1000 resultados para Educação Matemática Crítica


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Some remarks on how Cultural History has been used in Mathematics Education are the main focus of this paper. It tries to discuss, basically, three works (In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote; O crime do restaurante chinês, by Boris Fausto; and Os protagonistas anônimos da História, de Ronaldo Vainfas) in order to present some perspectivas about narratives and textual elaboration in the field of Historiography.


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The starting point of this paper are some avaliable analyses and characterizations about the academic production in History of Mathematics Education in Brazil. A specific reading of such readings – an hermeneutical approach of those avaliable reviews – allows us to put the focus on some features of Oral History thought as a qualitative methodological approach to researches in Mathematics Education.


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This article aims to discuss the role of digital technology in the process of collecting and analyzing data in qualitative research. We present two qualitative studies, with different objectives and contexts, that illustrate how data can be collected using different media and how they may shape the researcher's analysis and the results. Based on a theoretical perspective in which knowledge is seen as being produced by a collective of humans-with-media, as opposed to an individual or collective of humans, we believe that the technology used to produce knowledge and to analyze the data conditions the findings. Thus, technologies play a key role in doing research and the scientific knowledge generated from it.


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A revista em que este artigo está publicado foi distribuida no final de abril de 2011, mas vem com data e registros duplicados - um recurso empregado para acertar a periodicidade. Assim, o mesmo e único fascículo contem o número 04 (volume 2) e o número 5 (volume 3), o primeiro referente a julho/dezembro de 2009 e o segundo referente a janeiro/junho de 2010. Neste registro do Lattes indico o ano da produção como sendo 2011 posto que este artigo não constou de nenhum dos relatórios relativos a 2010.


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The Numerical Cognition is influenced by biological, cognitive, educational, and cultural factors and entails the following systems: Number Sense (NS) represents the innate ability to recognize, compare, add, and subtract small quantities, without the need of counting; Number Production (NP) which includes reading, writing and counting numbers or objects; Number Comprehension (NC), i.e., the understanding the nature of the numerical symbols and their number, and the calculation (CA). The aims of the present study were to: i) assess theoretical constructs (NS, NC, NP and CA) in children from public schools from 1 st -to 6 th - grades; and ii) investigate their relationship with schooling and working memory. The sample included 162 children, both genders, of 7-to 12-years-old that studied in public school from 1 st -to 6 th -grades, which participated in the normative study of Zareki-R (Battery of neuropsychological tests for number processing and calculation in children, Revised; von Aster & Dellatolas, 2006). Children of 1 st and 2 nd grades demonstrated an inferior global score in NC, NP and CA. There were no genderrelated differences. The results indicated that the contribution of NS domain in Zareki-R performance is low in comparison to the other three domains, which are dependent on school-related arithmetic skills.


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The aim of this study is to reflect about the cultural aspects concerning Mathematics Education, from the relationship betwen the development of the social practice and the production and systematization of knowledge about Mathematics. Thus, in first instance, there is a reflection about the producton level of mathematics knowledge in diverse social contexts, facing the level of complexity of the investigated reality. In a second instance, considerations are made about the necessity of understanding the culture phenomenum, in a totalizing perspective and the implications facing the atomization of culture in researches of ethnographic aspects about the production of mathematics in specific social contexts.


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Um conjunto de depoimentos coletados oralmente e de fontes escritas disponíveis no arquivo inativo de um antigo Grupo Escolar paulista é analisado em paralelo à literatura sobre o Movimento Escolanovista visando a compreender os modos como um ideário se impõe, no cotidiano das práticas escolares, num ritmo constante de avanços e resistências, alterações e manutenções. Ao mesmo tempo, defende-se que o Movimento Escolanovista – ou qualquer proposta educacional – não é um bloco maciço de significados fixos, mas uma leitura, uma mobilização, uma apropriação que, segundo os vários significados a ele atribuídos, implica a efetivação de algumas práticas no interior da escola.


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Based on some experiences of research in History of Mathematics Education, this paper presents twenty fragments related to the practice of Historiography in order to bring some questions about such practice in the domain of Mathematics Education.


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The main goal of this paper is to discuss the production of meaning of the Modern Math Movement. The main sources were data available in school archives and interviews with former teachers that we use in order to focus on the diversity of perspectives -that complement it or oppose it-, which comes up when teachers refer to the Movement. Using this process of signification, teachers whether accept it, invalidate it or adapt it to guidelines imposed to them in their teaching activities. We establish a methodology by following the premises of Oral History to gather oral testimonies. The theoretical foundations in which this article is written are the guidelines of Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics, John Thompson’s Depth Hermeneutics and Bolívar’s narrative analysis.


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Taking referential theoretical conceptions of mathematical knowledge present in some of the main mathematics philosophical currents and considering that the teacher´s practice is influenced by his conception of mathematical knowledge, this research aims to understand the conceptions of mathematical knowledge and its teaching and learning teaching of future mathematicians. It follows a qualitative approach (case study) in which the data were collected by semi-structured interviews and document analysis. This investigation has pointed out that Mathematics together with Mathematics Teaching (or part of this: on the didactic and pedagogical knowledge of how to teach) could be important to formation of the future mathematician, who will probably teach in a college or university.


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This article aims to reflect on the qualitative analysis regarding the modification and the acquisition of new knowledge, as well as to identify the contribution of computer use in an intervention activity. It was used content analysis and it was created categories and units of analysis and from the frames containing the analysis of the categories it was randomly chosen four groups which led to their evaluation. Concerning to such frames of analysis and evaluation of the frequency of the records it was structured a metatext. The result of the analysis has shown the students' difficulty to realize their records, to express their interpretations and understandings in their mathematical activities by using the English language. It was noticed that the activity performed using the software Geogebra, based on the constructionist view, make possible the students to identify the modification and acquisition of new concepts.


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According to our conceptions, to study the so called Projeto Minerva (PMi) – an action of Brazilian Military Dictatorship, implemented in the 1970s, which intended to provide access to Primary and Secondary Schools for thousands of Brazilians throughout the country, using a cheap, and at that time a widely -spread medium, the radio – implies to study not only a unique education strategy, but a variety of circumstances that allows it to be created and developed throughout its 10 years of existence in various Brazilian locations. Each circumstance, each region, each way of doing of each person involved in its development constitutes a different Minerva – that’s why we choose the plural to treat it: the Minerva ProjectS. In this paper we present one of the many possible histories about such project. Synthetically, we present some historiographical aspects of its creation, development and extinction and, based on a study about one of its lessons (related to Analitic Geometry), we try to evidence differences between a spoken mathematics and a written mathematics. According to the the oretical framework used in this text, inspired by the Wittgenstein's language philosophy, the Project articulates various mathematics, what is different of saying that the project deals with the "usual" Mathematics merely changing the way of communicate it.


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Based on the study of some philosophical schools – such as the Cartesian Racionalism, the Empiricism of Hume and Kant’s Criticism – and of some brief remarks on Mathematics in ancient world – particularly the greek Mathematics – this paper intends to understand how the euclidean ideas have been taken for a long time as a model of how to geometrize and of what Mathematics is.