electronic devices.
Dysfunction of Paneth and goblet cells in the intestine contributes to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC). Here, we report a role for the NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase SIRT1 in the control of anti-bacterial defense. Mice with an intestinal specific Sirt1 deficiency (Sirt1int-/-) have more Paneth and goblet cells with a consequent rearrangement of the gut microbiota. From a mechanistic point of view, the effects on mouse intestinal cell maturation are mediated by SIRT1-dependent changes in the acetylation status of SPDEF, a master regulator of Paneth and goblet cells. Our results suggest that targeting SIRT1 may be of interest in the management of IBD and CAC.
Both obesity and asthma are highly prevalent, complex diseases modified by multiple factors. Genetic, developmental, lung mechanical, immunological and behavioural factors have all been suggested as playing a causal role between the two entities; however, their complex mechanistic interactions are still poorly understood and evidence of causality in children remains scant. Equally lacking is evidence of effective treatment strategies, despite the fact that imbalances at vulnerable phases in childhood can impact long-term health. This review is targeted at both clinicians frequently faced with the dilemma of how to investigate and treat the obese asthmatic child and researchers interested in the topic. Highlighting the breadth of the spectrum of factors involved, this review collates evidence regarding the investigation and treatment of asthma in obese children, particularly in comparison with current approaches in 'difficult-to-treat' childhood asthma. Finally, the authors propose hypotheses for future research from a systems-based perspective.
An essential function of innate immunity is to distinguish self from non-self and receptors have evolved to specifically recognize viral components and initiate the expression of antiviral proteins to restrict viral replication. Coronaviruses are RNA viruses that replicate in the host cytoplasm and evade innate immune sensing in most cell types, either passively by hiding their viral signatures and limiting exposure to sensors or actively, by encoding viral antagonists to counteract the effects of interferons. Since many cytoplasmic viruses exploit similar mechanisms of innate immune evasion, mechanistic insight into the direct interplay between viral RNA, viral RNA-processing enzymes, cellular sensors and antiviral proteins will be highly relevant to develop novel antiviral targets and to restrict important animal and human infections.
An appreciation of the importance of interactions between microbes and multicellular organisms is currently driving research in biology and biomedicine. Many human diseases involve interactions between the host and the microbiota, so investigating the mechanisms involved is important for human health. Although microbial ecology measurements capture considerable diversity of the communities between individuals, this diversity is highly problematic for reproducible experimental animal models that seek to establish the mechanistic basis for interactions within the overall host-microbial superorganism. Conflicting experimental results may be explained away through unknown differences in the microbiota composition between vivaria or between the microenvironment of different isolated cages. In this position paper, we propose standardised criteria for stabilised and defined experimental animal microbiotas to generate reproducible models of human disease that are suitable for systematic experimentation and are reproducible across different institutions.
BACKGROUND Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a progressive vascular disease associated with a high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and death. Antithrombotic prevention is usually applied by prescribing the antiplatelet agent aspirin. However, in patients with PAD aspirin fails to provide protection against myocardial infarction and death, only reducing the risk of ischemic stroke. Platelets may play a role in disease development, but this has not been tested by proper mechanistic studies. In the present study, we performed a systematic evaluation of platelet reactivity in whole blood from patients with PAD using two high-throughput assays, i.e. multi-agonist testing of platelet activation by flow cytometry and multi-parameter testing of thrombus formation on spotted microarrays. METHODS Blood was obtained from 40 patients (38 on aspirin) with PAD in majority class IIa/IIb and from 40 age-matched control subjects. Whole-blood flow cytometry and multiparameter thrombus formation under high-shear flow conditions were determined using recently developed and validated assays. RESULTS Flow cytometry of whole blood samples from aspirin-treated patients demonstrated unchanged high platelet responsiveness towards ADP, slightly elevated responsiveness after glycoprotein VI stimulation, and decreased responsiveness after PAR1 thrombin receptor stimulation, compared to the control subjects. Most parameters of thrombus formation under flow were similarly high for the patient and control groups. However, in vitro aspirin treatment caused a marked reduction in thrombus formation, especially on collagen surfaces. When compared per subject, markers of ADP- and collagen-induced integrin activation (flow cytometry) strongly correlated with parameters of collagen-dependent thrombus formation under flow, indicative of a common, subject-dependent regulation of both processes. CONCLUSION Despite of the use of aspirin, most platelet activation properties were in the normal range in whole-blood from class II PAD patients. These data underline the need for more effective antithrombotic pharmacoprotection in PAD.