957 resultados para Cuentos franceses
Sin lugar a dudas Roberto Carlos Menni ocupará un lugar de privilegio en la Ictiología regional. Sus contribuciones han sentado bases profundas en esta disciplina, lo que ha permitido avances substanciales en diferentes líneas de investigación, en la docencia y en la difusión del conocimiento. Pero su figura polifacética va mas allá de las Ciencias Naturales y una de ellas es la de escritor, un aspecto casi desconocido para quiénes no estuvieron cerca de él. Este atributo le permitió ganar el 2do Premio Iniciación de Ensayo de la Secretaria de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación, año 2004 por el libro Leyendo en un aeropuerto. Hoy gracias a su generosidad, podemos editar cuatro cuentos de esa obra bajo el título Cuatro Ensayos con peces los cuáles, no me cabe duda serán disfrutados, no sólo por la comunidad ictiológica. A nivel personal, sólo me resta decir que es mi deseo que el Dr. Menni siga enriqueciéndonos con sus escritos. Creo que una manera de comenzar esta tarea sería publicar los restantes cuentos de Leyendo en un aeropuerto.
12 hojas.
This cultural history of Argentine crime fiction involves a comprehensive analysis of the literary and critical traditions within the genre, paying particular attention to the series of ‘aesthetic campaigns’ waged by Jorge Luis Borges and others during the period between 1933 and 1977. The methodological approach described in the introductory chapter builds upon the critical insight that in Argentina, generic discourse has consistently been the domain, not only of literary critics in the traditional mould, but also of prominent writers of fiction and specialists from other disciplines, effectively transcending the traditional tripartite ‘division of labour’ between writers, critics and readers. Chapter One charts the early development of crime fiction, and contextualises the evolution of the classical and hardboiled variants that were to provide a durable conceptual framework for discourse in the Argentine context. Chapter Two examines a number of pioneering early works by Argentine authors, before analysing Borges’ multi-faceted aesthetic campaign on behalf of the ‘classical’ detective story. Chapter Three examines a transitional period for the Argentine crime genre, book-ended by the three Vea y Lea magazine-sponsored detective story competitions that acted as a vital stimulus to innovation among Argentine writers. It includes a substantial treatment of the work of Rodolfo Walsh, documenting his transition from crime writer and anthologist to pioneer of the non-fiction novel and investigative journalism traditions. Chapter Four examines the period in which the novela negra came to achieve dominance in Argentina, in particular the aesthetic counter-campaigns conducted by Ricardo Piglia and others on behalf of the hard-boiled variant. The study concludes with a detailed analysis of Pablo Leonardo’s La mala guita (1976), which is considered as a paradigmatic example of crime fiction in Argentina in this period. The final chapter presents conclusions and a summary of the dissertation, and recommendations for further research.
A partir del inicio del curso 87-88, un nuevo programa de matemáticas se puso en práctica en los colegios franceses. (87/88 para la clase (le 6°, 88/89 para la clase de 5°. etc ...) Hasta el momento presente, los programas venían etiquetados en términos de contenidos que había que enseñar, eventualmente acompañados por consideraciones generales relativas a los fines y objetivos globales. Estos programas describían más el comportamiento esperado del enseñante (defendiéndose de ellos como podía) que el del alumno.
This paper presents and analyzes the first literary-journalistic chronicle writen and published by Miguel Hernández: “Defensa de Madrid. Madrid y las ciudades de Retaguardia”, during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This chronicle is the first one of a series establishing a new and personal type of journalism: literary chronicles –poetical and political-. Miguel Hernandez published his masterpieces in different newspapers as a war reporter, with his own name and with a pen-name, playing roles of director and political commissar in different newspapers in the war-trenches. Thematically, this first article shows his personal and political engagement, as well as his desire and strategy to protect the capital city of Spain: Madrid. Methodologically, the analysis is an approached to linguistics in social sciences, which presents some of the personal characteristics and style of the chronist Miguel Hernández. Thus, it becomes patent that the so-called New Journalism (narrative and literary), which flourished in the 70s, had already been deeply and efficiently practiced by Miguel Hernández 40 years before. That is the reason why Miguel Hernández deserves to be added to the well-known collective of chronicle writers that have already been rescued to this moment. His literary style and quality are installing him in a outstanding position as well as pioneer of the genre nowadays known as New Journalism that in his case, it is politically engaged
Greek literature was used from early times with educational purposes, Greek heroes presented were considered as paradigms to follow. However, human acts burst beyond reason and the stories told have little effect on the decisions of the receptor. The aim of this article is to review the character of Achilles in the Iliad, because for him to no avail gifts, friends, much less a narration by his preceptor Phoenix to depose his anger and return to the battlefield to assist his friends.
We often wonder what is the role or the role that intellectuals, academics and artists can play in countries and conflict environments, for this specific case, countries and environments that do not have real protection both its integrity and satisfaction their basic and special needs. Beyond establishing what mode as artists, intellectuals and academics can contribute to meeting these requirements, this article is intended to establish a position on the importance acquired symbolic forms and reflected in the writers regardless whether philosophers or writers, let put the rawness of what happens and there comes the lonely spirits whose loneliness imposed and caused never chosen, appears to them as a lifestyle. For Philippe Claudel and the case of Paul Ricoeur, they are thus chosen for this article as incessant dialogues of the ways in which the rootlessness provides food for thought especially for those we see as different titles you are assigned to experiences of violence.
This text presents an analysis of aggregated membership’s dynamics for Spanish trade unions, using ECVT data, as well as union memberships’ trajectories, or members’ decisions about joining the organization, permanency and responsibilities, and subsequent attrition. For the analysis of trajectories we make use of information of the records of actual memberships and the record of quitting of CCOO, and of a survey-questionnaire to a sample of leavers of the same union. This study allows us to confirm a linkage between the decision and motivations to become union member, to participate in union activities, the time of permanency, and the motives to quit the organization. We also identify five types of union members’ trajectories, indicating that, far from views that assert a monolithic structure, unions are complex organizations.
Taking into account the huge repercussion and influence that J.J. Rousseau has had on modern pedagogy, the recent tercentenary of his birth is a good opportunity to think about his outstanding relevance nowadays. This paper is a theoretical and educative research developed with an analytic and comparative hermeneutical method. The main objective is to show how some concepts of his philosophy of education have a great similarity with certain changes that the present competency based teaching is demanding, so it could be considered its methodological background. In order to achieve this objective this exposure has been divided in three parts. The first part is an analysis of Rousseau's educational theory as developed in the first three books of the Emilio, in which one of the main themes is self experience-based learning, fostering self-sufficiency, curiosity and the motivation for learning. Rousseau proposed as a method the negative education, which requires, among other conditions, a constant monitoring of the learner by the tutor. In the second part, a brief summary of the most relevant changes and characteristics of competency-based teaching is developed, as well as its purpose. The student’s participation and activity are highlighted within their own learning process through the carrying out of tasks. The new educational model involves a radical change in the curriculum, in which it is highlighted the transformation of the methodology used in the classroom as well as the role of the teacher. Finally, the aim of the third part is to offer a comparative synthesis of both proposals grouping the parallelisms found in 4 topics: origin of the two models, its aims, methodology, and change in the teaching roles.
A juzgar por alguna declaración más bien negativa de Borges sobre la literatura española, se podría creer que esta no influyó demasiado en él. Sin embargo, existen indicios de que pudo haberse inspirado también en determinados escritores españoles coetáneos hoy casi olvidados. Uno de ellos pudo ser José María Salaverría, entre cuyos relatos destaca “El fichero supremo” (1926), del que se ha dicho que “anticipa algunas de las preocupaciones características de un tipo de relato que Jorge Luis Borges elevará años después a la máxima categoría estética”. De hecho, recuerda a “La biblioteca de Babel” (1941) borgiana por su planteamiento hasta el punto de que podría pensarse que el maestro argentino pudo tener presente, a la hora de escribir esa obra maestra, ese cuento de Salaverría, el cual se publicó por primera vez en Caras y Caretas, una revista porteña que Borges reconoció “devorar” en su juventud. Sin embargo, el interés mayor de la comparación entre “El fichero supremo” y “La biblioteca de Babel” no radica tanto en el carácter de posible fuente del primero como en el contraste entre sus formas de presentación narrativa: desde fuera y en tercera persona en Salaverría, en un marco realista; y desde dentro y en primera persona, prácticamente sin marco, en Borges. Este parece desarrollar, en el registro propio de la “imaginación razonada” descrito por él mismo, una virtualidad presente en el relato de Salaverría, cuya comparación con “La biblioteca de Babel” puede suscitar también alguna reflexión sobre el enigma de la identidad y el carácter de la voz enunciadora de la biblioteca universal de Babel. Al menos, esta parece haber hecho realidad en cierto modo, de forma sublime, el patético sueño divino del archivero imaginado por Salaverría.
En este trabajo se pretende analizar cómo autores de diversas generaciones han contribuido al arraigo en el inconsciente colectivo, y en la misma literatura, a fijar valores y juicios predeterminados por los dogmas religiosos e ideologías de las instituciones gubernamentales. Para poder entender la evolución de los patrones del arquetipo y la homofobia, el análisis se realizará tomando en cuenta el orden cronológico en que se suceden los relatos, que van de la Revolución al término de la primera década del nuevo siglo, es decir cien años. También se analizarán los tratamientos estéticos y narrativos en los relatos.
“Simbiosis”, aparecido originalmente en 1956, constituye la instancia inicial de la serie de cuentos policiales de Rodolfo Walsh que, extendida hasta 1962, protagonizan Daniel Hernández y el comisario Laurenzi. Pero “Simbiosis” representa, además, un momento de rupturas en la trayectoria de Walsh, rupturas observables a la luz de su obra previa, y que contribuyen a definir la singular posición que el escritor procura adoptar en el campo literario de la época. En la nacionalización del género policial que propone, el cuento a la vez recupera y cuestiona el canon clásico del género, al adoptar motivos de la literatura fantástica cuya operatividad como explicaciones de un delito se asocia a su origen en el saber popular, saber al cual Laurenzi accede como comisario de pueblo. Correlativamente, la equívoca resolución del crimen, debatida entre dos matrices de género, una racional y otra sobrenatural, así como el interrogante sobre la culpabilidad que deja abierto el relato, son resonancias significativas de su contexto histórico, desatendidas aún por la crítica: se trata, en particular, de los debates sobre culpables e inocentes políticos que inició en 1955 el derrocamiento militar del gobierno peronista.
Esta tese considera a transmissão de conceitos matemáticos para Portugal no século XIX, particularmente no campo dos Integrais Elípticos e das Funções Elípticas, tal como foi realizado no trabalho de António Zeferino Cândido. Depois de uma introdução histórica geral ao assunto no capítulo 1, o capítulo 2 estuda a vida de António Zeferino Cândido da Piedade. Ele foi, talvez, o primeiro matemático português a publicar uma tese sobre este assunto. A parte principal, isto é, o capítulo 3, é dedicada à análise do seu trabalho “Integraes e Funcções Ellipticas”. Mostra detalhes da sua abordagem baseada, não só, no livro dos autores Franceses Briot e Bouquet, mas também do autor alemão Schloemilch, o que reflecte as mudanças que ocorreram naquela época na liderança matemática na Europa.
l seminario sigue la línea establecida en el curso sobre los “Clásicos de la literatura de la metrópolis” impartido durante el semestre de 2008-2. En este semestre, se analizan novelas, cuentos, crónicas y películas latinoamericanos producidos a partir de 1960. Interpretamos textos desde el ciclo novelístico de Santa María, de Juan Carlos Onetti, pasando por el llamado boom de la década de 1960 (Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Julio Cortázar) y las crónicas mexicanas de los años 70 y 80 (Carlos Monsiváis, Cristina Pacheco, Elena Poniatowska) hasta llegar al análisis de novelas y cuentos más recientes de autores como Carmen Boullosa, Guillermo Fadanelli, Juan Forns, Ricardo Piglia, Guillermo Samperio, Fernando Vallejo, Rafael Ramírez Heredia. Además, analizamos películas recientes como: El callejón de los milagros, La virgen de los sicarios, Ciudade de Deus y Amores perros.