912 resultados para Meat.


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This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.


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A plausível associação entre o consumo de carnes e o desenvolvimento do câncer colorretal vem sendo em parte explicada pelo processo de formação de aminas heterocíclicas e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos durante a cocção. No Brasil este tipo de câncer encontra-se entre as três mais frequentes causas de óbito por câncer tanto em homens como em mulheres, sendo as regiões Sul e Sudeste as que apresentam as maiores taxas de mortalidade. Este estudo tem como objetivo estimar o consumo médio per capita e prevalência de carnes segundo formas de preparo no Brasil, com ênfase nas técnicas grelhado/brasa/churrasco e frito. Foram utilizados dados do Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (INA) que faz parte da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) realizado entre os anos de 2008 e 2009. Nesse inquérito foram analisadas informações referentes ao consumo alimentar de 34.003 indivíduos com dez anos de idade ou mais, contemplando questões a cerca da quantidade de alimentos consumidos em unidades de medidas caseiras, forma de preparo do alimento e local de consumo (alimentação dentro do domicílio ou quando o alimento foi preparado e consumido fora do domicílio). As medias de carnes em geral foram estratificadas por sexo, escolaridade, quarto de renda, grandes regiões geográficas, situação do domicílio (urbano/rural) e local de consumo (dentro/fora do lar). Para a extração dos valores médios per capita consumidos, foram utilizados os procedimentos survey para levar em consideração os efeitos do desenho amostral. Verificou-se que a maior média per capita de consumo em gramas ocorreu no grupo de carne bovina, e a forma de preparo frito apresentou a maior média per capita de ingestão (31 gramas/ dia). Agrupando-se todos os tipos de carnes em apenas uma classe, "carnes em geral", a forma de preparação frita permaneceu com média de consumo demasiadamente maior que a forma grelhado/brasa/churrasco em todas as variáveis analisadas. Quando desagregado pelas variáveis de interesse, a maior média de consumo per capita de carnes em geral ocorreu na mais alta categoria de escolaridade (21 gramas/ dia) para o tipo grelhado/brasa/churrasco e entre residentes da região Norte (111gramas/ dia) para o tipo frito. As menores médias per capita ocorreram entre os indivíduos no primeiro quarto de renda (1,96 gramas/ dia) para aqueles que consumiram grelhado/brasa/churrasco e para as carnes fritas a menor média foi observada fora do domicílio (20 gramas/ dia). Os achados indicam que existe uma acentuada diferença entre o consumo médio per capita de grelhado/brasa/churrasco e fritos entre as regiões brasileiras, sendo mais evidente quando desagregado por variáveis sócio demográficas.


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Lionfish, Pterois volitans and P. miles, are native to the Indo-Pacific and have recently invaded the Western Atlantic Ocean. Strategies for control of this invasion have included limited removal programs and promotion of lionfish consumption at both local and commercial scales. We demonstrate that lionfish meat contains higher levels of healthy n-3 fatty acids than some frequently consumed native marine fish species. Mean lionfish fillet yield was 30.5% of the total body wet weight, a value that is similar to that of some grouper and porgy species. A sensory evaluation indicated that lionfish meet the acceptability threshold of most consumers.


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Post larvae of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) of the size 10-12 mm were stocked at the rate of 10 lakhs/ha in a manured cement nursary pond which was initially fertilized with chemical manures. Water exchange was attended once in a week. Artificial feeding was given in the form of minced clam meat. After a month, the pond was harvested. The juveniles which have grown to 40-46 mm size were recovered. The percentage of survival from post larvae to juveniles was 85.45%.


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An indigenous method of preparing fish paste from Tuna, exclusively practiced in Minicoy islands is described. Detailed proximate analysis data of the product is presented and it has been compared with the values obtained for similar products of foreign countries. A chromatographic study is also carried out for essential amino acids and also with special reference to detecting any possibilities of histamine poisoning, especially in view of the reported high values of histidine in tuna meat. However, free histamine is not detected in the sample.


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The paper represents results on the studies undertaken to find out the causes of irregular drained weight conditions in commercial canned prawn samples. The tendency of cooked prawn to attain the equilibrium moisture content (72-74% in M. affinis and M. dobsoni) when in contact with brine has been found to be mainly responsible for the loss and gaine in drained weight. Underblanching results in loss of moistures from the meat during processing. It has been found that under standard blanching conditions, which is independent of initial moisture content, salt concentration of the blanch liquor and the temperature of sterilisation, the fluctuation in the drained weight could be avoided.


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The paper deals with the investigations carried out on the preparation of odorless fish-starch flakes using partially deodorized trash fish meat and different sources of starch like corn, tapioca, maida and black gram. It has been found that the products using corn and tapioca are better compared to those prepared using other two starches, the product from corn being the best. The product has a protein content of about 20% and has been found to have a storage life of 4 months at 37°c.


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Two species of mammal dolphin are found in waters adjacent to Ceylon, namely the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the bottled-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truricatus). Both these species are predators and cause damage to finishing nets by attacking fish trapped in them. This menace to nets is particularly pronounced when fish populations in a particular area become somewhat depleted. Dolphin can be successfully captured from a motor boat by use of a simple hand harpoon with a detachable dart and bladder buoy. Fresh dolphin meat when placed on the market sold readily despite some local prejudice against the naturally dark colored meat. The flesh of the dolphin is nutritious and can be used successfully in both western and eastern types of cookery.


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A linear relationship was observed between the copper content and intensity of blackening in commercially canned prawn meat. Average copper and iron contents of non-blackened canned prawn meat were 9.6 and 32.5 ppm on dry weight basis respectively. In the blackened product copper content ranged from 15.8 to 63.9 ppm and iron content between 43.7 and 71.45 ppm depending on the intensity of blackening. But incorporation of copper in the above range to experimental cans produced blackening while iron up to 250 ppm did not impart any blackening under standard conditions of canning.


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The paper gives an account of factors controlling the drained weight in canned prawn. The most important among them are concentration of brine used for blanching and blanching time which are found to be fixed and specific for different sizes of prawn irrespective of the quality of the material used. Other factors such as, acidity of brine used for filling the can, volume of brine, time of sterilization and time of cooling the blanched meat are also to some extent found responsible for fluctuations in drained weight.


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The paper deals with the investigations carried out on the preparation of fish soup mix using partially deodorized trash fish meat. The product contained about 25% protein and had a storage life of 4 months at ambient temperature (28-31°C).


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An experiment was conducted for a period of 28 days using 7-day old C. batrachus larvae of initial total length (±S.D.) of 7.4 ± 0.49 mm and weight (±S.D.) of 2.8 ± 0.75 mg. Five test diets viz. diets I, II, III, IV and V were prepared. Diet I was formulated using 30% fish meal (FM), 20% soybean meal (SM) and 20% Baker's yeast (BY), diet III using 15% FM, 20% SM, 15% cotton seed meal and 30% BY and diet IV using 20% FM, 30% BY and 30% powdered milk. The remaining two diets (diets II and V) were prepared using minced clam meat (96%) and BY (90%) respectively as the sole source of protein. Three replications were used for each treatment. The larvae fed on diet II exhibited significantly (P<0.05) better length gain and specific growth rate (SGR) than those of the larvae fed on diet III and there was no significant difference among the length gain and SGR of the larvae fed on diet I,II,IV and V. The larvae fed on diet II also showed significantly better weight gain and survival than those of the larvae fed on other diets. There was no significant difference between the condition factor of the larvae fed on diet II and IV. However, the larvae fed on diet II showed better condition factor than those of the larvae fed on other diets.


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An experiment was conducted with Labeo rohita fingerlings in an indoor static fish rearing water system of glass made aquaria. Five experimental diets A, B, C, D and E were formulated containing 33% dietary protein level in five treatments each having two replicates containing 12 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13.00±0.2g. Sixty days of feeding trial in this experiment showed that fish fed on diet 'A' containing fish meal and diet 'E' containing mixed plant sources protein had significantly highest and lowest growth respectively. However, no significant difference of growth was found in fish fed on diets C and D containing meat and bone meal, and mix of animal protein source diets respectively. The result showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) of diets 'A' and 'E' had significantly best and least values respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged between 1.37 to 2.17 and 1.38 to 2.18 respectively. On the basis of observed FCR and PER diets 'A' and 'E' produced significantly highest and lowest growth respectively.


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Probable sources of contamination of raw, blanched and processed meat at various stages of handling and methods for their rectification have been described in the paper. Inter-relationship between absolute sterility and commercial sterility with particular reference to the sanitation of the factory has been discussed.


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Cultured silver carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix 800-1000 g) was stored in ice (fish to ice ratio 1:1) in a plywood box insulated with one inch thick expanded polystyrene and subjected to detailed examination of quality by chemical, microbiological and organoleptic evaluation at regular intervals to assess the storage life in good acceptable form. Alpha-amino nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen and pH values showed no positive correlation as spoilage index. Total volatile base nitrogen was not high at the end of the storage period although the fish became unacceptable during the period. There was steep decrease in total bacterial count during initial stages of storage and then increased steadily on further storage. Organoleptic evaluation of raw and cooked meat revealed that fish was in good acceptable form up to 14 days in ice.