870 resultados para Heat Solar Energy


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The development of polymer-based photovoltaic devices brings the promise of low-cost and lightweight solar energy conversion systems. This technology requires new materials and device architectures with enhanced efficiency and lifetime, which depends on the understanding of charge-transport mechanisms. Organic films combined with electronegative nanoparticles may form systems with efficient dissociation of the photogenerated excitons, thus increasing the number of carriers to be collected by the electrodes. In this paper we investigate the steady-state photoconductive action spectra of devices formed by a bilayer of regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (RRP3HT) and TiO2 sandwiched between ITO and aluminum electrodes (ITO/TiO2:RRP3HT/Al). Photocurrents were measured for distinct bias voltages with illumination from either side of the device. Heterojunction structures were prepared by spin coating a RRP3HT film on an already deposited TiO2 layer on ITO. Symbatic and antibatic curves were obtained and a model for photocurrent action spectra was able to fit the symbatic responses. The quantum yield increased with the electric field, indicating that exciton dissociation is a field-assisted process as in an Onsager mechanism. Furthermore, the quantum yield was significantly higher when illumination was carried out through the ITO electrode onto which the TiO2 layer was deposited, as the highly electronegative TiO2 nanoparticles were efficient in exciton dissociation.


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Le acque di vegetazione (AV) costituiscono un serio problema di carattere ambientale, sia a causa della loro elevata produzione sia per l’ elevato contenuto di COD che oscilla fra 50 e 150 g/l. Le AV sono considerate un refluo a tasso inquinante fra i più elevati nell’ambito dell’industria agroalimentare e la loro tossicità è determinata in massima parte dalla componente fenolica. Il presente lavoro si propone di studiare e ottimizzare un processo non solo di smaltimento di tale refluo ma anche di una sua valorizzazione, utlizzandolo come materia prima per la produzione di acidi grassi e quindi di PHA, polimeri biodegradabili utilizzabili in varie applicazioni. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati due bioreattori anaerobici a biomassa adesa, di identica configurazione, con cui si sono condotti due esperimenti in continuo a diverse temperature e carichi organici al fine di studiare l’influenza di tali parametri sul processo. Il primo esperimento è stato condotto a 35°C e carico organico pari a 12,39 g/Ld, il secondo a 25°C e carico organico pari a 8,40 g/Ld. Si è scelto di allestire e mettere in opera un processo a cellule immobilizzate in quanto questa tecnologia si è rivelata vantaggiosa nel trattamento continuo di reflui ad alto contenuto di COD e carichi variabili. Inoltre si è scelto di lavorare in continuo poiché tale condizione, per debiti tempi di ritenzione idraulica, consente di minimizzare la metanogenesi, mediata da microrganismi con basse velocità specifiche di crescita. Per costituire il letto fisso dei due reattori si sono utilizzati due diversi tipi di supporto, in modo da poter studiare anche l’influenza di tale parametro, in particolare si è fatto uso di carbone attivo granulare (GAC) e filtri ceramici Vukopor S10 (VS). Confrontando i risultati si è visto che la massima quantità di VFA prodotta nell’ambito del presente studio si ha nel VS mantenuto a 25°C: in tale condizione si arriva infatti ad un valore di VFA prodotti pari a 524,668 mgCOD/L. Inoltre l’effluente in uscita risulta più concentrato in termini di VFA rispetto a quello in entrata: nell’alimentazione la percentuale di materiale organico presente sottoforma di acidi grassi volatili era del 54 % e tale percentuale, in uscita dai reattori, ha raggiunto il 59 %. Il VS25 rappresenta anche la condizione in cui il COD degradato si è trasformato in percentuale minore a metano (2,35 %) e questo a prova del fatto che l’acidogenesi ha prevalso sulla metanogenesi. Anche nella condizione più favorevole alla produzione di VFA però, si è riusciti ad ottenere una loro concentrazione in uscita (3,43 g/L) inferiore rispetto a quella di tentativo (8,5 g/L di VFA) per il processo di produzione di PHA, sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dell’università “La Sapienza” di Roma, relativa ad un medium sintetico. Si può constatare che la modesta produzione di VFA non è dovuta all’eccessiva degradazione del COD, essendo questa nel VS25 appena pari al 6,23%, ma piuttosto è dovuta a una scarsa concentrazione di VFA in uscita. Questo è di buon auspicio nell’ottica di ottimizzare il processo migliorandone le prestazioni, poiché è possibile aumentare tale concentrazione aumentando la conversione di COD in VFA che nel VS25 è pari a solo 5,87%. Per aumentare tale valore si può agire su vari parametri, quali la temperatura e il carico organico. Si è visto che il processo di acidogenesi è favorito, per il VS, per basse temperature e alti carichi organici. Per quanto riguarda il reattore impaccato con carbone attivo la produzione di VFA è molto ridotta per tutti i valori di temperatura e carichi organici utilizzati. Si può quindi pensare a un’applicazione diversa di tale tipo di reattore, ad esempio per la produzione di metano e quindi di energia.


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This research, carried out during the PhD in Materials Engineering, deals with the creation of layers, with different functionality, deposited on a ceramic substrate, to obtain photovoltaic cells for electricity production. The research activities are included in the project PRRIITT, Measure 4 (Development of Networks), Action A (Research and Technology Transfer Laboratories), Thematic reference 3 (Advanced materials applications development), co-financed by the Emilia Romagna Region, for the creation of CECERBENCH laboratory, which aims to develop "Tiles with a functionalised surface”. The innovation lies in the study of materials and in the development of technologies to achieve a "photovoltaic surface", directly in the tiles production process. The goal is to preserve the technical characteristics, and to make available new surfaces, exploiting renewable energy sources. The realization of Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) is nowadays a more and more spread tendency. The aims of the research are essentially linked to the need to diversify the actual ceramic tile production (which is strongly present in the Emilia Romagna Region ), and to provide a higher added value to the tiles. Solar energy production is the primary objective of the functionalization, and has a relevant ecological impact, taking into account the overwhelming global energy demand. The specific activities of the PhD were carried out according to the achievement of scientific and technological objectives of CECERBENCH laboratory, and involved the collaboration in design solutions, to obtain the cells directly on the tiles surface. The author has managed personally a part of the research project. Layers with different features were made: - Electrically conductive layers, directly on the ceramic tiles surface; - Layers to obtain the photovoltaic functionality; - Electrically insulating, protective layers (double function). For each layer, the most suitable materials have been selected. Among the technical application, the screen printing was used. This technique, widely used in ceramics, has many application areas, including the electronics and photovoltaic industries. It is an inexpensive technique, easy to use in industrial production lines. The screen printing technique was therefore studied in depth by theoretical considerations, and through the use of rheological measurements.


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Many energetic and environmental evaluations need appropriate meteorological data, as input to analysis and prevision softwares. In Italy there aren't adeguate meteorological data because, in many cases, they are incomplete, incorrect and also very expensive for a long-term analysis (that needs multi-year data sets). A possible solution to this problem is the use of a Typical Meteorological Year (TRY), generated for specific applications. Nowadays the TRYs have been created, using statistical criteria, just for the analysis of solar energy systems and for predicting the thermal performance of buildings, applying it also to the study of photovoltaic plants (PV), though not specifically created for this type of application. The present research has defined the methodology for the creation of TRYs for different applications. In particular TRYs for environmental and wind plant analysis have been created. This is the innovative aspect of this research, never explored before. In additions, the methodology of the generation for the PV TRYs has been improved. The results are very good and the TRYs generated for these applications are adeguate to characterize the climatic condition of the place over a long period and can be used for energetic and environmental studies.


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The future hydrogen demand is expected to increase, both in existing industries (including upgrading of fossil fuels or ammonia production) and in new technologies, like fuel cells. Nowadays, hydrogen is obtained predominantly by steam reforming of methane, but it is well known that hydrocarbon based routes result in environmental problems and besides the market is dependent on the availability of this finite resource which is suffering of rapid depletion. Therefore, alternative processes using renewable sources like wind, solar energy and biomass, are now being considered for the production of hydrogen. One of those alternative methods is the so-called “steam-iron process” which consists in the reduction of a metal-oxide by hydrogen-containing feedstock, like ethanol for instance, and then the reduced material is reoxidized with water to produce “clean” hydrogen (water splitting). This kind of thermochemical cycles have been studied before but currently some important facts like the development of more active catalysts, the flexibility of the feedstock (including renewable bio-alcohols) and the fact that the purification of hydrogen could be avoided, have significantly increased the interest for this research topic. With the aim of increasing the understanding of the reactions that govern the steam-iron route to produce hydrogen, it is necessary to go into the molecular level. Spectroscopic methods are an important tool to extract information that could help in the development of more efficient materials and processes. In this research, ethanol was chosen as a reducing fuel and the main goal was to study its interaction with different catalysts having similar structure (spinels), to make a correlation with the composition and the mechanism of the anaerobic oxidation of the ethanol which is the first step of the steam-iron cycle. To accomplish this, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used to study the surface composition of the catalysts during the adsorption of ethanol and its transformation during the temperature program. Furthermore, mass spectrometry was used to monitor the desorbed products. The set of studied materials include Cu, Co and Ni ferrites which were also characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, surface area measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and temperature programmed reduction.


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Die zentrale Funktion des Hauptlichtsammlerkomplexes des Photosystems II, LHCII, besteht in der Absorption von Sonnenlicht und der Bereitstellung von Energie für die photosynthetische Ladungstrennung im Reaktionszentrum des Photosystems. Auch in der Regulation der Photosynthese spielt der LHCII eine wichtige Rolle, da die Energieverteilung zwischen Photosystem I und Photosystem II im Rahmen des sog. „State Transition“-Prozesses über die Verteilung der Lichtsammlerkomplexe zwischen den beiden Photosystemen gesteuert wird. Im Blickfeld des ersten Teils dieser Arbeit stand die konformative Dynamik der N-terminalen Domäne des LHCII, die wahrscheinlich in die Regulation der Lichtsammlung involviert ist. Gemeinsam mit Mitarbeitern des 3. Physikalischen Instituts der Universität Stuttgart wurde an der Etablierung einer Methode zur einzelmolekülspektroskopischen Untersuchung der Dynamik des N-Terminus gearbeitet. Als Messgröße diente der Energietransfer zwischen einem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff, der an die N-terminale Domäne gekoppelt war, und den Chlorophyllen des Komplexes. Die Funktion des LHCII als effiziente Lichtantenne bildete die Grundlage für den zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit. Hier wurde untersucht, in wie weit LHCII als Lichtsammler in eine elektrochemische Solarzelle integriert werden kann. In der potentiellen Solarzelle sollte die Anregungsenergie des LHCII auf Akzeptorfarbstoffe übertragen werden, die in der Folge Elektronen in das Leitungsband einer aus Titandioxid oder Zinndioxid bestehenden porösen Halbleiterelektrode injizierten, auf der Komplexe und Farbstoffe immobilisiert waren.


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In green plants, the function of collecting solar energy for photosynthesis is fulfilled by a series of light-harvesting complexes (LHC). The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) is synthesized in the cytosol as a precursor (pLHCP), then imported into chloroplasts and assembled into photosynthetic thylakoid membranes. Knowledge about the regulation of the transport processes of LHCP is rather limited. Closely mimicking the in vivo situation, cell-free protein expression system is employed in this dissertation to study the reconstitution of LHCP into artificial membranes. The approach starts merely from the genetic information of the protein, so the difficult and time-consuming procedures of protein expression and purification can be avoided. The LHCP encoding gene from Pisum sativum was cloned into a cell-free compatible vector system and the protein was expressed in wheat germ extracts. Vesicles or pigment-containing vesicles were prepared with either synthetic lipid or purified plant leaf lipid to mimic cell membranes. LHCP was synthesized in wheat germ extract systems with or without supplemented lipids. The addition of either synthetic or purified plant leaf lipid was found to be beneficial to the general productivity of the expression system. The lipid membrane insertion of the LHCP was investigated by radioactive labelling, protease digestion, and centrifugation assays. The LHCP is partially protected against protease digestion; however the protection is independent from the supplemented lipids.


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The present PhD thesis exploits the design skills I have been improving since my master thesis’ research. A brief description of the chapters’ content follows. Chapter 1: the simulation of a complete front–end is a very complex problem and, in particular, is the basis upon which the prediction of the overall performance of the system is possible. By means of a commercial EM simulation tool and a rigorous nonlinear/EM circuit co–simulation based on the Reciprocity Theorem, the above–mentioned prediction can be achieved and exploited for wireless links characterization. This will represent the theoretical basics of the entire present thesis and will be supported by two RF applications. Chapter 2: an extensive dissertation about Magneto–Dielectric (MD) materials will be presented, together with their peculiar characteristics as substrates for antenna miniaturization purposes. A designed and tested device for RF on–body applications will be described in detail. Finally, future research will be discussed. Chapter 3: this chapter will deal with the issue regarding the exploitation of renewable energy sources for low–energy consumption devices. Hence the problem related to the so–called energy harvesting will be tackled and a first attempt to deploy THz solar energy in an innovative way will be presented and discussed. Future research will be proposed as well. Chapter 4: graphene is a very promising material for devices to be exploited in the RF and THz frequency range for a wide range of engineering applications, including those ones marked as the main research goal of the present thesis. This chapter will present the results obtained during my research period at the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT) in Bucharest, Romania. It will concern the design and manufacturing of antennas and diodes made in graphene–based technology for detection/rectification purposes.


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The aim of this PhD thesis is the investigation of the photophysical properties of materials that can be exploited in solar energy conversion. In this context, my research was mainly focused on carbon nanotube-based materials and ruthenium complexes. The first part of the thesis is devoted to carbon nanotubes (CNT), which have unique physical and chemical properties, whose rational control is of substantial interest to widen their application perspectives in many fields. Our goals were (i) to develop novel procedures for supramolecular dispersion, using amphiphilic block copolymers, (ii) to investigate the photophysics of CNT-based multicomponent hybrids and understand the nature of photoinduced interactions between CNT and selected molecular systems such as porphyrins, fullerenes and oligo (p-phynylenevinylenes). We established a new protocol for the dispersion of SWCNTs in aqueous media via non-covalent interactions and demonstrated that some CNT-based hybrids are suitable for testing in PV devices. The second part of the work is focussed on the study of homoleptic and heteroleptic Ru(II) complexes with bipyridine and extended phenanthroline ligands. Our studies demonstrated that these compounds are potentially useful as light harvesting systems for solar energy conversion. Both CNT materials and Ru(II) complexes have turned out to be remarkable examples of photoactive systems. The morphological and photophysical characterization of CNT-based multicomponent systems allowed a satisfactory rationalization of the photoinduced interactions between the individual units, despite several hurdles related to the intrinsic properties of CNTs that prevent, for instance, the utilization of laser spectroscopic techniques. Overall, this work may prompt the design and development of new functional materials for photovoltaic devices.


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This is the seventeenth of a series of symposia devoted to talks by students about their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, ninth, twelfth, and sixteenth were at Kansas State University, the second and fourth were at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the sixth was in Kansas City and was hosted by Iowa State University, the seventh, tenth, thirteenth, and seventeenth were at Iowa State University, the eighth and fourteenth were at the University of Missouri–Columbia, and the eleventh and fifteenth were at Colorado State University. Next year's symposium will be at the University of Colorado. Symposium proceedings are edited by faculty of the host institution. Because final publication usually takes place elsewhere, papers here are brief, and often cover work in progress. ContentsThe Effect of Polymer Dosage Conditions on the Properties of ProteinPolyelectrolyte Precipitates, K. H. Clark and C. E. Glatz, Iowa State University An Immobilized Enzyme Reactor/Separator for the Hydrolysis of Casein by Subtilisin Carlsberg, A. J. Bream, R. A. Yoshisato, and G. R. Carmichael, University of Iowa Cell Density Measurements in Hollow Fiber Bioreactors, Thomas Blute, Colorado State University The Hydrodynamics in an Air-Lift Reactor, Peter Sohn, George Y. Preckshot, and Rakesh K. Bajpai, University of Missouri–Columbia Local Liquid Velocity Measurements in a Split Cylinder Airlift Column, G. Travis Jones, Kansas State University Fluidized Bed Solid Substrate Trichoderma reesei Fermentation, S. Adisasmito, H. N. Karim, and R. P. Tengerdy, Colorado State University The Effect of 2,4-D Concentration on the Growth of Streptanthus tortuosis Cells in Shake Flask and Air-Lift Permenter Culture, I. C. Kong, R. D. Sjolund, and R. A. Yoshisato, University of Iowa Protein Engineering of Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase, Michael R. Sierks, Iowa State University Structured Kinetic Modeling of Hybidoma Growth and Monoclonal Antibody Production in Suspension Cultures, Brian C. Batt and Dhinakar S. Kampala, University of Colorado Modelling and Control of a Zymomonas mobilis Fermentation, John F. Kramer, M. N. Karim, and J. Linden, Colorado State University Modeling of Brettanomyces clausenii Fermentation on Mixtures of Glucose and Cellobiose, Max T. Bynum and Dhinakar S. Kampala, University of Colorado, Karel Grohmann and Charles E. Yyman, Solar Energy Research Institute Master Equation Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulation of Predator-Prey Interactions, R. 0. Fox, Y. Y. Huang, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University Kinetics and Equilibria of Condensation Reactions Between Two Different Monosaccharides Catalyzed by Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase, Sabine Pestlin, Iowa State University Biodegradation of Metalworking Fluids, S. M. Lee, Ayush Gupta, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University Redox Potential, Toxicity and Oscillations in Solvent Fermentations, Kim Joong, Rakesh Bajpai, and Eugene L. Iannotti, University of Missouri–Columbia Using Structured Kinetic Models for Analyzing Instability in Recombinant Bacterial Cultures, William E. Bentley and Dhinakar S. Kompala, University of Colorado