950 resultados para ECOLOGIA QUIMICA
The common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, is a necto-benthic cephalopod that can live in coastal ecosystems, with high influence of anthropogenic pressures and thus be vulnerable to exposure to various types of contaminants. The cuttlefish is a species of great importance to the local economy of Aveiro, considering the global data of catches of this species in the Ria de Aveiro. However, studies on this species in Ria de Aveiro are scarce, so the present study aims to fill this information gap about the cuttlefish in the Ria de Aveiro. The cuttlefish enters Ria de Aveiro in the spring and summer to reproduce, returning to deeper waters in the winter. In terms of abundance, the eastern and center regions of the lagoon, closer to the sea, showed the highest values of abundance, while the northern and southern regions of the main channel had the lowest abundance. This fact may be related to abiotic factors, as well as depth, salinity and temperature. In the most southern point of the Ria de Aveiro (Areão) no cuttlefish was caught. This site had the lowest values of salinity and depth. The cuttlefish has an allometric the females being heavier than males to mantle lengths greater than 82.4 mm. Males reach sexual maturity first than females. In Ria de Aveiro in a generation of parents was found. The cuttlefish, presents itself as opportunistic predators, consuming a wide variety of prey from different taxa. The diet was similar in different sampling locations observing significant differences for the seasons. S. officinalis was captured at 10 sites in the Ria de Aveiro with different anthropogenic sources of contamination. Thus, levels of metals analyzed were similar at all sampling sites, with the exception of a restricted area, Laranjo, which showed higher values. The cuttlefish has the ability to accumulate metals in your body. The levels of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg found in the digestive gland and mantle reflect a differential accumulation of metals in the tissues. This accumulation is related to the type and function of tissue analyzed and the type of metal analysis (essential and non-essential). The metal concentrations in the digestive gland are higher than in the mantle, with the exception of mercury. This may be due to the high affinity of the mantle for the incorporation of methylmercury (MeHg), the most abundant form of mercury. The accumulation of metals can vary over a lifetime, depending on the metal. The concentrations of Zn, Cd and Hg increases throughout life, while Pb decreases and essential metals such as Fe and Cu remain constant. The data collected suggest that the cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) can be used as a bioindicator of environmental contamination for some metals.
Coral reefs are of utmost ecological and economical importance but are currently in global decline due to climate change and anthropogenic disturbances. Corals, as well as other cnidarian species, live in symbiosis with photosynthetic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. This relationship provides the cnidarian host with alternative metabolic pathways, as the symbionts translocate photosynthetic carbon to the animal. Besides this autotrophic nutrition mode, symbiotic cnidarians also take up organic matter from the environment (heterotrophy). The nutritional balance between auto- and heterotrophy is critical for the functioning, fitness and resilience of the cnidariandinoflagellate symbiosis. New methodological approaches were developed to better understand the role of auto- and heterotrophy in the ecophysiology of cnidarians associated with Symbiodinium, and the ecological implications of this trophic plasticity. Specifically, the new approaches were developed to assess photophysiology, biomass production of the model organism Aiptasia sp. and molecular tools to investigate heterotrophy in the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Using these approaches, we were able to non-invasively assess the photophysiological spatial heterogeneity of symbiotic cnidarians and identify spatial patterns between chlorophyll fluorescence and relative content of chlorophyll a and green-fluorescent proteins. Optimal culture conditions to maximize the biomass production of Aiptasia pallida were identified, as well as their implications on the fatty acid composition of the anemones. Molecular trophic markers were used to determine prey digestion times in symbiotic cnidarians, which vary between 1-3 days depending on prey species, predator species and the feeding history of the predator. This method was also used to demonstrate that microalgae is a potential food source for symbiotic corals. By using a stable isotope approach to assess the trophic ecology of the facultative symbiotic Oculina arbuscula in situ, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of pico- and nanoplanktonic organisms, particularly autotrophic, in the nutrition of symbiotic corals. Finally, we showed the effects of functional diversity of Symbiodinium on the nutritional plasticity of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Symbiont identity defines this plasticity through its individual metabolic requirements, capacity to fix carbon, quantity of translocated carbon and the host’s capacity to feed and digest prey.
Habitat conversion and environmental degradation have reached alarming levels in the Pantanal, endangering all its biodiversity. This scenario is complicated by the fact that the biome relies on only a few protected areas, which combined do not exceed 10% of the territory. Felids, as predators, play a vital role in the maintenance of this ecosystem, but require large areas, have low population densities and, typically, are very sensitive to environmental disturbances. Amolar Mountain Ridge is considered an area of extreme importance and high priority for conservation within the biome. There are four species of felids in this region: the jaguar (Panthera onca), the puma (Puma concolor), the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi). However, little is known about the ecology of these species in this region or the magnitude of interaction between the communities living around the protected areas and the animals. The goal of this study was to increase our knowledge about these felids and understand how people interact with them in order to contribute to their conservation in the network of parks within Amolar. Camera trapping surveys were carried out in two areas of the network, covering approximately 83,000 hectares, in order to identify the species of mammals occurring in the region, those that may be potential prey for the felids, and to obtain basic ecological data about both felids and prey. In addition, we conducted surveys in three riverside schools in order to assess the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of schoolchildren regarding the four focal felids, and surveys among the adult population to assess their perceptions and attitudes towards the jaguar. We recorded a total of 33 species of mammals from both study areas. The large cats were cathemeral, reflecting the temporal activity of larger prey, whereas the ocelot was nocturnal, mirroring the activity of smaller prey. Jaguar occupancy was influenced by prey abundance, while puma occupancy was influenced by patch density in drier dense forest. Jaguars and pumas may be competitors over temporal and spatial scales, while no resource overlap was found for ocelots. Overall, both adults and children tended to have negative perceptions about the cats, which were related to the fear of being attacked. To increase awareness about the species and to maximize the effectiveness of protective measures in the network of reserves, it is recommended to develop and implement an Environmental Educational Program in the medium- to long-term in order to minimize the fear of these felids and to counsel locals on the role of felids in the maintenance of the Pantanal’s biodiversity.
Marine sponges harbor microbial communities of immense ecological and biotechnological importance. Recently, they have been focus of heightened attention due to the wide range of biologically active compounds with potential application, particularly, in chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. However, we still lack fundamental knowledge of their microbial ecology and biotechnological potential. The development of high-throughput sequencing technologies has given rise to a new range of tools that can help us explore the biotechnological potential of sponges with incredible detail. Metagenomics, in particular, has the power to revolutionize the production of bioactive compounds produced by unculturable microorganisms. It can offer the identification of biosynthetic genes or gene clusters that can be heterologously expressed on a cultivable and suitable host. This review focus on the exploration of the biotechnological potential of sponge-associated microorganisms, and integration of molecular approaches, whose increasing efficiency can play an essential role on achieving a sustainable source of natural products.
Muitos dos problemas tróficos existentes nos estuários e zonas costeiras têm origem no excesso de nutrientes, em particular Azoto (N) e Fósforo (P), resultante do sucessivo enriquecimento dos rios durante o seu percurso até ao mar e também de descargas directas nestes sistemas. Nixon (1995) definiu eutrofização como o aumento da quantidade de matéria orgânica disponível na massa de água. Esta é uma definição assumida neste estudo, considerando que a eutrofização é o primeiro, de uma sequência de fenómenos resultantes do sobre-enriquecimento de nutrientes, que inclui a alteração de espécies dominantes e o aumento dos níveis de turbidez da água.
Tese dout., Ciências do Mar, Universidade do Algarve, 2006
Tese dout., Ecologia das populações, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Tese de Doutoramento, Ecologia, Especialidade de Ecofisiologia, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha - Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
Dissertação mest., Gestão Sustentável de Espaços Rurais, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha - Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2008