974 resultados para Bell founders.


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Two field experiments were established in central Queensland at Capella and Gindie to investigate the immediate and then residual benefit of deep placed (20 cm) nutrients in this opportunity cropping system. The field sites had factorial combinations of P (40 kg P/ha), K (200 kg K/ha) and S (40 kg S/ha) and all plots received 100 kg N/ha. No further K or S fertilizers were added during the experiment but some crops had starter P. The Capella site was sown to chickpea in 2012, wheat in 2013 and then chickpea in 2014. The Gindie site was sown to sorghum in 2011/12, chickpea in 2013 and sorghum in early 2015. There were responses to P alone in the first two crops at each site and there were K responses in half the six site years. In year 1 (a good year) both sites showed a 20% grain yield response to only to deep P. In year 2 (much drier) the effects of deep P were still evident at both sites and the effects of K were clearly evident at Gindie. There was a suggestion of an additive P+K effect at Capella and a 50% increase for P+K at Gindie. Year 3 was dry and chickpeas at Capella showed a larger response to P+K but the sorghum at Gindie only responded to deep K. These results indicate that responses to deep placed P and K are durable over an opportunity cropping system, and meeting both requirements is important to achieve yield responses.


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Mika KT Pajusen väitös "Towards 'a real reunion'?" – Archbishop Aleksi Lehtonen's efforts for closer relations with the Church of England 1945–1951 on yleiseen kirkkohistoriaan lukeutuva tutkimus Englannin kirkon ja Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon välisistä suhteista Aleksi Lehtosen arkkipiispakaudella 1945–1951. Suhteita on tutkittu kolmesta näkökulmasta: ekumeenisesta, poliittisesta ja kirkkopoliittisesta. Tutkimuskausi alkaa pastori H.M. Waddamsin joulukuussa 1944 Suomeen tekemän vierailun jälkimainingeista ja päättyy arkkipiispa Lehtosen kuolemaan pääsiäisenä 1951. Kirkollisten suhteiden kehitystä rytmittivät lukuisat vierailut, jotka osoittivat Englannin kirkon asenteen muuttumisen sodan aikaisesta neuvostomyönteisyydestä kylmän sodan aikaiseen täysin vastakkaiseen kantaan. Englantilaiset vieraat kohtasivat Suomessa sekä kirkon että yhteiskunnan ylimmän johdon. Molemmat maat olivat valmiita tukemaan hyviä kirkollisia suhteita tilanteen niin salliessa, joskaan eivät kovin suunnitelmallisesti. Suomen evankelis-luterilainen kirkko käytti hyviä suhteita Englannin kirkkoon saadakseen tukea ja ymmärrystä omalle kirkolleen ja yhteiskunnalleen kokemaansa Neuvostoliiton uhkaa vastaan erityisesti vaaran vuosina 1944–1948. Englannin kirkko halusi tukea suomalaista sisarkirkkoaan, mutta varoi, ettei tuottaisi tuellaan enemmän haittaa kuin hyötyä suhteessa Neuvostoliittoon. Sodan jälkeinen ekumeeninen jälleenrakentaminen lähensi kirkkoja toisiinsa. Lehtonen pyrki jatkamaan 1930-luvun kirkkojen välisiä, ehtoollisvieraanvaraisuuden saavuttaneita neuvotteluita kohti täyttä kirkollista yhteyttä. Häntä motivoi sekä evankelis-katolinen teologia että pyrkimys tukea oman maan ja kirkon läntisiä yhteyksiä. Tämä haastoi Englannin kirkon ekumeenisen linjan, joka Suomen kirkon sijasta pyrki jatkamaan neuvotteluja Tanskan, Norjan ja Islannin luterilaisten kirkkojen kanssa, joilla ei vielä ollut virallista ekumeenista sopimusta Englannin kirkon kanssa. Lehtosen pyrkimyksistä huolimatta Englannin kirkko päätyi jättämään Suomen tilanteen hautumaan. Sillä se tarkoitti suhteiden koetinkivenä olleen historiallisen piispuuden leviämistä läpi Suomen kirkon ennen kuin katsoi olevansa valmis jatkamaan kohti täyttä kirkollista yhteyttä. Molemmissa kirkoissa vaikutti pieni, innokkaiden, lähempiä suhteita toivoneiden kirkollisten vaikuttajien ydinjoukko. Englantilaisia Suomen-ystäviä motivoi tarve auttaa Suomea hankalassa poliittisessa tilanteessa. Suomessa arkkipiispa Lehtonen tuki korkeakirkollista liturgista liikettä, jolla oli läheinen yhteys anglikaanisuuteen, mutta joka sai vastaansa vanhoilliset pietistit. Suomen kirkon yleinen mielipide asettui etupäässä pietistiselle kannalle, jolle anglikaanisuus näyttäytyi teologisesti sekä liian katolisena että liian reformoituna. Kirkolliset suhteet tasaantuivat vuoden 1948 Lambeth-konferenssin jälkeen, joka rohkaisi anglikaanisia kirkkoja hyväksymään 1930-luvun neuvottelujen lähempiin kirkollisiin suhteisiin tähtäävät suositukset. Lehtonen näytti tyytyvän tähän. Samaan aikaan lähempää kirkollista kanssakäymistä tukenut ekumeeninen jälleenrakennus tuli tiensä päähän. Lehtonen jatkoi läheisempien suhteiden edistämistä, mutta hänen intonsa hiipui yhdessä heikkenevän terveydentilan kanssa. Osoituksena Lehtosen linjan kapeudesta Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon piispoista ei löytynyt hänen kuoltuaan ketään, joka olisi jatkanut hänen aktiivista anglikaanimyönteistä linjaansa.


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Rapid growth in the global population requires expansion of building stock, which in turn calls for increased energy demand. This demand varies in time and also between different buildings, yet, conventional methods are only able to provide mean energy levels per zone and are unable to capture this inhomogeneity, which is important to conserve energy. An additional challenge is that some of the attempts to conserve energy, through for example lowering of ventilation rates, have been shown to exacerbate another problem, which is unacceptable indoor air quality (IAQ). The rise of sensing technology over the past decade has shown potential to address both these issues simultaneously by providing high–resolution tempo–spatial data to systematically analyse the energy demand and its consumption as well as the impacts of measures taken to control energy consumption on IAQ. However, challenges remain in the development of affordable services for data analysis, deployment of large–scale real–time sensing network and responding through Building Energy Management Systems. This article presents the fundamental drivers behind the rise of sensing technology for the management of energy and IAQ in urban built environments, highlights major challenges for their large–scale deployment and identifies the research gaps that should be closed by future investigations.


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The DAYCENT biogeochemical model was used to investigate how the use of fertilizers coated with nitrification inhibitors and the introduction of legumes in the crop rotation can affect subtropical cereal production and {N2O} emissions. The model was validated using comprehensive multi-seasonal, high-frequency dataset from two field investigations conducted on an Oxisol, which is the most common soil type in subtropical regions. Different N fertilizer rates were tested for each N management strategy and simulated under varying weather conditions. DAYCENT was able to reliably predict soil N dynamics, seasonal {N2O} emissions and crop production, although some discrepancies were observed in the treatments with low or no added N inputs and in the simulation of daily {N2O} fluxes. Simulations highlighted that the high clay content and the relatively low C levels of the Oxisol analyzed in this study limit the chances for significant amounts of N to be lost via deep leaching or denitrification. The application of urea coated with a nitrification inhibitor was the most effective strategy to minimize {N2O} emissions. This strategy however did not increase yields since the nitrification inhibitor did not substantially decrease overall N losses compared to conventional urea. Simulations indicated that replacing part of crop N requirements with N mineralized by legume residues is the most effective strategy to reduce {N2O} emissions and support cereal productivity. The results of this study show that legumes have significant potential to enhance the sustainable and profitable intensification of subtropical cereal cropping systems in Oxisols.


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Alternative sources of N are required to bolster subtropical cereal production without increasing N2O emissions from these agro-ecosystems. The reintroduction of legumes in cereal cropping systems is a possible strategy to reduce synthetic N inputs but elevated N2O losses have sometimes been observed after the incorporation of legume residues. However, the magnitude of these losses is highly dependent on local conditions and very little data are available for subtropical regions. The aim of this study was to assess whether, under subtropical conditions, the N mineralised from legume residues can substantially decrease the synthetic N input required by the subsequent cereal crop and reduce overall N2O emissions during the cereal cropping phase. Using a fully automated measuring system, N2O emissions were monitored in a cereal crop (sorghum) following a legume pasture and compared to the same crop in rotation with a grass pasture. Each crop rotation included a nil and a fertilised treatment to assess the N availability of the residues. The incorporation of legumes provided enough readily available N to effectively support crop development but the low labile C left by these residues is likely to have limited denitrification and therefore N2O emissions. As a result, N2O emissions intensities (kg N2O-N yield−1 ha−1) were considerably lower in the legume histories than in the grass. Overall, these findings indicate that the C supplied by the crop residue can be more important than the soil NO3− content in stimulating denitrification and that introducing a legume pasture in a subtropical cereal cropping system is a sustainable practice from both environmental and agronomic perspectives.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes are appealing to research communities due to their excellent functional properties. However, there is still a lack of understanding of their mechanical properties. In this work, we conduct molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the mechanical behaviour of rutile and amorphous TiO2 nanotubes. The results indicate that the rutile TiO2 nanotube has a much higher Young's modulus (∼800 GPa) than the amorphous one (∼400 GPa). Under tensile loading, rutile nanotubes fail in the form of brittle fracture but significant ductility (up to 30%) has been observed in amorphous nanotubes. This is attributed to a unique ‘repairing’ mechanism via bond reconstruction at under-coordinated sites as well as bond conversion at over-coordinated sites. In addition, it is observed that the fracture strength of rutile nanotubes is strongly dependent on their free surfaces. These findings are considered to be useful for development of TiO2 nanostructures with improved mechanical properties.


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1. The rat brain type IIA Na+ channel alpha-subunit was stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Current through the expressed Na+ channels was studied using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. The transient Na+ current was sensitive to TTX and showed a bell-shaped peak current vs. membrane potential relation. 2. Na+ current inactivation was better described by the sum of two exponentials in the potential range -30 to +40 mV, with. a dominating fast component and a small slower component. 3. The steady-state inactivation, h(infinity), was related to potential by a Boltzmann distribution, underlying thr ee states of the inactivation gate. 4. Recovery of the channels from inactivation at different potentials in the range -70 to -120 mV were characterized by al? initial delay which decreased with hyperpolarization. The time course was well fitted by the sum of two exponentials. In this case the slower exponential was the major component, and both time constants decreased with hyperpolarization. 5. For a working description of the Na+ channel inactivation in this preparation, with a minimal deviation from the Hodgkin-Huxley model, a three-state scheme of the form O reversible arrow I-1 reversible arrow I-2 was proposed, replacing the original two-state scheme of the Hodgkin-Huxley model, and the rate constants are reported. 6. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship showed marked deviation from linearity and was satisfactorily fitted by the constant-field equation. 7. The time course of activation was described by an m(x) model. However, the best-fitted value of x varied with the membrane potential and had a mean value of 2. 8. Effective gating charge was determined to be 4.7e from the slope of the activation plot, plotted on a logarithmic scale. 9. The rate constants of activation, alpha(m) and beta(m), were determined. Their functional dependence on the membrane potential was investigated.


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Background The Pacific Oceania region was one of the last regions of the world to be settled via human migration. Here we outline a settlement of this region that has given rise to a uniquely admixed population. The current Norfolk Island population has arisen from a small number of founders with mixed Caucasian and Polynesian ancestry, descendants of a famous historical event. The ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’ has been told in history books, songs and the big screen, but recently this story can be portrayed through comprehensive molecular genetics. Written history details betrayal and murder leading to the founding of Pitcairn Island by European mutineers and the Polynesian women who left Tahiti with them. Investigation of detailed genealogical records supports historical accounts. Findings Using genetics, we show distinct maternal Polynesian mitochondrial lineages in the present day population, as well as a European centric Y-chromosome phylogeny. These results comprehensively characterise the unique gender-biased admixture of this genetic isolate and further support the historical records relating to Norfolk Island. Conclusions Our results significantly refine previous population genetic studies investigating Polynesian versus Caucasian diversity in the Norfolk Island population and add information that is beneficial to future disease and gene mapping studies.


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One of the least known compounds among transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is the layered triclinic technetium dichalcogenides (TcX2, X = S, Se). In this work, we systematically study the structural, mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers based on density functional theory (DFT). We find that TcS2 and TcSe2 can be easily exfoliated in a monolayer form because their formation and cleavage energy are analogous to those of other experimentally realized TMDCs monolayer. By using a hybrid DFT functional, the TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers are calculated to be indirect semiconductors with band gaps of 1.91 and 1.69 eV, respectively. However, bilayer TcS2 exhibits direct-bandgap character, and both TcS2 and TcSe2 monolayers can be tuned from semiconductor to metal under effective tensile/compressive strains. Calculations of visible light absorption indicate that 2D TcS2 and TcSe2 generally possess better capability of harvesting sunlight compared to single-layer MoS2 and ReSe2, implying their potential as excellent light-absorbers. Most interestingly, we have discovered that the TcSe2 monolayer is an excellent photocatalyst for splitting water into hydrogen due to the perfect fit of band edge positions with respect to the water reduction and oxidation potentials. Our predictions expand the two-dimensional (2D) family of TMDCs, and the remarkable electronic/optical properties of monolayer TcS2 and TcSe2 will place them among the most promising 2D TMDCs for renewable energy application in the future.


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How blood was able to reach the heads of the long-necked sauropod dinosaurs has long been a matter of debate and several hypotheses have been presented. For example, it has been proposed that sauropods had exceptionally large hearts, multiple ‘normal’ sized hearts spaced at regular intervals up the neck or held their necks horizontal, or that the siphon effect was in operation. By means of an experimental model, we demonstrate that the siphon principle is able to explain how blood was able to adequately perfuse the sauropod brain. The return venous circulation may have been protected from complete collapse by a structure akin to the vertebral venous plexus. We derive an equation relating neck height and mean arterial pressure, which indicates that with a mean arterial pressure similar to that of the giraffe, the maximum safe vertical distance between heart and head would have been about 12 m. A hypothesis is presented that the maximum neck length in the fossil record is due to the siphon height limit. The equation indicates that to migrate over high ground, sauropods would have had to either significantly increase their mean arterial pressure or keep their necks below a certain height dependent on altitude.


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The article peruses the frictional response of an important metal working lubricant additive, sodium oleate. Frictional force microscopy is used to track the response of molecules self-assembled on a steel substrate of 3–4 nm roughness at 0% relative humidity. The friction-normal load characteristic emerges as bell-shaped, where the peak friction and normal load at peak friction are both sensitive to substrate roughness. The frictional response at loads lower than that associated with the peak friction is path reversible while at higher loads the loading and unloading paths are different. We suggest that a new low-friction interface material is created when the normal loads are high.


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Pure and W-doped ZnO thin films were obtained using magnetron sputtering at working pressures of 0.4 Pa and 1.33 Pa. The films were deposited on glass and alumina substrates at room temperature and subsequently annealed at 400oC for 1 hour in air. The effects of pressure and W-doping on the structure, chemical, optical and electronic properties of the ZnO films for gas sensing were examined. From AFM, the doped film deposited at higher pressure (1.33 Pa) has spiky morphology with much lower grain density and porosity compared to the doped film deposited at 0.4 Pa. The average gain size and roughness of the annealed films were estimated to be 65 nm and 2.2 nm, respectively with slightly larger grain size and roughness appeared in the doped films. From XPS the films deposited at 1.33 Pa favored the formation of adsorbed oxygen on the film surface and this has been more pronounced in the doped film which created active sites for OH adsorption. As a consequence the W-doped film deposited at 1.33 Pa was found to have lower oxidation state of W (35.1 eV) than the doped film deposited at 0.4 Pa (35.9 eV). Raman spectra indicated that doping modified the properties of the ZnO film and induced free-carrier defects. The transmittance of the samples also reveals an enhanced free-carrier density in the W-doped films. The refractive index of the pure film was also found to increase from 1.7 to 2.2 after W-doping whereas the optical band gap only slightly increased. The W-doped ZnO film deposited at 0.4 Pa appeared to have favorable properties for enhanced gas sensing. This film showed significantly higher sensing performance towards 5-10 ppm NO2 at lower operating temperature of 150oC most dominantly due to increased free-carrier defects achieved by W-doping.


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Fe-doped tungsten oxide thin films with different concentrations (0 to 2.6 at%) were synthesized on glass and alumina substrates at room temperature using DC reactive sputtering and subsequently annealed at 300oC for 1 hour in air. The alumina substrate has pre-printed interdigitated Pt-electrodes for gas sensing measurements. The effects of Fe-doping on the film structure and morphology, electronic and optical properties for gas sensing were investigated. The grain size of the different films on the alumina and Pt regions of the substrate vary only slightly between 43-57 nm with median size of about 50 nm. Raman spectra showed that the integrated intensity of W=O to O–W–O bands increases with increasing Fe concentrations and this indicated an increase in the number of defects. From XPS the different concentrations of the Fe-doped films were 0.03 at%, 1.33 at% and 2.6 at%. All the films deposited on glass substrate have shown similar visible transmittance (about 70%) but the optical band gap of the pure film decreased form 3.30 eV to 3.15 eV after doping with 2.6 at% Fe. The Fe-doped WO3 film with the highest Fe concentration (2.6 at% Fe) has shown an enhanced gas sensing properties to NO2 at relatively lower operating temperature (150oC) and this can be attributed to the decrease in the optical band gap and an increase in the number of defects compared to the pure WO3 film.


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Cool roof coatings have a beneficial impact on reducing the heat load of a range of building types, resulting in reduced cooling energy loads. This study seeks to understand the extent to which cool roof coatings could be used as a residential demand side management (DSM) strategy for retrofitting existing housing in a constrained network area in tropical Australia where peak electrical demand is heavily influenced by residential cooling loads. In particular this study seeks to determine whether simulation software used for building regulation purposes can provide networks with the ‘impact certainty’ required by their DSM principles. The building simulation method is supported by a field experiment. Both numerical and experimental data confirm reductions in total consumption (kWh) and energy demand (kW). The nature of the regulated simulation software, combined with the diverse nature of residential buildings and their patterns of occupancy, however, mean that simulated results cannot be extrapolated to quantify benefits to a broader distribution network. The study suggests that building data gained from regulatory simulations could be a useful guide for potential impacts of widespread application of cool roof coatings in this region. The practical realization of these positive impacts, however, would require changes to the current business model for the evaluation of DSM strategies. The study provides seven key recommendations that encourage distribution networks to think beyond their infrastructure boundaries, recognising that the broader energy system also includes buildings, appliances and people.


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The doctoral thesis deals with Finnish and foreign expert s analyses of Finland s military strategic position and defence capability, dating back to the early years of the Cold War. Finland s military high command prepared assessments of the country s strategic position and of the capability of the Defence Forces as grounds for defence planning. Since Finland was located on the Cold War dividing line, the foreign powers were also monitoring the development of Finland s situation. The research carried out had access to the armed forces internal assessments, as well as to analyses prepared by the military intelligence services of Sweden, Britain and the United States. One of the working hypotheses was that after the WWII the ability military leadership to estimate the security political needs of the country and the organisation of its defence was severely weakened so that the dangers of the international development were not perceived and the gradual erosion of defence capability was partly unnoticed. This hypothesis proved to be wrong. Even if the Finnish military intelligence was much weaker than during the war, it was able to provide the military leadership with information of the international military development for the most part. The military leadership was also fully aware of the weakening of the defence capability of the country. They faced the difficult task of making the country s political leadership, i.e. President Paasikivi and the government, also understand the gravity of the situation. Only in the last years of his term in office Paasikivi started to believe the warnings of the military. According to another hypothesis, outside observers considered the Finnish armed forces to primarily act as reinforcements for the Soviet Red Army, and they believed that, in the event of a full-scale war, the Finns would not have been able or even willing to resist a Soviet invasion of Sweden and Norway through Finland. The study confirmed that this was approximately the view the Swedes, the British and the Americans had of the Finnish forces. Western and Swedish intelligence assessments did not show confidence in Finland s defence ability and the country was regarded almost as a Soviet satellite. Finland s strategic position was, however, considered slightly different from that of the Soviet-occupied Eastern European countries. Finland had been forced to become part of the Soviet sphere of interest and security system and this was sealed by the Finno-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance in 1948. Finland had little importance to the military interests of the Western powers. In Sweden s defence planning, however, Finland played a significant role as an alarm bell of a possible Soviet surprise attack, as well as defensive frontline and buffer zone.