892 resultados para HCC ORT


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Deutung des Revolutionsverlaufs in Preußen vom März bis Dezember 1848 aus konservativer Sicht: Unter dem Einfluß eines aus Paris zurückgekehrten Nachbarssohnes geraten die Söhne eines rechtschaffenen Schuhmachers (Friedrich Wilhelm IV.) in Streit mit ihrem Vater, der daraufhin die Werkstatt verläßt. Da die Anfertigung von Schuhen nach dem neuesten Schnitt (der Verfassung) den Söhnen auch nach sechs Tagen (Monaten) nicht gelingt, verlegt der Schuhmachermeister die Werkstatt (das Parlament) an einen anderen Ort und schenkt ihnen großmütig ein selbst angefertigtes Paar Stiefel nach dem neuesten Schnitt (die oktroyierte Verfassung vom 5. Dezember 1848)


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Stellungnahme Sethes zum Konflikt von Krone und Nationalversammlung: Der Protest der Volksvertreter gegen das Ministerium Brandenburg stellt einen Eingriff in die Rechte des Königs dar. Da eine Verfassung jedoch bislang nicht geschaffen wurde, sind nach wie vor die alten Gesetze gültig, und danach ist a) der König berechtigt, die Nationalversammlung an einen beliebigen Ort zu berufen und zu verlegen, b) die Regierung berechtigt, den Belagerungszustand zu verhängen und c) gibt es keinerlei rechtliche Grundlage für eine Anklage gegen das Staatsministerium. Eine Anklage jedoch, die das Staatsministeriums des Hochverrats bezichtigt (§ 92, Tit. 20, Tl. II Allg. Landrecht) ist rechtlich unhaltbar. Vonnöten ist folglich die alsbaldige Ausarbeitung einer Verfassung


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Einschränkende Bestimmungen der erst im März errungenen Pressefreiheit: verbindliche Angabe des Namens des Druckers oder Verlegers sowie von Ort und Zeit, Verpflichtung zum Abdruck amtlicher und privater Gegendarstellungen. Freiheitsstrafen drohen im Falle von Angriffen oder Schmähungen auf die Person des Landesfürsten und auf die Verfassung, bei der Propagierung des Abfalls einzelner Landesteile sowie bei Gotteslästerung und Verbreitung falscher Gerüchte. Die Verbreitung von Druckschriften ist neben den Behörden nur solchen Buch- und Kunsthandlungen sowie Druckereien gestattet, die der Sicherheitsbehörde namentlich bekannt sind


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Bekanntmachung von Ort und Zeit der Werbung für das Mobile Corps im Karolinenviertel


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Scharfe Zurückweisung der angeordneten Verlegung der Preußischen Nationalversammlung nach Brandenburg: "Wir wollen weder [den Ministerpräsidenten] Brandenburg in die National-Versammlung noch die National-Versammlung in [dem Ort] Brandenburg." Forderung nach einer "wahrhaftige[n] Constitution" sowie einem "volksthümliche[n] Ministerium", Absage an die republikanische Staatsform


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Desinformationsschrift von reaktionärer Seite anläßlich des Protests der Linken gegen das am 28. Juni 1848 verabschiedete Gesetz der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung über die provisorische Zentralgewalt (vgl. Flugbl. Sf 16/104, Bd. 25). Versuch, die Abgeordneten Blum, Zitz und Schlöffel als Vertreter der demokratischen Linken durch die Veröffentlichung ultraradikaler Forderungen ihrer vermeintlichen Anhänger ("Ihr müßt uns einen Tag und einen Ort bestimmen, wo wir Alle zusammenkommen und losschlagen") sowie durch die Vortragung absichtlich absurder Gedankengänge in Mißkredit zu bringen: "Die Reaktion spricht von Wiederkehr des Vertrauens; Viele ... bedenken nicht, daß mit dem Vertrauen auch die Arbeit wiederkehrt, welche für das souveräne Volk der Zustand tiefster Erniedrigung ist. - Das Mandat, welches ihr von uns erhalten, lautet nicht auf Arbeit, sondern auf Wohlstand, Bildung und Freiheit für uns Alle. Gebt uns Freiheit und Wohlstand, die Bildung wollen wir Andern lassen ... "


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS The Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system is the algorithm most widely used to manage patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We aimed to investigate the extent to which the BCLC recommendations effectively guide clinical practice and assess the reasons for any deviation from the recommendations. MATERIAL AND METHODS The first-line treatments assigned to patients included in the prospective Bern HCC cohort were analyzed. RESULTS Among 223 patients included in the cohort, 116 were not treated according to the BCLC algorithm. Eighty percent of the patients in BCLC stage 0 (very early HCC) and 60% of the patients in BCLC stage A (early HCC) received recommended curative treatment. Only 29% of the BCLC stage B patients (intermediate HCC) and 33% of the BCLC stage C patients (advanced HCC) were treated according to the algorithm. Eighty-nine percent of the BCLC stage D patients (terminal HCC) were treated with best supportive care, as recommended. In 98 patients (44%) the performance status was disregarded in the stage assignment. CONCLUSION The management of HCC in clinical practice frequently deviates from the BCLC recommendations. Most of the curative therapy options, which have well-defined selection criteria, were allocated according to the recommendations, while the majority of the palliative therapy options were assigned to patients with tumor stages not aligned with the recommendations. The only parameter which is subjective in the algorithm, the performance status, is also the least respected.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the arterial enhancement fraction (AEF) in multiphasic computed tomography (CT) acquisitions to detect hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in liver transplant recipients in correlation with the pathologic analysis of the corresponding liver explants. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fifty-five transplant recipients were analyzed: 35 patients with 108 histologically proven HCC lesions and 20 patients with end-stage liver disease without HCC. Six radiologists looked at the triphasic CT acquisitions with the AEF maps in a first readout. For the second readout without the AEF maps, 3 radiologists analyzed triphasic CT acquisitions (group 1), whereas the other 3 readers had 4 contrast acquisitions available (group 2). A jackknife free-response reader receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to compare the readout performance of the readers. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to determine the optimal cutoff value of the AEF. RESULTS The figure of merit (θ = 0.6935) for the conventional triphasic readout was significantly inferior compared with the triphasic readout with additional use of the AEF (θ = 0.7478, P < 0.0001) in group 1. There was no significant difference between the fourphasic conventional readout (θ = 0.7569) and the triphasic readout (θ = 0.7615, P = 0.7541) with the AEF in group 2. Without the AEF, HCC lesions were detected with a sensitivity of 30.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 25.5%-36.4%) and a specificity of 97.1% (96.0%-98.0%) by group 1 looking at 3 CT acquisition phases and with a sensitivity of 42.1% (36.2%-48.1%) and a specificity of 97.5% (96.4%-98.3%) in group 2 looking at 4 CT acquisition phases. Using the AEF maps, both groups looking at the same 3 acquisition phases, the sensitivity was 47.7% (95% CI, 41.9%-53.5%) with a specificity of 97.4% (96.4%-98.3%) in group 1 and 49.8% (95% CI, 43.9%-55.8%)/97.6% (96.6%-98.4%) in group 2. The optimal cutoff for the AEF was 50%. CONCLUSION The AEF is a helpful tool to screen for HCC with CT. The use of the AEF maps may significantly improve HCC detection, which allows omitting the fourth CT acquisition phase and thus making a 25% reduction of radiation dose possible.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS European and American guidelines have endorsed the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of the recently developed Hong Kong Liver Cancer (HKLC) classification as a staging system for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Europe. METHODS We used a pooled set of 1693 HCC patients combining three prospective European cohorts. Discrimination ability between the nine substages and five stages of the HKLC classification system was assessed. To evaluate the predictive power of the HKLC and BCLC staging systems on overall survival, Nagelkerke pseudo R2, Bayesian Information Criterion and Harrell's concordance index were calculated. The number of patients who would benefit from a curative therapy was assessed for both staging system. RESULTS The HKLC classification in nine substages shows suboptimal discrimination between the staging groups. The classification in five stages shows better discrimination between groups. However, the BCLC classification performs better than the HKLC classification in the ability to predict OS. The HKLC treatment algorithm tags significantly more patients to curative therapy than the BCLC. CONCLUSIONS The BCLC staging system performs better for European patients than the HKLC staging system in predicting OS. Twice more patients are eligible for a curative therapy with the HKLC algorithm, whether this translates in survival benefit remains to be investigated. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Mortality owing to liver cancer has increased in the past 20 years, and the latest estimates indicate that the global health burden of this disease will continue to grow. Most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are still diagnosed at intermediate or advanced disease stages, where curative approaches are often not feasible. Among the treatment options available, the molecular targeted agent sorafenib is able to significantly increase overall survival in these patients. Thereafter, up to seven large, randomized phase III clinical trials investigating other molecular therapies in the first-line and second-line settings have failed to improve on the results observed with this agent. Potential reasons for this include intertumour heterogeneity, issues with trial design and a lack of predictive biomarkers of response. During the past 5 years, substantial advances in our knowledge of the human genome have provided a comprehensive picture of commonly mutated genes in patients with HCC. This knowledge has not yet influenced clinical decision-making or current clinical practice guidelines. In this Review the authors summarize the molecular concepts of progression, discuss the potential reasons for clinical trial failure and propose new concepts of drug development, which might lead to clinical implementation of emerging targeted agents.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a cancer with globally rising incidence. Growing evidence supports associations between metabolic syndrome and diabetes as well as obesity and HCC arising in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This constitutes a problem of alarming magnitude given the rising epidemic of these conditions. The role of diabetes seems to be particularly important when associated with obesity or cirrhosis. Excess hepatic iron may be another potential risk factor for the development of NAFLD-associated HCC. In the context of NAFLD, HCC frequently develops in a not-yet cirrhotic liver. As there are no surveillance programs for these patients, diagnosis often occurs at a tumor stage beyond curative options. Clinical, tumor, and patient characteristics in NAFLD-associated HCC differ from other etiologies. Older age and cardiovascular comorbidities may limit treatment options further. The outcome in patients with NAFLD-associated early HCC is excellent and therefore aggressive treatment should be pursued in appropriate patients. Population-based prevention to reduce the culprit-NAFLD-early recognition through targeted surveillance programs in risk-stratified patients and effective treatment of HCC associated with NAFLD are urgently needed. In this review, the authors summarize the epidemiology, risk factors, features, and prevention of NAFLD-associated HCC.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Non-selective beta-blockers (NSBB) are used in patients with cirrhosis and oesophageal varices. Experimental data suggest that NSBB inhibit angiogenesis and reduce bacterial translocation, which may prevent hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We therefore assessed the effect of NSBB on HCC by performing a systematic review with meta-analyses of randomized trials. METHODS Electronic and manual searches were combined. Authors were contacted for unpublished data. Included trials assessed NSBB for patients with cirrhosis; the control group could receive any other intervention than NSBB. Fixed and random effects meta-analyses were performed with I(2) as a measure of heterogeneity. Subgroup, sensitivity, regression and sequential analyses were performed to evaluate heterogeneity, bias and the robustness of the results after adjusting for multiple testing. RESULTS Twenty-three randomized trials on 2618 patients with cirrhosis were included, of which 12 reported HCC incidence and 23 reported HCC mortality. The mean duration of follow-up was 26 months (range 8-82). In total, 47 of 694 patients randomized to NSBB developed HCC vs 65 of 697 controls (risk difference -0.026; 95% CI-0.052 to -0.001; number needed to treat 38 patients). There was no heterogeneity (I(2) = 7%) or evidence of small study effects (Eggers P = 0.402). The result was not confirmed in sequential analysis, which suggested that 3719 patients were needed to achieve the required information size. NSBB did not reduce HCC-related mortality (RD -0.011; 95% CI -0.040 to 0.017). CONCLUSIONS Non-selective beta-blockers may prevent HCC in patients with cirrhosis.


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La Parole errante, l’œuvre nodale d’Armand Gatti, «œuvre-monde» au sens de F. Moretti, s’inscrit dans l’épique moderne et constitue une épopée, lacunaire et discontinue, de l’art du XXe siècle, tout en évoquant les projets cinématographiques et théâtraux qu’a menés Gatti tout autour de la terre. Dans les deux cas, l’art est vu comme vie. Les évocations des avant-gardes ne reprennent pas le récit qu’elles se sont donné d’elles-mêmes en soulignant leurs ruptures. Inscrites dans une poétique générale de choralité, elles interviennent avec de très nombreuses mentions d’artistes antérieurs au XXe siècle et extérieurs au monde occidental, formant une sorte de chœur où les divers arts se répondent, mais avec des dissonances.


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"On the Sociology of Class Relations" (GS 12, S.75-104); 1. 1943 Aufsatz. a) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 34 Blatt b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 31 Blatt c) Typoskript, 31 Blatt und eigenhändigen Ergänzungen, 1 Blatt d) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 26 Blatt; 2. Franz Neumann: 1 eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift an Max Horkheimer mit Anmerkungen zum Aufsatz, ohne Ort, 30.09.1943, 11 Blatt; "The Psychology of Nazidom" (GS 5, S. 354-359); 1. Buchbesprechung von "Is Germany Inucable?" von Richard M. Brickner; veröffentlicht in: "The New Leader", 14.08.1943. a)Typoskript, 7 Blatt b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen und handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 7 Blatt c) Zeitungsdruck, 3 Exemplare; 2. "What Shall We Do With Germany? A Panel Discussion of 'Is Germany Incurable?'". Zeitungsausschnitte aus : "The Saturday Review of Literature", 29.05.1343, 6 Blatt;