981 resultados para Colius, Jacobus, 1563-1628.
Gegenstand des Werks bilden «Aktuelle Fragen aus dem Erbrecht». Das Erbrecht ist ein eigentliches Kerngebiet notarieller Tätigkeit, und Fragen aus dem Erbrecht stellen sich den Notarinnen und Notaren in mannigfacher Hinsicht und in immer wieder neuer Art und Weise. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Kren Kostkiewicz behandelt das im Zeitalter zunehmender Mobilität bedeutender werdende Internationale Erbrecht. Der Beitrag von Prof. Dr. Stephan Wolf gilt dem Thema Erbrecht in besonderen Situationen; er geht ein auf das Konkubinat, die Ehekrise und das neue Erwachsenenschutzrecht.Rechtsanwalt Dr. Philipp Studhalter befasst sich mit praktischen Aspekten der Nutzniessung gemäss Art. 473 ZGB, einem Klassiker der Rechtsgeschäftsgestaltung unter Ehegatten. Notar und Rechtsanwalt Peter Muntwyler und Notar/Grundbuchverwalter Dr. Roland Pfäffli, beide Mitglieder der Musterurkundensammlungs-Kommission des Verbandes bernischer Notare, widmen sich dem Erbenschein in der Praxis.
This paper examines whether the chairmen of the boards (COBs) impose their life cycles on the firms over which they preside. Using a large sample of unlisted firms, we find a robust negative relation between COB age and firm performance. COBs age much like ‘ordinary’ people. Their cognitive abilities deteriorate, and they experience significant shifts in motivation. Deteriorating cognitive abilities are the main driver of the performance effect that we observe. The results imply that succession planning problems in unlisted firms are real. Mandatory retirement age clauses cannot solve these problems.
1.Pollinating insects provide crucial and economically important ecosystem services to crops and wild plants, but pollinators, particularly bees, are globally declining as a result of various driving factors, including the prevalent use of pesticides for crop protection. Sublethal pesticide exposure negatively impacts numerous pollinator life-history traits, but its influence on reproductive success remains largely unknown. Such information is pivotal, however, to our understanding of the long-term effects on population dynamics. 2.We investigated the influence of field-realistic trace residues of the routinely used neonicotinoid insecticides thiamethoxam and clothianidin in nectar substitutes on the entire life-time fitness performance of the red mason bee Osmia bicornis. 3.We show that chronic, dietary neonicotinoid exposure has severe detrimental effects on solitary bee reproductive output. Neonicotinoids did not affect adult bee mortality; however, monitoring of fully controlled experimental populations revealed that sublethal exposure resulted in almost 50% reduced total offspring production and a significantly male-biased offspring sex ratio. 4.Our data add to the accumulating evidence indicating that sublethal neonicotinoid effects on non-Apis pollinators are expressed most strongly in a rather complex, fitness-related context. Consequently, to fully mitigate long-term impacts on pollinator population dynamics, present pesticide risk assessments need to be expanded to include whole life-cycle fitness estimates, as demonstrated in the present study using O. bicornis as a model.
Der Heidelberger Katechismus gehört zu den am weitesten verbreiteten theologischen Texten deutscher Sprache. Seit der Erstveröffentlichung im Jahr 1563 wurde er in rund vierzig Sprachen übersetzt und verbreitete sich über alle Kontinente. Menschen in aller Welt und Generationen bis heute lernten und lernen anhand seiner Fragen und Antworten, was es heisst, Christ zu sein. In manchen Teilen des reformierten Protestantismus gilt der «Heidelberger» nach wie vor als Grundlagentext. Die Autorinnen und Autoren fragen in diesem Band nach der aktuellen Bedeutung des Heidelberger Katechismus. Sie zeigen seine theologischen Akzente, fragen nach seinen vielfältigen Wirkungen und beleuchten seine ökumenische Bedeutung. Gemeinsam ist ihren Beiträgen die Auffassung, dass der «Heidelberger» auch heute Antworten für ein zeitgemässes Christsein bereithält.
The performance of high-resolution CZE for determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum based on internal and external quality data gathered over a 10-year period is reported. The assay comprises mixing of serum with a Fe(III) ion-containing solution prior to analysis of the iron saturated mixture in a dynamically double-coated capillary using a commercial buffer at alkaline pH. CDT values obtained with a human serum of a healthy individual and commercial quality control sera are shown to vary less than 10%. Values of a control from a specific lot were found to slowly decrease as function of time (less than 10% per year). Furthermore, due to unknown reasons, gradual changes in the monitored pattern around pentasialo-transferrin were detected, which limit the use of commercial control sera of the same lot to less than 2 years. Analysis of external quality control sera revealed correct classification of the samples over the entire 10-year period. Data obtained compare well with those of HPLC and CZE assays of other laboratories. The data gathered over a 10-year period demonstrate the robustness of the high-resolution CZE assay. This is the first account of a CZE-based CDT assay with complete internal and external quality assessment over an extended time period.
Bamberg, Univ., Diss., 1756
von Adolf Jacobus
The article presents the preliminary results from four seasons of excavations at Horvat Kur in the Galilee. The excavations conducted by the Kinneret Regional Project have exposed the remains of a broad-house synagogue from the Byzantine period. The most important finds include an elevated platform (i. e., a bemah) that supported a chest holding Torah scrolls, an ornamented limestone seat that was probably used by the leader of the congregation, and a basalt stone table that features geometric figures on three sides and figurative representations on one side. The Horvat Kur synagogue represents a valuable example of the diversity of Galilean synagogues that were built or renovated between the 5th and the 7th centuries C.E.