862 resultados para HD 75289


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A systematic review was conducted to explicitly identify interventions that alone, or in combination, were effective in improving antibiotic prescribing. The citation search strategy used in the present review provided a database of 365077 studies, of which only twenty-five were included in the final review (“review studies”). Analysis of the interventions used within the review studies indicated that a combination of “guidelines” and “pharmacy” interventions have the greatest potential to improve antibiotic prescribing. Two types of qualitative research were conducted, semi-structured interviews and the collection of naturally occurring data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to determine NHS managers? perceptions of current policies used to improve antibiotic prescribing within selected Primary Care Trusts and highlighted the importance of pharmacy intervention, formularies or guidelines and improved prescribing analysis (IT based intervention) on improving antibiotic prescribing. This was supported by the collection of naturally occurring data, which was used to provide further insight into interventions used to improve antibiotic prescribing. The Specialist Antibiotic Pharmacist (HD) produced and implemented an innovative electronic antibiotic prescribing analysis tool (the Antibiotic Database) to analyse and improve antibiotic prescribing in a consistent manner. The key advantage of the Antibiotic Database was the time and money saved on producing visual electronic outputs containing an inaccurate outcome measure or time period for analysis. The results concluded that an IT based intervention, such as the Antibiotic Database should be used, in addition to the use of antibiotic guidelines and pharmacy intervention, within all sectors of the NHS in order to improve antibiotic prescribing and its analysis.


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The metabolite 2,5-hexanedione (HD) is the cause of neurotoxicity linked with chronic n-hexane exposure. Acute exposure to high levels of 2,5-HD, have also shown toxic effects in neuronal cells and non-neuronal cells. Isomers of 2,5-HD, 2,3- and 3,4-HD, added to foodstuffs, are reported to be non-toxic. The acute cytotoxic effects of 2,5-, 2,3- and 3,4-HD were evaluated in neural (NT2.N, SK-N-SH), astrocytic (CCF-STTG1) and non-neural (NT2.D1) cell lines. All the cell lines were highly resistant to 2,5-HD (34-426 mM) at 4-h exposure, although sensitivity was greatest with NT2.D1, then SK-N-SH, NT2.N and finally the CCF-STTG1 line. At 24-h exposure, cell vulnerability increased 5-10-fold. The NT2.D1 cells were again the most sensitive, followed by NT2.N, SK-N-SH and then the CCF-STTG1 cells. 2,3- and 3,4-HD (8-84 mM), were significantly more toxic towards all four cell lines compared with 2,5-HD, after 4-h exposure. After 24-h exposure there was a 12-fold increase in inhibition of MTT turnover in the SK-N-SH cells and a 4-fold increase in the CCF-STTG1 cells, compared with 2,5-HD exposure. 2,3- and 3,4-HD, were significantly less toxic to the NT2.N cells than the SK-N-SH cells after 24-h exposure to the compounds, demonstrating a differing toxin vulnerability between these neural and neuroblastoma cell lines. This study indicates that these non-neuronal and neuronal cells are acutely resistant to 2,5-HD cytotoxicity, whilst the previously unreported sensitivity of all four cell lines to the 2,3- and 3,4- isomers of HD to has been shown to be significantly greater than that of 2,5-HD. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work has been partially supported by Grant No. DO 02-275, 16.12.2008, Bulgarian NSF, Ministry of Education and Science.


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A társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek növekedése és a mobilitás csökkenése világszerte aggasztó tendenciákat mutat. Magyarországon a közoktatás szegényeket sújtó, feltűnően diszkriminatív jellege az elmúlt évtizedekben súlyos veszélybe sodorta a társadalmi mobilitást. A felsőoktatás-politika a belépést nehezítve (minimumpont- emelések, duális tandíjrendszer, tandíjemelések) és a teljesítményelvet túlhajszolva tovább súlyosbította a helyzetet, amit a Diákhitel–2 bevezetése sem tudott ellensúlyozni egy olyan környezetben, ahol az állam felsőoktatás-ellenes propagandát folytat, és közben drasztikusan csökkenti a finanszírozást. A hibás szabályozás miatt a többletpontok rendszere sem működik megfelelően. Mindezek miatt a halmozottan hátrányos helyzetű hallgatók felsőoktatás-beli részaránya felvételkor jelenleg fél százalék körül mozog, ami a gimnáziumi férőhelyek tervezett radikális szűkítése miatt várhatóan el fogja érni az abszolút nulla szintet. A tanulmányban bemutatunk egy általunk indított civil kezdeményezést, a Híd a felsőoktatásba elnevezésű programot, amelynek célja, hogy segítséget nyújtson a hátrányos helyzetű, főként roma középiskolásoknak a sikeres egyetemi felvételihez és a diploma megszerzéséhez. A fő tanulság: viszonylag kevés pénzből és rövid idő alatt még akkor is lehet eredményeket elérni, ha az általános társadalmi és politikai környezet egyáltalán nem támogató.


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Legyen az mérnöki tervezői folyamat, orvostudomány, üzlet, építészet vagy festészet nem azzal foglalkozik, hogy mi szükséges, hanem hogy mi lehetséges: röviden designnal (Simon, 1996). A design tehát alkotói magatartás, kreatív tervezés, tervezőművészet. Ehhez társul a kommunikáció, a tervezői, alkotói, kreatív kapcsolatteremtés, úgy az önreflexió, mint az interhumánus fenomén szintjén. Így hát a designkommunikáció egy olyan kapcsolatteremtési szemléletet képvisel, amely HÍD-ként jelenik meg a különböző diszciplínák, a társadalom és a gazdaság jelenségei között. Módszerével valósidejű kapcsolatot lehet teremteni oktatás, kutatás és vállalkozás között. Az élethosszig tartó tanulás a ma vezetője és tervezője számára egyaránt evidencia. A tanulás lehetőségét a saját területről, diszciplínából, komfort zónából való kilépés teremtheti meg: olyan helyzetekből, ahol a tervező tanul a menedzsertől, a vezető a művésztől, a közgazdász a mérnöktől és mindezt úgy, hogy az egyetemi évek a valódi karrier (identitás, inkubáció, akceleráció, start-up, vállalkozás, önálló vezérfonal stb.), azaz az életpálya-építés integráns részévé válnak. A szerzők interdiszciplináris megközelítésű cikkükben bemutatják, hogy a ma vállalatvezetője hogyan működhet designerként. Tanulmányuk szemlélete kettős: a tervezőművész és a közgazdász diaglógusa: ötvözi a rigorózus tudományos irodalomfeldolgozás retorikáját és a gyakorlati tervezői és vezetői párbeszéd érveléstechnikáját. A közvetlenül adaptálható elméleti keretek bemutatása mellett, felvázolják egy olyan képzési program koncepcióját, melynek célja vezető-tervezői/tervező-vezetői kompetenciák átadása.


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The move from Standard Definition (SD) to High Definition (HD) represents a six times increases in data, which needs to be processed. With expanding resolutions and evolving compression, there is a need for high performance with flexible architectures to allow for quick upgrade ability. The technology advances in image display resolutions, advanced compression techniques, and video intelligence. Software implementation of these systems can attain accuracy with tradeoffs among processing performance (to achieve specified frame rates, working on large image data sets), power and cost constraints. There is a need for new architectures to be in pace with the fast innovations in video and imaging. It contains dedicated hardware implementation of the pixel and frame rate processes on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to achieve the real-time performance. ^ The following outlines the contributions of the dissertation. (1) We develop a target detection system by applying a novel running average mean threshold (RAMT) approach to globalize the threshold required for background subtraction. This approach adapts the threshold automatically to different environments (indoor and outdoor) and different targets (humans and vehicles). For low power consumption and better performance, we design the complete system on FPGA. (2) We introduce a safe distance factor and develop an algorithm for occlusion occurrence detection during target tracking. A novel mean-threshold is calculated by motion-position analysis. (3) A new strategy for gesture recognition is developed using Combinational Neural Networks (CNN) based on a tree structure. Analysis of the method is done on American Sign Language (ASL) gestures. We introduce novel point of interests approach to reduce the feature vector size and gradient threshold approach for accurate classification. (4) We design a gesture recognition system using a hardware/ software co-simulation neural network for high speed and low memory storage requirements provided by the FPGA. We develop an innovative maximum distant algorithm which uses only 0.39% of the image as the feature vector to train and test the system design. Database set gestures involved in different applications may vary. Therefore, it is highly essential to keep the feature vector as low as possible while maintaining the same accuracy and performance^


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This work presents an analysis of the behavior of some algorithms usually available in stereo correspondence literature, with full HD images (1920x1080 pixels) to establish, within the precision dilemma versus runtime applications which these methods can be better used. The images are obtained by a system composed of a stereo camera coupled to a computer via a capture board. The OpenCV library is used for computer vision operations and processing images involved. The algorithms discussed are an overall method of search for matching blocks with the Sum of the Absolute Value of the difference (Sum of Absolute Differences - SAD), a global technique based on cutting energy graph cuts, and a so-called matching technique semi -global. The criteria for analysis are processing time, the consumption of heap memory and the mean absolute error of disparity maps generated.


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The community of Ferryland is located on the southeastern coast of the Avalon Peninsula. The town traditionally relied on a fishing-based economy until the collapse of the fishery in the early 1990s. The present economy emphasizes sustainable development in the tourism sector with focus on archaeology, geotourism and other recreational uses. This paper discusses coastal erosion and impacts on sites and infrastructure using methods including: local knowledge, Real Time Kinematic (RTK) surveying and other survey techniques, seawater level measurement, meteorological data from a locally-installed station, custom-made drifter tube buoys, photography, HD video, and investigation using various modes of transport including inflatable boat. The major findings of the study include that the residents and stakeholders are genuinely interested in and knowledgeable of coastal erosion. The causes of coastal erosion include: large waves, surge, longshore currents, harbour oscillations, mass wasting, and location of infrastructure causing alterations of these processes. Freeze-thaw Cycles (FTC), rainfall, and gravity loosen and transport rock, till, and fill materials downslope. Large waves and currents transport the materials alongshore or into the nearshore. Harbour oscillations causing high velocity currents (> 2 m/s) are responsible for shoreline erosion and damage to property in The Pool. Historical resources such as gun batteries and ordnance pieces which date to the 1700s are being lost or threatened through coastal erosion of till and rock cliffs. Improper drainage and maintenance is responsible for erosion of roads and supporting shoulders, necessitating mitigation measures. Sediment transport and deposition during and after large wave and surge events lead to undercutting of infrastructure and increased risk of washover of existing infrastructure. Erosion is ongoing at Bois Island and Ferryland Head Isthmus through slope processes and undercutting; The Pool and the lower Colony of Avalon site through harbour oscillations and related undermining; the tombolo and the main breakwater through wave attack; and Meade’s Cove including the East Coast Trail through wave attack and undercutting. The floor of the latrine in the lower Colony of Avalon site indicates that sea level was approximately 1.25m below present in the 1620s, a relative sea level rise rate of 3.2 mm/y. The recommendations include suggested mitigation to reduce impacts specific to each site.


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A DESIGNKOMMUNIKÁCIÓ egy olyan kapcsolatteremtési szemléletet képvisel amely HÍD-ként jelenik meg a különböző diszciplínák és diskurzusok, a társadalom és a gazdaság jelenségei között. A módszerével valós idejű kapcsolatot lehet teremteni oktatás, kutatás és vállalkozás között. A felsőoktatásban való részvétel egy üzleti területen dolgozó szakember számára evidenciává vált, ugyanakkor a minél sokrétűbb és minél több szakmai gyakorlat gyors megszerzésének igénye felülírja a mai marketing felsőoktatás megszokott gyakorlatát: a hallgatók a nappali-tagozatos egyetemista lét és főállású munkahely között lavíroznak. Az IDŐ kíméletlenül befolyásolja életünket, de legfőképpen az Y és Z generáció számára okoz sokszor nehezen kezelhető problémákat. A multitasking generáció olykor túlzottan fájdalmasan éli meg, hogy tanulnia kell a munka rovására és dolgoznia kell a tanulás rovására, hiszen az időfaktor nem mindig multitasking kompatibilis. Cikkünkben e dilemmát feloldó designkommunikációs módszertanra épülő oktatási koncepciót és hallgatói visszajelzésekkel illusztrált eddigi tapasztalatainkat mutatjuk be.


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We present the stellar calibrator sample and the conversion from instrumental to physical units for the 24 μm channel of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). The primary calibrators are A stars, and the calibration factor based on those stars is 4.54 × 10^-2 MJy sr^–1 (DN/s)^–1, with a nominal uncertainty of 2%. We discuss the data reduction procedures required to attain this accuracy; without these procedures, the calibration factor obtained using the automated pipeline at the Spitzer Science Center is 1.6% ± 0.6% lower. We extend this work to predict 24 μm flux densities for a sample of 238 stars that covers a larger range of flux densities and spectral types. We present a total of 348 measurements of 141 stars at 24 μm. This sample covers a factor of ~460 in 24 μm flux density, from 8.6 mJy up to 4.0 Jy. We show that the calibration is linear over that range with respect to target flux and background level. The calibration is based on observations made using 3 s exposures; a preliminary analysis shows that the calibration factor may be 1% and 2% lower for 10 and 30 s exposures, respectively. We also demonstrate that the calibration is very stable: over the course of the mission, repeated measurements of our routine calibrator, HD 159330, show a rms scatter of only 0.4%. Finally, we show that the point-spread function (PSF) is well measured and allows us to calibrate extended sources accurately; Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) and MIPS measurements of a sample of nearby galaxies are identical within the uncertainties.


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Acknowledgements KK, MJ, RE and HD are grateful for financial support through the Leverhulme Trust-Royal Society Africa award (AA090088). MJ, RE, HD, JT and KH thank EU FP7 for financial support (contract no. 312184). HD thanks the School of Natural and Computing Sciences, University of Aberdeen, for a PhD scholarship to XLW. PCD gratefully acknowledges grants from the National Institute of Health (GM097509 and GMS10RR029121). We thank the Bruker Therapeutic Discovery Mass Spectrometry Center for recording the MSn spectra.


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The CHDI Foundation, Inc. funds Enroll-HD and the activities of the Enroll-HD Care Improvement Committee, including the present survey. We would like to acknowledge the Enroll-HD and REGISTRY administrative staff that assisted in the recruitment of sites and sites that completed the survey.


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The second messenger c-di-GMP is implicated in regulation of various aspects of the lifestyles and virulence of Gram-negative bacteria. Cyclic di-GMP is formed by diguanylate cyclases with a GGDEF domain and degraded by phosphodiesterases with either an EAL or HD-GYP domain. Proteins with tandem GGDEF-EAL domains occur in many bacteria, where they may be involved in c-di-GMP turnover or act as enzymatically-inactive c-di-GMP effectors. Here, we report a systematic study of the regulatory action of the eleven GGDEF-EAL proteins in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola, an important rice pathogen causing bacterial leaf streak. Mutational analysis revealed that XOC_2335 and XOC_2393 positively regulate bacterial swimming motility, while XOC_2102, XOC_2393 and XOC_4190 negatively control sliding motility. The ΔXOC_2335/XOC_2393 mutant that had a higher intracellular c-di-GMP level than the wild type and the ΔXOC_4190 mutant exhibited reduced virulence to rice after pressure inoculation. In vitro purified XOC_4190 and XOC_2102 have little or no diguanylate cyclase or phosphodiesterase activity, which is consistent with unaltered c-di-GMP concentration in ΔXOC_4190. Nevertheless, both proteins can bind to c-di-GMP with high affinity, indicating a potential role as c-di-GMP effectors. Overall our findings advance understanding of c-di-GMP signaling and its links to virulence in an important rice pathogen.


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Schedule-Induced Polydipsia (SIP) is an animal model of adjunctive drinking induced when a hungry rat receives food on a fixed interval of time. This model has been implemented as a model of compulsive behaviour and may represent a powerful tool to understand the neural mechanisms of compulsion. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is thought to translate challenges to energy homeostasis into consummatory behaviours, and is therefore likely to contribute to drinking behaviours displayed by food restricted rats in the SIP paradigm. Furthermore, the BNST seems implicated in various compulsive behaviors, including compulsive water drinking in rats. Therefore, the goal of this project was to determine whether compulsive drinking in the SIP paradigm was associated with alterations in transmission at oval BNST (ovBNST) synapses. Rats undergoing the SIP procedure had restricted food access (1-hours/day) for a total of 29 days. After 7 days of food restriction and for the next 21 consecutive days, the rats had daily 2-hour access to operant conditioning chambers where they were presented with a 45-mg food pellet every minute. Water consumed during these 2-hour sessions was measured and the rats that drank 15 ml or more water for a minimum of 3 consecutive days were considered High Drinkers (HD; n=17) or otherwise, Low Drinkers (LD; n=13). Brain slices whole-cell patch clamp recordings conducted 18-hours after the last SIP training showed that chronic food restriction changed low frequency stimulation (LFS) - induced long-term potentiation of ovBNST inhibitory synaptic transmission (iLTP) into LFS - induced long-term depression (iLTD) in a majority of neurons, regardless of drinking behaviours. However, ad libitum access to food between the last day of SIP training and brain slice recordings (18-hour refeed) rescued LFS-induced iLTP in LD but not in HD, suggesting that impaired bi-directional plasticity of ovBNST synapses may contribute to compulsive drinking in the SIP paradigm.


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Durante el siglo XIII se produjo una sucesión de revueltas que supuso la desaparición del Imperio almohade y su sustitución por poderes regionales en al-Andalus, el Magreb y el Magreb al-Aqsà. La historiografía ha presentado el surgimiento y pugna entre estos poderes como un fenómeno social, político e, incluso, cultural y religioso, con el que se ha podido explicar su aniquilación o marginalización. Este trabajo pretende contextualizar los hechos desde una perspectiva medioambiental, de forma que la desintegración del califato almohade, el surgimiento de aquellos poderes y la progresión de los reinos cristianos en la península ibérica puedan entenderse desde una visión global de cambio climático y una posible crisis agrícola.